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* Minecraft Forge
* Copyright (c) 2016-2019.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
* of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.minecraftforge.registries;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingContext;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ObfuscationReflectionHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.AdvancedLogMessageAdapter;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import java.util.Set;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT;
import net.minecraft.nbt.ListNBT;
import net.minecraft.nbt.StringNBT;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.event.RegistryEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.RegistryEvent.MissingMappings;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.MarkerManager;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.AddCallback;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.BakeCallback;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.ClearCallback;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.CreateCallback;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.DummyFactory;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.MissingFactory;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.IForgeRegistry.ValidateCallback;
public class ForgeRegistry<V extends IForgeRegistryEntry<V>> implements IForgeRegistryInternal<V>, IForgeRegistryModifiable<V>
public static Marker REGISTRIES = MarkerManager.getMarker("REGISTRIES");
private static Marker REGISTRYDUMP = MarkerManager.getMarker("REGISTRYDUMP");
private static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
private final RegistryManager stage;
private final BiMap<Integer, V> ids = HashBiMap.create();
private final BiMap<ResourceLocation, V> names = HashBiMap.create();
private final Class<V> superType;
private final Map<ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation> aliases = Maps.newHashMap();
final Map<ResourceLocation, ?> slaves = Maps.newHashMap();
private final ResourceLocation defaultKey;
private final CreateCallback<V> create;
private final AddCallback<V> add;
private final ClearCallback<V> clear;
private final ValidateCallback<V> validate;
private final BakeCallback<V> bake;
private final MissingFactory<V> missing;
private final BitSet availabilityMap;
private final Set<ResourceLocation> dummies = Sets.newHashSet();
private final Set<Integer> blocked = Sets.newHashSet();
private final Multimap<ResourceLocation, V> overrides = ArrayListMultimap.create();
private final BiMap<OverrideOwner, V> owners = HashBiMap.create();
private final DummyFactory<V> dummyFactory;
private final boolean isDelegated;
private final int min;
private final int max;
private final boolean allowOverrides;
private final boolean isModifiable;
private V defaultValue = null;
boolean isFrozen = false;
private final ResourceLocation name;
private final RegistryBuilder<V> builder;
ForgeRegistry(RegistryManager stage, ResourceLocation name, RegistryBuilder<V> builder)
{ = name;
this.builder = builder;
this.stage = stage;
this.superType = builder.getType();
this.defaultKey = builder.getDefault();
this.min = builder.getMinId();
this.max = builder.getMaxId();
this.availabilityMap = new BitSet(Math.min(max + 1, 0x0FFF));
this.create = builder.getCreate();
this.add = builder.getAdd();
this.clear = builder.getClear();
this.validate = builder.getValidate();
this.bake = builder.getBake();
this.missing = builder.getMissingFactory();
this.dummyFactory = builder.getDummyFactory();
this.isDelegated = ForgeRegistryEntry.class.isAssignableFrom(superType); //TODO: Make this IDelegatedRegistryEntry?
this.allowOverrides = builder.getAllowOverrides();
this.isModifiable = builder.getAllowModifications();
if (this.create != null)
this.create.onCreate(this, stage);
public void register(V value)
add(-1, value);
public Iterator<V> iterator() {
return new Iterator<V>()
int cur = -1;
V next = null;
{ next(); }
public boolean hasNext()
return next != null;
public V next()
V ret = next;
do {
cur = availabilityMap.nextSetBit(cur + 1);
next = ids.get(cur);
} while (next == null && cur != -1); // nextSetBit returns -1 when none is found
return ret;
//TODO add remove support?
