Update for MC 1.4.7

This commit is contained in:
Christian 2012-12-28 10:07:53 -05:00
parent bf9272f61e
commit 964c51f4ae
6 changed files with 174 additions and 69 deletions

View file

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"modid": "mcp",
"name": "Minecraft Coder Pack",
"description": "Modding toolkit to decompile and deobfuscate the Minecraft client and server files.",
"version": "7.25",
"mcversion": "1.4.6",
"version": "7.26",
"mcversion": "1.4.7",
"logoFile": "/mcp.png",
"url": "http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/",
"updateUrl": "",

View file

@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ field_70290_d,hoverStart,2,The EntityItem's random initial float height.
field_70291_e,health,2,"The health of this EntityItem. (For example, damage for tools)"
field_70292_b,age,2,The age of this EntityItem (used to animate it up and down as well as expire it)
field_70294_a,item,2,The item stack of this EntityItem.
field_70323_b,classToNameMap,2,A HashMap storing the classes and mapping to the string names (reverse of nameToClassMap).
field_70324_q,blockType,2,the Block type that this TileEntity is contained within
@ -239,6 +238,7 @@ field_70482_c,inventoryContents,2,
field_70484_a,container,2,The brewing stand this slot belongs to.
field_70500_g,matrix,2,Minecart rotational logic matrix
field_70501_d,cargoItems,2,Array of item stacks stored in minecart (for storage minecarts).
@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ field_70585_a,noteParticleScale,2,
field_70590_a,baseSpellTextureIndex,2,Base spell texture index
field_70592_at,yOffs,2,renamed from yOffset to fix shadowing Entity.yOffset
@ -853,7 +854,7 @@ field_72078_bL,redstoneLampIdle,2,
field_72082_bJ,whiteStone,2,The rock found in The End.
@ -982,11 +983,13 @@ field_72450_a,xCoord,2,X coordinate of Vec3D
field_72451_a,theDecitatedServer,2,Instance of the DecitatedServer.
field_72534_f,mcServer,2,Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
field_72536_d,verifyToken,2,The 4 byte verify token read from a Packet252SharedKey
field_72537_e,rand,2,The Random object used to generate serverId hex strings.
field_72540_a,logger,2,The Minecraft logger.
field_72541_j,loginServerId,2,server ID that is randomly generated by this login handler.
field_72542_k,sharedKey,2,Secret AES key obtained from the client's Packet252SharedKey
field_72554_f,disconnected,2,True if kicked or disconnected from the server.
field_72555_g,netManager,2,Reference to the NetworkManager object.
@ -1133,7 +1136,7 @@ field_72991_N,entitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity,2,"entities within AxisAlignedBB
field_72992_H,spawnPeacefulMobs,2,A flag indicating whether we should spawn peaceful mobs.
field_72993_I,activeChunkSet,2,Positions to update
field_72994_J,lightUpdateBlockList,2,"is a temporary list of blocks and light values used when updating light levels. Holds up to 32x32x32 blocks (the maximum influence of a light source.) Every element is a packed bit value: 0000000000LLLLzzzzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx. The 4-bit L is a light level used when darkening blocks. 6-bit numbers x, y and z represent the block's offset from the original block, plus 32 (i.e. value of 31 would mean a -1 offset"
field_72995_K,isRemote,2,"This is set to true when you are a client connected to a multiplayer world, false otherwise. As of Minecraft 1.3 and the integrated server, this will always return true."
field_72995_K,isRemote,2,"This is set to true for client worlds, and false for server worlds."
field_72996_f,loadedEntityList,2,A list of all Entities in all currently-loaded chunks
@ -1153,7 +1156,6 @@ field_73011_w,provider,2,The WorldProvider instance that World uses.
field_73012_v,rand,2,RNG for World.
field_73013_u,difficultySetting,2,Option > Difficulty setting (0 - 3)
field_73014_t,editingBlocks,2,true while the world is editing blocks
field_73015_s,lightningFlash,2,"If > 0, the sky and skylight colors are illuminated by a lightning flash"
field_73016_r,lastLightningBolt,2,Set to 2 whenever a lightning bolt is generated in SSP. Decrements if > 0 in updateWeather(). Value appears to be unused.
