/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.fml.common; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.common.capabilities.CapabilityManager; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.ConfigManager; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderState.ModState; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainer.Disableable; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProgressManager.ProgressBar; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ASMDataTable; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ModDiscoverer; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLLoadEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLMissingMappingsEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLModIdMappingEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLMissingMappingsEvent.MissingMapping; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.functions.ArtifactVersionNameFunction; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.functions.ModIdFunction; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.*; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.Type; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.toposort.ModSorter; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.toposort.ModSortingException; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.toposort.TopologicalSort; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.toposort.ModSortingException.SortingExceptionData; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.versioning.ArtifactVersion; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.versioning.VersionParser; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ModListHelper; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import com.google.common.base.CharMatcher; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.BiMap; import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMultiset; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.LinkedHashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Multimaps; import com.google.common.collect.Multiset.Entry; import com.google.common.collect.Multisets; import com.google.common.collect.Ordering; import com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultimap; import com.google.gson.JsonArray; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; /** * The loader class performs the actual loading of the mod code from disk. * *

* There are several {@link LoaderState}s to mod loading, triggered in two * different stages from the FML handler code's hooks into the minecraft code. *

* *
  1. LOADING. Scanning the filesystem for mod containers to load (zips, jars, * directories), adding them to the {@link #modClassLoader} Scanning, the loaded * containers for mod classes to load and registering them appropriately.
  2. *
  3. PREINIT. The mod classes are configured, they are sorted into a load * order, and instances of the mods are constructed.
  4. *
  5. INIT. The mod instances are initialized. For BaseMod mods, this involves * calling the load method.
  6. *
  7. POSTINIT. The mod instances are post initialized. For BaseMod mods this * involves calling the modsLoaded method.
  8. *
  9. UP. The Loader is complete
  10. *
  11. ERRORED. The loader encountered an error during the LOADING phase and * dropped to this state instead. It will not complete loading from this state, * but it attempts to continue loading before abandoning and giving a fatal * error.
  12. *
* * Phase 1 code triggers the LOADING and PREINIT states. Phase 2 code triggers * the INIT and POSTINIT states. * * @author cpw * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class Loader { public static final String MC_VERSION = net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeVersion.mcVersion; private static final Splitter DEPENDENCYPARTSPLITTER = Splitter.on(":").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults(); private static final Splitter DEPENDENCYSPLITTER = Splitter.on(";").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults(); /** * The singleton instance */ private static Loader instance; /** * Build information for tracking purposes. */ private static String major; private static String minor; private static String rev; private static String build; private static String mccversion; private static String mcpversion; /** * The class loader we load the mods into. */ private ModClassLoader modClassLoader; /** * The sorted list of mods. */ private List mods; /** * A named list of mods */ private Map namedMods; /** * A reverse dependency graph for mods */ private ListMultimap reverseDependencies; /** * The canonical configuration directory */ private File canonicalConfigDir; private File canonicalModsDir; private LoadController modController; private MinecraftDummyContainer minecraft; private MCPDummyContainer mcp; private static File minecraftDir; private static List injectedContainers; private ImmutableMap fmlBrandingProperties; private File