2012-08-11 13:04:59 -04:00

786 lines
21 KiB

* The FML Forge Mod Loader suite. Copyright (C) 2012 cpw
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.ObfuscationReflectionHelper;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderHelper;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.ModLoaderModContainer;
import cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;
public class ModLoader
public static final String fmlMarker = "This is an FML marker";
* Not used on the server.
* @param achievement
* @param name
* @param description
public static void addAchievementDesc(Achievement achievement, String name, String description)
String achName=achievement.field_75978_a;
addLocalization(achName, name);
addLocalization(achName+".desc", description);
* This method is a call in hook from modified external code. Implemented elsewhere.
* {@link FMLCommonHandler#fuelLookup(int, int)}
* @param id
* @param metadata
* @return
public static int addAllFuel(int id, int metadata)
return 0;
public static void addAllRenderers(Map<Class<? extends Entity>, Object> renderers)
public static void addAnimation(Object anim)
* This method is unimplemented in server versions to date.
* @param armor
* @return
public static int addArmor(String armor)
return 0;
* This method adds the supplied biome to the set of candidate biomes for the default world generator type.
* @param biome
public static void addBiome(BiomeGenBase biome)
* Add localization for the specified string
* @param key
* @param value
public static void addLocalization(String key, String value)
addLocalization(key, "en_US", value);
* Add localization for the specified string
* @param key
* @param lang
* @param value
public static void addLocalization(String key, String lang, String value)
LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization(key, lang, value);
* Name the specified minecraft object with the supplied name
* @param instance
* @param name
public static void addName(Object instance, String name)
* Unimplemented on the server as it does not generate names
* @param instance
* @param lang
* @param name
public static void addName(Object instance, String lang, String name)
LanguageRegistry.instance().addNameForObject(instance, lang, name);
* Unimplemented on the server as it does not render textures
* @param fileToOverride
* @param fileToAdd
* @return
public static int addOverride(String fileToOverride, String fileToAdd)
return 0;
* Unimplemented on the server as it does not render textures
* @param path
* @param overlayPath
* @param index
public static void addOverride(String path, String overlayPath, int index)
* Add a Shaped Recipe
* @param output
* @param params
public static void addRecipe(ItemStack output, Object... params)
GameRegistry.addRecipe(output, params);
* Add a shapeless recipe
* @param output
* @param params
public static void addShapelessRecipe(ItemStack output, Object... params)
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(output, params);
* Add a new product to be smelted
* @param input
* @param output
public static void addSmelting(int input, ItemStack output)
GameRegistry.addSmelting(input, output, 1.0f);
* Add a mob to the spawn list
* @param entityClass
* @param weightedProb
* @param min
* @param max
* @param spawnList
public static void addSpawn(Class <? extends EntityLiving > entityClass, int weightedProb, int min, int max, EnumCreatureType spawnList)
EntityRegistry.addSpawn(entityClass, weightedProb, min, max, spawnList, WorldType.base12Biomes);
* Add a mob to the spawn list
* @param entityClass
* @param weightedProb
* @param min
* @param max
* @param spawnList
* @param biomes
public static void addSpawn(Class<? extends EntityLiving> entityClass, int weightedProb, int min, int max, EnumCreatureType spawnList, BiomeGenBase... biomes)
EntityRegistry.addSpawn(entityClass, weightedProb, min, max, spawnList, biomes);
* Add a mob to the spawn list
* @param entityName
* @param weightedProb
* @param min
* @param max
* @param spawnList
public static void addSpawn(String entityName, int weightedProb, int min, int max, EnumCreatureType spawnList)
EntityRegistry.addSpawn(entityName, weightedProb, min, max, spawnList, WorldType.base12Biomes);
* Add a mob to the spawn list
* @param entityName
* @param weightedProb
* @param min
* @param max
* @param spawnList
* @param biomes
public static void addSpawn(String entityName, int weightedProb, int min, int max, EnumCreatureType spawnList, BiomeGenBase... biomes)
EntityRegistry.addSpawn(entityName, weightedProb, min, max, spawnList, biomes);
* This method is a call in hook from modified external code. Implemented elsewhere.
