2013-09-05 13:16:01 -04:00

1005 lines
39 KiB

package net.minecraftforge.common;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeChunkManager.Ticket;
import net.minecraftforge.event.Event;
* Manages chunkloading for mods.
* The basic principle is a ticket based system.
* 1. Mods register a callback {@link #setForcedChunkLoadingCallback(Object, LoadingCallback)}
* 2. Mods ask for a ticket {@link #requestTicket(Object, World, Type)} and then hold on to that ticket.
* 3. Mods request chunks to stay loaded {@link #forceChunk(Ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair)} or remove chunks from force loading {@link #unforceChunk(Ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair)}.
* 4. When a world unloads, the tickets associated with that world are saved by the chunk manager.
* 5. When a world loads, saved tickets are offered to the mods associated with the tickets. The {@link Ticket#getModData()} that is set by the mod should be used to re-register
* chunks to stay loaded (and maybe take other actions).
* The chunkloading is configurable at runtime. The file "config/forgeChunkLoading.cfg" contains both default configuration for chunkloading, and a sample individual mod
* specific override section.
* @author cpw
public class ForgeChunkManager
private static int defaultMaxCount;
private static int defaultMaxChunks;
private static boolean overridesEnabled;
private static Map<World, Multimap<String, Ticket>> tickets = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap();
private static Map<String, Integer> ticketConstraints = Maps.newHashMap();
private static Map<String, Integer> chunkConstraints = Maps.newHashMap();
private static SetMultimap<String, Ticket> playerTickets = HashMultimap.create();
private static Map<String, LoadingCallback> callbacks = Maps.newHashMap();
private static Map<World, ImmutableSetMultimap<ChunkCoordIntPair,Ticket>> forcedChunks = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap();
private static BiMap<UUID,Ticket> pendingEntities = HashBiMap.create();
private static Map<World,Cache<Long, Chunk>> dormantChunkCache = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap();
private static File cfgFile;
private static Configuration config;
private static int playerTicketLength;
private static int dormantChunkCacheSize;
private static Set<String> warnedMods = Sets.newHashSet();
* All mods requiring chunkloading need to implement this to handle the
* re-registration of chunk tickets at world loading time
* @author cpw
public interface LoadingCallback
* Called back when tickets are loaded from the world to allow the
* mod to re-register the chunks associated with those tickets. The list supplied
* here is truncated to length prior to use. Tickets unwanted by the
* mod must be disposed of manually unless the mod is an OrderedLoadingCallback instance
* in which case, they will have been disposed of by the earlier callback.
* @param tickets The tickets to re-register. The list is immutable and cannot be manipulated directly. Copy it first.
* @param world the world
public void ticketsLoaded(List<Ticket> tickets, World world);
* This is a special LoadingCallback that can be implemented as well as the
* LoadingCallback to provide access to additional behaviour.
* Specifically, this callback will fire prior to Forge dropping excess
* tickets. Tickets in the returned list are presumed ordered and excess will
* be truncated from the returned list.
* This allows the mod to control not only if they actually <em>want</em> a ticket but
* also their preferred ticket ordering.
* @author cpw
public interface OrderedLoadingCallback extends LoadingCallback
* Called back when tickets are loaded from the world to allow the
* mod to decide if it wants the ticket still, and prioritise overflow
* based on the ticket count.
* WARNING: You cannot force chunks in this callback, it is strictly for allowing the mod
* to be more selective in which tickets it wishes to preserve in an overflow situation
* @param tickets The tickets that you will want to select from. The list is immutable and cannot be manipulated directly. Copy it first.
* @param world The world
* @param maxTicketCount The maximum number of tickets that will be allowed.
* @return A list of the tickets this mod wishes to continue using. This list will be truncated
* to "maxTicketCount" size after the call returns and then offered to the other callback
* method
public List<Ticket> ticketsLoaded(List<Ticket> tickets, World world, int maxTicketCount);
public interface PlayerOrderedLoadingCallback extends LoadingCallback
* Called back when tickets are loaded from the world to allow the
* mod to decide if it wants the ticket still.
