Updating FML: 1. Grab MCP 2. Complete the mc_versions.cfg - add a new entry and update md5s from MCP 3. Copy joined.exc from MCP conf into FML conf. 4. Merge other mcp configuration changes into FML conf. (generally only mcp.cfg should need changing to update md5s) If obfuscation changed: 5. Run the updateasmdata.py script to refresh the ASM metadata in fml_at.cfg (only 6. Inspect and update mcp_merge.cfg 7. Inspect and update fml_marker.cfg Always: 8. Merge MCP mcmod.info into mcpmod.info and update the mcp.png graphic if necessary 9. Run ant setupenvironment to try and build the FML environment 10. Fix up any patch rejections 11. Commit the result to git 12. Tag git with a new version: git tag -a vx.y 13. Update jenkins with new MCP and jars 14. Push tags to git followed by the commit itself