public ResourceLocation getRegistryName()
public Class<V> getRegistrySuperType()
return superType;
public void registerAll(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") V... values)
for (V value : values)
public boolean containsKey(ResourceLocation key)
while (key != null)
if (this.names.containsKey(key))
return true;
key = this.aliases.get(key);
return false;
public boolean containsValue(V value)
return this.names.containsValue(value);
public boolean isEmpty()
return this.names.isEmpty();
public V getValue(ResourceLocation key)
V ret = this.names.get(key);
key = this.aliases.get(key);
while (ret == null && key != null)
ret = this.names.get(key);
key = this.aliases.get(key);
return ret == null ? this.defaultValue : ret;
public ResourceLocation getKey(V value)
ResourceLocation ret = this.names.inverse().get(value);
return ret == null ? this.defaultKey : ret;
public Set<ResourceLocation> getKeys()
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.names.keySet());
public Collection<V> getValues()
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.names.values());
public Set<Entry<ResourceLocation, V>> getEntries()
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.names.entrySet());
public <T> T getSlaveMap(ResourceLocation name, Class<T> type)
return (T)this.slaves.get(name);
public void setSlaveMap(ResourceLocation name, Object obj)
((Map<ResourceLocation, Object>)this.slaves).put(name, obj);
public int getID(V value)
Integer ret = this.ids.inverse().get(value);
if (ret == null && this.defaultValue != null)
ret = this.ids.inverse().get(this.defaultValue);
return ret == null ? -1 : ret.intValue();
public int getID(ResourceLocation name)
return getID(this.names.get(name));
private int getIDRaw(V value)
Integer ret = this.ids.inverse().get(value);
return ret == null ? -1 : ret.intValue();
private int getIDRaw(ResourceLocation name)
return getIDRaw(this.names.get(name));
public V getValue(int id)
V ret = this.ids.get(id);
return ret == null ? this.defaultValue : ret;
void validateKey()
if (this.defaultKey != null)
Validate.notNull(this.defaultValue, "Missing default of ForgeRegistry: " + this.defaultKey + " Type: " + this.superType);
public ResourceLocation getDefaultKey()
return this.defaultKey;
ForgeRegistry<V> copy(RegistryManager stage)
return new ForgeRegistry<>(stage, name, builder);
int add(int id, V value)
final String owner = ModLoadingContext.get().getActiveNamespace();
return add(id, value, owner);
int add(int id, V value, String owner)
ResourceLocation key = value == null ? null : value.getRegistryName();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "Can't use a null-name for the registry, object %s.", value);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "Can't add null-object to the registry, name %s.", key);
int idToUse = id;
if (idToUse < 0 || availabilityMap.get(idToUse))
idToUse = availabilityMap.nextClearBit(min);
if (idToUse > max)
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Invalid id %d - maximum id range exceeded.", idToUse));
V oldEntry = getRaw(key);
if (oldEntry == value) // already registered, return prev registration's id
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: The object {} has been registered twice for the same name {}.", this.superType.getSimpleName(), value, key);
return this.getID(value);
if (oldEntry != null) // duplicate name
if (!this.allowOverrides)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The name %s has been registered twice, for %s and %s.", key, getRaw(key), value));
if (owner == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Could not determine owner for the override on %s. Value: %s", key, value));
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} Override: {} {} -> {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key, oldEntry, value);
idToUse = this.getID(oldEntry);
Integer foundId = this.ids.inverse().get(value); //Is this ever possible to trigger with otherThing being different?
