package net.minecraftforge.client.model; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import*; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.BlockModelShapes; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemMeshDefinition; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.ItemModelMesher; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BlockPart; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BlockPartFace; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BlockPartRotation; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemCameraTransforms; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemCameraTransforms.TransformType; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemModelGenerator; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlock; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlockDefinition; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlockDefinition.MissingVariantException; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.Variant; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.VariantList; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.statemap.IStateMapper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconCreator; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat; import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResourceManager; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BuiltInModel; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.IBakedModel; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBakery; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelRotation; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.SimpleBakedModel; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.WeightedBakedModel; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.registry.IRegistry; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.animation.Animation; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.animation.IAnimatedModel; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.animation.IClip; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.animation.ModelBlockAnimation; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeModContainer; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProgressManager; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProgressManager.ProgressBar; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.RegistryDelegate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import; import; import; public class ModelLoader extends ModelBakery { private final Map stateModels = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Set textures = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Set loadingModels = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Set missingVariants = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Map loadingExceptions = Maps.newHashMap(); private IModel missingModel = null; private IModel itemModel = new ItemLayerModel(MODEL_GENERATED); private boolean isLoading = false; public boolean isLoading() { return isLoading; } private final boolean enableVerboseMissingInfo = (Boolean)Launch.blackboard.get("fml.deobfuscatedEnvironment") || Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("forge.verboseMissingModelLogging", "false")); public ModelLoader(IResourceManager manager, TextureMap map, BlockModelShapes shapes) { super(manager, map, shapes); VanillaLoader.instance.setLoader(this); ModelLoaderRegistry.clearModelCache(); } @Override public IRegistry setupModelRegistry() { isLoading = true; loadBlocks(); loadItems(); try { missingModel = getModel(new ResourceLocation(MODEL_MISSING.getResourceDomain(), MODEL_MISSING.getResourcePath())); } catch (IOException e) { // If this ever happens things are bad. Should never NOT be able to load the missing model. Throwables.propagate(e); } stateModels.put(MODEL_MISSING, missingModel); textures.remove(TextureMap.LOCATION_MISSING_TEXTURE); textures.addAll(LOCATIONS_BUILTIN_TEXTURES); textureMap.loadSprites(resourceManager, new IIconCreator() { public void registerSprites(TextureMap map) { for(ResourceLocation t : textures) { map.registerSprite(t); } } }); IBakedModel missingBaked = missingModel.bake(missingModel.getDefaultState(), DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM, DefaultTextureGetter.instance); for (Entry e : stateModels.entrySet()) { if(e.getValue() == getMissingModel()) { bakedRegistry.putObject(e.getKey(), missingBaked); } else { bakedRegistry.putObject(e.getKey(), e.getValue().bake(e.getValue().getDefaultState(), DefaultVertexFormats.ITEM, DefaultTextureGetter.instance)); } } return bakedRegistry; } private void loadBlocks() { Map stateMap = blockModelShapes.getBlockStateMapper().putAllStateModelLocations(); List variants = Lists.newArrayList(stateMap.values()); variants.add(new ModelResourceLocation("minecraft:item_frame", "normal")); //Vanilla special cases item_frames so must we variants.add(new ModelResourceLocation("minecraft:item_frame", "map")); Collections.sort(variants, new Comparator() { public int compare(ModelResourceLocation v1, ModelResourceLocation v2) { return v1.toString().compareTo(v2.toString()); } }); ProgressBar blockBar = ProgressManager.push("ModelLoader: blocks", variants.size()); for(ModelResourceLocation variant : variants) { loadVariant(variant); blockBar.step(variant.toString()); } ProgressManager.pop(blockBar); } // FIXME: all the new shiny multipart things private void loadVariant(ModelResourceLocation variant) { try { ModelBlockDefinition modelblockdefinition = this.getModelBlockDefinition(variant); try { this.registerVariant(modelblockdefinition, variant); } catch (Exception ex) { FMLLog.getLogger().warn("Unable to load variant: " + variant.getVariant() + " from " + variant, ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { FMLLog.getLogger().warn("Unable to load definition " + variant, ex); } } // FIXME: this is probably not the hook point anymore @Override protected void registerVariant(ModelBlockDefinition definition, ModelResourceLocation location) { // for now super.registerVariant(definition, location); /*VariantList variants = null; try { variants = definition.getVariants(location.getVariant()); } catch(MissingVariantException e) { missingVariants.add(location); } if (variants != null && !variants.getVariants().isEmpty()) { try { stateModels.put(location, new WeightedRandomModel(location, variants)); } catch(Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }*/ } private void storeException(ResourceLocation location, Exception exception) { loadingExceptions.put(location, exception); } @Override protected ModelBlockDefinition getModelBlockDefinition(ResourceLocation location) { try { return super.getModelBlockDefinition(location); } catch (Exception exception) { storeException(location, new Exception("Could not load model definition for variant " + location, exception)); } return new ModelBlockDefinition(new ArrayList()); } private void loadItems() { // register model for the universal bucket, if it exists if(FluidRegistry.isUniversalBucketEnabled()) { setBucketModelDefinition(ForgeModContainer.getInstance().universalBucket); } registerVariantNames(); List itemVariants = Lists.newArrayList(); for(Item item : GameData.getItemRegistry().typeSafeIterable()) { itemVariants.addAll(getVariantNames(item)); } Collections.sort(itemVariants); ProgressBar itemBar = ProgressManager.push("ModelLoader: items", itemVariants.size()); for(String s : itemVariants) { ResourceLocation file = getItemLocation(s); ModelResourceLocation memory = getInventoryVariant(s); itemBar.step(memory.toString()); IModel model = null; try { // default loading model = getModel(file); if (model == null) { model = getMissingModel(); } stateModels.put(memory, model); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // try blockstate json if the item model is missing FMLLog.fine("Item json isn't found for '" + memory + "', trying to load the variant from the blockstate json"); try { registerVariant(getModelBlockDefinition(memory), memory); } catch (Exception exception) { storeException(memory, new Exception("Could not load item model either from the normal location " + file + " or from the blockstate", exception)); } } catch (Exception exception) { storeException(memory, exception); } } ProgressManager.pop(itemBar); // replace vanilla bucket models if desired. done afterwards for performance reasons if(ForgeModContainer.replaceVanillaBucketModel) { // ensure the bucket model is loaded if(!stateModels.containsKey(ModelDynBucket.LOCATION)) { // load forges blockstate json for it try { registerVariant(getModelBlockDefinition(ModelDynBucket.LOCATION), ModelDynBucket.LOCATION); } catch (Exception exception) { FMLLog.getLogger().error("Could not load the forge bucket model from the blockstate", exception); return; } } // empty bucket for(String s : getVariantNames(Items.bucket)) { ModelResourceLocation memory = getInventoryVariant(s); try { IModel model = getModel(new ResourceLocation("forge", "item/bucket")); // only on successful load, otherwise continue using the old model stateModels.put(memory, model); } catch(IOException e) { // use the original vanilla model } } setBucketModel(Items.water_bucket); setBucketModel(Items.lava_bucket); // milk bucket only replaced if some mod adds milk if(FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered("milk")) { // can the milk be put into a bucket? Fluid milk = FluidRegistry.getFluid("milk"); FluidStack milkStack = new FluidStack(milk, FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME); if(FluidContainerRegistry.getContainerCapacity(milkStack, new ItemStack(Items.bucket)) == FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME) { setBucketModel(Items.milk_bucket); } } else { // milk bucket if no milk fluid is present for(String s : getVariantNames(Items.milk_bucket)) { ModelResourceLocation memory = getInventoryVariant(s); try { IModel model = getModel(new ResourceLocation("forge", "item/bucket_milk")); // only on successful load, otherwise continue using the old model stateModels.put(memory, model); } catch(IOException e) { // use the original vanilla model } } } } } private void setBucketModel(Item item) { for(String s : getVariantNames(item)) { ModelResourceLocation memory = getInventoryVariant(s); IModel model = stateModels.get(ModelDynBucket.LOCATION); if(model != null) { stateModels.put(memory, model); } } } public static ModelResourceLocation getInventoryVariant(String s) { if(s.contains("#")) { return new ModelResourceLocation(s); } return new ModelResourceLocation(s, "inventory"); } public IModel getModel(ResourceLocation location) throws IOException { if(!ModelLoaderRegistry.loaded(location)) loadAnyModel(location); return ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(location); } @Override protected ResourceLocation getModelLocation(ResourceLocation model) { return new ResourceLocation(model.getResourceDomain(), model.getResourcePath() + ".json"); } private void loadAnyModel(ResourceLocation location) throws IOException { if(loadingModels.contains(location)) { throw new IllegalStateException("circular model dependencies involving model " + location); } loadingModels.add(location); try { IModel model = ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(location); resolveDependencies(model); } finally { loadingModels.remove(location); } } IModel getVariantModel(ModelResourceLocation location) { loadVariant(location); IModel model = stateModels.get(location); if(model == null) model = getMissingModel(); return model; } private void resolveDependencies(IModel model) throws IOException { for (ResourceLocation dep : model.getDependencies()) { if(dep instanceof ModelResourceLocation) { getVariantModel((ModelResourceLocation)dep); } else { getModel(dep); } } textures.addAll(model.getTextures()); } private class VanillaModelWrapper implements IRetexturableModel, IModelSimpleProperties, IModelUVLock, IAnimatedModel { private final ResourceLocation location; private final ModelBlock model; private final boolean uvlock; private final ModelBlockAnimation animation; public VanillaModelWrapper(ResourceLocation location, ModelBlock model, boolean uvlock, ModelBlockAnimation animation) { this.location = location; this.model = model; this.uvlock = uvlock; this.animation = animation; } public Collection getDependencies() { if(model.getParentLocation() == null || model.getParentLocation().getResourcePath().startsWith("builtin/")) return Collections.emptyList(); return Collections.singletonList(model.getParentLocation()); } public Collection getTextures() { // setting parent here to make textures resolve properly if(model.getParentLocation() != null) { if(model.getParentLocation().getResourcePath().equals("builtin/generated")) { model.parent = MODEL_GENERATED; } else { try { IModel parent = getModel(model.getParentLocation()); if(parent instanceof VanillaModelWrapper) { model.parent = ((VanillaModelWrapper) parent).model; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("vanilla model '" + model + "' can't have non-vanilla parent"); } } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.warning("Could not load vanilla model parent '" + model.getParentLocation() + "' for '" + model + "': " + e.toString()); IModel missing = ModelLoader.this.getMissingModel(); if (missing instanceof VanillaModelWrapper) { model.parent = ((VanillaModelWrapper)missing).model; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("vanilla model '" + model + "' has missing parent, and missing model is not a vanilla model"); } } } } ImmutableSet.Builder builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); if(hasItemModel(model)) { for(String s : ItemModelGenerator.LAYERS) { String r = model.resolveTextureName(s); ResourceLocation loc = new ResourceLocation(r); if(!r.equals(s)) { builder.add(loc); } /*// mojang hardcode if(model.getRootModel() == MODEL_COMPASS && !loc.equals(TextureMap.LOCATION_MISSING_TEXTURE)) { TextureAtlasSprite.setLocationNameCompass(loc.toString()); } else if(model.getRootModel() == MODEL_CLOCK && !loc.equals(TextureMap.LOCATION_MISSING_TEXTURE)) { TextureAtlasSprite.setLocationNameClock(loc.toString()); }*/ } } for(String s : model.textures.values()) { if(!s.startsWith("#")) { builder.add(new ResourceLocation(s)); } } return; } public IBakedModel bake(IModelState state, final VertexFormat format, Function bakedTextureGetter) { if(!Attributes.moreSpecific(format, Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't bake vanilla models to the format that doesn't fit into the default one: " + format); } ModelBlock model = this.model; if(model == null) return getMissingModel().bake(getMissingModel().getDefaultState(), format, bakedTextureGetter); List newTransforms = Lists.newArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < model.getElements().size(); i++) { BlockPart part = model.getElements().get(i); newTransforms.add(animation.getPartTransform(state, part, i)); } ItemCameraTransforms transforms = model.getAllTransforms(); Map tMap = Maps.newHashMap(); tMap.putAll(IPerspectiveAwareModel.MapWrapper.getTransforms(transforms)); tMap.putAll(IPerspectiveAwareModel.MapWrapper.getTransforms(state)); IModelState perState = new SimpleModelState(ImmutableMap.copyOf(tMap)); if(hasItemModel(model)) { return new ItemLayerModel(model).bake(perState, format, bakedTextureGetter); } if(isCustomRenderer(model)) return new BuiltInModel(transforms, model.createOverrides()); return bakeNormal(model, perState, state.apply(Optional.absent()).or(TRSRTransformation.identity()), newTransforms, format, bakedTextureGetter, uvlock); } private IBakedModel bakeNormal(ModelBlock model, IModelState perState, final TRSRTransformation modelState, List newTransforms, final VertexFormat format, final Function bakedTextureGetter, boolean uvLocked) { TextureAtlasSprite particle = bakedTextureGetter.apply(new ResourceLocation(model.resolveTextureName("particle"))); SimpleBakedModel.Builder builder = (new SimpleBakedModel.Builder(model, model.createOverrides())).setTexture(particle); for(int i = 0; i < model.getElements().size(); i++) { BlockPart part = model.getElements().get(i); TRSRTransformation transformation = modelState; if(newTransforms.get(i) != null) { transformation = transformation.compose(newTransforms.get(i)); BlockPartRotation rot = part.partRotation; if(rot == null) rot = new BlockPartRotation(new org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f(), EnumFacing.Axis.Y, 0, false); part = new BlockPart(part.positionFrom, part.positionTo, part.mapFaces, rot, part.shade); } for(Map.Entry e : part.mapFaces.entrySet()) { TextureAtlasSprite textureatlassprite1 = bakedTextureGetter.apply(new ResourceLocation(model.resolveTextureName(e.getValue().texture))); if (e.getValue().cullFace == null || !TRSRTransformation.isInteger(transformation.getMatrix())) { builder.addGeneralQuad(makeBakedQuad(part, e.getValue(), textureatlassprite1, e.getKey(), transformation, uvLocked)); } else { builder.addFaceQuad(modelState.rotate(e.getValue().cullFace), makeBakedQuad(part, e.getValue(), textureatlassprite1, e.getKey(), transformation, uvLocked)); } } } return new IPerspectiveAwareModel.MapWrapper(builder.makeBakedModel(), perState) { @Override public List getQuads(IBlockState state, EnumFacing side, long rand) { if(state instanceof IExtendedBlockState) { IExtendedBlockState exState = (IExtendedBlockState)state; if(exState.getUnlistedNames().contains(Properties.AnimationProperty)) { IModelState newState = exState.getValue(Properties.AnimationProperty); IExtendedBlockState newExState = exState.withProperty(Properties.AnimationProperty, null); if(newState != null) { return VanillaModelWrapper.this.bake(new ModelStateComposition(modelState, newState), format, bakedTextureGetter).getQuads(newExState, side, rand); } } } return