@ -1204,7 +1206,7 @@ field_73126_f,lastScaledZPosition,2,
field_73131_c,updateFrequency,2,check for sync when ticks % updateFrequency==0
@ -1294,7 +1296,7 @@ field_73247_e,currentChunkLoader,2,
field_73248_b,chunksToUnload,2,"used by unload100OldestChunks to iterate the loadedChunkHashMap for unload (underlying assumption, first in, first out)"
field_73250_a,loadChunkOnProvideRequest,2,"if this is false, the defaultEmptyChunk will be returned by the provider"
@ -1317,6 +1319,7 @@ field_73299_c,zPosition,2,Z coordinate of spawn.
field_73300_a,xPosition,2,X coordinate of spawn.
field_73301_a,time,2,The world time in minutes.
field_73306_c,sharedKey,2,Secret AES key decrypted from sharedSecret via the server's private RSA key
@ -1448,15 +1451,8 @@ field_73471_b,amount,2,
field_73474_a,text,2,Sent by the client containing the text to be autocompleted. Sent by the server with possible completions separated by null (two bytes in UTF-16)
field_73476_b,message,2,The message being sent.
field_73478_a,maxChatLength,2,Maximum number of characters allowed in chat string in each packet.
field_73479_f,pitch,2,The item pitch.
field_73480_g,roll,2,The item roll.
field_73481_d,zPosition,2,The item Z position.
field_73482_e,rotation,2,The item rotation.
field_73483_b,xPosition,2,The item X position.
field_73484_c,yPosition,2,The item Y position.
field_73485_a,entityId,2,Unique entity ID.
field_73492_d,yPosition,2,The Y position of the entity.
@ -1539,8 +1535,14 @@ field_73576_e,volume,2,1 is 100%. Can be more.
field_73577_b,effectX,2,Effect X multiplied by 8
field_73578_c,effectY,2,Effect Y multiplied by 8
field_73579_a,soundName,2,e.g. step.grass
field_73585_g,dataLength,2,total size of the compressed data
field_73587_e,chunkDataBuffer,2,The compressed chunk data buffer
field_73595_f,chunkData,2,"The transmitted chunk data, decompressed."
field_73596_g,compressedChunkData,2,The compressed chunk data
field_73597_d,yChMax,2,"The y-position of the highest chunk Section in the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates."
field_73598_e,includeInitialize,2,Whether to initialize the Chunk before applying the effect of the Packet51MapChunk.
field_73599_b,zCh,2,"The z-position of the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates."
@ -1556,9 +1558,9 @@ field_73613_e,chunkPositionRecords,2,
field_73618_b,bedState,2,"Either 1 or 2. 1 indicates to begin raining, 2 indicates to stop raining."
field_73619_c,gameMode,2,"Used only when reason = 3. 0 is survival, 1 is creative."
field_73618_b,eventType,2,"0: Invalid bed, 1: Rain starts, 2: Rain stops, 3: Game mode changed."
field_73619_c,gameMode,2,"When reason==3, the game mode to set. See EnumGameType for a list of values."
field_73620_a,clientMessage,2,The client prints clientMessage[eventType] to chat when this packet is received.
@ -1715,8 +1717,6 @@ field_73943_n,worldNumber,2,World number to be deleted.
field_73944_m,message2,2,Second line of text.
field_73946_b,copyLinkButtonText,2,Label for the Copy to Clipboard button.
field_73947_a,openLinkWarning,2,Text to warn players from opening unsafe links.
field_73949_a,theChatClickData,2,Instance of ChatClickData.
field_73964_d,guiTexturePackSlot,2,the GuiTexturePackSlot that contains all the texture packs and their descriptions
field_73966_c,fileLocation,2,the absolute location of this texture pack
@ -1866,6 +1866,7 @@ field_74219_p,lowerChestInventory,2,
field_74224_p,ySize_lo,2,"y size of the inventory window in pixels. Defined as float, passed as int."
field_74225_o,xSize_lo,2,"x size of the inventory window in pixels. Defined as float, passed as int"
field_74236_u,backupContainerSlots,2,Used to back up the ContainerCreative's inventory slots before filling it with the player's inventory slots for the inventory tab.
field_74238_s,wasClicking,2,True if the left mouse button was held down last time drawScreen was called.
field_74239_r,isScrolling,2,True if the scrollbar is being dragged
@ -1980,6 +1981,7 @@ field_74442_b,readPacketCache,2,
field_74464_B,chunkDataPacketsDelay,2,Delay for sending pending chunk data packets (as opposed to pending non-chunk data packets)
field_74472_n,isTerminating,2,Whether this network manager is currently terminating (and should ignore further errors).