if (foundId != null)
V otherThing = this.ids.get(foundId);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The object %s{%x} has been registered twice, using the names %s and %s. (Other object at this id is %s{%x})", value, System.identityHashCode(value), getKey(value), key, otherThing, System.identityHashCode(otherThing)));
if (isLocked())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("The object %s (name %s) is being added too late.", value, key));
if (defaultKey != null && defaultKey.equals(key))
if (this.defaultValue != null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Attemped to override already set default value. This is not allowed: The object %s (name %s)", value, key));
this.defaultValue = value;
this.names.put(key, value);
this.ids.put(idToUse, value);
this.owners.put(new OverrideOwner(owner == null ? key.getPath() : owner, key), value);
if (isDelegated)
if (oldEntry != null)
if (!this.overrides.get(key).contains(oldEntry))
this.overrides.put(key, oldEntry);
if (this.stage == RegistryManager.ACTIVE)
if (this.add != null)
this.add.onAdd(this, this.stage, idToUse, value, oldEntry);
if (this.dummies.remove(key))
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} Dummy Remove: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key);
LOGGER.trace(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} add: {} {} {} (req. id {})", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key, idToUse, value, id);
return idToUse;
public V getRaw(ResourceLocation key)
V ret = this.names.get(key);
key = this.aliases.get(key);
while (ret == null && key != null)
ret = this.names.get(key);
key = this.aliases.get(key);
return ret;
void addAlias(ResourceLocation from, ResourceLocation to)
if (this.isLocked())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Attempted to register the alias %s -> %s to late", from, to));
this.aliases.put(from, to);
LOGGER.trace(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} alias: {} -> {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), from, to);
void addDummy(ResourceLocation key)
if (this.isLocked())
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Attempted to register the dummy %s to late", key));
LOGGER.trace(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} dummy: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key);
private RegistryDelegate<V> getDelegate(V thing)
if (isDelegated)
return (RegistryDelegate<V>)((ForgeRegistryEntry<V>)thing).delegate;
throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to get existing delegate from registry that is not delegated.");
void resetDelegates()
if (!this.isDelegated)
for (V value : this)
for (V value: this.overrides.values())
V getDefault()
return this.defaultValue;
boolean isDummied(ResourceLocation key)
return this.dummies.contains(key);
void validateContent(ResourceLocation registryName)
ObfuscationReflectionHelper.findMethod(BitSet.class, "trimToSize").invoke(this.availabilityMap);
catch (Exception e)
//We don't care... Just a micro-optimization
for (V obj : this)
int id = getID(obj);
ResourceLocation name = getKey(obj);
// name lookup failed -> obj is not in the obj<->name map
if (name == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Registry entry for %s %s, id %d, doesn't yield a name.", registryName, obj, id));
// id is too high
if (id > max)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Registry entry for %s %s, name %s uses the too large id %d.", registryName, obj, name, id));
// id -> obj lookup is inconsistent
if (getValue(id) != obj)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Registry entry for id %d, name %s, doesn't yield the expected %s %s.", id, name, registryName, obj));
// name -> obj lookup is inconsistent
if (getValue(name) != obj)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Registry entry for name %s, id %d, doesn't yield the expected %s %s.", name, id, registryName, obj));
// name -> id lookup is inconsistent
if (getID(name) != id)
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Registry entry for name %s doesn't yield the expected id %d.", name, id));
// entry is blocked, thus should be empty
if (blockedIds.contains(id))
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Registry entry for %s %s, id %d, name %s, marked as dangling.", registryName, obj, id, name));
// registry-specific validation
if (this.validate != null)
this.validate.onValidate(this, this.stage, id, name, obj);
public void bake()
if (this.bake != null)
this.bake.onBake(this, this.stage);
void sync(ResourceLocation name, ForgeRegistry<V> from)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} Sync: {} -> {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), this.stage.getName(), from.stage.getName());
if (this == from)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("WTF We are the same!?!?!");
if (from.superType != this.superType)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to copy to incompatible registry: " + name + " " + from.superType + " -> " + this.superType);
this.isFrozen = false;
if (this.clear != null)
this.clear.onClear(this, stage);
/* -- Should never need to be copied
this.defaultKey = from.defaultKey;
this.max = from.max;
this.min = from.min;
this.availabilityMap.clear(0, this.availabilityMap.length());
this.defaultValue = null;
boolean errored = false;
for (Entry<ResourceLocation, V> entry : from.names.entrySet())
List<V> overrides = Lists.newArrayList(from.overrides.get(entry.getKey()));
int id = from.getID(entry.getKey());
if (overrides.isEmpty())
int realId = add(id, entry.getValue());
if (id != realId && id != -1)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: {} Expected: {} Got: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), entry.getKey(), id, realId);
errored = true;
for (V value : overrides)
OverrideOwner owner = from.owners.inverse().get(value);
if (owner == null)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Override did not have an associated owner object. Name: {} Value: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), entry.getKey(), value);
errored = true;
int realId = add(id, value, owner.owner);
if (id != realId && id != -1)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: {} Expected: {} Got: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), entry.getKey(), id, realId);
errored = true;
//Needs to be below add so that dummies are persisted
if (errored)
throw new RuntimeException("One of more entry values did not copy to the correct id. Check log for details!");
public void clear()
if (!this.isModifiable)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempted to clear a non-modifiable Forge Registry");
if (this.isLocked())
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted to clear the registry to late.");
if (this.clear != null)
this.clear.onClear(this, stage);
this.availabilityMap.clear(0, this.availabilityMap.length());
public V remove(ResourceLocation key)
if (!this.isModifiable)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempted to remove from a non-modifiable Forge Registry");
if (this.isLocked())
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted to remove from the registry to late.");
V value = this.names.remove(key);
if (value != null)
Integer id = this.ids.inverse().remove(value);
if (id == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Removed a entry that did not have an associated id: " + key + " " + value.toString() + " This should never happen unless hackery!");
LOGGER.trace(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} remove: {} {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key, id);
return value;
void block(int id)
public boolean isLocked()
return this.isFrozen;
* Used to control the times where people can modify this registry.