forcedModFile; private ModDiscoverer discoverer; private ProgressBar progressBar; public final boolean java8; public static Loader instance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Loader(); } return instance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void injectData(Object... data) { major = (String) data[0]; minor = (String) data[1]; rev = (String) data[2]; build = (String) data[3]; mccversion = (String) data[4]; mcpversion = (String) data[5]; minecraftDir = (File) data[6]; injectedContainers = (List)data[7]; } private Loader() { String[] ver = System.getProperty("java.version").split("\\."); int major = Integer.parseInt(ver[1]); java8 = major > 7; if (!java8) { FMLLog.severe("The game is not running with Java 8. Forge recommends Java 8 for maximum compatibility with mods"); } modClassLoader = new ModClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); if (mccversion !=null && !mccversion.equals(MC_VERSION)) { FMLLog.severe("This version of FML is built for Minecraft %s, we have detected Minecraft %s in your minecraft jar file", mccversion, MC_VERSION); throw new LoaderException(String.format("This version of FML is built for Minecraft %s, we have detected Minecraft %s in your minecraft jar file", mccversion, MC_VERSION)); } minecraft = new MinecraftDummyContainer(MC_VERSION); mcp = new MCPDummyContainer(MetadataCollection.from(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/mcpmod.info"), "MCP").getMetadataForId("mcp", null)); } /** * Sort the mods into a sorted list, using dependency information from the * containers. The sorting is performed using a {@link TopologicalSort} * based on the pre- and post- dependency information provided by the mods. */ private void sortModList() { FMLLog.finer("Verifying mod requirements are satisfied"); try { BiMap modVersions = HashBiMap.create(); for (ModContainer mod : Iterables.concat(getActiveModList(), ModAPIManager.INSTANCE.getAPIList())) { modVersions.put(mod.getModId(), mod.getProcessedVersion()); } ArrayListMultimap reqList = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (ModContainer mod : getActiveModList()) { if (!mod.acceptableMinecraftVersionRange().containsVersion(minecraft.getProcessedVersion())) { FMLLog.severe("The mod %s does not wish to run in Minecraft version %s. You will have to remove it to play.", mod.getModId(), getMCVersionString()); RuntimeException ret = new WrongMinecraftVersionException(mod, getMCVersionString()); FMLLog.severe(ret.getMessage()); throw ret; } Map names = Maps.uniqueIndex(mod.getRequirements(), new ArtifactVersionNameFunction()); Set versionMissingMods = Sets.newHashSet(); Set missingMods = Sets.difference(names.keySet(), modVersions.keySet()); if (!missingMods.isEmpty()) { FMLLog.severe("The mod %s (%s) requires mods %s to be available", mod.getModId(), mod.getName(), missingMods); for (String modid : missingMods) { versionMissingMods.add(names.get(modid)); } RuntimeException ret = new MissingModsException(versionMissingMods, mod.getModId(), mod.getName()); FMLLog.severe(ret.getMessage()); throw ret; } reqList.putAll(mod.getModId(), names.keySet()); ImmutableList allDeps = ImmutableList.builder().addAll(mod.getDependants()).addAll(mod.getDependencies()).build(); for (ArtifactVersion v : allDeps) { if (modVersions.containsKey(v.getLabel())) { if (!v.containsVersion(modVersions.get(v.getLabel()))) { versionMissingMods.add(v); } } } if (!versionMissingMods.isEmpty()) { FMLLog.severe("The mod %s (%s) requires mod versions %s to be available", mod.getModId(), mod.getName(), versionMissingMods); RuntimeException ret = new MissingModsException(versionMissingMods, mod.getModId(), mod.getName()); FMLLog.severe(ret.toString()); throw ret; } } FMLLog.finer("All mod requirements are satisfied"); reverseDependencies = Multimaps.invertFrom(reqList, ArrayListMultimap.create()); ModSorter sorter = new ModSorter(getActiveModList(), namedMods); try { FMLLog.finer("Sorting mods into an ordered list"); List sortedMods = sorter.sort(); // Reset active list to the sorted list modController.getActiveModList().clear(); modController.getActiveModList().addAll(sortedMods); // And inject the sorted list into the overall list mods.removeAll(sortedMods); sortedMods.addAll(mods); mods = sortedMods; FMLLog.finer("Mod sorting completed successfully"); } catch (ModSortingException sortException) { FMLLog.severe("A dependency cycle was detected in the input mod set so an ordering cannot be determined"); SortingExceptionData exceptionData = sortException.getExceptionData(); FMLLog.severe("The first mod in the cycle is %s", exceptionData.getFirstBadNode()); FMLLog.severe("The mod cycle involves"); for (ModContainer mc : exceptionData.getVisitedNodes()) { FMLLog.severe("%s : before: %s, after: %s", mc.toString(), mc.getDependants(), mc.getDependencies()); } FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, sortException, "The full error"); throw sortException; } } finally { FMLLog.fine("Mod sorting data"); int unprintedMods = mods.size(); for (ModContainer mod : getActiveModList()) { if (!mod.isImmutable()) { FMLLog.fine("\t%s(%s:%s): %s (%s)", mod.getModId(), mod.getName(), mod.getVersion(), mod.getSource().getName(), mod.getSortingRules()); unprintedMods--; } } if (unprintedMods == mods.size()) { FMLLog.fine("No user mods found to sort"); } } } /** * The primary loading code * * * The found resources are first loaded into the {@link #modClassLoader} * (always) then scanned for class resources matching the specification * above. * * If they provide the {@link Mod} annotation, they will be loaded as * "FML mods" * * Finally, if they are successfully loaded as classes, they are then added * to the available mod list. */ private ModDiscoverer identifyMods(List additionalContainers) { injectedContainers.addAll(additionalContainers); FMLLog.fine("Building injected Mod Containers %s", injectedContainers); // Add in the MCP mod container mods.add(new InjectedModContainer(mcp,new File("minecraft.jar"))); for (String cont : injectedContainers) { ModContainer mc; try { mc = (ModContainer) Class.forName(cont,true,modClassLoader).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, e, "A problem occurred instantiating the injected mod container %s", cont); throw new LoaderException(e); } mods.add(new InjectedModContainer(mc,mc.getSource())); } ModDiscoverer discoverer = new ModDiscoverer(); FMLLog.fine("Attempting to load mods contained in the minecraft jar file and associated classes"); discoverer.findClasspathMods(modClassLoader); FMLLog.fine("Minecraft jar mods loaded successfully"); FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Found {} mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer",ModListHelper.additionalMods.size()); FMLLog.info("Searching %s for mods", canonicalModsDir.getAbsolutePath()); discoverer.findModDirMods(canonicalModsDir, ModListHelper.additionalMods.values().toArray(new File[0])); File versionSpecificModsDir = new File(canonicalModsDir,mccversion); if (versionSpecificModsDir.isDirectory()) { FMLLog.info("Also searching %s for mods", versionSpecificModsDir); discoverer.findModDirMods(versionSpecificModsDir); } mods.addAll(discoverer.identifyMods()); identifyDuplicates(mods); namedMods = Maps.uniqueIndex(mods, new ModIdFunction()); FMLLog.info("Forge Mod Loader has identified %d mod%s to load", mods.size(), mods.size() != 1 ? "s" : ""); return discoverer; } private class ModIdComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(ModContainer o1, ModContainer o2) { return o1.getModId().compareTo(o2.getModId()); } } private void identifyDuplicates(List mods) { TreeMultimap dupsearch = TreeMultimap.create(new ModIdComparator(), Ordering.arbitrary()); for (ModContainer mc : mods) { if (mc.getSource() != null) { dupsearch.put(mc, mc.getSource()); } } ImmutableMultiset duplist = Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(dupsearch.keys()); SetMultimap dupes = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (Entry e : duplist.entrySet()) { if (e.getCount() > 1) { FMLLog.severe("Found a duplicate mod %s at %s", e.getElement().getModId(), dupsearch.get(e.getElement())); dupes.putAll(e.getElement(),dupsearch.get(e.getElement())); } } if (!dupes.isEmpty()) { throw new DuplicateModsFoundException(dupes); } } /** * */ private void initializeLoader() { File modsDir = new File(minecraftDir, "mods"); File configDir = new File(minecraftDir, "config"); String canonicalModsPath; String canonicalConfigPath; try { canonicalModsPath = modsDir.getCanonicalPath(); canonicalConfigPath = configDir.getCanonicalPath(); canonicalConfigDir = configDir.getCanonicalFile(); canonicalModsDir = modsDir.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException ioe) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, ioe, "Failed to resolve loader directories: mods : %s ; config %s", canonicalModsDir.getAbsolutePath(), configDir.getAbsolutePath()); throw new LoaderException(ioe); } if (!canonicalModsDir.exists()) { FMLLog.info("No mod directory found, creating one: %s", canonicalModsPath); boolean dirMade = canonicalModsDir.mkdir(); if (!dirMade) { FMLLog.severe("Unable to create the mod directory %s", canonicalModsPath); throw new LoaderException(String.format("Unable to create the mod directory %s", canonicalModsPath)); } FMLLog.info("Mod directory created successfully"); } if (!canonicalConfigDir.exists()) { FMLLog.fine("No config directory found, creating one: %s", canonicalConfigPath); boolean dirMade = canonicalConfigDir.mkdir(); if (!dirMade) { FMLLog.severe("Unable to create the config directory %s", canonicalConfigPath); throw new LoaderException(); } FMLLog.info("Config directory created successfully"); } if (!canonicalModsDir.isDirectory()) { FMLLog.severe("Attempting to load mods from %s, which is not a directory", canonicalModsPath); throw new LoaderException(); } if (!configDir.isDirectory()) { FMLLog.severe("Attempting to load configuration from %s, which is not a directory", canonicalConfigPath); throw new LoaderException(); } readInjectedDependencies(); } public List getModList() { return instance().mods != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(instance().mods) : ImmutableList.of(); } /** * Used to setup a testharness with a single dummy mod instance for use with various testing hooks * @param dummycontainer A dummy container that will be returned as "active" for all queries */ public void setupTestHarness(ModContainer dummycontainer) { modController = new LoadController(this); mods = Lists.newArrayList(dummycontainer); modController.transition(LoaderState.LOADING, false); modController.transition(LoaderState.CONSTRUCTING, false); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.findObjectHolders(new ASMDataTable()); modController.forceActiveContainer(dummycontainer); } /** * Called from the hook to start mod loading. We trigger the * {@link #identifyMods()} and Constructing, Preinitalization, and Initalization phases here. Finally, * the mod list is frozen completely and is consider immutable from then on. * @param injectedModContainers containers to inject */ public void loadMods(List injectedModContainers) { progressBar = ProgressManager.push("Loading", 7); progressBar.step("Constructing Mods"); initializeLoader(); mods = Lists.newArrayList(); namedMods = Maps.newHashMap(); modController = new LoadController(this); modController.transition(LoaderState.LOADING, false); discoverer = identifyMods(injectedModContainers); ModAPIManager.INSTANCE.manageAPI(modClassLoader, discoverer); disableRequestedMods(); modController.distributeStateMessage(FMLLoadEvent.class); checkJavaCompatibility(); sortModList(); ModAPIManager.INSTANCE.cleanupAPIContainers(modController.getActiveModList()); ModAPIManager.INSTANCE.cleanupAPIContainers(mods); mods = ImmutableList.copyOf(mods); for (File nonMod : discoverer.getNonModLibs()) { if (nonMod.isFile()) { FMLLog.info("FML has found a non-mod file %s in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible.", nonMod.getName()); try { modClassLoader.addFile(nonMod); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, e, "Encountered a weird problem with non-mod file injection : %s", nonMod.getName()); } } } ConfigManager.loadData(discoverer.getASMTable()); modController.transition(LoaderState.CONSTRUCTING, false); modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.CONSTRUCTING, modClassLoader, discoverer.getASMTable(), reverseDependencies); List mods = Lists.newArrayList(); mods.addAll(getActiveModList()); Collections.sort(mods, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(ModContainer o1, ModContainer o2) { return o1.getModId().compareTo(o2.getModId()); } }); FMLLog.fine("Mod signature data"); FMLLog.fine(" \tValid Signatures:"); for (ModContainer mod : getActiveModList()) { if (mod.getSigningCertificate() != null) FMLLog.fine("\t\t(%s) %s\t(%s\t%s)\t%s", CertificateHelper.getFingerprint(mod.getSigningCertificate()), mod.getModId(), mod.getName(), mod.getVersion(), mod.getSource().getName()); } FMLLog.fine(" \tMissing Signatures:"); for (ModContainer mod : getActiveModList()) { if (mod.getSigningCertificate() == null) FMLLog.fine("\t\t%s\t(%s\t%s)\t%s", mod.getModId(), mod.getName(), mod.getVersion(), mod.getSource().getName()); } if (getActiveModList().isEmpty()) { FMLLog.fine("No user mod signature data found"); } progressBar.step("Initializing mods Phase 1"); modController.transition(LoaderState.PREINITIALIZATION, false); } private void checkJavaCompatibility() { if (java8) return; List j8mods = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ModContainer mc : getActiveModList()) { if (mc.getClassVersion() >= 52) { j8mods.add(mc); } } if (!j8mods.isEmpty()) { throw new Java8VersionException(j8mods); } } public void preinitializeMods() { if (!modController.isInState(LoaderState.PREINITIALIZATION)) { FMLLog.warning("There were errors previously. Not beginning mod initialization phase"); return; } PersistentRegistryManager.fireCreateRegistryEvents(); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.findObjectHolders(discoverer.getASMTable()); ItemStackHolderInjector.INSTANCE.findHolders(discoverer.getASMTable()); CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.injectCapabilities(discoverer.getASMTable()); PersistentRegistryManager.fireRegistryEvents(); FMLCommonHandler.instance().fireSidedRegistryEvents(); modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.PREINITIALIZATION, discoverer.getASMTable(), canonicalConfigDir); ObjectHolderRegistry.INSTANCE.applyObjectHolders(); ItemStackHolderInjector.INSTANCE.inject(); modController.transition(LoaderState.INITIALIZATION, false); progressBar.step("Initializing Minecraft Engine"); } private void disableRequestedMods() { String forcedModList = System.getProperty("fml.modStates", ""); FMLLog.finer("Received a system property request \'%s\'",forcedModList); Map sysPropertyStateList = Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf(";:")) .omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().withKeyValueSeparator("=") .split(forcedModList); FMLLog.finer("System