super.getQuads(state, side, rand); }; }; } @Override public VanillaModelWrapper retexture(ImmutableMap textures) { if (textures.isEmpty()) return this; List elements = Lists.newArrayList(); //We have to duplicate this so we can edit it below. for (BlockPart part : this.model.getElements()) { elements.add(new BlockPart(part.positionFrom, part.positionTo, Maps.newHashMap(part.mapFaces), part.partRotation, part.shade)); } ModelBlock newModel = new ModelBlock(this.model.getParentLocation(), elements, Maps.newHashMap(this.model.textures), this.model.isAmbientOcclusion(), this.model.isGui3d(), //New Textures man VERY IMPORTANT model.getAllTransforms(), Lists.newArrayList(model.getOverrides())); =; newModel.parent = this.model.parent; Set removed = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Entry e : textures.entrySet()) { if ("".equals(e.getValue())) { removed.add(e.getKey()); newModel.textures.remove(e.getKey()); } else newModel.textures.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } // Map the model's texture references as if it was the parent of a model with the retexture map as its textures. Map remapped = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Entry e : newModel.textures.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().startsWith("#")) { String key = e.getValue().substring(1); if (newModel.textures.containsKey(key)) remapped.put(e.getKey(), newModel.textures.get(key)); } } newModel.textures.putAll(remapped); //Remove any faces that use a null texture, this is for performance reasons, also allows some cool layering stuff. for (BlockPart part : newModel.getElements()) { Iterator> itr = part.mapFaces.entrySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Entry entry =; if (removed.contains(entry.getValue().texture)) itr.remove(); } } return new VanillaModelWrapper(location, newModel, uvlock, animation); } @Override public Optional getClip(String name) { if(animation.getClips().containsKey(name)) { return Optional.fromNullable(animation.getClips().get(name)); } return Optional.absent(); } public IModelState getDefaultState() { return ModelRotation.X0_Y0; } @Override public VanillaModelWrapper smoothLighting(boolean value) { if(model.ambientOcclusion == value) { return this; } ModelBlock newModel = new ModelBlock(model.getParentLocation(), model.getElements(), model.textures, value, model.isGui3d(), model.getAllTransforms(), Lists.newArrayList(model.getOverrides())); newModel.parent = model.parent; =; return new VanillaModelWrapper(location, newModel, uvlock, animation); } @Override public VanillaModelWrapper gui3d(boolean value) { if(model.isGui3d() == value) { return this; } ModelBlock newModel = new ModelBlock(model.getParentLocation(), model.getElements(), model.textures, model.ambientOcclusion, value, model.getAllTransforms(), Lists.newArrayList(model.getOverrides())); newModel.parent = model.parent; =; return new VanillaModelWrapper(location, newModel, uvlock, animation); } @Override public IModel uvlock(boolean value) { if(uvlock == value) { return this; } return new VanillaModelWrapper(location, model, value, animation); } } private class WeightedRandomModel implements IModel { private final List variants; private final List locations = new ArrayList(); private final List models = new ArrayList(); private final IModelState defaultState; public WeightedRandomModel(ModelResourceLocation parent, VariantList variants) { this.variants = variants.getVariantList(); ImmutableList.Builder> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Variant v : this.variants) { ResourceLocation loc = v.getModelLocation(); locations.add(loc); IModel model = null; try { model = getModel(loc); } catch (Exception e) { /* * Vanilla eats this, which makes it only show variants that have models. * But that doesn't help debugging, so we maintain the missing model * so that resource pack makers have a hint that their states are broken. */ FMLLog.warning("Unable to load block model: \'" + loc + "\' for variant: \'" + parent + "\': " + e.toString()); model = getMissingModel(); } if (v instanceof ISmartVariant) { model = ((ISmartVariant)v).process(model, ModelLoader.this); try { resolveDependencies(model); } catch (IOException e) { FMLLog.getLogger().error("Exception resolving indirect dependencies for model" + loc, e); } textures.addAll(model.getTextures()); // Kick this, just in case. } models.add(model); builder.add(Pair.of(model, v.getState())); } if (models.size() == 0) //If all variants