import os, os.path, sys, csv, re, fnmatch, shutil, zipfile, pprint from optparse import OptionParser from pprint import pprint #This script attempts to rename local variables in a Fernflower decompiled Java source file to jad style names. #Script originally written by Grum in perl, Converted to Python by monoxide, and bug fixes/cleanup by LexManos class VarNamer: # Seems this is needed to keep these variables confined to the instance def __init__(self): self.last = { 'byte': [0, 0, ['b']], 'char': [0, 0, ['c']], 'short': [1, 0, ['short']], 'int': [0, 1, ['i', 'j', 'k', 'l']], 'boolean': [0, 1, ['flag']], 'double': [0, 0, ['d']], 'float': [0, 1, ['f']], 'File': [1, 1, ['file']], 'String': [0, 1, ['s']], 'Class': [0, 1, ['oclass']], 'Long': [0, 1, ['olong']], 'Byte': [0, 1, ['obyte']], 'Short': [0, 1, ['oshort']], 'Boolean': [0, 1, ['obool']], 'Package': [0, 1, ['opackage']] } self.remap = { 'long': 'int', } def get_name(self, type, var): index = type if self.last.has_key(type) else (self.remap[type] if self.remap.has_key(type) else None) if (not index) and ('^[A-Z]', type) or'(\[|\.\.\.)', type)): type = type.replace('...', '[]') while type.find('[][]') != -1: type = type.replace('[][]', '[]') name = type.lower() skip = 1 if'\[', type): skip = 1 name = "a" + name name = name.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace('...', '') self.last[type] = [0, skip, [name]] index = type if not index: print "No data for type: %s '%s'\n" % (type, var) return type id = self.last[index][0] skip_zero = self.last[index][1] data = self.last[index][2] self.last[index][0] += 1 amount = len(data) if amount == 1: return data[0] + ('' if ((not id) and skip_zero) else ('%d' % id)) else: num = id / amount return data[id % amount] + ('' if ((not num) and skip_zero) else ('%d' % num)) def rename_file(file, indent='3', MCP=False): tmp = file + '.tmp' with open(file, 'rb') as in_file: data = rename_class('\r', ''), indent, MCP) with open(tmp, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(data) shutil.move(tmp, file) def rename_class(data, indent='3', MCP=False): METHOD_REG = r'^ {%s}(\w+\s+\S.*\.*(|static )(?:\{|\);|})$' % indent CATCH_REG = r'catch \((.*)\) {' if MCP: if indent == '3': indent = '4' METHOD_REG = r'^ {%s}(\w+\s+\S.*\(.*|static)$' % indent CATCH_REG = r'catch \((.*)\)$' lines = data.split('\n') output = '' inside_method = False method = '' method_variables = [] skip = False for line in lines: line += '\n' if, line) and not'=', line) and not'\(.*\(', line): if'\(.+\)', line): method_variables += [s.strip() for s in'\((.+)\)', line).group(1).split(',')] method += line # Could be a single-line method skip = True if not'(}|\);|throws .+?;)$', line): inside_method = True elif'^ {%s}}$' % indent, line): inside_method = False if inside_method: if skip: skip = False continue method += line m =, line) if m: method_variables += [] else: method_variables += map(lambda x:, filter( lambda x: not re.match(r'^(return)', and not re.match(r'^(throw)',, re.finditer(r'([a-z_$][a-z0-9_\[\]]+ var\d+)', line, re.I))) else: if method: namer = VarNamer() todo = map(lambda x: [x, namer.get_name(x.split(' ')[0], x)], method_variables) todo.reverse() for mapping in todo: if not ' ' in mapping[0]: continue original = mapping[0].split(' ')[1] to = mapping[1] #Don't rename already renamed things. if not re.match('var\d+', original): continue method = method.replace(original, to) output += method method = '' method_variables = [] if skip: skip = False continue output += line return output[:-1] def main(options, args): for arg in args: for path, _, filelist in os.walk(arg, followlinks=True): for cur_file in fnmatch.filter(filelist, '*.java'): file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, cur_file)) rename_file(file, options.indent, options.mcp) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-m', '--mcp', action='store_true', dest='mcp', help='Use MCP regexs', default=False) parser.add_option('-i', '--indent', action='store', dest='indent', help='Custom indent to use', default='3') options, args = parser.parse_args() main(options, args)