* {@link FMLServerHandler#tryDispensingEntity(World, double, double, double, byte, byte, ItemStack)}
* @param world
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
* @param xVel
* @param zVel
* @param item
* @return
public static boolean dispenseEntity(World world, double x, double y, double z, int xVel, int zVel, ItemStack item)
return false;
* Remove a container and drop all the items in it on the ground around
* @param world
* @param x
* @param y
* @param z
public static void genericContainerRemoval(World world, int x, int y, int z)
/* TileEntity te = world.func_603_b(x, y, z);
if (!(te instanceof IInventory))
IInventory inv = (IInventory)te;
for (int l = 0; l < inv.func_83_a(); l++)
ItemStack itemstack = inv.func_82_a(l);
if (itemstack == null)
float f = world.field_803_m.nextFloat() * 0.8F + 0.1F;
float f1 = world.field_803_m.nextFloat() * 0.8F + 0.1F;
float f2 = world.field_803_m.nextFloat() * 0.8F + 0.1F;
while (itemstack.field_853_a > 0)
int i1 = world.field_803_m.nextInt(21) + 10;
if (i1 > itemstack.field_853_a)
i1 = itemstack.field_853_a ;
itemstack.field_853_a -= i1;
EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(world, (float)te.field_478_b + f, (float)te.field_483_c + f1, (float)te.field_482_d + f2, new ItemStack(itemstack.field_855_c, i1, itemstack.func_21125_h()));
float f3 = 0.05F;
entityitem.field_319_o = (float)world.field_803_m.nextGaussian() * f3;
entityitem.field_318_p = (float)world.field_803_m.nextGaussian() * f3 + 0.2F;
entityitem.field_317_q = (float)world.field_803_m.nextGaussian() * f3;
if (itemstack.func_40608_n())
*/ }
* Get a list of all BaseMod loaded into the system
* {@link ModLoaderModContainer#findAll}
* @return
public static List<BaseMod> getLoadedMods()
return ModLoaderModContainer.findAll(BaseMod.class);
* Get a logger instance {@link FMLCommonHandler#getFMLLogger()}
* @return
public static Logger getLogger()
return FMLLog.getLogger();
public static Object getMinecraftInstance()
return getMinecraftServerInstance();
* Get the minecraft server instance
* {@link FMLServerHandler#getServer()}
* @return
public static MinecraftServer getMinecraftServerInstance()
return FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance();
* Get a value from a field using reflection
* {@link ReflectionHelper#getPrivateValue(Class, Object, int)}
* @param instanceclass
* @param instance
* @param fieldindex
* @return
public static <T, E> T getPrivateValue(Class<? super E> instanceclass, E instance, int fieldindex)
return ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(instanceclass, instance, fieldindex);
* Get a value from a field using reflection
* {@link ObfuscationReflectionHelper#getPrivateValue(Class, Object, String)}
* @param instanceclass
* @param instance
* @param field
* @return
public static <T, E> T getPrivateValue(Class<? super E> instanceclass, E instance, String field)
return ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(instanceclass, instance, field);
* Stubbed method on the server to return a unique model id
public static int getUniqueBlockModelID(BaseMod mod, boolean inventoryRenderer)
return -1;
* Get a new unique entity id
* {@link Entity#getNextId()}
* @return
public static int getUniqueEntityId()
return EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId();
public static int getUniqueSpriteIndex(String path)
return -1;
* To properly implement packet 250 protocol you should always check your
* channel is active prior to sending the packet
* @param player
* @param channel
* @return
public static boolean isChannelActive(EntityPlayer player, String channel)
return NetworkRegistry.instance().isChannelActive(channel, (Player) player);
public static boolean isGUIOpen(Class<?> gui)
return false;
* Is the named mod loaded?
* {@link Loader#isModLoaded(String)}
* @param modname
* @return
public static boolean isModLoaded(String modname)
return Loader.isModLoaded(modname);
* Implemented elsewhere
public static void loadConfig()
public static Object loadImage(Object renderEngine, String path) throws Exception
return null;
* Call in from elsewhere. Unimplemented here.
* @param player
* @param item
public static void onItemPickup(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack item)
* Call in from elsewhere. Unimplemented here.
public static void onTick(float tick, Object game)
public static void openGUI(EntityPlayer player, Object gui)
public static void populateChunk(IChunkProvider generator, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world)
* This method is a call in hook from modified external code. Implemented elsewhere.