* Users should only ever register things in the Register<?> events!
public void freeze()
this.isFrozen = true;
public void unfreeze()
this.isFrozen = false;
RegistryEvent.Register<V> getRegisterEvent(ResourceLocation name)
return new RegistryEvent.Register<V>(name, this);
void dump(ResourceLocation name)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRYDUMP, ()-> new AdvancedLogMessageAdapter(sb-> {
sb.append("Registry Name: ").append(name).append('\n');
getKeys().stream().map(this::getID).sorted().forEach(id ->
sb.append("\tEntry: ").append(id).append(", ").
append(getKey(getValue(id))).append(", ").append(getValue(id)).append('\n'));
public void loadIds(Map<ResourceLocation, Integer> ids, Map<ResourceLocation, String> overrides, Map<ResourceLocation, Integer> missing, Map<ResourceLocation, Integer[]> remapped, ForgeRegistry<V> old, ResourceLocation name)
Map<ResourceLocation, String> ovs = Maps.newHashMap(overrides);
for (Map.Entry<ResourceLocation, Integer> entry : ids.entrySet())
ResourceLocation itemName = entry.getKey();
int newId = entry.getValue();
int currId = old.getIDRaw(itemName);
if (currId == -1)
{,"Registry {}: Found a missing id from the world {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), itemName);
missing.put(itemName, newId);
continue; // no block/item -> nothing to add
else if (currId != newId)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Fixed {} id mismatch {}: {} (init) -> {} (map).", this.superType.getSimpleName(), name, itemName, currId, newId);
remapped.put(itemName, new Integer[] {currId, newId});
V obj = old.getRaw(itemName);
Preconditions.checkState(obj != null, "objectKey has an ID but no object. Reflection/ASM hackery? Registry bug?");
List<V> lst = Lists.newArrayList(old.overrides.get(itemName));
String primaryName = null;
if (old.overrides.containsKey(itemName))
if (!overrides.containsKey(itemName))
obj = old.overrides.get(itemName).iterator().next(); //Get the first one in the list, Which should be the first one registered
primaryName = old.owners.inverse().get(obj).owner;
primaryName = overrides.get(itemName);
for (V value : lst)
OverrideOwner owner = old.owners.inverse().get(value);
if (owner == null)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Override did not have an associated owner object. Name: {} Value: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), entry.getKey(), value);
if (primaryName.equals(owner.owner))
int realId = add(newId, value, owner.owner);
if (newId != realId)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: {} Expected: {} Got: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), entry.getKey(), newId, realId);
int realId = add(newId, obj, primaryName == null ? itemName.getPath() : primaryName);
if (realId != newId)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: {} Expected: {} Got: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), entry.getKey(), newId, realId);
for (Map.Entry<ResourceLocation, String> entry : ovs.entrySet())
ResourceLocation itemName = entry.getKey();
String owner = entry.getValue();
String current = this.owners.inverse().get(this.getRaw(itemName)).owner;
if (!owner.equals(current))
V _new = this.owners.get(new OverrideOwner(owner, itemName));
if (_new == null)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Skipping override for {}, Unknown owner {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), itemName, owner);
},"Registry {}: Activating override {} for {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), owner, itemName);
int newId = this.getID(itemName);
int realId = this.add(newId, _new, owner);
if (newId != realId)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: {} Expected: {} Got: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), entry.getKey(), newId, realId);
boolean markDummy(ResourceLocation key, int id)
if (this.dummyFactory == null)
return false;
V dummy = this.dummyFactory.createDummy(key);
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry Dummy Add: {} {} -> {}", key, id, dummy);
//It was blocked before so we need to unset the blocking map
if (this.containsKey(key))
//If the entry already exists, we need to delete it so we can add a dummy...
