package net.minecraftforge.forge.tasks import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import import import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date public class Util { static void init() { File.metaClass.sha1 = { -> MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance('SHA-1') delegate.eachByte 4096, {bytes, size -> md.update(bytes, 0, size) } return md.digest().collect {String.format "%02x", it}.join() } File.metaClass.json = { -> new JsonSlurper().parseText(delegate.text) } Date.metaClass.iso8601 = { -> def format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") def result = format.format(delegate) return result[0..21] + ':' + result[22..-1] } } public static String[] getClasspath(project, libs, artifact) { def ret = [] artifactTree(project, artifact).each { key, lib -> libs[] = lib if ( != artifact) ret.add( } return ret } public static def getArtifacts(project, config, classifiers) { def ret = [:] config.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each { def art = [ group:, name:, version:, classifier: it.classifier, extension: it.extension, file: it.file ] def key = + ':' + def folder = "${'.', '/')}/${}/${art.version}/" def filename = "${}-${art.version}" if (art.classifier != null) filename += "-${art.classifier}" filename += ".${art.extension}" def path = "${folder}${filename}" def url = "${path}" if (!checkExists(url)) { url = "${path}" } //TODO remove when Mojang launcher is updated if (!classifiers && art.classifier != null) { //Mojang launcher doesn't currently support classifiers, so... move it to part of the version, and force the extension to 'jar' art.version = "${art.version}-${art.classifier}" art.classifier = null art.extension = 'jar' path = "${'.', '/')}/${}/${art.version}/${}-${art.version}.jar" } ret[key] = [ name: "${}:${}:${art.version}" + (art.classifier == null ? '' : ":${art.classifier}") + (art.extension == 'jar' ? '' : "@${art.extension}"), downloads: [ artifact: [ path: path, url: url, sha1: sha1(art.file), size: art.file.length() ] ] ] } return ret } public static def iso8601Now() { new Date().iso8601() } public static def sha1(file) { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance('SHA-1') file.eachByte 4096, {bytes, size -> md.update(bytes, 0, size) } return md.digest().collect {String.format "%02x", it}.join() } private static def artifactTree(project, artifact) { if (!project.ext.has('tree_resolver')) project.ext.tree_resolver = 1 def cfg = project.configurations.create('tree_resolver_' + project.ext.tree_resolver++) def dep = project.dependencies.create(artifact) cfg.dependencies.add(dep) def files = cfg.resolve() return getArtifacts(project, cfg, true) } private static boolean checkExists(url) { try { def code = new URL(url).openConnection().with { requestMethod = 'HEAD' connect() responseCode } return code == 200 } catch (Exception e) { if (e.toString().contains('unable to find valid certification path to requested target')) throw new RuntimeException('Failed to connect to ' + url + ': Missing certificate root authority, try updating java') throw e } } }