package ibxm; import*; import javax.sound.sampled.*; public class Player { private Thread play_thread; private IBXM ibxm; private Module module; private int song_duration, play_position; private boolean running, loop; private byte[] output_buffer; private SourceDataLine output_line; /** Simple command-line test player. */ public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { if( args.length < 1 ) { System.err.println( "Usage: java ibxm.Player " ); System.exit( 0 ); } FileInputStream file_input_stream = new FileInputStream( args[ 0 ] ); Player player = new Player(); player.set_module( Player.load_module( file_input_stream ) ); file_input_stream.close();; } /** Decode the data in the specified InputStream into a Module instance. @param input an InputStream containing the module file to be decoded. @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data is not recognised as a module file. */ public static Module load_module( InputStream input ) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { DataInputStream data_input_stream = new DataInputStream( input ); /* Check if data is in XM format.*/ byte[] xm_header = new byte[ 60 ]; data_input_stream.readFully( xm_header ); if( FastTracker2.is_xm( xm_header ) ) return FastTracker2.load_xm( xm_header, data_input_stream ); /* Check if data is in ScreamTracker 3 format.*/ byte[] s3m_header = new byte[ 96 ]; System.arraycopy( xm_header, 0, s3m_header, 0, 60 ); data_input_stream.readFully( s3m_header, 60, 36 ); if( ScreamTracker3.is_s3m( s3m_header ) ) return ScreamTracker3.load_s3m( s3m_header, data_input_stream ); /* Check if data is in ProTracker format.*/ byte[] mod_header = new byte[ 1084 ]; System.arraycopy( s3m_header, 0, mod_header, 0, 96 ); data_input_stream.readFully( mod_header, 96, 988 ); return ProTracker.load_mod( mod_header, data_input_stream ); } /** Instantiate a new Player. */ public Player() throws LineUnavailableException { ibxm = new IBXM( 48000 ); set_loop( true ); output_line = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine( new AudioFormat( 48000, 16, 2, true, true ) ); output_buffer = new byte[ 1024 * 4 ]; } /** Set the Module instance to be played. */ public void set_module( Module m ) { if( m != null ) module = m; stop(); ibxm.set_module( module ); song_duration = ibxm.calculate_song_duration(); } /** If loop is true, playback will continue indefinitely, otherwise the module will play through once and stop. */ public void set_loop( boolean loop ) { this.loop = loop; } /** Open the audio device and begin playback. If a module is already playing it will be restarted. */ public void play() { stop(); play_thread = new Thread( new Driver() ); play_thread.start(); } /** Stop playback and close the audio device. */ public void stop() { running = false; if( play_thread != null ) { try { play_thread.join(); } catch( InterruptedException ie ) {} } } private class Driver implements Runnable { public void run() { if( running ) return; try {; output_line.start(); play_position = 0; running = true; while( running ) { int frames = song_duration - play_position; if( frames > 1024 ) frames = 1024; ibxm.get_audio( output_buffer, frames ); output_line.write( output_buffer, 0, frames * 4 ); play_position += frames; if( play_position >= song_duration ) { play_position = 0; if( !loop ) running = false; } } output_line.drain(); output_line.close(); } catch( LineUnavailableException lue ) { lue.printStackTrace(); } } } }