/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.common; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import net.minecraft.init.Biomes; import net.minecraft.util.WeightedRandom; import net.minecraft.world.biome.Biome; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeProvider; import net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenVillage; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.EnumHelper; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public class BiomeManager { private static TrackedList[] biomes = setupBiomes(); public static List oceanBiomes = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList strongHoldBiomes = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList strongHoldBiomesBlackList = new ArrayList(); static { oceanBiomes.add(Biomes.OCEAN); oceanBiomes.add(Biomes.DEEP_OCEAN); oceanBiomes.add(Biomes.FROZEN_OCEAN); } private static TrackedList[] setupBiomes() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TrackedList[] currentBiomes = new TrackedList[BiomeType.values().length]; List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.FOREST, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.ROOFED_FOREST, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.EXTREME_HILLS, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.PLAINS, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.BIRCH_FOREST, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.SWAMPLAND, 10)); currentBiomes[BiomeType.WARM.ordinal()] = new TrackedList(list); list.clear(); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.FOREST, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.EXTREME_HILLS, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.TAIGA, 10)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.PLAINS, 10)); currentBiomes[BiomeType.COOL.ordinal()] = new TrackedList(list); list.clear(); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.ICE_PLAINS, 30)); list.add(new BiomeEntry(Biomes.COLD_TAIGA, 10)); currentBiomes[BiomeType.ICY.ordinal()] = new TrackedList(list); list.clear(); currentBiomes[BiomeType.DESERT.ordinal()] = new TrackedList(list); return currentBiomes; } public static void addVillageBiome(Biome biome, boolean canSpawn) { if (!MapGenVillage.VILLAGE_SPAWN_BIOMES.contains(biome)) { ArrayList biomes = new ArrayList(MapGenVillage.VILLAGE_SPAWN_BIOMES); biomes.add(biome); MapGenVillage.VILLAGE_SPAWN_BIOMES = biomes; } } public static void removeVillageBiome(Biome biome) { if (MapGenVillage.VILLAGE_SPAWN_BIOMES.contains(biome)) { ArrayList biomes = new ArrayList(MapGenVillage.VILLAGE_SPAWN_BIOMES); biomes.remove(biome); MapGenVillage.VILLAGE_SPAWN_BIOMES = biomes; } } public static void addStrongholdBiome(Biome biome) { if (!strongHoldBiomes.contains(biome)) { strongHoldBiomes.add(biome); } } public static void removeStrongholdBiome(Biome biome) { if (!strongHoldBiomesBlackList.contains(biome)) { strongHoldBiomesBlackList.add(biome); } } public static void addSpawnBiome(Biome biome) { if (!BiomeProvider.allowedBiomes.contains(biome)) { BiomeProvider.allowedBiomes.add(biome); } } public static void removeSpawnBiome(Biome biome) { if (BiomeProvider.allowedBiomes.contains(biome)) { BiomeProvider.allowedBiomes.remove(biome); } } public static void addBiome(BiomeType type, BiomeEntry entry) { int idx = type.ordinal(); List list = idx > biomes.length ? null : biomes[idx]; if (list != null) list.add(entry); } public static void removeBiome(BiomeType type, BiomeEntry entry) { int idx = type.ordinal(); List list = idx > biomes.length ? null : biomes[idx]; if (list != null && list.contains(entry)) { list.remove(entry); } } @Nullable public static ImmutableList getBiomes(BiomeType type) { int idx = type.ordinal(); List list = idx >= biomes.length ? null : biomes[idx]; return list != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(list) : null; } public static boolean isTypeListModded(BiomeType type) { int idx = type.ordinal(); TrackedList list = idx > biomes.length ? null : biomes[idx]; if (list != null) return list.isModded(); return false; } public static enum BiomeType { DESERT, WARM, COOL, ICY; public static BiomeType getType(String name) { name = name.toUpperCase(); for (BiomeType t : values()) { if (t.name().equals(name)) return t; } BiomeType ret = EnumHelper.addEnum(BiomeType.class, name, new Class[0], new Object[0]); if (ret.ordinal() >= biomes.length) { biomes = Arrays.copyOf(biomes, ret.ordinal() + 1); } return ret; } } public static class BiomeEntry extends WeightedRandom.Item { public final Biome biome; public BiomeEntry(Biome biome, int weight) { super(weight); this.biome = biome; } } private static class TrackedList extends ArrayList { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private boolean isModded = false; public TrackedList(Collection c) { super(c); } @Override public E set(int index, E element) { isModded = true; return super.set(index, element); } @Override public boolean add(E e) { isModded = true; return super.add(e); } @Override public void add(int index, E element) { isModded = true; super.add(index, element); } @Override public E remove(int index) { isModded = true; return super.remove(index); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { isModded = true; return super.remove(o); } @Override public void clear() { isModded = true; super.clear(); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection c) { isModded = true; return super.addAll(c); } @Override public boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) { isModded = true; return super.addAll(index, c); } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection c) { isModded = true; return super.removeAll(c); } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection c) { isModded = true; return super.retainAll(c); } public boolean isModded() { return isModded; } } }