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* Minecraft Forge
* Copyright (c) 2016-2020.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
* of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.minecraftforge.fluids;
import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
import com.mojang.serialization.codecs.RecordCodecBuilder;
import net.minecraft.fluid.Fluid;
import net.minecraft.fluid.Fluids;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry;
import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistries;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IRegistryDelegate;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.Optional;
* ItemStack substitute for Fluids.
* NOTE: Equality is based on the Fluid, not the amount. Use
* {@link #isFluidStackIdentical(FluidStack)} to determine if FluidID, Amount and NBT Tag are all
* equal.
public class FluidStack
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
public static final FluidStack EMPTY = new FluidStack(Fluids.EMPTY, 0);
public static final Codec<FluidStack> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(
instance ->
CompoundNBT.CODEC.optionalFieldOf("Tag").forGetter(stack -> Optional.ofNullable(stack.getTag()))
).apply(instance, (fluid, amount, tag) -> {
FluidStack stack = new FluidStack(fluid, amount);
return stack;
private boolean isEmpty;
private int amount;
private CompoundNBT tag;
private IRegistryDelegate<Fluid> fluidDelegate;
public FluidStack(Fluid fluid, int amount)
if (fluid == null)
LOGGER.fatal("Null fluid supplied to fluidstack. Did you try and create a stack for an unregistered fluid?");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a fluidstack from a null fluid");
else if (ForgeRegistries.FLUIDS.getKey(fluid) == null)
LOGGER.fatal("Failed attempt to create a FluidStack for an unregistered Fluid {} (type {})", fluid.getRegistryName(), fluid.getClass().getName());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a fluidstack from an unregistered fluid");
this.fluidDelegate = fluid.delegate;
this.amount = amount;
public FluidStack(Fluid fluid, int amount, CompoundNBT nbt)
this(fluid, amount);
if (nbt != null)
tag = nbt.copy();
public FluidStack(FluidStack stack, int amount)
this(stack.getFluid(), amount, stack.tag);
* This provides a safe method for retrieving a FluidStack - if the Fluid is invalid, the stack
* will return as null.
public static FluidStack loadFluidStackFromNBT(CompoundNBT nbt)
if (nbt == null)
return EMPTY;
if (!nbt.contains("FluidName", Constants.NBT.TAG_STRING))
return EMPTY;
ResourceLocation fluidName = new ResourceLocation(nbt.getString("FluidName"));
Fluid fluid = ForgeRegistries.FLUIDS.getValue(fluidName);
if (fluid == null)
return EMPTY;
FluidStack stack = new FluidStack(fluid, nbt.getInt("Amount"));
if (nbt.contains("Tag", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND))
stack.tag = nbt.getCompound("Tag");
return stack;
public CompoundNBT writeToNBT(CompoundNBT nbt)
nbt.putString("FluidName", getFluid().getRegistryName().toString());
nbt.putInt("Amount", amount);
if (tag != null)
nbt.put("Tag", tag);
return nbt;
public void writeToPacket(PacketBuffer buf)
public static FluidStack readFromPacket(PacketBuffer buf)
Fluid fluid = buf.readRegistryId();
int amount = buf.readVarInt();
CompoundNBT tag = buf.readCompoundTag();
if (fluid == Fluids.EMPTY) return EMPTY;
return new FluidStack(fluid, amount, tag);
public final Fluid getFluid()
return isEmpty ? Fluids.EMPTY : fluidDelegate.get();
public final Fluid getRawFluid()
return fluidDelegate.get();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return isEmpty;
protected void updateEmpty() {
isEmpty = getRawFluid() == Fluids.EMPTY || amount <= 0;
public int getAmount()
return isEmpty ? 0 : amount ;
public void setAmount(int amount)
if (getRawFluid() == Fluids.EMPTY) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't modify the empty stack.");
this.amount = amount;
public void grow(int amount) {
setAmount(this.amount + amount);
public void shrink(int amount) {
setAmount(this.amount - amount);
public boolean hasTag()
return tag != null;
public CompoundNBT getTag()
return tag;
public void setTag(CompoundNBT tag)
if (getRawFluid() == Fluids.EMPTY) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't modify the empty stack.");
this.tag = tag;
public CompoundNBT getOrCreateTag()
if (tag == null)
setTag(new CompoundNBT());
return tag;
public CompoundNBT getChildTag(String childName)
if (tag == null)
return null;
return tag.getCompound(childName);
public CompoundNBT getOrCreateChildTag(String childName)
CompoundNBT child = tag.getCompound(childName);
if (!tag.contains(childName, Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND))
tag.put(childName, child);
return child;
public void removeChildTag(String childName)
if (tag != null)
public ITextComponent getDisplayName()
return this.getFluid().getAttributes().getDisplayName(this);
public String getTranslationKey()
return this.getFluid().getAttributes().getTranslationKey(this);
* @return A copy of this FluidStack
public FluidStack copy()
return new FluidStack(getFluid(), amount, tag);
* Determines if the FluidIDs and NBT Tags are equal. This does not check amounts.
* @param other
* The FluidStack for comparison
* @return true if the Fluids (IDs and NBT Tags) are the same
public boolean isFluidEqual(@Nonnull FluidStack other)
return getFluid() == other.getFluid() && isFluidStackTagEqual(other);
private boolean isFluidStackTagEqual(FluidStack other)
return tag == null ? other.tag == null : other.tag != null && tag.equals(other.tag);
* Determines if the NBT Tags are equal. Useful if the FluidIDs are known to be equal.
public static boolean areFluidStackTagsEqual(@Nonnull FluidStack stack1, @Nonnull FluidStack stack2)
return stack1.isFluidStackTagEqual(stack2);
* Determines if the Fluids are equal and this stack is larger.
* @param other
* @return true if this FluidStack contains the other FluidStack (same fluid and >= amount)
public boolean containsFluid(@Nonnull FluidStack other)
return isFluidEqual(other) && amount >= other.amount;
* Determines if the FluidIDs, Amounts, and NBT Tags are all equal.
* @param other
* - the FluidStack for comparison
* @return true if the two FluidStacks are exactly the same
public boolean isFluidStackIdentical(FluidStack other)
return isFluidEqual(other) && amount == other.amount;
* Determines if the FluidIDs and NBT Tags are equal compared to a registered container
* ItemStack. This does not check amounts.
* @param other
* The ItemStack for comparison
* @return true if the Fluids (IDs and NBT Tags) are the same
public boolean isFluidEqual(@Nonnull ItemStack other)
return FluidUtil.getFluidContained(other).map(this::isFluidEqual).orElse(false);
public final int hashCode()
int code = 1;
code = 31*code + getFluid().hashCode();
code = 31*code + amount;
if (tag != null)
code = 31*code + tag.hashCode();
return code;
* Default equality comparison for a FluidStack. Same functionality as isFluidEqual().
* This is included for use in data structures.
public final boolean equals(Object o)
if (!(o instanceof FluidStack))
return false;
return isFluidEqual((FluidStack) o);