This is done in preperation for MCP to roll out SpecialSource support and the new 1.6 structure. Also done for my sanity while reading through the code. Intruduced a new function. If there is a 'mcp_data' folder in the FML folder, it will be copied to the MCP work directory after MCP is extracted. It DOES overwrite anything that already exists. This is intended for places like BuildServer to place libraries/assets to prevent them from needing to be downloaded every version. Introduced a dev-env json. Need to write the eclipse workspace references to the new libraries. Out custom json includes asm and legacylauncher. Added proper OptionParsing to decompile.py
163 lines
6.4 KiB
163 lines
6.4 KiB
DirTemp = temp
DirSrc = src
DirLogs = logs
DirBin = bin
DirJars = jars
DirReobf = reobf
DirConf = conf
DirRuntime = runtime
DirLib = lib
DirTempSrc = temp/src
DirTempCls = temp/cls
DirTempBin = temp/bin
DirModSrc = modsrc
DirEclipse = eclipse
Classes = %(DirConf)s/classes.csv
Methods = %(DirConf)s/methods.csv
Fields = %(DirConf)s/fields.csv
Params = %(DirConf)s/params.csv
NewIds = %(DirConf)s/newids.csv
ConfClient = %(DirConf)s/packaged.srg
ConfServer = %(DirConf)s/packaged.srg
Client = %(DirTemp)s/client_rg.srg
Server = %(DirTemp)s/server_rg.srg
DeobfClient = %(DirTemp)s/client_deobf.srg
DeobfServer = %(DirTemp)s/server_deobf.srg
ReobfClient = %(DirTemp)s/client_ro.srg
ReobfServer = %(DirTemp)s/server_ro.srg
ReobfClientSrg = %(DirTemp)s/client_ro_srg.srg
ReobfServerSrg = %(DirTemp)s/server_ro_srg.srg
DirNatives = %(DirJars)s/versions/1.6/natives
Json = %(DirJars)s/versions/1.6/1.6.json
Client = %(DirJars)s/versions/1.6/1.6.jar
Server = %(DirJars)s/minecraft_server.1.6.jar
MD5Client = 6a64a2136e3a3fe4d29b0a0df30b25fc
MD5Server = 7c03305c8bf97a8e8f3cdb147fc90607
Location = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/retroguard.jar
RetroConf = %(DirTemp)s/retroguard.cfg
RetroReobConf = %(DirTemp)s/retroguard_ro.cfg
ClientConf = %(DirTemp)s/client_rg.cfg
ServerConf = %(DirTemp)s/server_rg.cfg
ClientReobConf = %(DirTemp)s/client_ro.cfg
ServerReobConf = %(DirTemp)s/server_ro.cfg
ClientOut = %(DirTemp)s/minecraft_rg.jar
ServerOut = %(DirTemp)s/minecraft_server_rg.jar
ClientLog = %(DirLogs)s/client_rg.log
ServerLog = %(DirLogs)s/server_rg.log
ClientDeobLog = %(DirLogs)s/client_deob.log
ServerDeobLog = %(DirLogs)s/server_deob.log
NullPkg = net/minecraft/src
XClientCfg = %(DirConf)s/packaged.exc
XServerCfg = %(DirConf)s/packaged.exc
XClientOut = %(DirTemp)s/minecraft_exc.jar
XServerOut = %(DirTemp)s/minecraft_server_exc.jar
XClientLog = %(DirLogs)s/client_exc.log
XServerLog = %(DirLogs)s/server_exc.log
ClsClientTemp = %(DirTempCls)s/minecraft
ClsServerTemp = %(DirTempCls)s/minecraft_server
SrcClientTemp = %(DirTempSrc)s/minecraft
SrcServerTemp = %(DirTempSrc)s/minecraft_server
FFSource = net
FFClientIn = %(DirTemp)s/minecraft_ff_in.jar
FFServerIn = %(DirTemp)s/minecraft_server_ff_in.jar
BinClientTemp = %(DirTempBin)s/minecraft
BinServerTemp = %(DirTempBin)s/minecraft_server
SrcClient = %(DirSrc)s/minecraft
SrcServer = %(DirSrc)s/minecraft_server
TestClient = net/minecraft/client/Minecraft
TestServer = net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer
PatchClient = %(DirConf)s/patches/minecraft.patch
PatchServer = %(DirConf)s/patches/minecraft_server.patch
PatchTemp = %(DirTemp)s/temp.patch
FFPatchClient = %(DirConf)s/patches/minecraft_ff.patch
FFPatchServer = %(DirConf)s/patches/minecraft_server_ff.patch
PatchClient_osx = %(DirConf)s/patches/minecraft_osx.patch
PatchServer_osx = %(DirConf)s/patches/minecraft_server_osx.patch
