/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016-2019. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.client.model.generators; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder; import com.google.gson.JsonArray; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.DoorBlock; import net.minecraft.block.FenceBlock; import net.minecraft.block.FenceGateBlock; import net.minecraft.block.FourWayBlock; import net.minecraft.block.LogBlock; import net.minecraft.block.PaneBlock; import net.minecraft.block.RotatedPillarBlock; import net.minecraft.block.SixWayBlock; import net.minecraft.block.SlabBlock; import net.minecraft.block.StairsBlock; import net.minecraft.block.TrapDoorBlock; import net.minecraft.block.WallBlock; import net.minecraft.data.DataGenerator; import net.minecraft.data.IDataProvider; import net.minecraft.state.properties.AttachFace; import net.minecraft.state.properties.BlockStateProperties; import net.minecraft.state.properties.DoorHingeSide; import net.minecraft.state.properties.DoubleBlockHalf; import net.minecraft.state.properties.Half; import net.minecraft.state.properties.SlabType; import net.minecraft.state.properties.StairsShape; import net.minecraft.util.Direction; import net.minecraft.util.Direction.Axis; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; /** * Data provider for blockstate files. Extends {@link BlockModelProvider} so that * blockstates and their referenced models can be provided in tandem. */ public abstract class BlockStateProvider extends BlockModelProvider { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); private static final Gson GSON = (new GsonBuilder()).setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().create(); @VisibleForTesting protected final Map registeredBlocks = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public BlockStateProvider(DataGenerator gen, String modid, ExistingFileHelper exFileHelper) { super(gen, modid, exFileHelper); } @Override protected final void registerModels() { registeredBlocks.clear(); registerStatesAndModels(); for (Map.Entry entry : registeredBlocks.entrySet()) { saveBlockState(entry.getValue().toJson(), entry.getKey()); } } protected abstract void registerStatesAndModels(); protected VariantBlockStateBuilder getVariantBuilder(Block b) { if (registeredBlocks.containsKey(b)) { IGeneratedBlockstate old = registeredBlocks.get(b); Preconditions.checkState(old instanceof VariantBlockStateBuilder); return (VariantBlockStateBuilder) old; } else { VariantBlockStateBuilder ret = new VariantBlockStateBuilder(b); registeredBlocks.put(b, ret); return ret; } } protected MultiPartBlockStateBuilder getMultipartBuilder(Block b) { if (registeredBlocks.containsKey(b)) { IGeneratedBlockstate old = registeredBlocks.get(b); Preconditions.checkState(old instanceof MultiPartBlockStateBuilder); return (MultiPartBlockStateBuilder) old; } else { MultiPartBlockStateBuilder ret = new MultiPartBlockStateBuilder(b); registeredBlocks.put(b, ret); return ret; } } private String name(Block block) { return block.getRegistryName().getPath(); } protected ResourceLocation blockTexture(Block block) { ResourceLocation name = block.getRegistryName(); return new ResourceLocation(name.getNamespace(), BLOCK_FOLDER + "/" + name.getPath()); } private ResourceLocation extend(ResourceLocation rl, String suffix) { return new ResourceLocation(rl.getNamespace(), rl.getPath() + suffix); } protected ModelFile cubeAll(Block block) { return cubeAll(name(block), blockTexture(block)); } protected void simpleBlock(Block block) { simpleBlock(block, cubeAll(block)); } protected void simpleBlock(Block block, Function expander) { simpleBlock(block, expander.apply(cubeAll(block))); } protected void simpleBlock(Block block, ModelFile model) { simpleBlock(block, new ConfiguredModel(model)); } protected void simpleBlock(Block block, ConfiguredModel... models) { getVariantBuilder(block) .partialState().setModels(models); } protected void axisBlock(RotatedPillarBlock