* This is for player bound tickets rather than mod bound tickets. It is here so mods can
* decide they want to dump all player tickets
* WARNING: You cannot force chunks in this callback, it is strictly for allowing the mod
* to be more selective in which tickets it wishes to preserve
* @param tickets The tickets that you will want to select from. The list is immutable and cannot be manipulated directly. Copy it first.
* @param world The world
* @return A list of the tickets this mod wishes to use. This list will subsequently be offered
* to the main callback for action
public ListMultimap<String, Ticket> playerTicketsLoaded(ListMultimap<String, Ticket> tickets, World world);
public enum Type
* For non-entity registrations
* For entity registrations
public static class Ticket
private String modId;
private Type ticketType;
private LinkedHashSet<ChunkCoordIntPair> requestedChunks;
private NBTTagCompound modData;
public final World world;
private int maxDepth;
private String entityClazz;
private int entityChunkX;
private int entityChunkZ;
private Entity entity;
private String player;
Ticket(String modId, Type type, World world)
this.modId = modId;
this.ticketType = type; = world;
this.maxDepth = getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId);
this.requestedChunks = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
Ticket(String modId, Type type, World world, String player)
this(modId, type, world);
if (player != null)
this.player = player;
FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, "Attempt to create a player ticket without a valid player");
throw new RuntimeException();
* The chunk list depth can be manipulated up to the maximal grant allowed for the mod. This value is configurable. Once the maximum is reached,
* the least recently forced chunk, by original registration time, is removed from the forced chunk list.
* @param depth The new depth to set
public void setChunkListDepth(int depth)
if (depth > getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId) || (depth <= 0 && getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId) > 0))
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s tried to modify the chunk ticket depth to: %d, its allowed maximum is: %d", modId, depth, getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId));
this.maxDepth = depth;
* Gets the current max depth for this ticket.
* Should be the same as getMaxChunkListDepth()
* unless setChunkListDepth has been called.
* @return Current max depth
public int getChunkListDepth()
return maxDepth;
* Get the maximum chunk depth size
* @return The maximum chunk depth size
public int getMaxChunkListDepth()
return getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId);
* Bind the entity to the ticket for {@link Type#ENTITY} type tickets. Other types will throw a runtime exception.
* @param entity The entity to bind
public void bindEntity(Entity entity)
if (ticketType!=Type.ENTITY)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot bind an entity to a non-entity ticket");
this.entity = entity;
* Retrieve the {@link NBTTagCompound} that stores mod specific data for the chunk ticket.
* Example data to store would be a TileEntity or Block location. This is persisted with the ticket and
* provided to the {@link LoadingCallback} for the mod. It is recommended to use this to recover
* useful state information for the forced chunks.
* @return The custom compound tag for mods to store additional chunkloading data
public NBTTagCompound getModData()
if (this.modData == null)
this.modData = new NBTTagCompound();
return modData;
* Get the entity associated with this {@link Type#ENTITY} type ticket
* @return the entity
public Entity getEntity()
return entity;
* Is this a player associated ticket rather than a mod associated ticket?
public boolean isPlayerTicket()
return player != null;
* Get the player associated with this ticket
public String getPlayerName()
return player;
* Get the associated mod id
public String getModId()
return modId;
* Gets the ticket type
public Type getType()
return ticketType;
* Gets a list of requested chunks for this ticket.
public ImmutableSet getChunkList()
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(requestedChunks);
public static class ForceChunkEvent extends Event {
public final Ticket ticket;
public final ChunkCoordIntPair location;
public ForceChunkEvent(Ticket ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair location)
this.ticket = ticket;
this.location = location;
public static class UnforceChunkEvent extends Event {
public final Ticket ticket;
public final ChunkCoordIntPair location;
public UnforceChunkEvent(Ticket ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair location)
this.ticket = ticket;
this.location = location;
* Allows dynamically loading world mods to test if there are chunk tickets in the world
* Mods that add dynamically generated worlds (like Mystcraft) should call this method
* to determine if the world should be loaded during server starting.
