Fix some test mods crashing server caused by model loading (#4225)

This commit is contained in:
Marvin Rösch 2017-07-25 02:08:00 +02:00 committed by LexManos
parent 7d0a8524aa
commit e59b979e1b
8 changed files with 231 additions and 215 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event.Result;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.ObjectHolder;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.items.IItemHandler;
import net.minecraftforge.items.ItemStackHandler;
import net.minecraftforge.items.wrapper.CombinedInvWrapper;
@ -94,25 +95,6 @@ public class DynBucketTest
public void setupModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
final ModelResourceLocation bottle = new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation(ForgeVersion.MOD_ID, "dynbottle"), "inventory");
ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(DYN_BOTTLE, new ItemMeshDefinition()
public ModelResourceLocation getModelLocation(@Nonnull ItemStack stack)
return bottle;
ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(DYN_BOTTLE, bottle);
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.REGISTRY.getObject(simpleTankName), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(simpleTankName, "normal"));
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.REGISTRY.getObject(testItemName), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation("minecraft", "stick"), "inventory"));
public void registrBlocks(RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event)
@ -180,6 +162,29 @@ public class DynBucketTest
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MODID)
public static class ClientEventHandler
public static void setupModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
final ModelResourceLocation bottle = new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation(ForgeVersion.MOD_ID, "dynbottle"), "inventory");
ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(DYN_BOTTLE, new ItemMeshDefinition()
public ModelResourceLocation getModelLocation(@Nonnull ItemStack stack)
return bottle;
ModelBakery.registerItemVariants(DYN_BOTTLE, bottle);
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.REGISTRY.getObject(simpleTankName), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(simpleTankName, "normal"));
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.REGISTRY.getObject(testItemName), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation("minecraft", "stick"), "inventory"));
public static class TestItem extends Item

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@ -80,7 +80,11 @@ public class FluidPlacementTest
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MODID)
public static class ClientEventHandler
public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventBusSubscriber;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.ObjectHolder;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
@Mod (modid = FogColorInsideMaterialTest.MOD_ID, name = "FogColor inside material debug.", version = "1.0", acceptableRemoteVersions = "*")
@ -60,20 +61,24 @@ public class FogColorInsideMaterialTest
event.getRegistry().register(new ItemBlock(FLUID_BLOCK).setRegistryName(testFluidRegistryName));
public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
@EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MOD_ID)
public static class ClientEventHandler
ModelResourceLocation fluidLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(testFluidRegistryName, "fluid");
ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(FLUID_ITEM, stack -> fluidLocation);
ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(FLUID_BLOCK, new StateMapperBase()
public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
protected ModelResourceLocation getModelResourceLocation(IBlockState state)
ModelResourceLocation fluidLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(testFluidRegistryName, "fluid");
ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(FLUID_ITEM, stack -> fluidLocation);
ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(FLUID_BLOCK, new StateMapperBase()
return fluidLocation;
protected ModelResourceLocation getModelResourceLocation(IBlockState state)
return fluidLocation;

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@ -77,32 +77,36 @@ public class ForgeBlockStatesLoaderDebug
public void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MODID)
public static class ClientEventHandler
//ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(blockCustom, new StateMap.Builder().withName(CustomMappedBlock.VARIANT).build());
ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(BLOCKS.custom_wall, new IStateMapper()
public void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
StateMap stateMap = new StateMap.Builder().withName(BlockWall.VARIANT).withSuffix("_wall").build();
//ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(blockCustom, new StateMap.Builder().withName(CustomMappedBlock.VARIANT).build());
public Map<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> putStateModelLocations(Block block)
ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(BLOCKS.custom_wall, new IStateMapper()
Map<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> map = stateMap.putStateModelLocations(block);
Map<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> newMap = Maps.newHashMap();
StateMap stateMap = new StateMap.Builder().withName(BlockWall.VARIANT).withSuffix("_wall").build();
for (Entry<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> e : map.entrySet())
public Map<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> putStateModelLocations(Block block)
ModelResourceLocation loc = e.getValue();
newMap.put(e.getKey(), new ModelResourceLocation(ASSETS + loc.getResourcePath(), loc.getVariant()));
Map<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> map = stateMap.putStateModelLocations(block);
Map<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> newMap = Maps.newHashMap();
return newMap;
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(ITEMS.custom_wall, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(ASSETS + "cobblestone_wall", "inventory"));
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(ITEMS.custom_wall, 1, new ModelResourceLocation(ASSETS + "mossy_cobblestone_wall", "inventory"));
for (Entry<IBlockState, ModelResourceLocation> e : map.entrySet())
ModelResourceLocation loc = e.getValue();
newMap.put(e.getKey(), new ModelResourceLocation(ASSETS + loc.getResourcePath(), loc.getVariant()));
return newMap;
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(ITEMS.custom_wall, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(ASSETS + "cobblestone_wall", "inventory"));
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(ITEMS.custom_wall, 1, new ModelResourceLocation(ASSETS + "mossy_cobblestone_wall", "inventory"));
// this block is never actually used, it's only needed for the error message on load to see the variant it maps to