@ -2014,7 +2016,7 @@ field_74522_a,colorBuffer,2,Float buffer used to set OpenGL material colors
field_74532_a,mc,2,A reference to the Minecraft object.
field_74534_a,arguments,2,"Arguments that were passed to Minecraft.jar (username, sessionid etc)"
field_74536_a,mc,2,Minecraft instance
field_74537_a,logo,2,BufferedImage object containing the Majong logo.
field_74537_a,logo,2,BufferedImage containing the Mojang logo.
field_74542_c,chatLineID,2,"int value to refer to existing Chat Lines, can be 0 which means unreferrable"
field_74543_a,updateCounterCreated,2,GUI Update Counter value this Line was created at
@ -2025,6 +2027,9 @@ field_74571_a,pushbackReader,2,
field_74577_b,mc,2,A reference to the Minecraft object.
field_74578_c,closing,2,Set to true when Minecraft is closing down.
field_74579_a,resourcesFolder,2,The folder to store the resources in.
field_74586_f,rotationZ,2,The Z component of the entity's yaw rotation
field_74587_g,rotationYZ,2,The Y component (scaled along the Z axis) of the entity's pitch rotation
field_74588_d,rotationX,2,The X component of the entity's yaw rotation
@ -2445,6 +2450,8 @@ field_75518_j,canPassOpenWoodenDoors,2,"Specifically, if a wooden door block is
field_75519_k,canPassClosedWoodenDoors,2,If door blocks are considered passable even when closed
field_75520_h,ticksAtLastPos,2,The time when the last position check was done (to detect successful movement)
field_75521_i,lastPosCheck,2,Coordinates of the entity's position last time a check was done (part of monitoring getting 'stuck')
field_75524_b,seenEntities,2,Cache of entities which we can see
field_75525_c,unseenEntities,2,Cache of entities which we cannot see
field_75531_f,theVillage,2,Instance of Village.
@ -2761,6 +2768,7 @@ field_76257_i,leaves,2,
field_76258_w,craftedSnow,2,The material for crafted snow.
@ -2789,7 +2797,6 @@ field_76292_a,itemWeight,2,The Weight is how often the item is chosen(higher num
field_76295_d,theMinimumChanceToGenerateItem,2,The minimum chance of item generating.
field_76296_e,theMaximumChanceToGenerateItem,2,The maximum chance of item generating.
field_76297_b,theItemId,2,The Item/Block ID to generate in the Chest.
field_76298_c,theItemDamage,2,The Item damage/metadata.
field_76300_b,entityClass,2,Holds the class of the entity to be spawned.
@ -2819,11 +2826,13 @@ field_76371_c,lava,2,
field_76374_o,isUnblockable,2,This kind of damage can be blocked or not.
field_76381_t,difficultyScaled,2,Whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty.
field_76382_s,projectile,2,This kind of damage is based on a projectile or not.
field_76383_r,fireDamage,2,This kind of damage is based on fire or not.
@ -3139,9 +3148,9 @@ field_76990_c,renderManager,2,
field_76998_a,modelBoat,2,instance of ModelBoat for rendering
field_77013_a,modelMinecart,2,instance of ModelMinecart for rendering
field_77023_b,zLevel,2,Defines the zLevel of rendering of item on GUI.
field_77025_h,random,2,The RNG used in RenderItem (for bobbing itemstacks on the ground)
field_77027_a,itemIconIndex,2,"Have the icon index (in items.png) that will be used to render the image. Currently, eggs and snowballs uses this classes."
@ -3475,7 +3484,7 @@ field_77775_ay,bucketLava,2,
field_77777_bU,maxStackSize,2,Maximum size of the stack.
field_77779_bT,shiftedIndex,2,Item index + 256
field_77779_bT,itemID,2,The ID of this item.
@ -3569,6 +3578,7 @@ field_77922_b,sugarEffect,2,
field_77926_o,potionPrefixes,2,"An array of possible potion prefix names, as translation IDs."
field_77928_m,potionAmplifiers,2,Potion effect amplifier map
@ -4165,6 +4175,7 @@ field_79027_a,textField,2,Text field.
field_79028_a,mcServerGui,2,Reference to the ServerGui object.
field_79029_a,outputHandler,2,Reference to the GuiLogOutputHandler.
field_80001_f,closestPlayer,2,The closest EntityPlayer to this orb.
field_80002_g,xpTargetColor,2,Threshold color for tracking players
field_82121_b,skullRotation,2,The skull's rotation.