* @param chunkDir The chunk directory to test: should be equivalent to {@link WorldServer#getChunkSaveLocation()}
* @return if there are tickets outstanding for this world or not
public static boolean savedWorldHasForcedChunkTickets(File chunkDir)
File chunkLoaderData = new File(chunkDir, "forcedchunks.dat");
if (chunkLoaderData.exists() && chunkLoaderData.isFile())
NBTTagCompound forcedChunkData =;
return forcedChunkData.getTagList("TicketList").tagCount() > 0;
catch (IOException e)
return false;
static void loadWorld(World world)
ArrayListMultimap<String, Ticket> newTickets = ArrayListMultimap.<String, Ticket>create();
tickets.put(world, newTickets);
forcedChunks.put(world, ImmutableSetMultimap.<ChunkCoordIntPair,Ticket>of());
if (!(world instanceof WorldServer))
dormantChunkCache.put(world, CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(dormantChunkCacheSize).<Long, Chunk>build());
WorldServer worldServer = (WorldServer) world;
File chunkDir = worldServer.getChunkSaveLocation();
File chunkLoaderData = new File(chunkDir, "forcedchunks.dat");
if (chunkLoaderData.exists() && chunkLoaderData.isFile())
ArrayListMultimap<String, Ticket> loadedTickets = ArrayListMultimap.<String, Ticket>create();
Map<String,ListMultimap<String,Ticket>> playerLoadedTickets = Maps.newHashMap();
NBTTagCompound forcedChunkData;
forcedChunkData =;
catch (IOException e)
FMLLog.log(Level.WARNING, e, "Unable to read forced chunk data at %s - it will be ignored", chunkLoaderData.getAbsolutePath());
NBTTagList ticketList = forcedChunkData.getTagList("TicketList");
for (int i = 0; i < ticketList.tagCount(); i++)
NBTTagCompound ticketHolder = (NBTTagCompound) ticketList.tagAt(i);
String modId = ticketHolder.getString("Owner");
boolean isPlayer = "Forge".equals(modId);
if (!isPlayer && !Loader.isModLoaded(modId))
FMLLog.warning("Found chunkloading data for mod %s which is currently not available or active - it will be removed from the world save", modId);
if (!isPlayer && !callbacks.containsKey(modId))
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s has registered persistent chunkloading data but doesn't seem to want to be called back with it - it will be removed from the world save", modId);
NBTTagList tickets = ticketHolder.getTagList("Tickets");
for (int j = 0; j < tickets.tagCount(); j++)
NBTTagCompound ticket = (NBTTagCompound) tickets.tagAt(j);
modId = ticket.hasKey("ModId") ? ticket.getString("ModId") : modId;
Type type = Type.values()[ticket.getByte("Type")];
byte ticketChunkDepth = ticket.getByte("ChunkListDepth");
Ticket tick = new Ticket(modId, type, world);
if (ticket.hasKey("ModData"))
tick.modData = ticket.getCompoundTag("ModData");
if (ticket.hasKey("Player"))
tick.player = ticket.getString("Player");
if (!playerLoadedTickets.containsKey(tick.modId))
playerLoadedTickets.put(modId, ArrayListMultimap.<String,Ticket>create());
playerLoadedTickets.get(tick.modId).put(tick.player, tick);
loadedTickets.put(modId, tick);
if (type == Type.ENTITY)
tick.entityChunkX = ticket.getInteger("chunkX");
tick.entityChunkZ = ticket.getInteger("chunkZ");
UUID uuid = new UUID(ticket.getLong("PersistentIDMSB"), ticket.getLong("PersistentIDLSB"));
// add the ticket to the "pending entity" list
pendingEntities.put(uuid, tick);
for (Ticket tick : ImmutableSet.copyOf(pendingEntities.values()))
if (tick.ticketType == Type.ENTITY && tick.entity == null)
// force the world to load the entity's chunk
// the load will come back through the loadEntity method and attach the entity
// to the ticket
world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(tick.entityChunkX, tick.entityChunkZ);
for (Ticket tick : ImmutableSet.copyOf(pendingEntities.values()))
if (tick.ticketType == Type.ENTITY && tick.entity == null)
FMLLog.warning("Failed to load persistent chunkloading entity %s from store.", pendingEntities.inverse().get(tick));
loadedTickets.remove(tick.modId, tick);
// send callbacks
