Fix block activation not occurring serverside

Missing block of code from the old patch caused it to be skipped
This commit is contained in:
tterrag 2019-06-08 01:32:53 -04:00
parent a93d7d20ee
commit fc04a65a0f
1 changed files with 7 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
p_187250_1_.func_184611_a(p_187250_4_, ItemStack.field_190927_a);
@@ -286,19 +329,39 @@
@@ -286,19 +329,45 @@
return ActionResultType.PASS;
} else {
@ -184,6 +184,12 @@
- if (!flag1 && blockstate.func_215687_a(p_219441_2_, p_219441_1_, p_219441_4_, p_219441_5_)) {
- return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
- } else if (!p_219441_3_.func_190926_b() && !p_219441_1_.func_184811_cZ().func_185141_a(p_219441_3_.func_77973_b())) {
+ if ((!flag1 || event.getUseBlock() == net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event.Result.ALLOW) &&
+ event.getUseBlock() != net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.Event.Result.DENY &&
+ blockstate.func_215687_a(p_219441_2_, p_219441_1_, p_219441_4_, p_219441_5_)) {
+ result = ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (!p_219441_3_.func_190926_b() && !p_219441_1_.func_184811_cZ().func_185141_a(p_219441_3_.func_77973_b())) {
ItemUseContext itemusecontext = new ItemUseContext(p_219441_1_, p_219441_4_, p_219441_5_);
if (this.func_73083_d()) {