buildscript { repositories { mavenLocal() maven { url = '' } jcenter() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:3.+' } } import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.json.JsonBuilder import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date import import import net.minecraftforge.gradle.common.task.ArchiveChecksum import net.minecraftforge.gradle.common.task.DownloadMavenArtifact import net.minecraftforge.gradle.common.task.SignJar import net.minecraftforge.gradle.patcher.task.ApplyBinPatches import import plugins { id 'net.minecrell.licenser' version '0.4' id 'org.ajoberstar.grgit' version '2.3.0' id '' version '3.3.0' } apply plugin: 'eclipse' group = 'net.minecraftforge' version = '1.0.0' project(':mcp') { apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forgedev.mcp' mcp { config = '1.13-2018.' pipeline = 'joined' } } project(':clean') { evaluationDependsOn(':mcp') apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forgedev.patcher' repositories { mavenCentral() } patcher { parent = project(':mcp') patchedSrc = file('src/main/java') mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20180921-1.13' mcVersion = '1.13' } task runclient(type: JavaExec) { doFirst { mkdir 'runclient' } classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath args = ['--accessToken', '0', '--version', '1.13'] main 'net.minecraft.client.main.Main' workingDir 'runclient' } } project(':forge') { evaluationDependsOn(':clean') apply plugin: 'java-library' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forgedev.patcher' apply plugin: 'net.minecrell.licenser' apply plugin: '' compileJava.sourceCompatibility = compileJava.targetCompatibility = sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = '1.8' // Need this here so eclipse task generates correctly. sourceSets { main { java { srcDir "$rootDir/src/main/java" } resources { srcDir "$rootDir/src/main/resources" } } } repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } ext { MCP_ARTIFACT = project(':mcp').mcp.config MCP_VERSION = project(':mcp').mcp.config.version.split('-')[1] // The timestamp only. } patcher { parent = project(':clean') patches = file("$rootDir/patches/minecraft") patchedSrc = file('src/main/java') accessTransformer = file("$rootDir/src/main/resources/forge_at.cfg") exc = file("$rootDir/src/main/resources/forge.exc") srgPatches = true srgUniversal = true clientRun { main = 'net.minecraftforge.fml.LaunchTesting' environment = [ target: 'fmldevclient' ] properties = [ target: 'fmldevclient', assetDirectory: downloadAssets.output ] } serverRun { main = 'net.minecraftforge.fml.LaunchTesting' environment = [ target: 'fmldevserver' ] } mcVersion = '1.13' } group = 'net.minecraftforge' version = getVersion(patcher.mcVersion, '15.24.0') applyPatches { canonicalizeAccess true canonicalizeWhitespace true maxFuzz 3 } configurations { installer { transitive = false //Don't pull all libraries, if we're missing something, add it to the installer list so the installer knows to download it. } api.extendsFrom(installer) } dependencies { api 'net.minecraft:client:1.13:extra' installer 'com.paulscode:soundsystem:2018+' installer 'org.ow2.asm:asm:6.2' installer 'org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:6.2' installer 'org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:6.2' installer 'cpw.mods:modlauncher:0.1.0' installer 'net.minecraftforge:accesstransformers:0.10+:shadowed' installer 'net.minecraftforge:eventbus:0.1+:service' installer 'net.minecraftforge:forgespi:0.1+' installer 'net.minecraftforge:coremods:0.1+' installer 'com.electronwill.night-config:core:3.4.0' installer 'com.electronwill.night-config:toml:3.4.0' installer 'org.jline:jline:3.5.1' installer 'org.apache.maven:maven-artifact:3.5.3' installer 'java3d:vecmath:1.5.2' } task runclient(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: [":forge:downloadAssets", ":forge:extractNatives"]) { doFirst { mkdir 'runclient' } doFirst { copy { from sourceSets.main.resources into "$buildDir/classes/java/main" } } //jvmArgs = ['-verbose:class'] classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath main 'net.minecraftforge.fml.LaunchTesting' systemProperties = [ "org.lwjgl.util.Debug": "true", "org.lwjgl.util.DebugLoader": "true" ] environment += [ target:'fmldevclient', assetDirectory: file("${gradle.getGradleUserHomeDir()}/caches/forge_gradle/assets/"), nativesDirectory: extractNatives.output ] workingDir 'runclient' } task runserver(type: JavaExec) { doFirst { mkdir 'runserver' } classpath sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath main 'net.minecraftforge.fml.LaunchTesting' args 'nogui' environment target:'fmldevserver' workingDir 'runserver' } task ciWriteBuildNumber { doLast { def file = file("$rootDir/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/") def bn = System.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER') ?: ?: 0 def outfile = '' file.eachLine{ String s -> if (s.matches('^ public static final int buildVersion = [\\d]+;\$')) s = " public static final int buildVersion = ${bn};" if (s.matches('^ public static final String mcVersion = "[^\\"]+";')) s = " public static final String mcVersion = \"${patcher.mcVersion}\";" outfile += (s+'\n') } file.write(outfile) } } def extraTxts = [ rootProject.file('CREDITS.txt'), rootProject.file('LICENSE.txt') ] /* TODO: Changelog if (project.hasProperty('forgeJenkinsPass')) extraTxts += changelog */ task downloadCrowdin() { ext { output = file('build/') update = file('build/crowdin.json') id = 'minecraft-forge' } onlyIf { project.hasProperty('crowdinKey') && !project.gradle.startParameter.isOffline() } doLast { download { src "${id}/export?key=${project.crowdinKey}&json" dest update overwrite true } if (!update.text.contains('success')) { throw new RuntimeException("Crowdin export failed, see ${update} for more info") } download { src "${id}/download/${project.crowdinKey}" dest output overwrite true } } } task crowdin(type: Zip) { dependsOn downloadCrowdin onlyIf { !downloadCrowdin.state.skipped } baseName = version = project.version classifier = 'crowdin' destinationDir = file('build/distributions') from(zipTree(downloadCrowdin.output)){ eachFile { //Tired of waiting for crowdin API, rename things myself. Remove once crowdin stops being dumb if ('en_us.json') && !it.path.startsWith('assets/')) { = it.path.split('/')[0] + '.json' it.path = 'assets/forge/lang/' + } } exclude { it.isDirectory() } rename { it.toLowerCase() }//Minecraft needs it lowercase. exclude '**/*.lang' //Pre-1.13 format } } // We apply the bin patches we just created to make a jar that is JUST our changes task applyClientBinPatches(type: ApplyBinPatches, dependsOn: genClientBinPatches) { clean = { genClientBinPatches.cleanJar } input = genClientBinPatches.output } task applyServerBinPatches(type: ApplyBinPatches, dependsOn: genServerBinPatches) { clean = { genServerBinPatches.cleanJar } input = genServerBinPatches.output } task applyJoinedBinPatches(type: ApplyBinPatches, dependsOn: genJoinedBinPatches) { clean = { genJoinedBinPatches.cleanJar } input = genJoinedBinPatches.output } // Checksum tasks so that we can know if the vanilla classes are what we expect them to do! task clientBaseChecksum(type: ArchiveChecksum, dependsOn: genClientBinPatches) { input = { genClientBinPatches.cleanJar} //Lazy because Patcher Plugin sets the value afterEvaluate name = 'client' } task serverBaseChecksum(type: ArchiveChecksum, dependsOn: genServerBinPatches) { input = { genServerBinPatches.cleanJar } name = 'server' } task joinedBaseChecksum(type: ArchiveChecksum, dependsOn: genJoinedBinPatches) { input = { genJoinedBinPatches.cleanJar } name = 'joined' } task clientPatchedChecksum(type: ArchiveChecksum, dependsOn: applyClientBinPatches) { input = applyClientBinPatches.output name = 'client_patched' } task serverPatchedChecksum(type: ArchiveChecksum, dependsOn: applyServerBinPatches) { input = applyServerBinPatches.output name = 'server_patched' } task joinedPatchedChecksum(type: ArchiveChecksum, dependsOn: applyJoinedBinPatches) { input = applyJoinedBinPatches.output name = 