Christian 5d59af0cec Automatic mod entity registration into the global entity list. This might break
entity code out there, sorry, but this way for most entities you no longer
need to manage the global mod entity stuff at all. just remove it. FML will
take care of the rest (note, worlds won't load the old entities)
2012-08-21 19:34:33 -04:00

68 lines
1.9 KiB

#Main FML Access Transformer configuration file
# TileEntity addMapping
public aji.a(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)V
# EntityList addMappings
public jr.a(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
public jr.a(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;III)V
# EntityList nameToClassMap and idToClassMap and classToNameMap
public jr.b
public jr.d
public jr.c
# RenderEngine
public avf.k # texturePack
# RenderManager renderers
public avy.o
# RenderBlocks - everything
public avg.*
public avg.*()
#RenderEngine - make TextureFX list public
public avf.h
public avf.k # texturePack
#RenderPlayer - make armorlist public and not final
public-f awr.j
#StringTranslate - make the current table and language public
public ak.b
public ak.d
# TileEntityRenderer - make the list of renderers public
public axs.m
# CraftingManager - make the add recipe methods public
public td.a(Lrj;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V
public td.b(Lrj;[Ljava/lang/Object;)V
# WeightedRandomItem - make the "probability" public
public is.a
# ItemStack - make itemId final
#public+f rj.c
# StatBase - Make statName public, no server side getter
public hp.a
# NetLoginHandler make the "complete connection" callback public so I can reset it during FML negotiation
public gx.a(Lgx;Z)Z
# NetLoginHandler userName field
public gx.h
# EntityPlayerMP getNextWindowId
public gu.bO()V
public gu.cq
# EntityAITaskEntry class -> public
public kx
# EntityAITasks taskList
public kw.a
# BlockChest isOcelotBlockingChest (a bounding box check actually)
public afe.n(Lup;III)Z
# EntityLiving
public jw.aM # carryoverDamage
# EntityLiving tasks
# EntityAIOcelotSit nearestSittableBlock and isblocksittable
protected li.a(Lup;III)Z
protected li.f()Z
# CallableMinecraftVersion - sanity check the MC version
public b
public b.<init>(La;)V # constructor
# EntityAnimal
public mn.d # inLove
# EntityLiving
public jw.bu # isJumping
# WorldType
public va.<init>(ILjava/lang/String;)V
public va.<init>(ILjava/lang/String;I)V
# ComponentVillage
public aby