property request managing the state of %d mods", sysPropertyStateList.size()); Map modStates = Maps.newHashMap(); forcedModFile = new File(canonicalConfigDir, "fmlModState.properties"); Properties forcedModListProperties = new Properties(); if (forcedModFile.exists() && forcedModFile.isFile()) { FMLLog.finer("Found a mod state file %s", forcedModFile.getName()); try { forcedModListProperties.load(new FileReader(forcedModFile)); FMLLog.finer("Loaded states for %d mods from file", forcedModListProperties.size()); } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.INFO, e, "An error occurred reading the fmlModState.properties file"); } } modStates.putAll(Maps.fromProperties(forcedModListProperties)); modStates.putAll(sysPropertyStateList); FMLLog.fine("After merging, found state information for %d mods", modStates.size()); Map isEnabled = Maps.transformValues(modStates, new Function() { @Override public Boolean apply(String input) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(input); } }); for (Map.Entry entry : isEnabled.entrySet()) { if (namedMods.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { FMLLog.info("Setting mod %s to enabled state %b", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); namedMods.get(entry.getKey()).setEnabledState(entry.getValue()); } } } /** * Query if we know of a mod named modname * * @param modname * @return If the mod is loaded */ public static boolean isModLoaded(String modname) { return instance().namedMods.containsKey(modname) && instance().modController.getModState(instance.namedMods.get(modname))!=ModState.DISABLED; } public File getConfigDir() { return canonicalConfigDir; } public String getCrashInformation() { // Handle being called before we've begun setup if (modController == null) { return ""; } StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); List branding = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getBrandings(false); Joiner.on(' ').skipNulls().appendTo(ret, branding); if (modController != null) { modController.printModStates(ret); } return ret.toString(); } public String getFMLVersionString() { return ""; } public ModClassLoader getModClassLoader() { return modClassLoader; } public void computeDependencies(String dependencyString, Set requirements, List dependencies, List dependants) { if (dependencyString == null || dependencyString.length() == 0) { return; } boolean parseFailure = false; for (String dep : DEPENDENCYSPLITTER.split(dependencyString)) { List depparts = Lists.newArrayList(DEPENDENCYPARTSPLITTER.split(dep)); // Need two parts to the string if (depparts.size() != 2) { parseFailure = true; continue; } String instruction = depparts.get(0); String target = depparts.get(1); boolean targetIsAll = target.startsWith("*"); // Cannot have an "all" relationship with anything except pure * if (targetIsAll && target.length() > 1) { parseFailure = true; continue; } // If this is a required element, add it to the required list if ("required-before".equals(instruction) || "required-after".equals(instruction)) { // You can't require everything if (!targetIsAll) { requirements.add(VersionParser.parseVersionReference(target)); } else { parseFailure = true; continue; } } // You cannot have a versioned dependency on everything if (targetIsAll && target.indexOf('@') > -1) { parseFailure = true; continue; } // before elements are things we are loaded before (so they are our dependants) if ("required-before".equals(instruction) || "before".equals(instruction)) { dependants.add(VersionParser.parseVersionReference(target)); } // after elements are things that load before we do (so they are out dependencies) else if ("required-after".equals(instruction) || "after".equals(instruction)) { dependencies.add(VersionParser.parseVersionReference(target)); } else { parseFailure = true; } } if (parseFailure) { FMLLog.log(Level.WARN, "Unable to parse dependency string %s", dependencyString); throw new LoaderException(String.format("Unable to parse dependency string %s", dependencyString)); } } public Map getIndexedModList() { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(namedMods); } public void initializeMods() { progressBar.step("Initializing mods Phase 2"); // Mod controller should be in the initialization state here modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.INITIALIZATION); progressBar.step("Initializing mods Phase 3"); modController.transition(LoaderState.POSTINITIALIZATION, false); modController.distributeStateMessage(FMLInterModComms.IMCEvent.class); ItemStackHolderInjector.INSTANCE.inject(); modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.POSTINITIALIZATION); progressBar.step("Finishing up"); modController.transition(LoaderState.AVAILABLE, false); modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.AVAILABLE); PersistentRegistryManager.freezeData(); FMLLog.info("Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded %d mod%s", mods.size(), mods.size() == 1 ? "" : "s"); progressBar.step("Completing