@ -4176,7 +4187,9 @@ field_82136_e,levels,2,Level of this beacon's pyramid.
field_82139_a,effectsList,2,List of effects that Beacon can apply
field_82140_h,payment,2,Item given to this beacon as payment.
field_82156_g,fallHurtMax,2,Maximum amount of damage dealt to entities hit by falling block
field_82158_h,fallHurtAmount,2,Actual damage dealt to entities hit by falling block
field_82172_bs,canPickUpLoot,2,Whether this entity can pick up items from the ground.
field_82174_bp,equipmentDropChances,2,Chances for each equipment piece from dropping when this entity dies.
@ -4228,14 +4241,22 @@ field_82320_o,theSlot,2,
field_82337_e,itemDropChance,2,Chance for this item frame's item to drop from the frame.
field_82339_as,particleAlpha,2,Particle alpha
field_82346_a,theContainer,2,Container of this anvil's block.
field_82348_s,spawnRange,2,Range for spawning new entities with mob spawners
field_82349_r,requiredPlayerRange,2,Required player range for mob spawning to occur
field_82350_j,maxNearbyEntities,2,Maximum number of entities for limiting mob spawning
field_82354_a,command,2,The command this block will execute when powered.
field_82387_b,intListPattern,2,"This matches things like ""-1,,4"", and is used for getting x,y,z,range from the token's argument list."
field_82388_c,keyValueListPattern,2,"This matches things like ""rm=4,c=2"" and is used for handling named token arguments."
field_82389_a,tokenPattern,2,"This matches the at-tokens introduced for command blocks, including their arguments, if any."
field_82401_a,skeletonHeadModel,2,The Skeleton's head model.
@ -4250,7 +4271,6 @@ field_82477_a,theSoundManager,2,
field_82484_c,defaultItemDispenseBehavior,2,Reference to the BehaviorDefaultDispenseItem object.
field_82491_c,defaultItemDispenseBehavior,2,Reference to the BehaviorDefaultDispenseItem object.
field_82493_c,defaultItemDispenseBehavior,2,Reference to the BehaviorDefaultDispenseItem object.
field_82494_b,mcServer,2,Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
@ -4279,11 +4299,10 @@ field_82537_a,sensible,2,"Whether this button is sensible to arrows, used by woo
field_82539_a,types,2,The types of the wall.
field_82557_a,mcServer,2,Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
field_82575_g,dayTime,2,Total time for this world.
field_82575_g,totalTime,2,Total time for this world.
@ -4318,8 +4337,11 @@ field_82680_c,cropTypeB,2,Second crop type for this field.
field_82681_h,cropTypeD,2,Fourth crop type for this field.
field_82682_h,hasWitch,2,Whether this swamp hut has a witch.
field_82693_j,playerReputation,2,List of player reputations with this village
field_82694_i,noBreedTicks,2,Timestamp of tick count when villager last bred
field_82707_i,isAnimal,2,Whether this creature type is an animal.
field_82723_d,isSplashPotion,2,Whether the potion is a splash potion
field_82724_e,isAmbient,2,Whether the potion effect came from a beacon
@ -4354,7 +4376,7 @@ field_82809_c,soilId,2,Block ID of the soil this seed food should be planted on.
field_82822_g,gameVersion,2,Game version for this server.
field_82823_k,hideAddress,2,Whether to hide the IP address for this server.
field_82843_f,itemFrame,2,"Item frame this stack is on, or null if not on an item frame."
@ -4362,6 +4384,8 @@ field_82852_f,outputSlot,2,Here comes out item you merged and/or renamed.
field_82853_g,inputSlots,2,The 2slots where you put your items in that you want to merge and/or rename.
field_82854_e,maximumCost,2,The maximum cost of repairing/renaming in the anvil.
field_82855_n,thePlayer,2,The player that has this container open.
field_82856_l,stackSizeToBeUsedInRepair,2,determined by damage of input item and stackSize of repair materials
field_82864_f,beaconSlot,2,"This beacon's slot where you put in Emerald, Diamond, Gold or Iron Ingot."