for (String modId : loadedTickets.keySet())
LoadingCallback loadingCallback = callbacks.get(modId);
if (loadingCallback == null)
int maxTicketLength = getMaxTicketLengthFor(modId);
List<Ticket> tickets = loadedTickets.get(modId);
if (loadingCallback instanceof OrderedLoadingCallback)
OrderedLoadingCallback orderedLoadingCallback = (OrderedLoadingCallback) loadingCallback;
tickets = orderedLoadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(ImmutableList.copyOf(tickets), world, maxTicketLength);
if (tickets.size() > maxTicketLength)
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s has too many open chunkloading tickets %d. Excess will be dropped", modId, tickets.size());
tickets.subList(maxTicketLength, tickets.size()).clear();
}, tickets);
loadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(ImmutableList.copyOf(tickets), world);
for (String modId : playerLoadedTickets.keySet())
LoadingCallback loadingCallback = callbacks.get(modId);
if (loadingCallback == null)
ListMultimap<String,Ticket> tickets = playerLoadedTickets.get(modId);
if (loadingCallback instanceof PlayerOrderedLoadingCallback)
PlayerOrderedLoadingCallback orderedLoadingCallback = (PlayerOrderedLoadingCallback) loadingCallback;
tickets = orderedLoadingCallback.playerTicketsLoaded(ImmutableListMultimap.copyOf(tickets), world);
}"Forge", tickets.values());
loadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(ImmutableList.copyOf(tickets.values()), world);
static void unloadWorld(World world)
// World save fires before this event so the chunk loading info will be done
if (!(world instanceof WorldServer))
// integrated server is shutting down
if (!MinecraftServer.getServer().isServerRunning())
* Set a chunkloading callback for the supplied mod object
* @param mod The mod instance registering the callback
* @param callback The code to call back when forced chunks are loaded
public static void setForcedChunkLoadingCallback(Object mod, LoadingCallback callback)
ModContainer container = getContainer(mod);
if (container == null)
FMLLog.warning("Unable to register a callback for an unknown mod %s (%s : %x)", mod, mod.getClass().getName(), System.identityHashCode(mod));
callbacks.put(container.getModId(), callback);
* Discover the available tickets for the mod in the world
* @param mod The mod that will own the tickets
* @param world The world
* @return The count of tickets left for the mod in the supplied world
public static int ticketCountAvailableFor(Object mod, World world)
ModContainer container = getContainer(mod);
if (container!=null)
String modId = container.getModId();
int allowedCount = getMaxTicketLengthFor(modId);
return allowedCount - tickets.get(world).get(modId).size();
return 0;
private static ModContainer getContainer(Object mod)
ModContainer container = Loader.instance().getModObjectList().inverse().get(mod);
return container;
public static int getMaxTicketLengthFor(String modId)
int allowedCount = ticketConstraints.containsKey(modId) && overridesEnabled ? ticketConstraints.get(modId) : defaultMaxCount;
return allowedCount;
public static int getMaxChunkDepthFor(String modId)
int allowedCount = chunkConstraints.containsKey(modId) && overridesEnabled ? chunkConstraints.get(modId) : defaultMaxChunks;
return allowedCount;
public static int ticketCountAvailableFor(String username)
return playerTicketLength - playerTickets.get(username).size();
public static Ticket requestPlayerTicket(Object mod, String player, World world, Type type)
ModContainer mc = getContainer(mod);
if (mc == null)
FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to locate the container for mod instance %s (%s : %x)", mod, mod.getClass().getName(), System.identityHashCode(mod));
return null;
if (playerTickets.get(player).size()>playerTicketLength)
FMLLog.warning("Unable to assign further chunkloading tickets to player %s (on behalf of mod %s)", player, mc.getModId());
return null;
Ticket ticket = new Ticket(mc.getModId(),type,world,player);
