115 lines
4.2 KiB
115 lines
4.2 KiB
import os, os.path, sys
import shutil, glob, fnmatch
import csv, re
from pprint import pprint
from zipfile import ZipFile
from optparse import OptionParser
from contextlib import closing
def get_merged_info(fml_dir, mcp_dir):
joined = os.path.join(mcp_dir, 'conf', 'joined.srg')
values = {'PK:': {}, 'CL:': {}, 'FD:': {}, 'MD:': {}}
if not os.path.isfile(joined):
sys.path.append(os.path.join(fml_dir, 'install'))
from fml import gen_merged_srg
values = create_merged_srg(mcp_dir, None)
with closing(open(joined, 'r')) as fh:
for line in fh:
pts = line.rstrip('\r\n').split(' ')
if pts[0] == 'MD:':
values[pts[0]][pts[1] + ' ' + pts[2]] = pts[3] + ' ' + pts[4]
values[pts[0]][pts[1]] = pts[2]
return {t:{v.split(' ')[0]:k for k, v in m.items()} for t,m in values.items()}
def load_suggestions(fml_dir):
map_file = os.path.join(fml_dir, 'map_client.txt')
if not os.path.isfile(map_file):
return None
map = {}
with closing(open(map_file, 'r')) as fh:
for line in fh:
if line[0] == ' ':
line = line[0:-2].split(' -> ')
map[line[1]] = line[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0]
return map
def main():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-m', '--mcp-dir', action='store', dest='mcp_dir', help='MCP install folder', default='mcp')
parser.add_option('-f', '--fml-dir', action='store', dest='fml_dir', help='FML instlal folder', default='.')
options, _ = parser.parse_args()
sys.path.append(os.path.join(options.fml_dir, 'install'))
from fml import read_mc_versions, load_srg
info = read_mc_versions(options.fml_dir, work_dir=os.path.join(options.mcp_dir, 'jars'))
suggs = load_suggestions(options.fml_dir)
types = {'client' : [], 'server' : []}
for type in ['client', 'server']:
with closing(ZipFile(info['%s_file' % type])) as zip:
for i in zip.filelist:
if i.filename.endswith('.class') and i.filename.find('/') == -1:
srg = get_merged_info(options.fml_dir, options.mcp_dir)
pkgs = {}
pkg_file = os.path.join('conf', 'packages.csv')
if os.path.isfile(pkg_file):
with closing(open(pkg_file)) as fh:
reader = csv.DictReader(fh)
for line in reader:
pkgs[line['class']] = line['package']
classes = {}
for cls in srg['CL:'].keys():
if cls.startswith('net/minecraft/src/'):
obf = srg['CL:'][cls]
cls = cls[18:]
classes[cls] = obf
for type in ['server', 'client']:
if obf in types[type]:
for cls in pkgs.keys():
if not cls in classes.keys():
print 'Removed Class: %s/%s' % (pkgs[cls], cls)
for cls,obf in classes.items():
if not cls in pkgs.keys():
sug = ''
if not suggs is None and obf in suggs.keys():
sug = '_' + suggs[obf].replace('.', '_')
print 'New Class: %s' % cls
if cls.find('/') == -1:
if cls in types['server'] and cls in types['client']:
pkgs[cls] = 'get_me_out_of_here_shared' + sug
elif cls in types['server']:
pkgs[cls] = 'get_me_out_of_here_server' + sug
elif cls in types['client']:
pkgs[cls] = 'get_me_out_of_here_client' + sug
pkgs[cls] = 'get_me_out_of_here_src' + sug
for cls,pkg in pkgs.items():
tmp.append({'class': cls, 'package': pkg})
with closing(open(pkg_file, 'wb')) as fh:
writer = csv.DictWriter(fh, fieldnames=['class', 'package'], lineterminator='\n')
for row in sorted(tmp, key=lambda x: (x['package'], x['class'])):
if __name__ == '__main__':