block) { axisBlock(block, blockTexture(block)); } protected void logBlock(LogBlock block) { axisBlock(block, blockTexture(block), extend(blockTexture(block), "_top")); } protected void axisBlock(RotatedPillarBlock block, ResourceLocation baseName) { axisBlock(block, extend(baseName, "_side"), extend(baseName, "_end")); } protected void axisBlock(RotatedPillarBlock block, ResourceLocation side, ResourceLocation end) { axisBlock(block, cubeColumn(name(block), side, end)); } protected void axisBlock(RotatedPillarBlock block, ModelFile model) { getVariantBuilder(block) .partialState().with(RotatedPillarBlock.AXIS, Axis.Y) .modelForState().modelFile(model).addModel() .partialState().with(RotatedPillarBlock.AXIS, Axis.Z) .modelForState().modelFile(model).rotationX(90).addModel() .partialState().with(RotatedPillarBlock.AXIS, Axis.X) .modelForState().modelFile(model).rotationX(90).rotationY(90).addModel(); } private static final int DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET = 180; protected void horizontalBlock(Block block, ResourceLocation side, ResourceLocation front, ResourceLocation top) { horizontalBlock(block, orientable(name(block), side, front, top)); } protected void horizontalBlock(Block block, ModelFile model) { horizontalBlock(block, model, DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET); } protected void horizontalBlock(Block block, ModelFile model, int angleOffset) { horizontalBlock(block, $ -> model, angleOffset); } protected void horizontalBlock(Block block, Function modelFunc) { horizontalBlock(block, modelFunc, DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET); } protected void horizontalBlock(Block block, Function modelFunc, int angleOffset) { getVariantBuilder(block) .forAllStates(state -> ConfiguredModel.builder() .modelFile(modelFunc.apply(state)) .rotationY((int) state.get(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING).getHorizontalAngle() + angleOffset) .build() ); } protected void horizontalFaceBlock(Block block, ModelFile model) { horizontalFaceBlock(block, model, DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET); } protected void horizontalFaceBlock(Block block, ModelFile model, int angleOffset) { horizontalFaceBlock(block, $ -> model, angleOffset); } protected void horizontalFaceBlock(Block block, Function modelFunc) { horizontalBlock(block, modelFunc, DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET); } protected void horizontalFaceBlock(Block block, Function modelFunc, int angleOffset) { getVariantBuilder(block) .forAllStates(state -> ConfiguredModel.builder() .modelFile(modelFunc.apply(state)) .rotationX(state.get(BlockStateProperties.FACE).ordinal() * 90) .rotationY((((int) state.get(BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING).getHorizontalAngle() + angleOffset) + (state.get(BlockStateProperties.FACE) == AttachFace.CEILING ? 180 : 0)) % 360) .build() ); } protected void directionalBlock(Block block, ModelFile model) { directionalBlock(block, model, DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET); } protected void directionalBlock(Block block, ModelFile model, int angleOffset) { directionalBlock(block, $ -> model, angleOffset); } protected void directionalBlock(Block block, Function modelFunc) { directionalBlock(block, modelFunc, DEFAULT_ANGLE_OFFSET); } protected void directionalBlock(Block block, Function modelFunc, int angleOffset) { getVariantBuilder(block) .forAllStates(state -> { Direction dir = state.get(BlockStateProperties.FACING); return ConfiguredModel.builder() .modelFile(modelFunc.apply(state)) .rotationX(dir == Direction.DOWN ? 180 : dir.getAxis().isHorizontal() ? 90 : 0) .rotationY(dir.getAxis().isVertical() ? 