
150 lines
12 KiB

"": "Mods",
"": "Mods",
"": "Off",
"": "Search",
"": "A-Z",
"": "Z-A",
"": "Config",
"": "Open mods folder",
"": "Mod Options...",
"":"Version: {0}",
"":"ModID: {0} State:{1,lower}",
"":"Credits: {0}",
"":"Authors: {0}",
"":"Homepage: {0}",
"":"No child mods found",
"":"Child mods: {0}",
"":"Update available: {0}",
"":"Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} present",
"":"Incompatible FML modded server",
"":"Incompatible FML modded server\n{0}",
"":"Vanilla server",
"":"Incompatible Vanilla server",
"":"Unknown server {0}",
"":"Forge server network version is outdated",
"":"Forge client network version is outdated",
"":"Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client",
"":"Server mod list is not compatible",
"":"Server network message list is not compatible",
"": "{0,choice,0#No mods|1#1 mod|1<{0} mods} loaded",
"": "Startup Notification",
"": "Server Access Denied",
"": "Forge Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server {0} has forbidden modded access",
"": "Backup Failed",
"": "There was an error saving the archive {0}\nPlease fix the problem and try again",
"": "Open {0}",
"": "Open Mods Folder",
"fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu",
"fml.loadingerrorscreen.errorheader": "Error loading mods\n{0,choice,1#1 error has|1<{0} errors have} occurred during loading",
"fml.loadingerrorscreen.warningheader": "{0,choice,1#Warning|1<Warnings} while loading mods\n{0,choice,1#1 warning has|1<{0} warnings have} occurred during loading",
"fml.language.missingversion": "Mod File {5} needs language provider {3}:{4,vr} to load\n\u00a77We have found {6,i18n,fml.messages.artifactversion}",
"fml.modloading.missingclasses": "The Mod File {3} has mods that were not found",
"fml.modloading.missingmetadata": "mods.toml missing metadata for modid {3}",
"fml.modloading.failedtoloadmodclass":"{0,modinfo,name} has class loading errors\n\u00a77{2,exc,msg}",
"fml.modloading.failedtoloadmod":"{0,modinfo,name} ({0,modinfo,id}) has failed to load correctly\n\u00a77{2,exc,msg}",
"fml.modloading.errorduringevent":"{0,modinfo,name} ({0,modinfo,id}) encountered an error during the {1,lower} event phase\n\u00a77{2,exc,msg}",
"fml.modloading.failedtoloadforge": "Failed to load forge",
"fml.modloading.missingdependency": "Mod \u00a7e{4}\u00a7r requires \u00a76{3}\u00a7r \u00a7o{5,vr}\u00a7r\n\u00a77Currently, \u00a76{3}\u00a7r\u00a77 is \u00a7o{6,i18n,fml.messages.artifactversion.ornotinstalled}",
"fml.modloading.cycle": "Detected a mod dependency cycle: {0}",
"fml.modloading.failedtoprocesswork":"{0,modinfo,name} ({0,modinfo,id}) encountered an error processing deferred work\n\u00a77{2,exc,msg}",
"fml.modloading.brokenfile": "File {2} is not a valid mod file",
"fml.modloading.brokenfile.oldforge": "File {2} is for an older version of Forge and cannot be loaded",
"fml.modloading.brokenfile.liteloader": "File {2} is a LiteLoader mod and cannot be loaded",
"fml.modloading.brokenfile.fabric": "File {2} is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded",
"fml.modloading.brokenfile.optifine": "File {2} is OptiFine, which is unsupported",
"fml.modloading.brokenfile.invalidzip": "File {2} is not a jar file",
"fml.modloading.brokenresources": "File {2} failed to load a valid ResourcePackInfo",
"fml.messages.artifactversion.notinstalled":"\u00a7nnot installed",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.inclusive":"{0} or above",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.exclusive":"above {0}",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.inclusive":"{0} or below",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.exclusive":"below {0}",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded":"between {0} and {1}",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.inclusive":"between {0} and {1} (inclusive)",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.exclusive":"between {0} and {1} (exclusive)",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.lowerexclusive":"above {0}, and {1} or below",
"fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.upperexclusive":"{0} or above, and below {1}",
"commands.forge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:",
"commands.forge.entity.list.invalid": "Invalid filter, does not match any entities. Use /forge entity list for a proper list",
"commands.forge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension {0}. Please select a valid dimension.",
"commands.forge.entity.list.none": "No entities found.",
"commands.forge.entity.list.single.header": "Entity: {0} Total: {1}",
"commands.forge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: {0}",
"commands.forge.gen.usage": "Use /forge gen <x> <y> <z> <chunkCount> [dimension] [interval]",
"commands.forge.gen.dim_fail": "Failed to load world for dimension {0}, Task terminated.",
"commands.forge.gen.progress": "Generation Progress: {0}/{1}",
"commands.forge.gen.complete": "Finished generating {0} new chunks (out of {2}) for dimension {3}.",
"commands.forge.gen.start": "Starting to generate {0} chunks in a spiral around {1}, {2} in dimension {3}.",
"commands.forge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected ({0}) is not valid.",
"commands.forge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified ({0}) is not valid.",
"commands.forge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected ({0}) is already in the dimension specified ({1}).",
"commands.forge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension {0} Possible values: {1}",
"commands.forge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: {0} ms. Mean TPS: {1}",
"commands.forge.mods.list": "Mod List: {0}",
"commands.forge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim {0}: Mean tick time: {1} ms. Mean TPS: {2}",
"commands.forge.tps.summary.named": "Dim {0} ({1}): Mean tick time: {2} ms. Mean TPS: {3}",
"commands.forge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.",
"commands.forge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!",
"commands.forge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.",
"commands.forge.tracking.te.enabled": "Tile Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.",
"commands.forge.tracking.te.reset": "Tile entity timings data has been cleared!",
"commands.forge.tracking.timing_entry": "{0} - {1} [{2}, {3}, {4}]: {5}",
"commands.forge.tracking.no_data": "No data has been recorded yet.",
"commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s",
"commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found",
"forge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sForge Beta",
"forge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.",
"forge.update.newversion": "New Forge version available: %s",
"": "Mod Update",
"forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52.",
"forge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold",
"forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable Forge version check mechanics. Forge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.",
"forge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable Forge Version Check",
"forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.",
"forge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities",
"forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any TileEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.",
"forge.configgui.removeErroringTileEntities": "Remove Erroring Tile Entities",
"forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior.",
"forge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders",
"forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance.tooltip": "Base zombie summoning spawn chance. Allows changing the bonus zombie summoning mechanic.",
"forge.configgui.zombieBaseSummonChance": "Zombie Summon Chance",
"forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance.tooltip": "Chance that a zombie (or subclass) is a baby. Allows changing the zombie spawning mechanic.",
"forge.configgui.zombieBabyChance": "Zombie Baby Chance",
"forge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.",
"forge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen",
"forge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix various bugs in vanilla world gen that causes extra chunks to load. This WILL change your worldgen from vanilla. Do not report differences if this is enabled.",
"forge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading",
"forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait until unloading a dimension. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.",
"forge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension",
"forge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI",
"forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.",
"forge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use Forge cloud renderer",
"forge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Enable this if you see through blocks touching stairs/slabs with your resource pack.",
"forge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling.",
"forge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable forge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread. May increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag. Not recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.",
"forge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering",
"forge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Forge Light Pipeline Enabled",
"forge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.",
"forge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading",
"forge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipess using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. If false, this changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.",
"forge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air",
"forge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s",
"forge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s",
"forge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s",
"forge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s",
"forge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability"