Change OreDictionary over from "null" to the new ItemStack system. (#3400)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 41 additions and 33 deletions
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockPrismarine;
import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
@ -51,15 +52,17 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class OreDictionary
private static boolean hasInit = false;
private static List<String> idToName = new ArrayList<String>();
private static Map<String, Integer> nameToId = new HashMap<String, Integer>(128);
private static List<List<ItemStack>> idToStack = Lists.newArrayList();
private static List<List<ItemStack>> idToStackUn = Lists.newArrayList();
private static List<NonNullList<ItemStack>> idToStack = Lists.newArrayList();
private static List<NonNullList<ItemStack>> idToStackUn = Lists.newArrayList();
private static Map<Integer, List<Integer>> stackToId = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize((int)(128 * 0.75));
public static final ImmutableList<ItemStack> EMPTY_LIST = ImmutableList.of();
public static final NonNullList<ItemStack> EMPTY_LIST = NonNullList.func_191196_a();
* Minecraft changed from -1 to Short.MAX_VALUE in 1.5 release for the "block wildcard". Use this in case it
@ -337,8 +340,8 @@ public class OreDictionary
new ItemStack(Blocks.WOODEN_SLAB),
new ItemStack(Blocks.GLASS_PANE),
new ItemStack(Blocks.BONE_BLOCK), // Bone Block, to prevent conversion of dyes into bone meal.
new ItemStack(Items.BOAT),
null //So the above can have a comma and we don't have to keep editing extra lines.
new ItemStack(Items.BOAT),
ItemStack.field_190927_a //So the above can have a comma and we don't have to keep editing extra lines.
List<IRecipe> recipes = CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList();
@ -352,7 +355,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
ShapedRecipes recipe = (ShapedRecipes)obj;
ItemStack output = recipe.getRecipeOutput();
if (output != null && containsMatch(false, exclusions, output))
if (!output.func_190926_b() && containsMatch(false, exclusions, output))
@ -367,7 +370,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
ShapelessRecipes recipe = (ShapelessRecipes)obj;
ItemStack output = recipe.getRecipeOutput();
if (output != null && containsMatch(false, exclusions, output))
if (!output.func_190926_b() && containsMatch(false, exclusions, output))
@ -404,9 +407,9 @@ public class OreDictionary
val = idToName.size() - 1; //0 indexed
nameToId.put(name, val);
List<ItemStack> back = Lists.newArrayList();
NonNullList<ItemStack> back = NonNullList.func_191196_a();
return val;
@ -429,9 +432,9 @@ public class OreDictionary
* @param stack The item stack of the ore.
* @return An array of ids that this ore is registered as.
public static int[] getOreIDs(ItemStack stack)
public static int[] getOreIDs(@Nonnull ItemStack stack)
if (stack == null || stack.getItem() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack can not be null!");
if (stack.func_190926_b()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stack can not be invalid!");
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>();
@ -471,7 +474,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
* @param name The ore name, directly calls getOreID
* @return An arrayList containing ItemStacks registered for this ore
public static List<ItemStack> getOres(String name)
public static NonNullList<ItemStack> getOres(String name)
return getOres(getOreID(name));
@ -491,7 +494,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
* @param alwaysCreateEntry Flag - should a new entry be created if empty
* @return An arraylist containing ItemStacks registered for this ore
public static List<ItemStack> getOres(String name, boolean alwaysCreateEntry)
public static NonNullList<ItemStack> getOres(String name, boolean alwaysCreateEntry)
if (alwaysCreateEntry) {
return getOres(getOreID(name));
@ -531,12 +534,12 @@ public class OreDictionary
* @param id The ore ID, see getOreID
* @return An List containing ItemStacks registered for this ore
private static List<ItemStack> getOres(int id)
private static NonNullList<ItemStack> getOres(int id)
return idToStackUn.size() > id ? idToStackUn.get(id) : EMPTY_LIST;
private static boolean containsMatch(boolean strict, ItemStack[] inputs, ItemStack... targets)
private static boolean containsMatch(boolean strict, ItemStack[] inputs, @Nonnull ItemStack... targets)
for (ItemStack input : inputs)
@ -551,7 +554,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
return false;
public static boolean containsMatch(boolean strict, List<ItemStack> inputs, ItemStack... targets)
public static boolean containsMatch(boolean strict, NonNullList<ItemStack> inputs, @Nonnull ItemStack... targets)
for (ItemStack input : inputs)
@ -566,9 +569,9 @@ public class OreDictionary
return false;
public static boolean itemMatches(ItemStack target, ItemStack input, boolean strict)
public static boolean itemMatches(@Nonnull ItemStack target, @Nonnull ItemStack input, boolean strict)
if (input == null && target != null || input != null && target == null)
if (input.func_190926_b() && !target.func_190926_b() || !input.func_190926_b() && target.func_190926_b())
return false;
@ -578,7 +581,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
//Convenience functions that make for cleaner code mod side. They all drill down to registerOre(String, int, ItemStack)
public static void registerOre(String name, Item ore){ registerOre(name, new ItemStack(ore)); }
public static void registerOre(String name, Block ore){ registerOre(name, new ItemStack(ore)); }
public static void registerOre(String name, ItemStack ore){ registerOreImpl(name, ore); }
public static void registerOre(String name, @Nonnull ItemStack ore){ registerOreImpl(name, ore); }
* Registers a ore item into the dictionary.