0 : (((int) dir.getHorizontalAngle()) + angleOffset) % 360) .build(); }); } protected void stairsBlock(StairsBlock block, ResourceLocation texture) { stairsBlock(block, texture, texture, texture); } protected void stairsBlock(StairsBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation texture) { stairsBlock(block, name, texture, texture, texture); } protected void stairsBlock(StairsBlock block, ResourceLocation side, ResourceLocation bottom, ResourceLocation top) { stairsBlockInternal(block, block.getRegistryName().toString(), side, bottom, top); } protected void stairsBlock(StairsBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation side, ResourceLocation bottom, ResourceLocation top) { stairsBlockInternal(block, name + "_stairs", side, bottom, top); } private void stairsBlockInternal(StairsBlock block, String baseName, ResourceLocation side, ResourceLocation bottom, ResourceLocation top) { ModelFile stairs = stairs(baseName, side, bottom, top); ModelFile stairsInner = stairsInner(baseName + "_inner", side, bottom, top); ModelFile stairsOuter = stairsOuter(baseName + "_outer", side, bottom, top); stairsBlock(block, stairs, stairsInner, stairsOuter); } protected void stairsBlock(StairsBlock block, ModelFile stairs, ModelFile stairsInner, ModelFile stairsOuter) { getVariantBuilder(block) .forAllStatesExcept(state -> { Direction facing = state.get(StairsBlock.FACING); Half half = state.get(StairsBlock.HALF); StairsShape shape = state.get(StairsBlock.SHAPE); int yRot = (int) facing.rotateY().getHorizontalAngle(); // Stairs model is rotated 90 degrees clockwise for some reason if (shape == StairsShape.INNER_LEFT || shape == StairsShape.OUTER_LEFT) { yRot += 270; // Left facing stairs are rotated 90 degrees clockwise } if (shape != StairsShape.STRAIGHT && half == Half.TOP) { yRot += 90; // Top stairs are rotated 90 degrees clockwise } yRot %= 360; boolean uvlock = yRot != 0 || half == Half.TOP; // Don't set uvlock for states that have no rotation return ConfiguredModel.builder() .modelFile(shape == StairsShape.STRAIGHT ? stairs : shape == StairsShape.INNER_LEFT || shape == StairsShape.INNER_RIGHT ? stairsInner : stairsOuter) .rotationX(half == Half.BOTTOM ? 0 : 180) .rotationY(yRot) .uvLock(uvlock) .build(); }, StairsBlock.WATERLOGGED); } protected void slabBlock(SlabBlock block, ResourceLocation doubleslab, ResourceLocation texture) { slabBlock(block, doubleslab, texture, texture, texture); } protected void slabBlock(SlabBlock block, ResourceLocation doubleslab, ResourceLocation side, ResourceLocation bottom, ResourceLocation top) { slabBlock(block, slab(name(block), side, bottom, top), slabTop(name(block) + "_top", side, bottom, top), getExistingFile(doubleslab)); } protected void slabBlock(SlabBlock block, ModelFile bottom, ModelFile top, ModelFile doubleslab) { getVariantBuilder(block) .partialState().with(SlabBlock.TYPE, SlabType.BOTTOM).addModels(new ConfiguredModel(bottom)) .partialState().with(SlabBlock.TYPE, SlabType.TOP).addModels(new ConfiguredModel(top)) .partialState().with(SlabBlock.TYPE, SlabType.DOUBLE).addModels(new ConfiguredModel(doubleslab)); } protected void fourWayBlock(FourWayBlock block, ModelFile post, ModelFile side) { MultiPartBlockStateBuilder builder = getMultipartBuilder(block) .part().modelFile(post).addModel().end(); fourWayMultipart(builder, side); } protected void fourWayMultipart(MultiPartBlockStateBuilder builder, ModelFile side) { SixWayBlock.FACING_TO_PROPERTY_MAP.entrySet().forEach(e -> { Direction dir = e.getKey(); if (dir.getAxis().isHorizontal()) { builder.part().modelFile(side).rotationY((((int) dir.getHorizontalAngle()) + 180) % 360).uvLock(true).addModel() .condition(e.getValue(), true); } }); } protected void fenceBlock(FenceBlock block, ResourceLocation texture) { String baseName = block.getRegistryName().toString(); fourWayBlock(block, fencePost(baseName + "_post", texture), fenceSide(baseName + "_side", texture)); } protected void fenceBlock(FenceBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation texture) { fourWayBlock(block, fencePost(name + "_fence_post", texture), fenceSide(name + "_fence_side", texture)); } protected void fenceGateBlock(FenceGateBlock block, ResourceLocation texture) { fenceGateBlockInternal(block, block.getRegistryName().toString(), texture); } protected void fenceGateBlock(FenceGateBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation texture) { fenceGateBlockInternal(block, name + "_fence_gate", texture); } private void fenceGateBlockInternal(FenceGateBlock block, String baseName, ResourceLocation texture) { ModelFile gate = fenceGate(baseName, texture); ModelFile gateOpen = fenceGateOpen(baseName + "_open", texture); ModelFile gateWall = fenceGateWall(baseName + "_wall", texture); ModelFile gateWallOpen = fenceGateWallOpen(baseName + "_wall_open", texture); fenceGateBlock(block, gate, gateOpen, gateWall, gateWallOpen); } protected void fenceGateBlock(FenceGateBlock block, ModelFile gate, ModelFile gateOpen, ModelFile gateWall, ModelFile gateWallOpen) { getVariantBuilder(block).forAllStatesExcept(state -> { ModelFile model = gate; if (state.get(FenceGateBlock.IN_WALL)) { model = gateWall; } if (state.get(FenceGateBlock.OPEN)) { model = model == gateWall ? gateWallOpen : gateOpen; } return ConfiguredModel.builder() .modelFile(model) .rotationY((int) state.get(FenceGateBlock.HORIZONTAL_FACING).getHorizontalAngle()) .uvLock(true) .build(); }, FenceGateBlock.POWERED); } protected void wallBlock(WallBlock block, ResourceLocation texture) { wallBlockInternal(block, block.getRegistryName().toString(), texture); } protected void wallBlock(WallBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation texture) { wallBlockInternal(block, name + "_wall", texture); } private void wallBlockInternal(WallBlock block, String baseName, ResourceLocation texture) { wallBlock(block, wallPost(baseName + "_post", texture), wallSide(baseName + "_side", texture)); } protected void wallBlock(WallBlock block, ModelFile post, ModelFile side) { MultiPartBlockStateBuilder builder = getMultipartBuilder(block) .part().modelFile(post).addModel() .condition(WallBlock.UP, true).end(); fourWayMultipart(builder, side); } protected void paneBlock(PaneBlock block, ResourceLocation pane, ResourceLocation edge) { paneBlockInternal(block, block.getRegistryName().toString(), pane, edge); } protected void paneBlock(PaneBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation pane, ResourceLocation edge) { paneBlockInternal(block, name + "_pane", pane, edge); } private void paneBlockInternal(PaneBlock block, String baseName, ResourceLocation pane, ResourceLocation edge) { ModelFile post = panePost(baseName + "_post", pane, edge); ModelFile side = paneSide(baseName + "_side", pane, edge); ModelFile sideAlt = paneSideAlt(baseName + "_side_alt", pane, edge); ModelFile noSide = paneNoSide(baseName + "_noside", pane); ModelFile noSideAlt = paneNoSideAlt(baseName + "_noside_alt", pane); paneBlock(block, post, side, sideAlt, noSide, noSideAlt); } protected void paneBlock(PaneBlock block, ModelFile post, ModelFile side, ModelFile sideAlt, ModelFile noSide, ModelFile noSideAlt) { MultiPartBlockStateBuilder builder = getMultipartBuilder(block) .part().modelFile(post).addModel().end(); SixWayBlock.FACING_TO_PROPERTY_MAP.entrySet().forEach(e -> { Direction dir = e.getKey(); if (dir.getAxis().isHorizontal()) { boolean alt = dir == Direction.SOUTH; builder.part().modelFile(alt || dir == Direction.WEST ? sideAlt : side).rotationY(dir.getAxis() == Axis.X ? 90 : 0).addModel() .condition(e.getValue(), true).end() .part().modelFile(alt || dir == Direction.EAST ? noSideAlt : noSide).rotationY(dir == Direction.WEST ? 270 : dir == Direction.SOUTH ? 