are missing, add one with the missing model and default rotation. { IModel missing = getMissingModel(); models.add(missing); builder.add(Pair.of(missing, TRSRTransformation.identity())); } defaultState = new MultiModelState(; } public Collection getDependencies() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(locations); } public Collection getTextures() { return Collections.emptyList(); } public IBakedModel bake(IModelState state, VertexFormat format, Function bakedTextureGetter) { if(!Attributes.moreSpecific(format, Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't bake vanilla weighted models to the format that doesn't fit into the default one: " + format); } if(variants.size() == 1) { Variant v = variants.get(0); IModel model = models.get(0); return model.bake(MultiModelState.getPartState(state, model, 0), format, bakedTextureGetter); } WeightedBakedModel.Builder builder = new WeightedBakedModel.Builder(); for(int i = 0; i < variants.size(); i++) { IModel model = models.get(i); Variant v = variants.get(i); builder.add(model.bake(MultiModelState.getPartState(state, model, i), format, bakedTextureGetter), variants.get(i).getWeight()); } return; } public IModelState getDefaultState() { return defaultState; } } public IModel getMissingModel() { if (missingModel == null) { try { missingModel = getModel(new ResourceLocation(MODEL_MISSING.getResourceDomain(), MODEL_MISSING.getResourcePath())); } catch (IOException e) { // If this ever happens things are bad. Should never NOT be able to load the missing model. Throwables.propagate(e); } } return missingModel; } public IModel getItemModel() { return itemModel; } static enum VanillaLoader implements ICustomModelLoader { instance; private ModelLoader loader; void setLoader(ModelLoader loader) { this.loader = loader; } ModelLoader getLoader() { return loader; } public void onResourceManagerReload(IResourceManager resourceManager) { // do nothing, cause loader will store the reference to the resourceManager } public boolean accepts(ResourceLocation modelLocation) { return true; } public IModel loadModel(ResourceLocation modelLocation) throws IOException { String modelPath = modelLocation.getResourcePath(); if(modelLocation.getResourcePath().startsWith("models/")) { modelPath = modelPath.substring("models/".length()); } ResourceLocation armatureLocation = new ResourceLocation(modelLocation.getResourceDomain(), "armatures/" + modelPath + ".json"); ModelBlockAnimation animation = Animation.INSTANCE.loadVanillaAnimation(armatureLocation); return VanillaModelWrapper(modelLocation, loader.loadModel(modelLocation), false, animation); } } public static class White extends TextureAtlasSprite { public static ResourceLocation loc = new ResourceLocation("white"); public static White instance = new White(); protected White() { super(loc.toString()); } @Override public boolean hasCustomLoader(IResourceManager manager, ResourceLocation location) { return true; } // TODO: check if this code is correct @Override public boolean load(IResourceManager manager, ResourceLocation location) { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(16, 16, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D graphics = image.createGraphics(); graphics.setBackground(Color.WHITE); graphics.clearRect(0, 0, 16, 16); int[][] pixels = new int[Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.mipmapLevels + 1][]; pixels[0] = new int[image.getWidth() * image.getHeight()]; image.getRGB(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), pixels[0], 0, image.getWidth()); this.framesTextureData.add(pixels); return false; } public void register(TextureMap map) { map.setTextureEntry(White.loc.toString(), White.instance); } } public void onPostBakeEvent(IRegistry modelRegistry) { IBakedModel missingModel = modelRegistry.getObject(MODEL_MISSING); Map modelErrors = Maps.newHashMap(); Multimap reverseBlockMap = null; Multimap reverseItemMap = null; if(enableVerboseMissingInfo) { reverseBlockMap = HashMultimap.create(); for(Map.Entry entry : blockModelShapes.getBlockStateMapper().putAllStateModelLocations().entrySet()) { reverseBlockMap.