/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016-2019. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.fml.client.config; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n; /** * This class's main purpose is to provide the necessary objects for a sample Config GUI for FML, although * there may be practical uses for the objects defined here such as using the DummyCategoryElement object as a * wrapper for a custom IGuiConfigListEntry object that opens a special screen. * * @author bspkrs */ public class DummyConfigElement implements IConfigElement { protected boolean isProperty = true; protected boolean isList = false; protected ConfigGuiType type; protected String name; protected String langKey; protected Object value; protected Object defaultValue; protected Object[] values; protected Object[] defaultValues; protected String[] validValues; protected Pattern validStringPattern; protected Object minValue; protected Object maxValue; protected boolean requiresWorldRestart = false; protected boolean requiresMcRestart = false; protected boolean isListFixedLength = false; protected int maxListLength = -1; protected List childElements; @Nullable protected Class configEntryClass; protected Class arrayEntryClass; /** * This class provides a Dummy Category IConfigElement. It can be used to define a custom list of GUI entries that will * appear on the child screen or to specify a custom IGuiConfigListEntry for a special category. */ public static class DummyCategoryElement extends DummyConfigElement { public DummyCategoryElement(String name, String langKey, List childElements) { this(name, langKey, childElements, null); } public DummyCategoryElement(String name, String langKey, Class customListEntryClass) { this(name, langKey, new ArrayList(), customListEntryClass); } public DummyCategoryElement(String name, String langKey, List childElements, @Nullable Class customListEntryClass) { super(name, null, ConfigGuiType.CONFIG_CATEGORY, langKey); this.childElements = childElements; this.configEntryClass = customListEntryClass; isProperty = false; } } /** * This class provides a dummy array-type IConfigElement. */ public static class DummyListElement extends DummyConfigElement { public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, boolean isListFixedLength, int maxListLength, @Nullable Pattern validStringPattern, @Nullable Object minValue, @Nullable Object maxValue) { super(name, null, type, langKey, minValue, maxValue); this.defaultValues = defaultValues; this.values = defaultValues; this.isListFixedLength = isListFixedLength; this.maxListLength = maxListLength; this.validStringPattern = validStringPattern; isList = true; } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, false, -1, null, null, null); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, boolean isListFixedLength) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, isListFixedLength, -1, null, null, null); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, int maxListLength) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, false, maxListLength, null, null, null); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, Object minValue, Object maxValue) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, false, -1, null, minValue, maxValue); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, boolean isListFixedLength, Object minValue, Object maxValue) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, isListFixedLength, -1, null, minValue, maxValue); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, int maxListLength, Object minValue, Object maxValue) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, false, maxListLength, null, minValue, maxValue); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, boolean isListFixedLength, int maxListLength, Object minValue, Object maxValue) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, isListFixedLength, maxListLength, null, minValue, maxValue); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, Pattern validStringPattern) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, false, -1, validStringPattern, null, null); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, boolean isListFixedLength, Pattern validStringPattern) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, isListFixedLength, -1, validStringPattern, null, null); } public DummyListElement(String name, Object[] defaultValues, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, int maxListLength, Pattern validStringPattern) { this(name, defaultValues, type, langKey, false, maxListLength, validStringPattern, null, null); } public DummyListElement setCustomEditListEntryClass(Class clazz) { this.arrayEntryClass = clazz; return this; } @Override public Object getDefault() { return Arrays.toString(this.defaultValues); } } public DummyConfigElement(String name, Object defaultValue, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, String[] validValues, Pattern validStringPattern, Object minValue, Object maxValue) { this.name = name; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.value = defaultValue; this.type = type; this.langKey = langKey; this.validValues = validValues; this.validStringPattern = validStringPattern; if (minValue == null) { if (type == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER) this.minValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE; else if (type == ConfigGuiType.DOUBLE) this.minValue = -Double.MAX_VALUE; } else this.minValue = minValue; if (maxValue == null) { if (type == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER) this.maxValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE; else if (type == ConfigGuiType.DOUBLE) this.maxValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; } else this.maxValue = maxValue; } public DummyConfigElement(String name, Object defaultValue, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, Pattern validStringPattern) { this(name, defaultValue, type, langKey, null, validStringPattern, null, null); } public DummyConfigElement(String name, Object defaultValue, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, String[] validValues) { this(name, defaultValue, type, langKey, validValues, null, null, null); } public DummyConfigElement(String name, Object defaultValue, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey) { this(name, defaultValue, type, langKey, null, null, null, null); } public DummyConfigElement(String name, Object defaultValue, ConfigGuiType type, String langKey, Object minValue, Object maxValue) { this(name, defaultValue, type, langKey, null, null, minValue, maxValue); } public DummyConfigElement setCustomListEntryClass(Class clazz) { this.configEntryClass = clazz; return this; } @Override public boolean isProperty() { return isProperty; } public IConfigElement setConfigEntryClass(Class clazz) { this.configEntryClass = clazz; return this; } @Override public Class getConfigEntryClass() { return configEntryClass; } public IConfigElement setArrayEntryClass(Class clazz) { this.arrayEntryClass = clazz; return this; } @Override public Class getArrayEntryClass() { return arrayEntryClass; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String getQualifiedName() { return name; } @Override public String getLanguageKey() { return langKey; } @Override public String getComment() { return I18n.format(langKey + ".tooltip"); } @Override public List getChildElements() { return childElements; } @Override public ConfigGuiType getType() { return type; } @Override public boolean isList() { return isList; } @Override public boolean isListLengthFixed() { return this.isListFixedLength; } @Override public int getMaxListLength() { return this.maxListLength; } @Override public boolean isDefault() { if (isProperty) { if (!isList) { if (value != null) return value.equals(defaultValue); else return defaultValue == null; } else { return Arrays.deepEquals(values, defaultValues); } } return true; } @Override public Object getDefault() { return defaultValue; } @Override public Object[] getDefaults() { return defaultValues; } @Override public void setToDefault() { if (isList) this.values = Arrays.copyOf(this.defaultValues, this.defaultValues.length); else this.value = defaultValue; } public IConfigElement setRequiresWorldRestart(boolean requiresWorldRestart) { this.requiresWorldRestart = requiresWorldRestart; return this; } @Override public boolean requiresWorldRestart() { return requiresWorldRestart; } @Override public boolean showInGui() { return true; } public IConfigElement setRequiresMcRestart(boolean requiresMcRestart) { this.requiresMcRestart = this.requiresWorldRestart = requiresMcRestart; return this; } @Override public boolean requiresMcRestart() { return requiresMcRestart; } @Override public String[] getValidValues() { return validValues; } @Override public Pattern getValidationPattern() { return validStringPattern; } @Override public Object get() { return value; } @Override public Object[] getList() { return values; } @Override public void set(Object value) { defaultValue = value; } @Override public void set(Object[] aVal) { defaultValues = aVal; } @Override public Object getMinValue() { return minValue; } @Override public Object getMaxValue() { return maxValue; } }