90 : 0).addModel() .condition(e.getValue(), false); } }); } protected void doorBlock(DoorBlock block, ResourceLocation bottom, ResourceLocation top) { doorBlockInternal(block, block.getRegistryName().toString(), bottom, top); } protected void doorBlock(DoorBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation bottom, ResourceLocation top) { doorBlockInternal(block, name + "_door", bottom, top); } private void doorBlockInternal(DoorBlock block, String baseName, ResourceLocation bottom, ResourceLocation top) { ModelFile bottomLeft = doorBottomLeft(baseName + "_bottom", bottom, top); ModelFile bottomRight = doorBottomRight(baseName + "_bottom_hinge", bottom, top); ModelFile topLeft = doorTopLeft(baseName + "_top", bottom, top); ModelFile topRight = doorTopRight(baseName + "_top_hinge", bottom, top); doorBlock(block, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topLeft, topRight); } protected void doorBlock(DoorBlock block, ModelFile bottomLeft, ModelFile bottomRight, ModelFile topLeft, ModelFile topRight) { getVariantBuilder(block).forAllStatesExcept(state -> { int yRot = ((int) state.get(DoorBlock.FACING).getHorizontalAngle()) + 90; boolean rh = state.get(DoorBlock.HINGE) == DoorHingeSide.RIGHT; boolean open = state.get(DoorBlock.OPEN); boolean right = rh ^ open; if (open) { yRot += 90; } if (rh && open) { yRot += 180; } yRot %= 360; return ConfiguredModel.builder().modelFile(state.get(DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER ? (right ? bottomRight : bottomLeft) : (right ? topRight : topLeft)) .rotationY(yRot) .build(); }, DoorBlock.POWERED); } protected void trapdoorBlock(TrapDoorBlock block, ResourceLocation texture, boolean orientable) { trapdoorBlockInternal(block, block.getRegistryName().toString(), texture, orientable); } protected void trapdoorBlock(TrapDoorBlock block, String name, ResourceLocation texture, boolean orientable) { trapdoorBlockInternal(block, name + "_trapdoor", texture, orientable); } private void trapdoorBlockInternal(TrapDoorBlock block, String baseName, ResourceLocation texture, boolean orientable) { ModelFile bottom = orientable ? trapdoorOrientableBottom(baseName + "_bottom", texture) : trapdoorBottom(baseName + "_bottom", texture); ModelFile top = orientable ? trapdoorOrientableTop(baseName + "_top", texture) : trapdoorTop(baseName + "_top", texture); ModelFile open = orientable ? trapdoorOrientableOpen(baseName + "_open", texture) : trapdoorOpen(baseName + "_open", texture); trapdoorBlock(block, bottom, top, open, orientable); } protected void trapdoorBlock(TrapDoorBlock block, ModelFile bottom, ModelFile top, ModelFile open, boolean orientable) { getVariantBuilder(block).forAllStatesExcept(state -> { int xRot = 0; int yRot = ((int) state.get(TrapDoorBlock.HORIZONTAL_FACING).getHorizontalAngle()) + 180; boolean isOpen = state.get(TrapDoorBlock.OPEN); if (orientable && isOpen && state.get(TrapDoorBlock.HALF) == Half.TOP) { xRot += 180; yRot += 180; } if (!orientable && !isOpen) { yRot = 0; } yRot %= 360; return ConfiguredModel.builder().modelFile(isOpen ? open : state.get(TrapDoorBlock.HALF) == Half.TOP ? top : bottom) .rotationX(xRot) .rotationY(yRot) .build(); }, TrapDoorBlock.POWERED, TrapDoorBlock.WATERLOGGED); } private void saveBlockState(JsonObject stateJson, Block owner) { ResourceLocation blockName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(owner.getRegistryName()); Path mainOutput = generator.getOutputFolder(); String pathSuffix = "assets/" + blockName.getNamespace() + "/blockstates/" + blockName.getPath() + ".json"; Path outputPath = mainOutput.resolve(pathSuffix); try { IDataProvider.save(GSON, cache, stateJson, outputPath); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Couldn't save blockstate to {}", outputPath, e); } } @Nonnull @Override public String getName() { return "Block States"; } public static class ConfiguredModelList { private final List models; private ConfiguredModelList(List models) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!models.isEmpty()); this.models = models; } public ConfiguredModelList(ConfiguredModel model) { this(ImmutableList.of(model)); } public ConfiguredModelList(ConfiguredModel... models) { this(Arrays.asList(models)); } public JsonElement toJSON() { if (models.size()==1) { return models.get(0).toJSON(false); } else { JsonArray ret = new JsonArray(); for (ConfiguredModel m:models) { ret.add(m.toJSON(true)); } return ret; } } public ConfiguredModelList append(ConfiguredModel... models) { return new ConfiguredModelList(ImmutableList.builder().addAll(this.models).add(models).build()); } } }