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } reverseItemMap = HashMultimap.create(); for(Item item : GameData.getItemRegistry().typeSafeIterable()) { for(String s : getVariantNames(item)) { ModelResourceLocation memory = getInventoryVariant(s); reverseItemMap.put(memory, item.getRegistryName()); } } } for(Map.Entry entry : loadingExceptions.entrySet()) { // ignoring pure ResourceLocation arguments, all things we care about pass ModelResourceLocation if(entry.getKey() instanceof ModelResourceLocation) { ModelResourceLocation location = (ModelResourceLocation)entry.getKey(); IBakedModel model = modelRegistry.getObject(location); if(model == null || model == missingModel) { String domain = entry.getKey().getResourceDomain(); Integer errorCountBox = modelErrors.get(domain); int errorCount = errorCountBox == null ? 0 : errorCountBox; errorCount++; if(errorCount < 5) { String errorMsg = "Exception loading model for variant " + entry.getKey(); if(enableVerboseMissingInfo) { Collection blocks = reverseBlockMap.get(location); if(!blocks.isEmpty()) { if(blocks.size() == 1) { errorMsg += " for blockstate \"" + blocks.iterator().next() + "\""; } else { errorMsg += " for blockstates [\"" + Joiner.on("\", \"").join(blocks) + "\"]"; } } Collection items = reverseItemMap.get(location); if(!items.isEmpty()) { if(!blocks.isEmpty()) errorMsg += " and"; if(items.size() == 1) { errorMsg += " for item \"" + items.iterator().next() + "\""; } else { errorMsg += " for items [\"" + Joiner.on("\", \"").join(items) + "\"]"; } } } FMLLog.getLogger().error(errorMsg, entry.getValue()); } modelErrors.put(domain, errorCount); } if(model == null) { modelRegistry.putObject(location, missingModel); } } } for(ModelResourceLocation missing : missingVariants) { IBakedModel model = modelRegistry.getObject(missing); if(model == null || model == missingModel) { String domain = missing.getResourceDomain(); Integer errorCountBox = modelErrors.get(domain); int errorCount = errorCountBox == null ? 0 : errorCountBox; errorCount++; if(errorCount < 5) { FMLLog.severe("Model definition for location %s not found", missing); } modelErrors.put(domain, errorCount); } if(model == null) { modelRegistry.putObject(missing, missingModel); } } for(Map.Entry e : modelErrors.entrySet()) { if(e.getValue() >= 5) { FMLLog.severe("Suppressed additional %s model loading errors for domain %s", e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } } isLoading = false; } private static final Map, IStateMapper> customStateMappers = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * Adds a custom IBlockState -> model variant logic. */ public static void setCustomStateMapper(Block block, IStateMapper mapper) { customStateMappers.put(block.delegate, mapper); } public static void onRegisterAllBlocks(BlockModelShapes shapes) { for (Entry, IStateMapper> e : customStateMappers.entrySet()) { shapes.registerBlockWithStateMapper(e.getKey().get(), e.getValue()); } } private static final Map, ItemMeshDefinition> customMeshDefinitions =; private static final Map, Integer>, ModelResourceLocation> customModels =; /** * Adds a simple mapping from Item + metadata to the model variant. * Registers the variant with the ModelBakery too. */ public static void setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item item, int metadata, ModelResourceLocation model) { customModels.put(Pair.of(item.delegate, metadata), model); ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item, model); } /** * Adds generic ItemStack -> model variant logic. * You still need to manually call ModelBakery.registerItemVariants with all values that meshDefinition can return. */ public static void setCustomMeshDefinition(Item item, ItemMeshDefinition meshDefinition) { customMeshDefinitions.put(item.delegate, meshDefinition); } public static void setBucketModelDefinition(Item item) { ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(item, new ItemMeshDefinition() { @Override public ModelResourceLocation getModelLocation(ItemStack stack) { return ModelDynBucket.LOCATION; } }); ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(item, ModelDynBucket.LOCATION); } public static void onRegisterItems(ItemModelMesher mesher) { for (Map.Entry, ItemMeshDefinition> e : customMeshDefinitions.entrySet()) { mesher.register(e.getKey().get(), e.getValue()); } for (Entry, Integer>, ModelResourceLocation> e : customModels.entrySet()) { mesher.register(e.getKey().getLeft().get(), e.getKey().getRight(), e.getValue()); } } private static enum DefaultTextureGetter implements Function { instance; public TextureAtlasSprite apply(ResourceLocation location) { return Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(location.toString()); } } public static Function defaultTextureGetter() { return DefaultTextureGetter.instance; } }