playerTickets.put(player, ticket);
tickets.get(world).put("Forge", ticket);
return ticket;
* Request a chunkloading ticket of the appropriate type for the supplied mod
* @param mod The mod requesting a ticket
* @param world The world in which it is requesting the ticket
* @param type The type of ticket
* @return A ticket with which to register chunks for loading, or null if no further tickets are available
public static Ticket requestTicket(Object mod, World world, Type type)
ModContainer container = getContainer(mod);
if (container == null)
FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to locate the container for mod instance %s (%s : %x)", mod, mod.getClass().getName(), System.identityHashCode(mod));
return null;
String modId = container.getModId();
if (!callbacks.containsKey(modId))
FMLLog.severe("The mod %s has attempted to request a ticket without a listener in place", modId);
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid ticket request");
int allowedCount = ticketConstraints.containsKey(modId) ? ticketConstraints.get(modId) : defaultMaxCount;
if (tickets.get(world).get(modId).size() >= allowedCount)
if (!warnedMods.contains(modId))
{"The mod %s has attempted to allocate a chunkloading ticket beyond it's currently allocated maximum : %d", modId, allowedCount);
return null;
Ticket ticket = new Ticket(modId, type, world);
tickets.get(world).put(modId, ticket);
return ticket;
* Release the ticket back to the system. This will also unforce any chunks held by the ticket so that they can be unloaded and/or stop ticking.
* @param ticket The ticket to release
public static void releaseTicket(Ticket ticket)
if (ticket == null)
if (ticket.isPlayerTicket() ? !playerTickets.containsValue(ticket) : !tickets.get(, ticket))
if (ticket.requestedChunks!=null)
for (ChunkCoordIntPair chunk : ImmutableSet.copyOf(ticket.requestedChunks))
unforceChunk(ticket, chunk);
if (ticket.isPlayerTicket())
playerTickets.remove(ticket.player, ticket);
tickets.get(, ticket);
* Force the supplied chunk coordinate to be loaded by the supplied ticket. If the ticket's {@link Ticket#maxDepth} is exceeded, the least
* recently registered chunk is unforced and may be unloaded.
* It is safe to force the chunk several times for a ticket, it will not generate duplication or change the ordering.
* @param ticket The ticket registering the chunk
* @param chunk The chunk to force
public static void forceChunk(Ticket ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair chunk)
if (ticket == null || chunk == null)
if (ticket.ticketType == Type.ENTITY && ticket.entity == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to use an entity ticket to force a chunk, without an entity");
if (ticket.isPlayerTicket() ? !playerTickets.containsValue(ticket) : !tickets.get(, ticket))
FMLLog.severe("The mod %s attempted to force load a chunk with an invalid ticket. This is not permitted.", ticket.modId);
ticket.requestedChunks.add(chunk); ForceChunkEvent(ticket, chunk));
ImmutableSetMultimap<ChunkCoordIntPair, Ticket> newMap = ImmutableSetMultimap.<ChunkCoordIntPair,Ticket>builder().putAll(forcedChunks.get(, ticket).build();
forcedChunks.put(, newMap);
if (ticket.maxDepth > 0 && ticket.requestedChunks.size() > ticket.maxDepth)
ChunkCoordIntPair removed = ticket.requestedChunks.iterator().next();
* Reorganize the internal chunk list so that the chunk supplied is at the *end* of the list
* This helps if you wish to guarantee a certain "automatic unload ordering" for the chunks
* in the ticket list
* @param ticket The ticket holding the chunk list
* @param chunk The chunk you wish to push to the end (so that it would be unloaded last)
public static void reorderChunk(Ticket ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair chunk)
if (ticket == null || chunk == null || !ticket.requestedChunks.contains(chunk))
* Unforce the supplied chunk, allowing it to be unloaded and stop ticking.