@ -4384,21 +4408,24 @@ field_82909_b,presetName,2,Name for this preset.
field_82910_c,presetData,2,Data for this preset.
field_82911_a,iconId,2,ID for the item used as icon for this preset.
field_83021_g,customMinX,2,Custom minimum X for rendering
field_83022_l,customMaxZ,2,Custom maximum Z for rendering
field_83023_m,useCustomBlockBounds,2,Use custom block bounds for the rendering
field_83024_j,customMaxY,2,Custom maximum Y for rendering
field_83025_k,customMinZ,2,Custom minimum Z for rendering
field_83026_h,customMaxX,2,Custom maximum X for rendering
field_83027_i,customMinY,2,Custom minimum Y for rendering
field_83021_g,renderMinX,2,The minimum X value for rendering (default 0.0).
field_83022_l,renderMaxZ,2,The maximum Z value for rendering (default 1.0).
field_83023_m,lockBlockBounds,2,"Set by overrideBlockBounds, to keep this class from changing the visual bounding box."
field_83024_j,renderMaxY,2,The maximum Y value for rendering (default 1.0).
field_83025_k,renderMinZ,2,The minimum Z value for rendering (default 0.0).
field_83026_h,renderMaxX,2,The maximum X value for rendering (default 1.0).
field_83027_i,renderMinY,2,The minimum Y value for rendering (default 0.0).
field_85045_v,returningStack,2,Used when touchscreen is enabled
field_85050_q,draggedStack,2,Used when touchscreen is enabled
field_85051_p,clickedSlot,2,Used when touchscreen is enabled
field_90018_r,isRightMouseClick,2,Used when touchscreen is enabled
field_90044_b,records,2,List of all record items and their names.

1 searge name side desc
149 field_70291_e health 2 The health of this EntityItem. (For example, damage for tools)
150 field_70292_b age 2 The age of this EntityItem (used to animate it up and down as well as expire it)
151 field_70293_c delayBeforeCanPickup 2
field_70294_a item 2 The item stack of this EntityItem.
152 field_70323_b classToNameMap 2 A HashMap storing the classes and mapping to the string names (reverse of nameToClassMap).
153 field_70324_q blockType 2 the Block type that this TileEntity is contained within
154 field_70325_p blockMetadata 2
238 field_70483_a inventoryTitle 2
239 field_70484_a container 2 The brewing stand this slot belongs to.
240 field_70488_a associatedChest 2
241 field_70500_g matrix 2 Minecart rotational logic matrix
242 field_70501_d cargoItems 2 Array of item stacks stored in minecart (for storage minecarts).
243 field_70502_e fuel 2
244 field_70503_b pushX 2
297 field_70586_a lavaParticleScale 2
298 field_70587_a smokeParticleScale 2
299 field_70588_a snowDigParticleScale 2
300 field_70590_a baseSpellTextureIndex 2 Base spell texture index
301 field_70591_a entityToPickUp 2
302 field_70592_at yOffs 2 renamed from yOffset to fix shadowing Entity.yOffset
303 field_70593_as maxAge 2
854 field_72079_ak stoneSingleSlab 2 stoneSingleSlab
855 field_72080_bM redstoneLampActive 2
856 field_72081_al brick 2
857 field_72082_bJ whiteStone 2 The rock found in The End.
858 field_72083_ai blockSteel 2
859 field_72084_bK dragonEgg 2
860 field_72085_aj stoneDoubleSlab 2 stoneDoubleSlab
983 field_72451_a theDecitatedServer 2 Instance of the DecitatedServer.
984 field_72534_f mcServer 2 Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
985 field_72535_g connectionTimer 2
986 field_72536_d verifyToken 2 The 4 byte verify token read from a Packet252SharedKey
987 field_72537_e rand 2 The Random object used to generate serverId hex strings.
988 field_72538_b myTCPConnection 2
989 field_72539_c connectionComplete 2
990 field_72540_a logger 2 The Minecraft logger.
991 field_72541_j loginServerId 2 server ID that is randomly generated by this login handler.
992 field_72542_k sharedKey 2 Secret AES key obtained from the client's Packet252SharedKey
993 field_72543_h clientUsername 2
994 field_72554_f disconnected 2 True if kicked or disconnected from the server.
995 field_72555_g netManager 2 Reference to the NetworkManager object.
1136 field_72992_H spawnPeacefulMobs 2 A flag indicating whether we should spawn peaceful mobs.
1137 field_72993_I activeChunkSet 2 Positions to update
1138 field_72994_J lightUpdateBlockList 2 is a temporary list of blocks and light values used when updating light levels. Holds up to 32x32x32 blocks (the maximum influence of a light source.) Every element is a packed bit value: 0000000000LLLLzzzzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx. The 4-bit L is a light level used when darkening blocks. 6-bit numbers x, y and z represent the block's offset from the original block, plus 32 (i.e. value of 31 would mean a -1 offset
1139 field_72995_K isRemote 2 This is set to true when you are a client connected to a multiplayer world, false otherwise. As of Minecraft 1.3 and the integrated server, this will always return true. This is set to true for client worlds, and false for server worlds.