Minecraft initialization"); } public ICrashCallable getCallableCrashInformation() { return new ICrashCallable() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { return getCrashInformation(); } @Override public String getLabel() { return "FML"; } }; } public List getActiveModList() { return modController != null ? modController.getActiveModList() : ImmutableList.of(); } public ModState getModState(ModContainer selectedMod) { return modController.getModState(selectedMod); } public String getMCVersionString() { return "Minecraft " + mccversion; } public boolean serverStarting(Object server) { try { modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.SERVER_STARTING, server); modController.transition(LoaderState.SERVER_STARTING, false); } catch (Throwable t) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, t, "A fatal exception occurred during the server starting event"); return false; } return true; } public void serverStarted() { modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.SERVER_STARTED); modController.transition(LoaderState.SERVER_STARTED, false); } public void serverStopping() { modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.SERVER_STOPPING); modController.transition(LoaderState.SERVER_STOPPING, false); } public BiMap getModObjectList() { return modController.getModObjectList(); } public BiMap getReversedModObjectList() { return getModObjectList().inverse(); } public ModContainer activeModContainer() { return modController != null ? modController.activeContainer() : null; } public boolean isInState(LoaderState state) { return modController.isInState(state); } public MinecraftDummyContainer getMinecraftModContainer() { return minecraft; } public boolean hasReachedState(LoaderState state) { return modController != null ? modController.hasReachedState(state) : false; } public String getMCPVersionString() { return String.format("MCP %s", mcpversion); } public void serverStopped() { PersistentRegistryManager.revertToFrozen(); modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.SERVER_STOPPED); modController.transition(LoaderState.SERVER_STOPPED, true); modController.transition(LoaderState.AVAILABLE, true); } public boolean serverAboutToStart(Object server) { try { modController.distributeStateMessage(LoaderState.SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START, server); modController.transition(LoaderState.SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START, false); } catch (Throwable t) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, t, "A fatal exception occurred during the server about to start event"); return false; } return true; } public Map getFMLBrandingProperties() { if (fmlBrandingProperties == null) { Properties loaded = new Properties(); try { loaded.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("fmlbranding.properties")); } catch (Exception e) { // File not found - ignore } fmlBrandingProperties = Maps.fromProperties(loaded); } return fmlBrandingProperties; } public Map getCustomModProperties(String modId) { return getIndexedModList().get(modId).getCustomModProperties(); } boolean checkRemoteModList(Map modList, Side side) { Set remoteModIds = modList.keySet(); Set localModIds = namedMods.keySet(); Set difference = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Sets.difference(localModIds, remoteModIds)); for (Iterator iterator = difference.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String missingRemotely = iterator.next(); ModState modState = modController.getModState(namedMods.get(missingRemotely)); if (modState == ModState.DISABLED) { iterator.remove(); } } if (difference.size() > 0) FMLLog.info("Attempting connection with missing mods %s at %s", difference, side); return true; } /** * Fire a FMLMissingMappingsEvent to let mods determine how blocks/items defined in the world * save, but missing from the runtime, are to be handled. * * @param missingBlocks Map containing the missing block names with their associated id. Remapped blocks will be removed from it. * @param missingItems Map containing the missing block names with their associated id. Remapped items will be removed from it. * @param isLocalWorld Whether this is executing for a world load (local/server) or a client. * @param remapBlocks Returns a map containing the remapped block names and an array containing the original and new id for the block. * @param remapItems Returns a map containing the remapped item names and an array containing the original and new id for the item. * @return List with the names of the failed remappings. */ public List fireMissingMappingEvent(Map missingBlocks, Map missingItems, boolean isLocalWorld, Map remapBlocks, Map remapItems) { if (missingBlocks.isEmpty() && missingItems.isEmpty()) // nothing to do { return ImmutableList.of(); } FMLLog.fine("There are %d mappings missing - attempting a mod remap", missingBlocks.size() + missingItems.size()); ArrayListMultimap missingMappings = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Map.Entry