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@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.ForgeRegistries;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.ObjectHolder;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import net.minecraftforge.registries.RegistryBuilder;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
@ -58,6 +60,11 @@ public class ItemTileDebug
event.getRegistry().register(new ItemBlock(TEST_BLOCK).setRegistryName(TEST_BLOCK.getRegistryName()));
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MODID)
public static class BakeEventHandler
public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
@ -66,52 +73,41 @@ public class ItemTileDebug
Item item = ForgeRegistries.ITEMS.getValue(new ResourceLocation(MODID,;
ForgeHooksClient.registerTESRItemStack(item, 0, CustomTileEntity.class);
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, itemLocation);
ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(CustomTileEntity.class, TestTESR.instance);
public static class BakeEventHandler
public static final BakeEventHandler instance = new BakeEventHandler();
private BakeEventHandler()
public void onModelBakeEvent(ModelBakeEvent event)
public static void onModelBakeEvent(ModelBakeEvent event)
public static class TestTESR extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer<CustomTileEntity>
private static final TestTESR instance = new TestTESR();
private TestTESR()
public static class TestTESR extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer<CustomTileEntity>
private static final TestTESR instance = new TestTESR();
public void render(CustomTileEntity p_180535_1_, double x, double y, double z, float p_180535_8_, int p_180535_9_, float partial)
glTranslated(x, y, z);
glColor4f(.2f, 1, .1f, 1);
glVertex3f(0, .5f, 0);
glVertex3f(0, .5f, 1);
glVertex3f(1, .5f, 1);
glVertex3f(1, .5f, 0);
private TestTESR()
public void render(CustomTileEntity p_180535_1_, double x, double y, double z, float p_180535_8_, int p_180535_9_, float partial)
glTranslated(x, y, z);
glColor4f(.2f, 1, .1f, 1);
glVertex3f(0, .5f, 0);
glVertex3f(0, .5f, 1);
glVertex3f(1, .5f, 1);
glVertex3f(1, .5f, 0);

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.EntityRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.ObjectHolder;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
@ -196,6 +197,24 @@ public class ModelAnimationDebug
public static abstract class CommonProxy
public IAnimationStateMachine load(ResourceLocation location, ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> parameters){ return null; };
public static class ServerProxy extends CommonProxy {}
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MODID)
public static class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy
public IAnimationStateMachine load(ResourceLocation location, ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> parameters)
return ModelLoaderRegistry.loadASM(location, parameters);
public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
@ -247,24 +266,6 @@ public class ModelAnimationDebug
public static abstract class CommonProxy
public IAnimationStateMachine load(ResourceLocation location, ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> parameters){ return null; };
public static class ServerProxy extends CommonProxy {}
public static class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy
public IAnimationStateMachine load(ResourceLocation location, ImmutableMap<String, ITimeValue> parameters)
return ModelLoaderRegistry.loadASM(location, parameters);
private static class ItemAnimationHolder implements ICapabilityProvider
private final VariableValue cycleLength = new VariableValue(4);