1140 field_72996_f loadedEntityList 2 A list of all Entities in all currently-loaded chunks
1141 field_72997_g unloadedEntityList 2
1142 field_72998_d collidingBoundingBoxes 2
1156 field_73012_v rand 2 RNG for World.
1157 field_73013_u difficultySetting 2 Option > Difficulty setting (0 - 3)
1158 field_73014_t editingBlocks 2 true while the world is editing blocks
field_73015_s lightningFlash 2 If > 0, the sky and skylight colors are illuminated by a lightning flash
1159 field_73016_r lastLightningBolt 2 Set to 2 whenever a lightning bolt is generated in SSP. Decrements if > 0 in updateWeather(). Value appears to be unused.
1160 field_73017_q thunderingStrength 2
1161 field_73018_p prevThunderingStrength 2
1206 field_73127_g lastYaw 2
1207 field_73128_d lastScaledXPosition 2
1208 field_73129_e lastScaledYPosition 2
1209 field_73130_b BlocksDistanceThreshold blocksDistanceThreshold 2
1210 field_73131_c updateFrequency 2 check for sync when ticks % updateFrequency==0
1211 field_73132_a myEntity 2
1212 field_73133_n playerEntitiesUpdated 2
1296 field_73248_b chunksToUnload 2 used by unload100OldestChunks to iterate the loadedChunkHashMap for unload (underlying assumption, first in, first out)
1297 field_73249_c defaultEmptyChunk 2
1298 field_73250_a loadChunkOnProvideRequest 2 if this is false, the defaultEmptyChunk will be returned by the provider
1299 field_73251_h currentServer worldObj 2
1300 field_73261_d locationOfBlockChange 2
1301 field_73262_e numberOfTilesToUpdate 2
1302 field_73263_b playersInChunk 2
1319 field_73300_a xPosition 2 X coordinate of spawn.
1320 field_73301_a time 2 The world time in minutes.
1321 field_73305_b verifyToken 2
1322 field_73306_c sharedKey 2 Secret AES key decrypted from sharedSecret via the server's private RSA key
1323 field_73307_a sharedSecret 2
1324 field_73308_d signLines 2
1325 field_73309_b yPosition 2
1451 field_73472_a statisticId 2
1452 field_73474_a text 2 Sent by the client containing the text to be autocompleted. Sent by the server with possible completions separated by null (two bytes in UTF-16)
1453 field_73476_b message 2 The message being sent.
1454 field_73477_c isServer 2
1455 field_73478_a maxChatLength 2 Maximum number of characters allowed in chat string in each packet.
field_73479_f pitch 2 The item pitch.
field_73480_g roll 2 The item roll.
field_73481_d zPosition 2 The item Z position.
field_73482_e rotation 2 The item rotation.
field_73483_b xPosition 2 The item X position.
field_73484_c yPosition 2 The item Y position.
field_73485_a entityId 2 Unique entity ID.
field_73487_h itemID 2
1456 field_73490_f velocityX 2
1457 field_73491_g velocityY 2
1458 field_73492_d yPosition 2 The Y position of the entity.
1535 field_73577_b effectX 2 Effect X multiplied by 8
1536 field_73578_c effectY 2 Effect Y multiplied by 8
1537 field_73579_a soundName 2 e.g. step.grass
1538 field_73585_g dataLength 2 total size of the compressed data
1539 field_73586_d chunkPosZ 2
1540 field_73587_e chunkDataBuffer 2 The compressed chunk data buffer
1541 field_73589_c chunkPostX 2
1542 field_73591_h chunkDataNotCompressed 2
1543 field_73592_a randomId 2
1544 field_73595_f chunkData 2 The transmitted chunk data, decompressed.
1545 field_73596_g compressedChunkData 2 The compressed chunk data
1546 field_73597_d yChMax 2 The y-position of the highest chunk Section in the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates.
1547 field_73598_e includeInitialize 2 Whether to initialize the Chunk before applying the effect of the Packet51MapChunk.
1548 field_73599_b zCh 2 The z-position of the transmitted chunk, in chunk coordinates.
1558 field_73614_b explosionY 2
1559 field_73615_c explosionZ 2
1560 field_73616_a explosionX 2
1561 field_73618_b bedState eventType 2 Either 1 or 2. 1 indicates to begin raining, 2 indicates to stop raining. 0: Invalid bed, 1: Rain starts, 2: Rain stops, 3: Game mode changed.
1562 field_73619_c gameMode 2 Used only when reason = 3. 0 is survival, 1 is creative. When reason==3, the game mode to set. See EnumGameType for a list of values.
