
172 lines
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forge.texture.preload.warning=Warning: Texture %s not preloaded, will cause render glitches!
forge.client.shutdown.internal=Shutting down internal server...
forge.update.newversion=New Forge version available: %s
forge.update.beta.1=%sWARNING: %sForge Beta
forge.update.beta.2=Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.
forge.configgui.forgeConfigTitle=Minecraft Forge Configuration
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig.tooltip=This is where you can edit the settings contained in forge.cfg.
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeGeneralConfig=General Settings
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig.tooltip=Settings in the forge.cfg that only concern the local client. Usually graphical settings.
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeClientConfig=Client Settings
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig.tooltip=This is where you can edit the settings contained in forgeChunkLoading.cfg.
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingConfig=Forge Chunk Loader Default Settings
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig.tooltip=This is where you can define mod-specific override settings that will be used instead of the defaults.
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingModConfig=Mod Overrides
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig.tooltip=Allows you to define mod-specific settings that will override the defaults. A value of zero in either entry effectively disables any chunkloading capabilities for that mod.
forge.configgui.ctgy.forgeChunkLoadingAddModConfig=+ Add New Mod Override
forge.configgui.ctgy.VersionCheckConfig=Version Check Settings
forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange.tooltip=Control the range of sky blending for colored skies in biomes.
forge.configgui.biomeSkyBlendRange=Biome Sky Blend Range
forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash.tooltip=Set this to true to force a crash if more than one block attempts to link back to the same Fluid.
forge.configgui.forceDuplicateFluidBlockCrash=Force Dupe Fluid Block Crash
forge.configgui.stencilbits=Enable GL Stencil Bits
forge.configgui.replaceBuckets=Use Forge's bucket model
forge.configgui.modID.tooltip=The mod ID that you want to define override settings for.
forge.configgui.modID=Mod ID
forge.configgui.asyncChunkLoading=Async Chunk Loading
forge.configgui.asyncChunkLoading.tooltip=Load chunks asynchronously for players, reducing load on the server thread. Can be disabled to help troubleshoot chunk loading issues.
forge.configgui.dormantChunkCacheSize.tooltip=Unloaded chunks can first be kept in a dormant cache for quicker loading times. Specify the size (in chunks) of that cache here.
forge.configgui.dormantChunkCacheSize=Dormant Chunk Cache Size
forge.configgui.enableModOverrides.tooltip=Enable this setting to allow custom per-mod settings to be defined.
forge.configgui.enableModOverrides=Enable Mod Overrides
forge.configgui.maximumChunksPerTicket.tooltip=This is the maximum number of chunks a single ticket can force.
forge.configgui.maximumChunksPerTicket=Chunks Per Ticket Limit
forge.configgui.maximumTicketCount.tooltip=This is the number of chunk loading requests a mod is allowed to make.
forge.configgui.maximumTicketCount=Mod Ticket Limit
forge.configgui.playerTicketCount.tooltip=The number of tickets a player can be assigned instead of a mod. This is shared across all mods and it is up to the mods to use it.
forge.configgui.playerTicketCount=Player Ticket Limit
fml.config.sample.basicDouble.tooltip=A double property with no defined bounds.
fml.config.sample.basicDouble=Unbounded Double
fml.config.sample.basicInteger.tooltip=An integer property with no defined bounds.
fml.config.sample.basicInteger=Unbounded Integer
fml.config.sample.basicString.tooltip=A basic string property. The user can enter anything in this textbox.
fml.config.sample.basicString=Basic String
fml.config.sample.booleanList.tooltip=A boolean list with no max length and can be lengthened or shortened.
fml.config.sample.booleanList=Basic Boolean List
fml.config.sample.booleanListFixed.tooltip=A boolean list that has a fixed length of 8.
fml.config.sample.booleanListFixed=Fixed Length Boolean List
fml.config.sample.booleanListMax.tooltip=A boolean list that has a max length of 10.
fml.config.sample.booleanListMax=Max Length Boolean List
fml.config.sample.boundedDouble.tooltip=A double property with defined bounds.
fml.config.sample.boundedDouble=Bounded Double
fml.config.sample.boundedInteger.tooltip=An integer property with defined bounds.
fml.config.sample.boundedInteger=Bounded Integer
fml.config.sample.chatColorPicker.tooltip=A special property that allows the user to select a font color code.
fml.config.sample.chatColorPicker=Chat Color Picker
fml.config.sample.ctgy.lists.tooltip=Provides a variety of array-property controls to play with.
fml.config.sample.ctgy.lists=Sample Array Controls
fml.config.sample.ctgy.numbers.tooltip=Provides a listing of the numeric controls for toying with.
fml.config.sample.ctgy.numbers=Sample Numeric Controls
fml.config.sample.ctgy.strings.tooltip=Provides a listing of the different String-type controls to play with.
fml.config.sample.ctgy.strings=Sample String Controls
fml.config.sample.cycleString.tooltip=A string property that has a defined list of valid values that can be cycled through.
fml.config.sample.cycleString=Cycle Value String
fml.config.sample.doubleList.tooltip=A double list with no max length and can be lengthened or shortened.
fml.config.sample.doubleList=Basic Double List
fml.config.sample.doubleListBounded.tooltip=A double list with specific value bounds.
fml.config.sample.doubleListBounded=Double List with Value Bounds
fml.config.sample.doubleListFixed.tooltip=A double list that has a fixed length of 10.
fml.config.sample.doubleListFixed=Fixed Length Double List
fml.config.sample.doubleListMax.tooltip=A double list that has a max length of 15.
fml.config.sample.doubleListMax=Max Length Double List
fml.config.sample.imABoolean.tooltip=Yep, that's pretty much it... I'm a Boolean control.