mapping : missingBlocks.entrySet()) { MissingMapping m = new MissingMapping(GameRegistry.Type.BLOCK, mapping.getKey(), mapping.getValue()); missingMappings.put(m.resourceLocation.getResourceDomain(), m); } for (Map.Entry mapping : missingItems.entrySet()) { MissingMapping m = new MissingMapping(GameRegistry.Type.ITEM, mapping.getKey(), mapping.getValue()); missingMappings.put(m.resourceLocation.getResourceDomain(), m); } FMLMissingMappingsEvent missingEvent = new FMLMissingMappingsEvent(missingMappings); modController.propogateStateMessage(missingEvent); if (isLocalWorld) // local world, warn about entries still being set to the default action { boolean didWarn = false; for (MissingMapping mapping : missingMappings.values()) { if (mapping.getAction() == FMLMissingMappingsEvent.Action.DEFAULT) { if (!didWarn) { FMLLog.severe("There are unidentified mappings in this world - we are going to attempt to process anyway"); didWarn = true; } FMLLog.severe("Unidentified %s: %s, id %d", mapping.type == Type.BLOCK ? "block" : "item", mapping.name, mapping.id); } } } else // remote world, fail on entries with the default action { List missedMapping = new ArrayList(); for (MissingMapping mapping : missingMappings.values()) { if (mapping.getAction() == FMLMissingMappingsEvent.Action.DEFAULT) { missedMapping.add(mapping.name); } } if (!missedMapping.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableList.copyOf(missedMapping); } } return PersistentRegistryManager.processIdRematches(missingMappings.values(), isLocalWorld, missingBlocks, missingItems, remapBlocks, remapItems); } public void fireRemapEvent(Map remapBlocks, Map remapItems, boolean isFreezing) { if (modController!=null) { modController.propogateStateMessage(new FMLModIdMappingEvent(remapBlocks, remapItems, isFreezing)); } } public void runtimeDisableMod(String modId) { ModContainer mc = namedMods.get(modId); Disableable disableable = mc.canBeDisabled(); if (disableable == Disableable.NEVER) { FMLLog.info("Cannot disable mod %s - it is never allowed to be disabled", modId); return; } if (disableable == Disableable.DEPENDENCIES) { FMLLog.info("Cannot disable mod %s - there are dependent mods that require its presence", modId); return; } if (disableable == Disableable.YES) { FMLLog.info("Runtime disabling mod %s", modId); modController.disableMod(mc); List localmods = Lists.newArrayList(mods); localmods.remove(mc); mods = ImmutableList.copyOf(localmods); } try { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileReader(forcedModFile)); props.put(modId, "false"); props.store(new FileWriter(forcedModFile), null); } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.INFO, e, "An error occurred writing the fml mod states file, your disabled change won't persist"); } } public void loadingComplete() { ProgressManager.pop(progressBar); progressBar = null; } private ListMultimap injectedBefore = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private ListMultimap injectedAfter = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private void readInjectedDependencies() { File injectedDepFile = new File(getConfigDir(),"injectedDependencies.json"); if (!injectedDepFile.exists()) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "File {} not found. No dependencies injected", injectedDepFile.getAbsolutePath()); return; } JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonElement injectedDeps; try { injectedDeps = parser.parse(new FileReader(injectedDepFile)); for (JsonElement el : injectedDeps.getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject jo = el.getAsJsonObject(); String modId = jo.get("modId").getAsString(); JsonArray deps = jo.get("deps").getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement dep : deps) { JsonObject depObj = dep.getAsJsonObject(); String type = depObj.get("type").getAsString(); if (type.equals("before")) { injectedBefore.put(modId, VersionParser.parseVersionReference(depObj.get("target").getAsString())); } else if (type.equals("after")) { injectedAfter.put(modId, VersionParser.parseVersionReference(depObj.get("target").getAsString())); } else { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.ERROR, "Invalid dependency type {}", type); throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse type"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.ERROR, "Unable to parse {} - skipping", injectedDepFile); FMLLog.getLogger().throwing(Level.ERROR, e); return; } FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.DEBUG, "Loaded {} injected dependencies on modIds: {}", injectedBefore.size(), injectedBefore.keySet()); } List getInjectedBefore(String modId) { return injectedBefore.get(modId); } List getInjectedAfter(String modId) { return injectedAfter.get(modId); } public final LoaderState getLoaderState() { return modController != null ? modController.getState() : LoaderState.NOINIT; } public void setActiveModContainer(ModContainer container) { this.modController.forceActiveContainer(container); } }