Update Forge's AT for 1.4 names.

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LexManos 2012-10-21 05:46:23 -07:00
parent ae28513c98
commit bf14aefd28
1 changed files with 58 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -1,83 +1,81 @@
#Main Forge Access Transformer configuration file #Main Forge Access Transformer configuration file
# RailLogic.getNAdjacentTracks # RailLogic.getNAdjacentTracks
public ahi.a(Lahh;)I public akg.a(Lakg;)I # RailLogic/func_73650_a
# Tessellator # Tessellator
public ave.u # drawMode public aza.u # drawMode
public ave.v # xOffset public aza.v # xOffset
public ave.w # yOffset public aza.w # yOffset
public ave.x # zOffset public aza.x # zOffset
public-f ave.a # instance remove final public-f aza.a # instance remove final
public ave.z # isDrawing public aza.z # isDrawing
# ItemPickaxe # ItemPickaxe
public+f rq.c # blocksEffectiveAgainst public ub.<init>()V # constructor
public+f ub.c # ItemPickaxe/field_77867_c blocksEffectiveAgainst
# ItemAxe # ItemAxe
public+f rf.c # blocksEffectiveAgainst public tq.<init>()V # constructor
public+f tq.c # ItemAxe/field_77868_c blocksEffectiveAgainst
# ItemSpade # ItemSpade
public+f sb.c # blocksEffectiveAgainst public+f um.c # ItemSpade/field_77866_c blocksEffectiveAgainst
# ItemTool # ItemTool
public gt.a # efficiencyOnProperMaterial public tc.a # ItemTool/field_77864_a efficiencyOnProperMaterial
public gt.bY # damageVsEntity public tc.ck # ItemTool/field_77865_bY damageVsEntity
# EntityEnderman # EntityEnderman
public np.d # carriableBlocks public pl.d # EntityEnderman/field_70827_d carriableBlocks
# RenderGlobal # RenderGlobal
public avb.h # theWorld public ayx.h # RenderGlobal/field_72769_h theWorld
public avb.i # renderEngine public ayx.i # RenderGlobal/field_72770_i renderEngine
public avb.q # mc public ayx.q # RenderGlobal/field_72777_q mc
public avb.r # globalRenderBlocks public ayx.r # RenderGlobal/field_72776_r globalRenderBlocks
public avb.E # damagedBlocks public atx.E # RenderGlobal/field_72738_E damagedBlocks
# SoundManager # SoundManager
public ayq.a # sndSystem public bcw.a # SoundManager/field_77381_a sndSystem
public ayq.b # soundPoolSounds public bcw.b # SoundManager/field_77379_b soundPoolSounds
public ayq.c # soundPoolStreaming public bcw.c # SoundManager/field_77380_c soundPoolStreaming
public ayq.d # soundPoolMusic public bcw.d # SoundManager/field_77377_d soundPoolMusic
# EntityMinecart # EntityMinecart
protected nk.* # All private -> protected protected pg.* # All private -> protected
public nj.h()Z # isMinecartPowered public pg.h()Z # EntityMinecart/func_70490_h isMinecartPowered
# Block # Block
public aig.<init>(ILaco;)V #Constructor public ale.<init>(ILaff;)V #Constructor
public aig.<init>(IILaco;)V #Constructor public ale.<init>(IILaff;)V #Constructor
public aig.p()Laif; # setRequiresSelfNotify public ale.p()Lale; # setRequiresSelfNotify
public aig.a(Laij;)Laig; # setStepSound public ale.a(Lali;)Lale; # setStepSound
public aig.b(F)Laig; # setResistance public ale.b(F)Lale; # setResistance
public aig.c(F)Laig; # setHardness public ale.c(F)Lale; # setHardness
public aig.h(I)Laig; # setLightOpacity public ale.h(I)Lale; # setLightOpacity
public aig.a(F)Laig; # setLightValue public ale.a(F)Lale; # setLightValue