'joined_patched' } // Utility methods for testing checksums task cleanChecksums() { ['client', 'server', 'joined'].each { side -> ['Base', 'Patched'].each { type -> def clean = "clean${side.capitalize()}${type}Checksum" dependsOn(clean) tasks.findByName("${side}${type}Checksum").mustRunAfter(clean) } } } task checksums() { ['client', 'server', 'joined'].each { side -> ['Base', 'Patched'].each { type -> dependsOn("${side}${type}Checksum") } } } task launcherJson(dependsOn: universalJar) { ext { output = file('build/libs/version.json') vanilla = project(':mcp').file('build/mcp/downloadJson/version.json') timestamp = dateToIso8601(new Date()) comment = [ "Please do not automate the download and installation of Forge.", "Our efforts are supported by ads from the download page.", "If you MUST automate this, please consider supporting the project through" ] def idx = project.version.indexOf('-') id = project.version.substring(0, idx) + "-${}" + project.version.substring(idx) } inputs.file vanilla outputs.file output doLast { def json_vanilla = new JsonSlurper().parseText(vanilla.text) def json = [ _comment_: comment, id: id, time: timestamp, releaseTime: timestamp, type: 'release', mainClass: 'cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher', inheritsFrom: patcher.mcVersion, logging: [:], arguments: [ game: + ['--launchTarget', 'fmlclient'] ], libraries: [ [ name: "${}:${}:${project.version}", downloads: [ artifact: [ path: "${'.', '/')}/${}/${project.version}/${}-${project.version}.jar", url: null, //Do not include the URL so that the installer/launcher won't grab it. This is also why we don't have the universal classifier sha1: sha1(universalJar.archivePath), size: universalJar.archivePath.length() ] ] ] ] ] def artifacts = getArtifacts(project, project.configurations.installer, false) artifacts.each { key, lib -> json.libraries.add(lib) } output.text = new JsonBuilder(json).toPrettyString() } } task installerJson(dependsOn: [launcherJson, genClientBinPatches]) { ext { output = file('build/libs/install_profile.json') INSTALLER_TOOLS = 'net.minecraftforge:installertools:1.0.3' JAR_SPLITTER = 'net.minecraftforge:jarsplitter:1.0.4' } doFirst { ext.BIN_PATCHER = 'net.minecraftforge:binarypatcher:' + genClientBinPatches.resolvedVersion } inputs.file genClientBinPatches.toolJar inputs.file launcherJson.output outputs.file output doLast { def libs = [:] def json = [ _comment_: launcherJson.comment, profile:, version:, json: '/version.json', path: "${}:${}:${project.version}", logo: '/big_logo.png', minecraft: patcher.mcVersion, welcome: "Welcome to the simple ${} installer.", data: [ MAPPINGS: [ client: "[${}:${}:${MCP_ARTIFACT.version}:mappings@txt]", server: "[${}:${}:${MCP_ARTIFACT.version}:mappings@txt]" ], BINPATCH: [ client: '/data/client.lzma', server: '/data/server.lzma' ], MC_SLIM: [ client: "[net.minecraft:client:${patcher.mcVersion}:slim]", server: "[net.minecraft:server:${patcher.mcVersion}:slim]" ], MC_DATA: [ client: "[net.minecraft:client:${patcher.mcVersion}:data]", server: "[net.minecraft:server:${patcher.mcVersion}:data]" ], MC_EXTRA: [ client: "[net.minecraft:client:${patcher.mcVersion}:extra]", server: "[net.minecraft:server:${patcher.mcVersion}:extra]" ], MC_SRG: [ client: "[net.minecraft:client:${patcher.mcVersion}-${MCP_VERSION}:srg]", server: "[net.minecraft:server:${patcher.mcVersion}-${MCP_VERSION}:srg]" ], PATCHED: [ client: "[${}:${}:${project.version}:client]", server: "[${}:${}:${project.version}:server]" ] ], processors: [ [ jar: INSTALLER_TOOLS, classpath: getClasspath(project, libs, INSTALLER_TOOLS), args: [ '--task', 'MCP_DATA', '--input', "[${MCP_ARTIFACT.descriptor}]", '--output', '{MAPPINGS}', '--key', 'mappings' ] ], [ jar: JAR_SPLITTER, classpath: getClasspath(project, libs, JAR_SPLITTER), args: [ '--input', '{MINECRAFT_JAR}', '--slim', '{MC_SLIM}', '--data', '{MC_DATA}', '--extra', '{MC_EXTRA}', '--srg', '{MAPPINGS}' ] ], [ // SpecialSource has a bug where it won't create the nessasary directories, remove when they fix that. jar: INSTALLER_TOOLS, classpath: getClasspath(project, libs, INSTALLER_TOOLS), args: [ '--task', 'CREATE_PARENTS', '--target', '{MC_SRG}' ] ], [ jar: '', classpath: getClasspath(project, libs, ''), args: [ '--in-jar', '{MC_SLIM}', '--out-jar', '{MC_SRG}', '--srg-in', '{MAPPINGS}' ] ], [ jar: BIN_PATCHER, classpath: getClasspath(project, libs, BIN_PATCHER), args: [ '--clean', '{MC_SRG}', '--output', '{PATCHED}', '--apply', '{BINPATCH}' ] ] ] ] getClasspath(project, libs, MCP_ARTIFACT.descriptor) //Tell it to download mcp_config json.libraries = libs.values().sort{a,b ->} output.text = new JsonBuilder(json).toPrettyString() } } universalJar { from extraTxts /* TODO: Annotation Cache? need to talk to cpw about his new design. from(fixAnnotationsJson){ into 'META-INF' } dependsOn fixAnnotationsJson */ // Add checksum files of clean and patched vanilla classes. ['client', 'server'].each { side -> ['Base', 'Patched'].each { type -> from(tasks.getByName("${side}${type}Checksum").output) { into 'checksums/' } } } dependsOn checksums // add crowdin locales from { !crowdin.state.skipped ? zipTree(crowdin.archivePath) : null} dependsOn crowdin doFirst { def classpath = new StringBuilder() def artifacts = getArtifacts(project, project.configurations.installer, false) artifacts.each { key, lib -> classpath += "libraries/${lib.downloads.artifact.path} " } classpath += "minecraft_server.${patcher.mcVersion}.jar" manifest.attributes([ "Main-Class": "net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper", "TweakClass": "net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker", "Class-Path": classpath.toString(), "Minecraft-Version": patcher.mcVersion, "Forge-Version": project.version.substring(patcher.mcVersion.length() + 1), "MCP-Version": MCP_VERSION ]) } } task signUniversal(type: SignJar, dependsOn: universalJar) { onlyIf { project.hasProperty('jarsigner') && universalJar.state.failure == null } def jarsigner = [:]; if (project.hasProperty('jarsigner')) jarsigner = project.jarsigner; alias = 'forge' storePass = jarsigner.storepass keyPass = jarsigner.keypass keyStore = jarsigner.keystore inputFile = universalJar.archivePath outputFile = universalJar.archivePath doFirst { project.logger.lifecycle('Signing: ' + inputFile) } } universalJar.finalizedBy(signUniversal) task downloadInstaller(type: DownloadMavenArtifact) { artifact = 'net.minecraftforge:installer:2.+:shrunk' } task installerJar(type: Zip, dependsOn: [downloadInstaller, universalJar, installerJson, launcherJson, genClientBinPatches, genServerBinPatches]) { classifier = 'installer' extension = 'jar' //Needs to be Zip task to not override Manifest, so set extension from(extraTxts) from(rootProject.file('/src/main/resources/forge_logo.png')) { rename{'big_logo.png'} } from(rootProject.file('/src/main/resources/url.png')) from(genClientBinPatches.output) { rename{'data/client.lzma'} } from(genServerBinPatches.output) { rename{'data/server.lzma'} } from(universalJar) { into "/maven/${'.', '/')}/${}/${project.version}/" } from(installerJson.output) from(launcherJson.output) from(zipTree(downloadInstaller.output)) { duplicatesStrategy = 'exclude' } } task signInstaller(type: SignJar, dependsOn: installerJar) { onlyIf { project.hasProperty('jarsigner') && installerJar.state.failure == null } def jarsigner = [:]; if (project.hasProperty('jarsigner')) jarsigner = project.jarsigner; alias = 'forge' storePass = jarsigner.storepass keyPass = jarsigner.keypass keyStore = jarsigner.keystore inputFile = installerJar.archivePath outputFile = installerJar.archivePath doFirst { project.logger.lifecycle('Signing: ' + inputFile) } } installerJar.finalizedBy(signInstaller) task makeMdk(type: Zip) { baseName = classifier = 'mdk' version = project.version destinationDir = file('build/distributions') from rootProject.file('gradlew') from rootProject.file('gradlew.bat') from extraTxts from(rootProject.file('gradle/')){ into('gradle/') } from(rootProject.file('mdk/')){ /* filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [ VERSION: project.version ]) */ rename 'gitignore\\.txt', '.gitignore' } } license { header = file("$rootDir/LICENSE-header.txt") include 'net/minecraftforge/' exclude 'net/minecraftforge/server/terminalconsole/' exclude 'net/minecraftforge/api/' // exclude API here because it's validated in the SPI build exclude 'net/minecraftforge/fml/common/versioning/' exclude 'net/minecraftforge/fml/common/versioning/' exclude 'net/minecraftforge/fml/common/versioning/' exclude 'net/minecraftforge/fml/common/versioning/' tasks { main { files = files("$rootDir/src/main/java") } test { files = files("$rootDir/src/test/java") } } } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { artifact universalJar //TODO: changelog artifact installerJar //TODO: installer-win artifact makeMdk artifact userdevJar pom { name = 'forge' description = 'Modifactions to Minecraft to enable mod developers.' url = '' scm { url = '' connection = 'scm:git:git://' developerConnection = '' } issueManagement { system = 'github' url = '' } licenses { license { name = 'LGPL 2.1' url = '' distribution = 'repo' } } } } } repositories { maven { if (project.hasProperty('forgeMavenPassword')) { credentials { username password } url '' } else { url 'file://' + rootProject.file('repo').getAbsolutePath() } } } } } def getVersion(mcver, ver) { def out = mcver.replace('-', '_') + '-' + ver + '.' + (System.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER') ?: ?: 0) def branch = grgit.branch.current().name if (branch != null && branch != 'master' && branch != 'HEAD' && branch != mcver && branch != mcver + '.0') { if (!(branch.endsWith('.x') && mcver.startsWith(branch.substring(0, branch.length() -2)))) out += "-$branch" } println('Version: ' + out) return out } def dateToIso8601(date) { def format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") def result = format.format(date) return result[0..21] + ':' + result[22..-1] } def sha1(file) { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance('SHA-1') file.eachByte 4096, {bytes, size -> md.update(bytes, 0, size) } return md.digest().collect {String.format "%02x", it}.join() } def artifactTree(project, artifact) { if (!project.ext.has('tree_resolver')) project.ext.tree_resolver = 1 def cfg = project.configurations.create('tree_resolver_' + project.ext.tree_resolver++) def dep = project.dependencies.create(artifact) cfg.dependencies.add(dep) def files = cfg.resolve() return getArtifacts(project, cfg, true) } def getArtifacts(project, config, classifiers) { def ret = [:] config.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each { def art = [ group:, name:, version:, classifier: it.classifier, extension: it.extension, file: it.file ] def key = + ':' + def folder = "${'.', '/')}/${}/${art.version}/" def filename = "${}-${art.version}" if (art.classifier != null) filename += "-${art.classifier}" filename += ".${art.extension}" def path = "${folder}${filename}" def url = "${path}" if (!checkExists(url)) { url = "${path}" } //TODO remove when Mojang launcher is updated if (!classifiers && art.classifier != null) { //Mojang launcher doesn't currently support classifiers, so... move it to part of the version, and force the extension to 'jar' art.version = "${art.version}-${art.classifier}" art.classifier = null art.extension = 'jar' path = "${'.', '/')}/${}/${art.version}/${}-${art.version}.jar" } ret[key] = [ name: "${}:${}:${art.version}" + (art.classifier == null ? '' : ":${art.classifier}") + (art.extension == 'jar' ? '' : "@${art.extension}"), downloads: [ artifact: [ path: path, url: url, sha1: sha1(art.file), size: art.file.length() ] ] ] } return ret } def checkExists(url) { def code = new URL(url).openConnection().with { requestMethod = 'HEAD' connect() responseCode } return code == 200 } def getClasspath(project, libs, artifact) { def ret = [] artifactTree(project, artifact).each { key, lib -> libs[] = lib if ( != artifact) ret.add( } return ret } //evaluationDependsOnChildren() task setup() { dependsOn ':clean:extractMapped' dependsOn ':forge:extractMapped' //These must be strings so that we can do lazy resolution. Else we need evaluationDependsOnChildren above }