V value = this.names.remove(key);
if (value == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("ContainsKey for " + key + " was true, but removing by name returned no value.. This should never happen unless hackery!");
Integer oldid = this.ids.inverse().remove(value);
if (oldid == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Removed a entry that did not have an associated id: " + key + " " + value.toString() + " This should never happen unless hackery!");
if (oldid != id)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Dummy ID mismatch {} {} -> {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key, oldid, id);
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} remove: {} {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key, oldid);
int realId = this.add(id, dummy);
if (realId != id)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registry {}: Object did not get ID it asked for. Name: {} Expected: {} Got: {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), key, id, realId);
return true;
//Public for tests
public Snapshot makeSnapshot()
Snapshot ret = new Snapshot();
this.ids.forEach((id, value) -> ret.ids.put(getKey(value), id));
return ret;
Map<ResourceLocation, String> getOverrideOwners()
Map<ResourceLocation, String> ret = Maps.newHashMap();
for (ResourceLocation key : this.overrides.keySet())
V obj = this.names.get(key);
OverrideOwner owner = this.owners.inverse().get(obj);
if (owner == null)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Registry {} {}: Invalid override {} {}", this.superType.getSimpleName(), this.stage.getName(), key, obj);
ret.put(key, owner.owner);
return ret;
public static class Snapshot
public final Map<ResourceLocation, Integer> ids = Maps.newTreeMap();
public final Map<ResourceLocation, ResourceLocation> aliases = Maps.newTreeMap();
public final Set<Integer> blocked = Sets.newTreeSet();
public final Set<ResourceLocation> dummied = Sets.newTreeSet();
public final Map<ResourceLocation, String> overrides = Maps.newTreeMap();
private PacketBuffer binary = null;
public CompoundNBT write()
CompoundNBT data = new CompoundNBT();
ListNBT ids = new ListNBT();
this.ids.entrySet().stream().forEach(e ->
CompoundNBT tag = new CompoundNBT();
tag.putString("K", e.getKey().toString());
tag.putInt("V", e.getValue());
data.put("ids", ids);
ListNBT aliases = new ListNBT();
this.aliases.entrySet().stream().forEach(e ->
CompoundNBT tag = new CompoundNBT();
tag.putString("K", e.getKey().toString());
tag.putString("V", e.getKey().toString());
data.put("aliases", aliases);
ListNBT overrides = new ListNBT();
this.overrides.entrySet().stream().forEach(e ->
CompoundNBT tag = new CompoundNBT();
tag.putString("K", e.getKey().toString());
tag.putString("V", e.getValue());
data.put("overrides", overrides);
int[] blocked =>x).sorted().toArray();
data.putIntArray("blocked", blocked);
ListNBT dummied = new ListNBT(); -> dummied.add(StringNBT.valueOf(e.toString())));
data.put("dummied", dummied);
return data;
public static Snapshot read(CompoundNBT nbt)
Snapshot ret = new Snapshot();
if (nbt == null)
return ret;
ListNBT list = nbt.getList("ids", 10);
list.forEach(e ->
CompoundNBT comp = (CompoundNBT)e;
ret.ids.put(new ResourceLocation(comp.getString("K")), comp.getInt("V"));
list = nbt.getList("aliases", 10);
list.forEach(e ->
CompoundNBT comp = (CompoundNBT)e;
ret.aliases.put(new ResourceLocation(comp.getString("K")), new ResourceLocation(comp.getString("V")));
list = nbt.getList("overrides", 10);
list.forEach(e ->
CompoundNBT comp = (CompoundNBT)e;
ret.overrides.put(new ResourceLocation(comp.getString("K")), comp.getString("V"));
int[] blocked = nbt.getIntArray("blocked");
for (int i : blocked)
list = nbt.getList("dummied", 8);
list.forEach(e -> ret.dummied.add(new ResourceLocation(((StringNBT)e).getString())));
return ret;
public synchronized PacketBuffer getPacketData()
if (binary == null) {