public aig.q()Laig; # setBlockUnbreakable public ale.q()Lale; # setBlockUnbreakable
public aig.b(Z)Laig; # setTickRandomly public ale.b(Z)Lale; # setTickRandomly
# NetServerHandler # NetServerHandler
public gz.g # playerInAirTime public il.g # NetServerHandler/field_72572_g playerInAirTime
# TileEntity # TileEntity
public aji.k # worldObj public aml.k # TileEntity/field_70331_k worldObj
# BlockLeavesBase # BlockLeavesBase
public ain.c # graphicsLevel public alm.c # BlockLeavesBase/field_72131_c graphicsLevel
# Item # Item
public rh.e(I)Lrh; # setMaxDamage public ts.e(I)Lts; # Item/func_77656_e setMaxDamage
public-f rh.f(Lrj;)I # getIconIndex public-f ts.f(Ltu;)I # Item/func_77650_f getIconIndex
# ItemAxe
public rf.<init>()V # constructor
# ItemPickaxe
public rq.<init>()V # constructor
# RailLogic # RailLogic
public ahi public akg
public ahi.a(Lahi;)I # getNAdjacentTiles public akg.a(Lakg;)I # RailLogic/func_73650_a getNAdjacentTiles
# EntityPlayer # EntityPlayer
public og.a(Lnj;)V # joinEntityItemWithWorld public qf.a(Lpf;)V # EntityPlayer/func_71012_a joinEntityItemWithWorld
public og.j()V # closeScreen public qf.i()V # EntityPlayer/func_71053_j closeScreen
# EntityPlayerMP # EntityPlayerMP
public atg.a(Lnj;)V # joinEntityItemWithWorld public axb.a(Lpf;)V # EntityClientPlayerMP/func_71012_a joinEntityItemWithWorld
# World Gen Chests Related # World Gen Chests Related
public gr.T # WorldServer.bonusChestContent public id.S # WorldServer/field_73069_S bonusChestContent
public yz.a # StructureMineshaftPieces.mineshaftChestContents public abp.a # StructureMineshaftPieces/field_78818_a mineshaftChestContents
public aad.i # ComponentScatteredFeatureDesertPyramid.itemsToGenerateInTemple public act.i # ComponentScatteredFeatureDesertPyramid/field_74941_i itemsToGenerateInTemple
public aae.l # ComponentScatteredFeatureJunglePyramid.junglePyramidsChestContents public acu.l # ComponentScatteredFeatureJunglePyramid/field_74943_l junglePyramidsChestContents
public aae.m # ComponentScatteredFeatureJunglePyramid.junglePyramidsDispenserContents public acu.m # ComponentScatteredFeatureJunglePyramid/field_74944_m junglePyramidsDispenserContents
public aan.a # ComponentStrongholdChestCorridor.strongholdChestContents public ade.a # ComponentStrongholdChestCorridor/field_75003_a strongholdChestContents
public aar.b # ComponentStrongholdLibrary.strongholdLibraryChestContents public adi.b # ComponentStrongholdLibrary/field_75007_b strongholdLibraryChestContents
public aaw.c # ComponentStrongholdRoomCrossing.field_75014_c public adn.c # ComponentStrongholdRoomCrossing/field_75014_c strongholdCorridorChestContents
public abu.a # ComponentVillageHouse2.villageBlacksmithChestContents public ael.a # ComponentVillageHouse2/field_74918_a villageBlacksmithChestContents
# AnvilChunkLoader.chunkSaveLocation # AnvilChunkLoader.chunkSaveLocation
default wy.d default zm.d # AnvilChunkLoader/field_75825_d
# ChunkProviderServer.currentChunkLoader # ChunkProviderServer.currentChunkLoader
default gq.e default ic.e # ChunkProviderServer/field_73247_e
# PlayerManager # PlayerManager
default go.a(IIZ)Lgp; # getOrCreateChunkWatcher default ia.a(IIZ)Lib; # PlayerManager/func_72690_a getOrCreateChunkWatcher