* {@link FMLServerHandler#handlePacket250(Packet250CustomPayload, EntityPlayer)}
* @param packet
public static void receivePacket(Packet250CustomPayload packet)
public static Object[] registerAllKeys(Object[] keys)
return keys;
public static void registerAllTextureOverrides(Object cache)
* Register a new block
* @param block
public static void registerBlock(Block block)
* Register a new block
* @param block
* @param itemclass
public static void registerBlock(Block block, Class<? extends ItemBlock> itemclass)
GameRegistry.registerBlock(block, itemclass);
* Register a new entity ID
* @param entityClass
* @param entityName
* @param id
public static void registerEntityID(Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, String entityName, int id)
EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(entityClass, entityName, id);
* Register a new entity ID
* @param entityClass
* @param entityName
* @param id
* @param background
* @param foreground
public static void registerEntityID(Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, String entityName, int id, int background, int foreground)
EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(entityClass, entityName, id, background, foreground);
public static void registerKey(BaseMod mod, Object keyHandler, boolean allowRepeat)
* Register the mod for packets on this channel. This only registers the
* channel with Forge Mod Loader, not with clients connecting- use
* BaseMod.onClientLogin to tell them about your custom channel
* {@link FMLCommonHandler#registerChannel(cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer, String)}
* @param mod
* @param channel
public static void registerPacketChannel(BaseMod mod, String channel)
NetworkRegistry.instance().registerChannel(ModLoaderHelper.buildPacketHandlerFor(mod), channel);
* Register a new tile entity class
* @param tileEntityClass
* @param id
public static void registerTileEntity(Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntityClass, String id)
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(tileEntityClass, id);
public static void registerTileEntity(Class<? extends TileEntity> tileEntityClass, String id, Object renderer)
GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(tileEntityClass, id);
* Remove a biome from the list of generated biomes
* @param biome
public static void removeBiome(BiomeGenBase biome)
* Remove a spawn
* @param entityClass
* @param spawnList
public static void removeSpawn(Class<? extends EntityLiving> entityClass, EnumCreatureType spawnList)
EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(entityClass, spawnList, WorldType.base12Biomes);
* Remove a spawn
* @param entityClass
* @param spawnList
* @param biomes
public static void removeSpawn(Class<? extends EntityLiving> entityClass, EnumCreatureType spawnList, BiomeGenBase... biomes)
EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(entityClass, spawnList, biomes);
* Remove a spawn
* @param entityName
* @param spawnList
public static void removeSpawn(String entityName, EnumCreatureType spawnList)
EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(entityName, spawnList, WorldType.base12Biomes);
* Remove a spawn
* @param entityName
* @param spawnList
* @param biomes
public static void removeSpawn(String entityName, EnumCreatureType spawnList, BiomeGenBase... biomes)
EntityRegistry.removeSpawn(entityName, spawnList, biomes);
public static boolean renderBlockIsItemFull3D(int modelID)
return false;
public static void renderInvBlock(Object renderer, Block block, int metadata, int modelID)
public static boolean renderWorldBlock(Object renderer, IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int modelID)
return false;
* Configuration is handled elsewhere
* {@link ModLoaderModContainer}
public static void saveConfig()
public static void sendPacket(Packet packet) {
// FMLClientHandler.instance().sendPacket(packet);
* Send a chat message to the server
* {@link FMLServerHandler#handleChatPacket(Packet3Chat, EntityPlayer)}
* @param text
public static void serverChat(String text)
public static void serverLogin(Object handler, Packet1Login loginPacket)
* Indicate that you want to receive ticks
* @param mod receiving the events
* @param enable indicates whether you want to recieve them or not
* @param useClock Not used in server side: all ticks are sent on the server side (no render subticks)
public static void setInGameHook(BaseMod mod, boolean enable, boolean useClock)
ModLoaderHelper.updateStandardTicks(mod, enable, useClock);
public static void setInGUIHook(BaseMod mod, boolean enable, boolean useClock)
ModLoaderHelper.updateGUITicks(mod, enable, useClock);
* Set a private field to a value using reflection
* {@link ObfuscationReflectionHelper#setPrivateValue(Class, Object, int, Object)}
* @param instanceclass
* @param instance
* @param fieldindex
* @param value
public static <T, E> void setPrivateValue(Class<? super T> instanceclass, T instance, int fieldindex, E value)
ObfuscationReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(instanceclass, instance, value, fieldindex);
* Set a private field to a value using reflection
* {@link ObfuscationReflectionHelper#setPrivateValue(Class, Object, String, Object)}
* @param instanceclass
* @param instance
* @param field
* @param value
public static <T, E> void setPrivateValue(Class<? super T> instanceclass, T instance, String field, E value)
ObfuscationReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(instanceclass, instance, value, field);
* This method is a call in hook from modified external code. Implemented elsewhere.
* {@link FMLServerHandler#onItemCrafted(EntityPlayer, ItemStack, IInventory)}
* @param player
* @param item
* @param matrix
public static void takenFromCrafting(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack item, IInventory matrix)
* This method is a call in hook from modified external code. Implemented elsewhere.
* {@link FMLServerHandler#onItemSmelted(EntityPlayer, ItemStack)}
* @param player
* @param item
public static void takenFromFurnace(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack item)
* Throw the offered exception. Likely will stop the game.
* {@link FMLServerHandler#raiseException(Throwable, String, boolean)}
* @param message
* @param e
public static void throwException(String message, Throwable e)
FMLCommonHandler.instance().raiseException(e, message, true);
public static void throwException(Throwable e)
throwException("Exception in ModLoader", e);