package net.minecraftforge.liquids; import static cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side.CLIENT; import; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockFluid; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureManager; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.Icon; /** * ItemStack substitute for liquids * Things of note: they are equal if their items are equal. Amount does NOT matter for java equals() testing *
* The canonical liquidstack is probably the only one that has a lot of the rendering data on it. Use {@link #canonical()} * to get it. * * @author SirSengir */ public class LiquidStack { public final int itemID; public int amount; public final int itemMeta; public NBTTagCompound extra; public LiquidStack(int itemID, int amount) { this(itemID, amount, 0); } public LiquidStack(Item item, int amount) { this(item.itemID, amount, 0); } public LiquidStack(Block block, int amount) { this(block.blockID, amount, 0); } public LiquidStack(int itemID, int amount, int itemDamage) { this.itemID = itemID; this.amount = amount; this.itemMeta = itemDamage; } public LiquidStack(int itemID, int amount, int itemDamage, NBTTagCompound nbt) { this(itemID, amount, itemDamage); if (nbt != null) { extra = (NBTTagCompound)nbt.copy(); } } public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { nbt.setInteger("Amount", amount); nbt.setShort("Id", (short)itemID); nbt.setShort("Meta", (short)itemMeta); String name = LiquidDictionary.findLiquidName(this); if(name != null) { nbt.setString("LiquidName", name); } if (extra != null) { nbt.setTag("extra", extra); } return nbt; } /** * @return A copy of this LiquidStack */ public LiquidStack copy() { return new LiquidStack(itemID, amount, itemMeta, extra); } /** * @param other * @return true if this LiquidStack contains the same liquid as the one passed in. */ public boolean isLiquidEqual(LiquidStack other) { return other != null && itemID == other.itemID && itemMeta == other.itemMeta && (extra == null ? other.extra == null : extra.equals(other.extra)); } /** * @param other * @return true if this LiquidStack contains the other liquid (liquids are equal and amount >= other.amount). */ public boolean containsLiquid(LiquidStack other) { return isLiquidEqual(other) && amount >= other.amount; } /** * @param other ItemStack containing liquids. * @return true if this LiquidStack contains the same liquid as the one passed in. */ public boolean isLiquidEqual(ItemStack other) { if (other == null) { return false; } if (itemID == other.itemID && itemMeta == other.getItemDamage()) { return true; } return isLiquidEqual(LiquidContainerRegistry.getLiquidForFilledItem(other)); } /** * @return ItemStack representation of this LiquidStack */ public ItemStack asItemStack() { ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(itemID, 1, itemMeta); if (extra != null) { stack.stackTagCompound = (NBTTagCompound)extra.copy(); } return stack; } /** * Reads a liquid stack from the passed nbttagcompound and returns it. * * @param nbt * @return the liquid stack */ public static LiquidStack loadLiquidStackFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { if (nbt == null) { return null; } String liquidName = nbt.getString("LiquidName"); int itemID = nbt.getShort("Id"); int itemMeta = nbt.getShort("Meta"); LiquidStack liquid = LiquidDictionary.getCanonicalLiquid(liquidName); if(liquid != null) { itemID = liquid.itemID; itemMeta = liquid.itemMeta; } // if the item is not existent, and no liquid dictionary is found, null returns else if (Item.itemsList[itemID] == null) { return null; } int amount = nbt.getInteger("Amount"); LiquidStack liquidstack = new LiquidStack(itemID, amount, itemMeta); if (nbt.hasKey("extra")) { liquidstack.extra = nbt.getCompoundTag("extra"); } return liquidstack.itemID == 0 ? null : liquidstack; } private String textureSheet = "/terrain.png"; /** * Return the textureSheet used for this liquid stack's texture Icon * Defaults to '/terrain.png' * * See {@link #getRenderingIcon()} for the actual icon * * @return The texture sheet */ public String getTextureSheet() { return textureSheet; } /** * Set the texture sheet for this icon (usually /terrain.png or /gui/items.png) * * See also the {@link #setRenderingIcon(Icon)} for the icon itself * * @param textureSheet * @return the liquid stack */ public LiquidStack setTextureSheet(String textureSheet) { this.textureSheet = textureSheet; return this; } @SideOnly(CLIENT) private Icon renderingIcon; /** * Get the rendering icon for this liquid stack, for presentation in the world or in GUIs. * Defaults to handling water and lava, and returns the set rendering icon otherwise. * * See {@link #getTextureSheet()} to get the texture sheet this icon is associated with * * @return The icon for rendering this liquid */ @SideOnly(CLIENT) public Icon getRenderingIcon() { if (itemID == Block.waterStill.blockID) { return BlockFluid.func_94424_b("water"); } else if (itemID == Block.lavaStill.blockID) { return BlockFluid.func_94424_b("lava"); } return renderingIcon; } /** * Set the icon for rendering this liquid * It should be refreshed whenever textures are refreshed. * * See also {@link #setTextureSheet(String)} for setting the sheet this icon is associated with * * @param icon The icon to render * @return The liquid stack */ @SideOnly(CLIENT) public LiquidStack setRenderingIcon(Icon icon) { this.renderingIcon = icon; return this; } @Override public final int hashCode() { return 31 * itemMeta + itemID; } @Override public final boolean equals(Object ob) { if (ob instanceof LiquidStack) { LiquidStack ls = (LiquidStack)ob; return ls.itemID == itemID && ls.itemMeta == itemMeta && (extra == null ? ls.extra == null : extra.equals(ls.extra)); } return false; } /** * Get the canonical version of this liquid stack (will contain things like icons and texturesheets) * @return The canonical liquidstack */ public LiquidStack canonical() { return LiquidDictionary.getCanonicalLiquid(this); } }