@ -587,10 +590,10 @@ public class OreDictionary
* @param name The name of the ore
* @param ore The ore's ItemStack
private static void registerOreImpl(String name, ItemStack ore)
private static void registerOreImpl(String name, @Nonnull ItemStack ore)
if ("Unknown".equals(name)) return; //prevent bad IDs.
if (ore == null || ore.getItem() == null)
if (ore.func_190926_b())
FMLLog.bigWarning("Invalid registration attempt for an Ore Dictionary item with name %s has occurred. The registration has been denied to prevent crashes. The mod responsible for the registration needs to correct this.", name);
return; //prevent bad ItemStacks.
@ -639,7 +642,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
private final String Name;
private final ItemStack Ore;
public OreRegisterEvent(String name, ItemStack ore)
public OreRegisterEvent(String name, @Nonnull ItemStack ore)
this.Name = name;
this.Ore = ore;
@ -662,7 +665,7 @@ public class OreDictionary
for (int id = 0; id < idToStack.size(); id++)
List<ItemStack> ores = idToStack.get(id);
NonNullList<ItemStack> ores = idToStack.get(id);
if (ores == null) continue;
for (ItemStack ore : ores)
@ -34,13 +34,15 @@ import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class ShapedOreRecipe implements IRecipe
//Added in for future ease of change, but hard coded for now.
public static final int MAX_CRAFT_GRID_WIDTH = 3;
public static final int MAX_CRAFT_GRID_HEIGHT = 3;
protected ItemStack output = null;
protected ItemStack output = ItemStack.field_190927_a;
protected Object[] input = null;
protected int width = 0;
protected int height = 0;
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ public class ShapedOreRecipe implements IRecipe
public ShapedOreRecipe(Block result, Object... recipe){ this(new ItemStack(result), recipe); }
public ShapedOreRecipe(Item result, Object... recipe){ this(new ItemStack(result), recipe); }
public ShapedOreRecipe(ItemStack result, Object... recipe)
public ShapedOreRecipe(@Nonnull ItemStack result, Object... recipe)
output = result.copy();
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ public class ShapedOreRecipe implements IRecipe
ItemStack ingredient = recipe.recipeItems[i];
if(ingredient == null) continue;
if(ingredient.func_190926_b()) continue;
input[i] = recipe.recipeItems[i];
@ -250,7 +252,7 @@ public class ShapedOreRecipe implements IRecipe
return false;
else if (target == null && slot != null)
else if (target == null && !slot.func_190926_b())
return false;
@ -34,15 +34,17 @@ import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class ShapelessOreRecipe implements IRecipe
protected ItemStack output = null;
protected ArrayList<Object> input = new ArrayList<Object>();
protected ItemStack output = ItemStack.field_190927_a;
protected NonNullList<Object> input = NonNullList.func_191196_a();
public ShapelessOreRecipe(Block result, Object... recipe){ this(new ItemStack(result), recipe); }
public ShapelessOreRecipe(Item result, Object... recipe){ this(new ItemStack(result), recipe); }
public ShapelessOreRecipe(ItemStack result, Object... recipe)
public ShapelessOreRecipe(@Nonnull ItemStack result, Object... recipe)
output = result.copy();
for (Object in : recipe)
@ -108,13 +110,14 @@ public class ShapelessOreRecipe implements IRecipe
public boolean matches(InventoryCrafting var1, World world)
ArrayList<Object> required = new ArrayList<Object>(input);
NonNullList<Object> required = NonNullList.func_191196_a();
for (int x = 0; x < var1.getSizeInventory(); x++)
ItemStack slot = var1.getStackInSlot(x);
if (slot != null)
if (!slot.func_190926_b())
boolean inRecipe = false;
Iterator<Object> req = required.iterator();
@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ public class ShapelessOreRecipe implements IRecipe
* manipulate the values in this array as it will effect the recipe itself.
* @return The recipes input vales.
public ArrayList<Object> getInput()
public NonNullList<Object> getInput()
return this.input;
Reference in a new issue