BinClient = %(DirBin)s/minecraft
BinServer = %(DirBin)s/minecraft_server
LogClient = %(DirLogs)s/client_compile.log
LogServer = %(DirLogs)s/server_compile.log
ClassPathClient = %(DirLib)s/,%(DirLib)s/*,%(DirJars)s/versions/1.6/1.6.jar
ClassPathServer = %(DirLib)s/,%(DirLib)s/*,%(DirJars)s/minecraft_server.1.6.jar
ClientFixes = %(DirConf)s/patches
FixStart = Start
IgnorePkg = paulscode,com,isom,ibxm,de/matthiasmann/twl,org,javax/xml,javax/ws,argo
MD5Client = %(DirTemp)s/client.md5
MD5Server = %(DirTemp)s/server.md5
MD5PreReobfClient = %(DirTemp)s/client_reobf.md5
MD5PreReobfServer = %(DirTemp)s/server_reobf.md5
RecompJarClient = %(DirTemp)s/client_recomp.jar
RecompJarServer = %(DirTemp)s/server_recomp.jar
ObfJarClient = %(DirTemp)s/client_reobf.jar
ObfJarServer = %(DirTemp)s/server_reobf.jar
ReobfDirClient = %(DirReobf)s/minecraft
ReobfDirServer = %(DirReobf)s/minecraft_server
ClientRoLog = %(DirLogs)s/client_ro.log
ServerRoLog = %(DirLogs)s/server_ro.log
ReobfClientLog = %(DirLogs)s/client_reob.log
ReobfServerLog = %(DirLogs)s/server_reob.log
OutSRCClient = %(DirModSrc)s/minecraft
OutSRCServer = %(DirModSrc)s/minecraft_server
LogFile = %(DirLogs)s/mcp.log
LogFileErr = %(DirLogs)s/mcperr.log
UpdateUrl =
IgnoreUpdate = %(DirBin)s,%(DirLib)s,%(DirLogs)s,%(DirModSrc)s,%(DirReobf)s,%(DirSrc)s,%(DirTemp)s,%(DirEclipse)s/Client/bin,%(DirEclipse)s/Server/bin,%(DirJars)s/world,%(DirJars)s/saves,%(DirJars)s/resources
RGIndex = 130000
ParamIndex = 30000
AstyleConfig = %(DirConf)s/astyle.cfg
Wine = wine
Patcher_win = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/applydiff.exe
Patcher_linux = patch
Patcher_osx = patch
Jad_win = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/jad.exe
Jad_osx = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/jad-osx
AStyle_win = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/astyle.exe
AStyle_linux = astyle
AStyle_osx = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/astyle-osx
JadRetro = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/jadretro.jar
Fernflower = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/fernflower.jar
Exceptor = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/mcinjector.jar
SpecialSource = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/specialsource.jar
CmdPatch = %s -p1 -u -i {patchfile} -d {srcdir}
CmdJad = %s -b -d {outdir} -dead -o -r -s .java -stat -ff {classes}
CmdAStyle = %s --suffix=none --quiet --options={conffile} {classes}
CmdRG = %s -cp "{classpath}" RetroGuard -searge {conffile}
CmdRGReobf = %s -cp "{classpath}" RetroGuard -notch {conffile}
CmdSS = %s -cp "{classpath}" -jar %s -i {injar} -o {outjar} -m {mapfile} --kill-source
CmdSSReobf = %s -cp "{classpath}" -jar %s -i {injar} -o {outjar} -r -m {mapfile} -d {identifier} -e %s
CmdJadretro = %s -jar %s {targetdir}
CmdFernflower = %s -Xmx512M -jar %s -din=0 -rbr=0 -dgs=1 -asc=1 -log=WARN {indir} {outdir}
CmdExceptor = %s -jar %s {input} {output} {conf} {log}
CmdRecomp = %s -encoding UTF-8 -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -classpath "{classpath}" -sourcepath {sourcepath} -d {outpath} {pkgs}
CmdRecompScala = %s -encoding UTF-8 -deprecation -target:jvm-1.6 -classpath "{classpath}" -sourcepath {sourcepath} -d {outpath} {pkgs}
CmdStartSrv = %s -Xincgc -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -cp "{classpath}" net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
CmdStartClt = %s -Xincgc -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -cp "{classpath}" -Djava.library.path={natives} Start