* @param ticket The ticket holding the chunk
* @param chunk The chunk to unforce
public static void unforceChunk(Ticket ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair chunk)
if (ticket == null || chunk == null)
ticket.requestedChunks.remove(chunk); UnforceChunkEvent(ticket, chunk));
LinkedHashMultimap<ChunkCoordIntPair, Ticket> copy = LinkedHashMultimap.create(forcedChunks.get(;
copy.remove(chunk, ticket);
ImmutableSetMultimap<ChunkCoordIntPair, Ticket> newMap = ImmutableSetMultimap.copyOf(copy);
static void loadConfiguration()
for (String mod : config.getCategoryNames())
if (mod.equals("Forge") || mod.equals("defaults"))
Property modTC = config.get(mod, "maximumTicketCount", 200);
Property modCPT = config.get(mod, "maximumChunksPerTicket", 25);
ticketConstraints.put(mod, modTC.getInt(200));
chunkConstraints.put(mod, modCPT.getInt(25));
if (config.hasChanged())
* The list of persistent chunks in the world. This set is immutable.
* @param world
* @return the list of persistent chunks in the world
public static ImmutableSetMultimap<ChunkCoordIntPair, Ticket> getPersistentChunksFor(World world)
return forcedChunks.containsKey(world) ? forcedChunks.get(world) : ImmutableSetMultimap.<ChunkCoordIntPair,Ticket>of();
static void saveWorld(World world)
// only persist persistent worlds
if (!(world instanceof WorldServer))
WorldServer worldServer = (WorldServer) world;
File chunkDir = worldServer.getChunkSaveLocation();
File chunkLoaderData = new File(chunkDir, "forcedchunks.dat");
NBTTagCompound forcedChunkData = new NBTTagCompound();
NBTTagList ticketList = new NBTTagList();
forcedChunkData.setTag("TicketList", ticketList);
Multimap<String, Ticket> ticketSet = tickets.get(worldServer);
for (String modId : ticketSet.keySet())
NBTTagCompound ticketHolder = new NBTTagCompound();
ticketHolder.setString("Owner", modId);
NBTTagList tickets = new NBTTagList();
ticketHolder.setTag("Tickets", tickets);
for (Ticket tick : ticketSet.get(modId))
NBTTagCompound ticket = new NBTTagCompound();
ticket.setByte("Type", (byte) tick.ticketType.ordinal());
ticket.setByte("ChunkListDepth", (byte) tick.maxDepth);
if (tick.isPlayerTicket())
ticket.setString("ModId", tick.modId);
ticket.setString("Player", tick.player);
if (tick.modData != null)
ticket.setCompoundTag("ModData", tick.modData);
if (tick.ticketType == Type.ENTITY && tick.entity != null && tick.entity.writeToNBTOptional(new NBTTagCompound()))
ticket.setInteger("chunkX", MathHelper.floor_double(tick.entity.chunkCoordX));
ticket.setInteger("chunkZ", MathHelper.floor_double(tick.entity.chunkCoordZ));
ticket.setLong("PersistentIDMSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getMostSignificantBits());
ticket.setLong("PersistentIDLSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getLeastSignificantBits());
else if (tick.ticketType != Type.ENTITY)
CompressedStreamTools.write(forcedChunkData, chunkLoaderData);
catch (IOException e)
FMLLog.log(Level.WARNING, e, "Unable to write forced chunk data to %s - chunkloading won't work", chunkLoaderData.getAbsolutePath());
static void loadEntity(Entity entity)
UUID id = entity.getPersistentID();
Ticket tick = pendingEntities.get(id);
if (tick != null)
public static void putDormantChunk(long coords, Chunk chunk)
Cache<Long, Chunk> cache = dormantChunkCache.get(chunk.worldObj);
if (cache != null)
cache.put(coords, chunk);
public static Chunk fetchDormantChunk(long coords, World world)
Cache<Long, Chunk> cache = dormantChunkCache.get(world);
if (cache == null)
