Remove uvlock hook, fixes broken stair/fence/etc models
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 1 additions and 45 deletions
@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
--- a/net/minecraft/client/renderer/model/
+++ b/net/minecraft/client/renderer/model/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
public BakedQuad func_228824_a_(Vector3f p_228824_1_, Vector3f p_228824_2_, BlockPartFace p_228824_3_, TextureAtlasSprite p_228824_4_, Direction p_228824_5_, IModelTransform p_228824_6_, @Nullable BlockPartRotation p_228824_7_, boolean p_228824_8_, ResourceLocation p_228824_9_) {
BlockFaceUV blockfaceuv = p_228824_3_.field_178243_e;
if (p_228824_6_.func_188049_c()) {
- blockfaceuv = func_228821_a_(p_228824_3_.field_178243_e, p_228824_5_, p_228824_6_.func_225615_b_(), p_228824_9_);
+ blockfaceuv = net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.applyUVLock(p_228824_3_.field_178243_e, p_228824_5_, p_228824_6_.func_225615_b_(), p_228824_9_);
float[] afloat = new float[blockfaceuv.field_178351_a.length];
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
this.func_178408_a(aint, direction);
@ -722,6 +722,7 @@ public class ForgeHooksClient
* internal, relies on fixed format of FaceBakery
// TODO Do we need this?
public static void fillNormal(int[] faceData, Direction facing)
Vector3f v1 = getVertexPos(faceData, 3);
@ -787,42 +788,6 @@ public class ForgeHooksClient
return from.getItem().shouldCauseReequipAnimation(from, to, changed);
public static BlockFaceUV applyUVLock(BlockFaceUV blockFaceUV, Direction originalSide, TransformationMatrix rotation, ResourceLocation p_228824_9_)
TransformationMatrix global = new TransformationMatrix(rotation.func_227988_c_());
Matrix4f uv = TransformationHelper.getUVLockTransform(global, originalSide).func_227988_c_();
float u0 = blockFaceUV.getVertexU(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(0));
float v0 = blockFaceUV.getVertexV(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(0));
Vector4f vec = new Vector4f(u0 / 16, v0 / 16, 0, 1);
float uMin = 16 * vec.getX(); // / vec.w;
float vMin = 16 * vec.getY(); // / vec.w;
float u1 = blockFaceUV.getVertexU(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(2));
float v1 = blockFaceUV.getVertexV(blockFaceUV.getVertexRotatedRev(2));
vec.set(u1 / 16,v1 / 16,0,1);
float uMax = 16 * vec.getX(); // / vec.w;
float vMax = 16 * vec.getY(); // / vec.w;
if (uMin > uMax && u0 < u1 || uMin < uMax && u0 > u1)
float t = uMin;
uMin = uMax;
uMax = t;
if (vMin > vMax && v0 < v1 || vMin < vMax && v0 > v1)
float t = vMin;
vMin = vMax;
vMax = t;
float a = (float)Math.toRadians(blockFaceUV.rotation);
Vector3f rv = new Vector3f(MathHelper.cos(a), MathHelper.sin(a), 0);
Matrix3f rot = new Matrix3f(uv);
int angle = MathHelper.normalizeAngle(-(int)Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(rv.getY(), rv.getX())) / 90) * 90, 360);
return new BlockFaceUV(new float[]{ uMin, vMin, uMax, vMax }, angle);
public static RenderGameOverlayEvent.BossInfo bossBarRenderPre(MainWindow res, ClientBossInfo bossInfo, int x, int y, int increment)
RenderGameOverlayEvent.BossInfo evt = new RenderGameOverlayEvent.BossInfo(new RenderGameOverlayEvent(Animation.getPartialTickTime(), res),
Reference in a new issue