LexManos 141805d5bb Fixed a bug in forge_client project that had a hard link to E:/MCP/jars/bin/paul.jar now points to MCP/jars/bin/minecraft.jar {has the same paulsound libraries}
Major refactoring of the patches, now each modified file gets its own patch file.
Rewrote all the scripts to use new multi-patch system.
Added linux using new system.
Added some required libraries from GNUWin32 for the windows side of the new setup.bat/update_patches.bat
2011-10-09 04:21:29 +00:00

25 lines
786 B

@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
rmdir /Q /S patches
set PATH=.\bin;%PATH%
echo Creating directories
for /f %%i in ('find ../src_work -type d') do (
set file=%%i
set file=!file:~11!
rem echo patches!file!
"./bin/mkdir.exe" --parents "patches!file!"
echo Creating patches
for /f %%i in ('find ../src_work -type f') do (
set file=%%i
set file=!file:~11!
rem echo !file!
diff -u ../src_base!file! ../src_work!file! -r --strip-trailing-cr --new-file | sed -e "1,2s/[0-9-]* [0-9:\.]* [+-][0-9]*\b/0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000000 -0000/" | tr -d '\r' > patches!file!.patch
echo Removing empty patches
for /f %%i in ('find patches -size 0 -type f') do rm %%i
for /f %%i in ('find patches -depth -empty -type d') do rmdir "%%i"