@echo off echo Minecraft Forge Build Script v1.1 echo -Searching for components... set MCP=ERROR! set HOME=ERROR! if /i exist %~dp0\%~nx0 (set MCP=%~dp0..&& set HOME=%~dp0) if /i exist %~dp0\forge\%~nx0 (set MCP=%~dp0&& set HOME=%~dp0\forge) if %MCP%==ERROR! (echo -Error: Forge Not Detected! && echo -Please be sure you've installed it properly.) if %HOME%==ERROR! (echo -Error: MCP Not Detected! && echo -Please be sure you've installed it - and Forge - properly.) echo -MCP detected in %MCP% echo -Forge detected in %HOME% if /i not exist %MCP%\src\minecraft\net\minecraft\client\minecraft.java (echo -Decompiled source not detected, decompiling minecraft.jar... && pushd %MCP% && echo -NEW SESSION >> compile.log && decompile >> compile.log && popd) else (echo -Decompiled source detected) pushd %MCP%\src echo -Applying forge to the sourcetree... xcopy /Y /E /G /Q %HOME%\forge_client\src\net\* %MCP%\src\minecraft\net xcopy /Y /E /G /Q %HOME%\forge_common\net\* %MCP%\src\minecraft\net echo D | xcopy /Y /E /G /Q %HOME%\forge_common\net\* %MCP%\src\minecraft_server\net echo -NEW SESSION >> forgepatch.log %MCP%\runtime\bin\python\python_mcp %HOME%\lfcr.py %HOME%\minecraft.patch %HOME%\minecraft-win.patch >> forgepatch.log echo -Patching necessary source files for forge... %MCP%\runtime\bin\applydiff.exe -uf -p2 < %HOME%\minecraft-win.patch >> forgepatch.log popd echo -Forge ready for use, recompiling... pushd %MCP% cmd /c recompile.bat popd