package net.minecraftforge.client.model.generators; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.ModelRotation; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.generators.MultiPartBlockStateBuilder.PartBuilder; import net.minecraftforge.client.model.generators.VariantBlockStateBuilder.PartialBlockstate; /** * Represents a model with blockstate configurations, e.g. rotation, uvlock, and * random weight. *

* Can be manually constructed, created by static factory such as * {@link #allYRotations(ModelFile, int, boolean)}, or created by builder via * {@link #builder()}. */ public final class ConfiguredModel { /** * The default random weight of configured models, used by convenience * overloads. */ public static final int DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 1; public final ModelFile model; public final int rotationX; public final int rotationY; public final boolean uvLock; public final int weight; private static IntStream validRotations() { return IntStream.range(0, 4).map(i -> i * 90); } public static ConfiguredModel[] allYRotations(ModelFile model, int x, boolean uvlock) { return allYRotations(model, x, uvlock, DEFAULT_WEIGHT); } public static ConfiguredModel[] allYRotations(ModelFile model, int x, boolean uvlock, int weight) { return validRotations() .mapToObj(y -> new ConfiguredModel(model, x, y, uvlock, weight)) .toArray(ConfiguredModel[]::new); } public static ConfiguredModel[] allRotations(ModelFile model, boolean uvlock) { return allRotations(model, uvlock, DEFAULT_WEIGHT); } public static ConfiguredModel[] allRotations(ModelFile model, boolean uvlock, int weight) { return validRotations() .mapToObj(x -> allYRotations(model, x, uvlock, weight)) .flatMap(Arrays::stream) .toArray(ConfiguredModel[]::new); } /** * Construct a new {@link ConfiguredModel}. * * @param model the underlying model * @param rotationX x-rotation to apply to the model * @param rotationY y-rotation to apply to the model * @param uvLock if uvlock should be enabled * @param weight the random weight of the model * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code model} is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if x and/or y rotation are not valid (see * {@link ModelRotation}) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if weight is less than or equal to zero */ public ConfiguredModel(ModelFile model, int rotationX, int rotationY, boolean uvLock, int weight) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(model); this.model = model; checkRotation(rotationX, rotationY); this.rotationX = rotationX; this.rotationY = rotationY; this.uvLock = uvLock; checkWeight(weight); this.weight = weight; } /** * Construct a new {@link ConfiguredModel} with the {@link #DEFAULT_WEIGHT * default random weight}. * * @param model the underlying model * @param rotationX x-rotation to apply to the model * @param rotationY y-rotation to apply to the model * @param uvLock if uvlock should be enabled * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code model} is {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if x and/or y rotation are not valid (see * {@link ModelRotation}) */ public ConfiguredModel(ModelFile model, int rotationX, int rotationY, boolean uvLock) { this(model, rotationX, rotationY, uvLock, DEFAULT_WEIGHT); } /** * Construct a new {@link ConfiguredModel} with the default rotation (0, 0), * uvlock (false), and {@link #DEFAULT_WEIGHT default random weight}. * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code model} is {@code null} */ public ConfiguredModel(ModelFile model) { this(model, 0, 0, false); } static void checkRotation(int rotationX, int rotationY) { Preconditions.checkArgument(ModelRotation.getModelRotation(rotationX, rotationY) != null, "Invalid model rotation x=%d, y=%d", rotationX, rotationY); } static void checkWeight(int weight) { Preconditions.checkArgument(weight >= 1, "Model weight must be greater than or equal to 1. Found: %d", weight); } JsonObject toJSON(boolean includeWeight) { JsonObject modelJson = new JsonObject(); modelJson.addProperty("model", model.getLocation().toString()); if (rotationX != 0) modelJson.addProperty("x", rotationX); if (rotationY != 0) modelJson.addProperty("y", rotationY); if (uvLock) modelJson.addProperty("uvlock", uvLock); if (includeWeight && weight != DEFAULT_WEIGHT) modelJson.addProperty("weight", weight); return modelJson; } /** * Create a new unowned {@link Builder}. * * @return the builder * @see Builder */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder<>(); } static Builder builder(VariantBlockStateBuilder outer, VariantBlockStateBuilder.PartialBlockstate state) { return new Builder<>(models -> outer.setModels(state, models), ImmutableList.of()); } static Builder builder(MultiPartBlockStateBuilder outer) { return new Builder(models -> { PartBuilder ret = PartBuilder(new BlockStateProvider.ConfiguredModelList(models)); outer.addPart(ret); return ret; }, ImmutableList.of()); } /** * A builder for {@link ConfiguredModel}s, which can contain a callback for * processing the finished result. If no callback is available (e.g. in the case * of {@link ConfiguredModel#builder()}), some methods will not be available. *

* Multiple models can be configured at once through the use of * {@link #nextModel()}. * * @param the type of the owning builder, which supplied the callback, and * will be returned upon completion. */ public static class Builder { private ModelFile model; @Nullable private final Function callback; private final List otherModels; private int rotationX; private int rotationY; private boolean uvLock; private int weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT; Builder() { this(null, ImmutableList.of()); } Builder(@Nullable Function callback, List otherModels) { this.callback = callback; this.otherModels = otherModels; } /** * Set the underlying model object for this configured model. * * @param model the model * @return this builder * @throws NullPointerException if {@code model} is {@code null} */ public Builder modelFile(ModelFile model) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(model, "Model must not be null"); this.model = model; return this; } /** * Set the x-rotation for this model. * * @param value the x-rotation value * @return this builder * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is not a valid x-rotation * (see {@link ModelRotation}) */ public Builder rotationX(int value) { checkRotation(value, rotationY); rotationX = value; return this; } /** * Set the y-rotation for this model. * * @param value the y-rotation value * @return this builder * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is not a valid y-rotation * (see {@link ModelRotation}) */ public Builder rotationY(int value) { checkRotation(rotationX, value); rotationY = value; return this; } public Builder uvLock(boolean value) { uvLock = value; return this; } /** * Set the random weight for this model. * * @param value the weight value * @return this builder * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is less than or equal to * zero */ public Builder weight(int value) { checkWeight(value); weight = value; return this; } /** * Build the most recent model, as if {@link #nextModel()} was never called. * Useful for single-model builders. * * @return the most recently configured model */ public ConfiguredModel buildLast() { return new ConfiguredModel(model, rotationX, rotationY, uvLock, weight); } /** * Build all configured models and return them as an array. * * @return the array of built models. */ public ConfiguredModel[] build() { return ObjectArrays.concat(otherModels.toArray(new ConfiguredModel[0]), buildLast()); } /** * Apply the contained callback and return the owning builder object. What the * callback does is not defined by this class, but most likely it adds the built * models to the current variant being configured. *

* Known callbacks include: *

* * @return the owning builder object * @throws NullPointerException if there is no owning builder (and thus no callback) */ public T addModel() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(callback, "Cannot use addModel() without an owning builder present"); return callback.apply(build()); } /** * Complete the current model and return a new builder instance with the same * callback, and storing all previously built models. * * @return a new builder for configuring the next model */ public Builder nextModel() { return new Builder<>(callback, Arrays.asList(build())); } } }