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@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.ObjectHolder;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -92,7 +94,11 @@ public class ModelBakeEventDebug
event.getRegistry().register(new ItemBlock(CUSTOM_BLOCK).setRegistryName(CUSTOM_BLOCK.getRegistryName()));
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MODID)
public static class BakeEventHandler
public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)
@ -105,20 +111,10 @@ public class ModelBakeEventDebug
return blockLocation;
public static class BakeEventHandler
public static final BakeEventHandler instance = new BakeEventHandler();
private BakeEventHandler()
public void onModelBakeEvent(ModelBakeEvent event)
public static void onModelBakeEvent(ModelBakeEvent event)
TextureAtlasSprite base = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite("minecraft:blocks/slime");
TextureAtlasSprite overlay = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite("minecraft:blocks/redstone_block");
@ -126,6 +122,107 @@ public class ModelBakeEventDebug
event.getModelRegistry().putObject(blockLocation, customModel);
event.getModelRegistry().putObject(itemLocation, customModel);
public static class CustomModel implements IBakedModel
private final TextureAtlasSprite base, overlay;
//private boolean hasStateSet = false;
public CustomModel(TextureAtlasSprite base, TextureAtlasSprite overlay)
this.base = base;
this.overlay = overlay;
// TODO update to builder
private int[] vertexToInts(float x, float y, float z, int color, TextureAtlasSprite texture, float u, float v)
return new int[]{
private BakedQuad createSidedBakedQuad(float x1, float x2, float z1, float z2, float y, TextureAtlasSprite texture, EnumFacing side)
Vec3d v1 = rotate(new Vec3d(x1 - .5, y - .5, z1 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
Vec3d v2 = rotate(new Vec3d(x1 - .5, y - .5, z2 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
Vec3d v3 = rotate(new Vec3d(x2 - .5, y - .5, z2 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
Vec3d v4 = rotate(new Vec3d(x2 - .5, y - .5, z1 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
return new BakedQuad(Ints.concat(
vertexToInts((float) v1.x, (float) v1.y, (float) v1.z, -1, texture, 0, 0),
vertexToInts((float) v2.x, (float) v2.y, (float) v2.z, -1, texture, 0, 16),
vertexToInts((float) v3.x, (float) v3.y, (float) v3.z, -1, texture, 16, 16),
vertexToInts((float) v4.x, (float) v4.y, (float) v4.z, -1, texture, 16, 0)
), -1, side, texture, true, DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK);
public List<BakedQuad> getQuads(@Nullable IBlockState state, @Nullable EnumFacing side, long rand)
if (side != null)
return ImmutableList.of();
IExtendedBlockState exState = (IExtendedBlockState) state;
int len = cubeSize * 5 + 1;
List<BakedQuad> ret = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
for (EnumFacing f : EnumFacing.values())
ret.add(createSidedBakedQuad(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, base, f));
if (state != null)
for (int i = 0; i < cubeSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cubeSize; j++)
Integer value = exState.getValue(properties[f.ordinal()]);
if (value != null && (value & (1 << (i * cubeSize + j))) != 0)
ret.add(createSidedBakedQuad((float) (1 + i * 5) / len, (float) (5 + i * 5) / len, (float) (1 + j * 5) / len, (float) (5 + j * 5) / len, 1.0001f, overlay, f));
return ret;
public boolean isGui3d()
return true;
public boolean isAmbientOcclusion()
return true;
public boolean isBuiltInRenderer()
return false;
public TextureAtlasSprite getParticleTexture()
return this.base;
public ItemOverrideList getOverrides()
return ItemOverrideList.NONE;
public static class CustomModelBlock extends BlockContainer
@ -233,107 +330,6 @@ public class ModelBakeEventDebug
public static class CustomModel implements IBakedModel
private final TextureAtlasSprite base, overlay;
//private boolean hasStateSet = false;
public CustomModel(TextureAtlasSprite base, TextureAtlasSprite overlay)
this.base = base;
this.overlay = overlay;
// TODO update to builder
private int[] vertexToInts(float x, float y, float z, int color, TextureAtlasSprite texture, float u, float v)
return new int[]{
private BakedQuad createSidedBakedQuad(float x1, float x2, float z1, float z2, float y, TextureAtlasSprite texture, EnumFacing side)
Vec3d v1 = rotate(new Vec3d(x1 - .5, y - .5, z1 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
Vec3d v2 = rotate(new Vec3d(x1 - .5, y - .5, z2 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
Vec3d v3 = rotate(new Vec3d(x2 - .5, y - .5, z2 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
Vec3d v4 = rotate(new Vec3d(x2 - .5, y - .5, z1 - .5), side).addVector(.5, .5, .5);
return new BakedQuad(Ints.concat(
vertexToInts((float) v1.x, (float) v1.y, (float) v1.z, -1, texture, 0, 0),
vertexToInts((float) v2.x, (float) v2.y, (float) v2.z, -1, texture, 0, 16),
vertexToInts((float) v3.x, (float) v3.y, (float) v3.z, -1, texture, 16, 16),
vertexToInts((float) v4.x, (float) v4.y, (float) v4.z, -1, texture, 16, 0)
), -1, side, texture, true, DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK);
public List<BakedQuad> getQuads(@Nullable IBlockState state, @Nullable EnumFacing side, long rand)
if (side != null)
return ImmutableList.of();
IExtendedBlockState exState = (IExtendedBlockState) state;
int len = cubeSize * 5 + 1;
List<BakedQuad> ret = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
for (EnumFacing f : EnumFacing.values())
ret.add(createSidedBakedQuad(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, base, f));
if (state != null)
for (int i = 0; i < cubeSize; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cubeSize; j++)
Integer value = exState.getValue(properties[f.ordinal()]);
if (value != null && (value & (1 << (i * cubeSize + j))) != 0)
ret.add(createSidedBakedQuad((float) (1 + i * 5) / len, (float) (5 + i * 5) / len, (float) (1 + j * 5) / len, (float) (5 + j * 5) / len, 1.0001f, overlay, f));
return ret;
public boolean isGui3d()
return true;
public boolean isAmbientOcclusion()
return true;
public boolean isBuiltInRenderer()
return false;
public TextureAtlasSprite getParticleTexture()
return this.base;
public ItemOverrideList getOverrides()
return ItemOverrideList.NONE;
private static Vec3d rotate(Vec3d vec, EnumFacing side)

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.ObjectHolder;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
@Mod(modid = ModelFluidDebug.MODID, name = "ForgeDebugModelFluid", version = ModelFluidDebug.VERSION, acceptableRemoteVersions = "*")
public class ModelFluidDebug
@ -85,7 +86,11 @@ public class ModelFluidDebug
new ItemBlock(MILK_BLOCK).setRegistryName(MILK_BLOCK.getRegistryName())
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT, modid = MODID)
public static class ClientEventHandler
public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event)