return null;
Chunk chunk = cache.getIfPresent(coords);
if (chunk != null)
for (List<Entity> eList : chunk.entityLists)
for (Entity e: eList)
return chunk;
static void captureConfig(File configDir)
cfgFile = new File(configDir,"forgeChunkLoading.cfg");
config = new Configuration(cfgFile, true);
catch (Exception e)
File dest = new File(cfgFile.getParentFile(),"forgeChunkLoading.cfg.bak");
if (dest.exists())
FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "A critical error occured reading the forgeChunkLoading.cfg file, defaults will be used - the invalid file is backed up at forgeChunkLoading.cfg.bak");
config.addCustomCategoryComment("defaults", "Default configuration for forge chunk loading control");
Property maxTicketCount = config.get("defaults", "maximumTicketCount", 200);
maxTicketCount.comment = "The default maximum ticket count for a mod which does not have an override\n" +
"in this file. This is the number of chunk loading requests a mod is allowed to make.";
defaultMaxCount = maxTicketCount.getInt(200);
Property maxChunks = config.get("defaults", "maximumChunksPerTicket", 25);
maxChunks.comment = "The default maximum number of chunks a mod can force, per ticket, \n" +
"for a mod without an override. This is the maximum number of chunks a single ticket can force.";
defaultMaxChunks = maxChunks.getInt(25);
Property playerTicketCount = config.get("defaults", "playerTicketCount", 500);
playerTicketCount.comment = "The number of tickets a player can be assigned instead of a mod. This is shared across all mods and it is up to the mods to use it.";
playerTicketLength = playerTicketCount.getInt(500);
Property dormantChunkCacheSizeProperty = config.get("defaults", "dormantChunkCacheSize", 0);
dormantChunkCacheSizeProperty.comment = "Unloaded chunks can first be kept in a dormant cache for quicker\n" +
"loading times. Specify the size (in chunks) of that cache here";
dormantChunkCacheSize = dormantChunkCacheSizeProperty.getInt(0);"Configured a dormant chunk cache size of %d", dormantChunkCacheSizeProperty.getInt(0));
Property modOverridesEnabled = config.get("defaults", "enabled", true);
modOverridesEnabled.comment = "Are mod overrides enabled?";
overridesEnabled = modOverridesEnabled.getBoolean(true);
config.addCustomCategoryComment("Forge", "Sample mod specific control section.\n" +
"Copy this section and rename the with the modid for the mod you wish to override.\n" +
"A value of zero in either entry effectively disables any chunkloading capabilities\n" +
"for that mod");
Property sampleTC = config.get("Forge", "maximumTicketCount", 200);
sampleTC.comment = "Maximum ticket count for the mod. Zero disables chunkloading capabilities.";
sampleTC = config.get("Forge", "maximumChunksPerTicket", 25);
sampleTC.comment = "Maximum chunks per ticket for the mod.";
for (String mod : config.getCategoryNames())
if (mod.equals("Forge") || mod.equals("defaults"))
Property modTC = config.get(mod, "maximumTicketCount", 200);
Property modCPT = config.get(mod, "maximumChunksPerTicket", 25);
public static ConfigCategory getConfigFor(Object mod)
ModContainer container = getContainer(mod);
if (container != null)
return config.getCategory(container.getModId());
return null;
public static void addConfigProperty(Object mod, String propertyName, String value, Property.Type type)
ModContainer container = getContainer(mod);
if (container != null)
ConfigCategory cat = config.getCategory(container.getModId());
cat.put(propertyName, new Property(propertyName, value, type));