fml.config.sample.imABoolean=I'm a Boolean
fml.config.sample.imADouble.tooltip=There are two of me. Or maybe I work for both the CIA and the KGB. Not sure.
fml.config.sample.imADouble=I'm a Double
fml.config.sample.imAString.tooltip=Aah. Now, I understand you want us to advertise your washing powder. \n<*String.*> \nString, washing powder, what's the difference? We can sell anything. \n<*Good. Well I have this large quantity of string, 122,000 miles of it to be exact, which I inherited, and I thought if I advertised it...*> \nOf course! A national campaign. Useful stuff, string, no trouble there. \n<*Ah, but there's a snag, you see. Due to bad planning, the 122,000 miles is in three inch lengths. So it's not very useful.*> \nWell, that's our selling point! SIMPSON'S INDIVIDUAL STRINGETTES! THE NOW STRING! READY CUT, EASY TO HANDLE, SIMPSON'S INDIVIDUAL EMPEROR STRINGETTES - JUST THE RIGHT LENGTH!
fml.config.sample.imAString=I'm a String
fml.config.sample.imAnInteger.tooltip=Did I say that I'm an Integer? Oh, I see.
fml.config.sample.imAnInteger=I'm an Integer
fml.config.sample.integerList.tooltip=An integer list with no max length and can be lengthened or shortened.
fml.config.sample.integerList=Basic Integer List
fml.config.sample.integerListBounded.tooltip=An integer list with specific value bounds.
fml.config.sample.integerListBounded=Integer List with Value Bounds
fml.config.sample.integerListFixed.tooltip=An integer list that has a fixed length of 10.
fml.config.sample.integerListFixed=Fixed Length Integer List
fml.config.sample.integerListMax.tooltip=An integer list that has a max length of 15.
fml.config.sample.integerListMax=Max Length Integer List
fml.config.sample.modIDSelector.tooltip=A special property that allows the user to select a mod ID from a list of all installed mods. There are many possibilities for how this could be used with a little custom code: selecting biomes, selecting entities, selecting items, selecting blocks, etc.
fml.config.sample.modIDSelector=Mod ID Selector
fml.config.sample.patternString.tooltip=A string property that is validated using a Pattern object.
fml.config.sample.patternString=Pattern Validated String
fml.config.sample.sliderDouble.tooltip=A double property with defined bounds using a slider control.
fml.config.sample.sliderDouble=Slider Double
fml.config.sample.sliderInteger.tooltip=An integer property with defined bounds using a slider control.
fml.config.sample.sliderInteger=Slider Integer
fml.config.sample.stringList.tooltip=A basic string list with no validation.
fml.config.sample.stringList=Basic String List
fml.config.sample.stringListFixed.tooltip=A string list that has a fixed length of 7.
fml.config.sample.stringListFixed=Fixed Length String List
fml.config.sample.stringListMax.tooltip=A string list that has a max length of 15.
fml.config.sample.stringListMax=Max Length String List
fml.config.sample.stringListPattern.tooltip=A string list that validates each value using a Pattern object.
fml.config.sample.stringListPattern=Pattern Validated String List
fml.config.sample.stringListCustom=Custom Entry List
fml.config.sample.title=This is for playing with the Config GUI behavior. Changes are not saved.
fml.configgui.applyGlobally=Apply globally
fml.configgui.confirmRestartMessage=I Understand
fml.configgui.gameRestartRequired=One or more changed settings requires that Minecraft be restarted before taking effect.
fml.configgui.gameRestartTitle=Minecraft Restart Required
fml.configgui.sampletext=Sample Text
fml.configgui.tooltip.addNewEntryAbove=Add New Entry Above
fml.configgui.tooltip.applyGlobally=Apply Undo Changes or Reset to Default globally.
fml.configgui.tooltip.removeEntry=Remove Entry
fml.configgui.tooltip.resetAll=Reset All to Default. If the Apply globally checkbox is checked values on child screens will also be reset.
fml.configgui.tooltip.resetToDefault=Reset to Default
fml.configgui.tooltip.undoAll=Undo All Changes. If the Apply globally checkbox is checked changes to child screens will also be undone.
fml.configgui.tooltip.undoChanges=Undo Changes
fml.configgui.tooltip.default=[default: %s]
fml.configgui.tooltip.defaultNumeric=[range: %s ~ %s, default: %s]
forge.controlsgui.shift=SHIFT + %s
forge.controlsgui.control=CTRL + %s
forge.controlsgui.control.mac=CMD + %s
forge.controlsgui.alt=ALT + %s Options... Bucket
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies=%s is missing mods it depends on.
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.fix=Include the following mods or remove %s.
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.compatibility=You must include the right dependencies for %s:
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.compatible.with=Only compatible with %s
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.requires=Requires %s have %s
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.see.log=See '%s' for technical information.
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.multiple=Some mods are missing mods they depends on.
fml.messages.mod.missing.dependencies.multiple.issues=You must include the right dependencies for the following mods:
fml.messages.mod.missing.multiple=There were %s errors loading Minecraft
fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft=The mods listed below can't run in Minecraft version %s
fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.requirement=%s (%s) requires Minecraft %s
fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.fix=Try to find an update or remove %s
fml.messages.mod.wrongminecraft.fix.multiple=Try to find an update or remove these mods
fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.inclusive=%s or above
fml.messages.version.restriction.lower.exclusive=above %s
fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.inclusive=%s or below
fml.messages.version.restriction.upper.exclusive=below %s
fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded=between %s and %s
fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.inclusive=between %s and %s (inclusive)
fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.exclusive=between %s and %s (exclusive)
fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.lowerexclusive=above %s, and %s or below
fml.messages.version.restriction.bounded.upperexclusive=%s or above, and below %s
fml.button.continue=Continue Mods Folder %s
forge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability=Limited Enchantability Distance Speed