PacketBuffer pkt = new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer());
this.ids.forEach((k,v) -> {
this.aliases.forEach((k, v) -> {
this.overrides.forEach((k, v) -> {
pkt.writeString(v, 0x100);
this.binary = pkt;
return new PacketBuffer(binary.slice());
public static Snapshot read(PacketBuffer buff)
if (buff == null)
return new Snapshot();
Snapshot ret = new Snapshot();
int len = buff.readVarInt();
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++)
ret.ids.put(buff.readResourceLocation(), buff.readVarInt());
len = buff.readVarInt();
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++)
ret.aliases.put(buff.readResourceLocation(), buff.readResourceLocation());
len = buff.readVarInt();
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++)
ret.overrides.put(buff.readResourceLocation(), buff.readString(0x100));
len = buff.readVarInt();
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++)
len = buff.readVarInt();
for (int x = 0; x < len; x++)
return ret;
public MissingMappings<?> getMissingEvent(ResourceLocation name, Map<ResourceLocation, Integer> map)
List<MissingMappings.Mapping<V>> lst = Lists.newArrayList();
ForgeRegistry<V> pool = RegistryManager.ACTIVE.getRegistry(name);
map.forEach((rl, id) -> lst.add(new MissingMappings.Mapping<V>(this, pool, rl, id)));
return new MissingMappings<V>(name, this, lst);
void processMissingEvent(ResourceLocation name, ForgeRegistry<V> pool, List<MissingMappings.Mapping<V>> mappings, Map<ResourceLocation, Integer> missing, Map<ResourceLocation, Integer[]> remaps, Collection<ResourceLocation> defaulted, Collection<ResourceLocation> failed, boolean injectNetworkDummies)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Processing missing event for {}:", name);
int ignored = 0;
for (MissingMappings.Mapping<V> remap : mappings)
MissingMappings.Action action = remap.getAction();
if (action == MissingMappings.Action.REMAP)
// entry re-mapped, finish the registration with the new name/object, but the old id
int currId = getID(remap.getTarget());
ResourceLocation newName = pool.getKey(remap.getTarget());
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES," Remapping {} -> {}.", remap.key, newName);
//I don't think this will work, but I dont think it ever worked.. the item is already in the map with a different id... we want to fix that..
int realId = this.add(, remap.getTarget());
if (realId !=
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"Registered object did not get ID it asked for. Name: {} Type: {} Expected: {} Got: {}", newName, this.getRegistrySuperType(),, realId);
this.addAlias(remap.key, newName);
if (currId != realId)
{,"Fixed id mismatch {}: {} (init) -> {} (map).", newName, currId, realId);
remaps.put(newName, new Integer[] {currId, realId});
// block item missing, warn as requested and block the id
if (action == MissingMappings.Action.DEFAULT)
V m = this.missing == null ? null : this.missing.createMissing(remap.key, injectNetworkDummies);
if (m == null)
this.add(, m, remap.key.getPath());
else if (action == MissingMappings.Action.IGNORE)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Ignoring {}", remap.key);
else if (action == MissingMappings.Action.FAIL)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"Failing {}!", remap.key);
else if (action == MissingMappings.Action.WARN)
LOGGER.warn(REGISTRIES,"{} may cause world breakage!", remap.key);
if (failed.isEmpty() && ignored > 0)
LOGGER.debug(REGISTRIES,"There were {} missing mappings that have been ignored", ignored);
private static class OverrideOwner
final String owner;
final ResourceLocation key;
private OverrideOwner(String owner, ResourceLocation key)
this.owner = owner;
this.key = key;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof OverrideOwner))
return false;
OverrideOwner oo = (OverrideOwner)o;
return this.owner.equals(oo.owner) && this.key.equals(oo.key);
public int hashCode()
return 31 * this.key.hashCode() + this.owner.hashCode();