1563 field_73620_a bedChat clientMessage 2 The client prints clientMessage[eventType] to chat when this packet is received.
1564 field_73621_d bedZ 2
1565 field_73623_b bedX 2
1566 field_73624_c bedY 2
1717 field_73944_m message2 2 Second line of text.
1718 field_73946_b copyLinkButtonText 2 Label for the Copy to Clipboard button.
1719 field_73947_a openLinkWarning 2 Text to warn players from opening unsafe links.
field_73948_b chatGui 2
field_73949_a theChatClickData 2 Instance of ChatClickData.
1720 field_73964_d guiTexturePackSlot 2 the GuiTexturePackSlot that contains all the texture packs and their descriptions
1721 field_73965_b refreshTimer 2
1722 field_73966_c fileLocation 2 the absolute location of this texture pack
1866 field_74220_o upperChestInventory 2
1867 field_74224_p ySize_lo 2 y size of the inventory window in pixels. Defined as float, passed as int.
1868 field_74225_o xSize_lo 2 x size of the inventory window in pixels. Defined as float, passed as int
1869 field_74236_u backupContainerSlots 2 Used to back up the ContainerCreative's inventory slots before filling it with the player's inventory slots for the inventory tab.
1870 field_74237_t searchField 2
1871 field_74238_s wasClicking 2 True if the left mouse button was held down last time drawScreen was called.
1872 field_74239_r isScrolling 2 True if the scrollbar is being dragged
1981 field_74443_c pairedConnection 2
1982 field_74444_a mySocketAddress 2
1983 field_74445_h gamePaused 2
1984 field_74464_B chunkDataPacketsDelay 2 Delay for sending pending chunk data packets (as opposed to pending non-chunk data packets)
1985 field_74465_f isInputBeingDecrypted 2
1986 field_74466_g isOutputEncrypted 2
1987 field_74472_n isTerminating 2 Whether this network manager is currently terminating (and should ignore further errors).
2016 field_74532_a mc 2 A reference to the Minecraft object.
2017 field_74534_a arguments 2 Arguments that were passed to Minecraft.jar (username, sessionid etc)
2018 field_74536_a mc 2 Minecraft instance
2019 field_74537_a logo 2 BufferedImage object containing the Majong logo. BufferedImage containing the Mojang logo.
2020 field_74541_b lineString 2
2021 field_74542_c chatLineID 2 int value to refer to existing Chat Lines, can be 0 which means unreferrable
2022 field_74543_a updateCounterCreated 2 GUI Update Counter value this Line was created at
2027 field_74577_b mc 2 A reference to the Minecraft object.
2028 field_74578_c closing 2 Set to true when Minecraft is closing down.
2029 field_74579_a resourcesFolder 2 The folder to store the resources in.
2030 field_74580_b chunkExistFlag 2
2031 field_74581_c chunkHasAddSectionFlag 2
2032 field_74582_a compressedData 2
2033 field_74586_f rotationZ 2 The Z component of the entity's yaw rotation
2034 field_74587_g rotationYZ 2 The Y component (scaled along the Z axis) of the entity's pitch rotation
2035 field_74588_d rotationX 2 The X component of the entity's yaw rotation
2450 field_75519_k canPassClosedWoodenDoors 2 If door blocks are considered passable even when closed
2451 field_75520_h ticksAtLastPos 2 The time when the last position check was done (to detect successful movement)
2452 field_75521_i lastPosCheck 2 Coordinates of the entity's position last time a check was done (part of monitoring getting 'stuck')
2453 field_75524_b seenEntities 2 Cache of entities which we can see
2454 field_75525_c unseenEntities 2 Cache of entities which we cannot see
2455 field_75526_a entityObj 2
2456 field_75531_f theVillage 2 Instance of Village.
2457 field_75537_a worldObj 2
2768 field_76258_w craftedSnow 2 The material for crafted snow.
2769 field_76259_v snow 2
2770 field_76260_u ice 2
2771 field_76261_t coral 2
2772 field_76262_s tnt 2
2773 field_76263_r redstoneLight 2
2774 field_76264_q glass 2
2797 field_76295_d theMinimumChanceToGenerateItem 2 The minimum chance of item generating.
2798 field_76296_e theMaximumChanceToGenerateItem 2 The maximum chance of item generating.
2799 field_76297_b theItemId 2 The Item/Block ID to generate in the Chest.
field_76298_c theItemDamage 2 The Item damage/metadata.
2800 field_76299_d maxGroupCount 2
2801 field_76300_b entityClass 2 Holds the class of the entity to be spawned.
2802 field_76301_c minGroupCount 2
2826 field_76372_a inFire 2
2827 field_76373_n damageType 2
2828 field_76374_o isUnblockable 2 This kind of damage can be blocked or not.
2829 field_76375_l explosion2 2
2830 field_76376_m magic 2
2831 field_76377_j generic 2
2832 field_76378_k explosion 2
2833 field_76379_h fall 2
2834 field_76380_i outOfWorld 2
2835 field_76381_t difficultyScaled 2 Whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty.
2836 field_76382_s projectile 2 This kind of damage is based on a projectile or not.
2837 field_76383_r fireDamage 2 This kind of damage is based on fire or not.
2838 field_76384_q hungerDamage 2
3148 field_76991_a modelBase 2
3149 field_76993_a blockRenderer 2
3150 field_76998_a modelBoat 2 instance of ModelBoat for rendering
3151 field_77004_a renderBlocks sandRenderBlocks 2
3152 field_77013_a modelMinecart 2 instance of ModelMinecart for rendering
3153 field_77022_g renderBlocks itemRenderBlocks 2
3154 field_77023_b zLevel 2 Defines the zLevel of rendering of item on GUI.
3155 field_77025_h random 2 The RNG used in RenderItem (for bobbing itemstacks on the ground)
3156 field_77027_a itemIconIndex 2 Have the icon index (in items.png) that will be used to render the image. Currently, eggs and snowballs uses this classes.
3484 field_77776_ba bed 2
3485 field_77777_bU maxStackSize 2 Maximum size of the stack.
3486 field_77778_at appleGold 2
3487 field_77779_bT shiftedIndex itemID 2 Item index + 256 The ID of this item.
3488 field_77780_as painting 2
3489 field_77781_bS record11 2
3490 field_77782_ar porkCooked 2
3578 field_77923_c ghastTearEffect 2
3579 field_77926_o potionPrefixes 2 An array of possible potion prefix names, as translation IDs.
3580 field_77927_l potionRequirements 2
3581 field_77928_m potionAmplifiers 2 Potion effect amplifier map
3582 field_77929_j glowstoneEffect 2
3583 field_77930_k gunpowderEffect 2
3584 field_77931_h magmaCreamEffect 2
4175 field_79028_a mcServerGui 2 Reference to the ServerGui object.
4176 field_79029_a outputHandler 2 Reference to the GuiLogOutputHandler.
4177 field_80001_f closestPlayer 2 The closest EntityPlayer to this orb.
4178 field_80002_g xpTargetColor 2 Threshold color for tracking players
4179 field_80004_Q updateEntityTick 2
4180 field_80005_w hideServerAddress 2
4181 field_82121_b skullRotation 2 The skull's rotation.
4187 field_82139_a effectsList 2 List of effects that Beacon can apply
4188 field_82140_h payment 2 Item given to this beacon as payment.
4189 field_82155_f isAnvil 2
4190 field_82156_g fallHurtMax 2 Maximum amount of damage dealt to entities hit by falling block
4191 field_82157_e isBreakingAnvil 2
4192 field_82158_h fallHurtAmount 2 Actual damage dealt to entities hit by falling block
4193 field_82172_bs canPickUpLoot 2 Whether this entity can pick up items from the ground.
4194 field_82173_br swingProgressInt 2
4195 field_82174_bp equipmentDropChances 2 Chances for each equipment piece from dropping when this entity dies.
4241 field_82321_q buttonsNotDrawn 2
4242 field_82322_p beaconConfirmButton 2
4243 field_82323_o beacon 2
4244 field_82326_p itemNameField 2
4245 field_82327_o repairContainer 2
4246 field_82332_a hangingDirection 2
4247 field_82337_e itemDropChance 2 Chance for this item frame's item to drop from the frame.
4248 field_82339_as particleAlpha 2 Particle alpha
4249 field_82346_a theContainer 2 Container of this anvil's block.
4250 field_82348_s spawnRange 2 Range for spawning new entities with mob spawners
4251 field_82349_r requiredPlayerRange 2 Required player range for mob spawning to occur
4252 field_82350_j maxNearbyEntities 2 Maximum number of entities for limiting mob spawning
4253 field_82354_a command 2 The command this block will execute when powered.
4254 field_82365_a difficulties 2
4255 field_82373_c directions 2
4256 field_82374_e facings 2
4257 field_82387_b intListPattern 2 This matches things like "-1,,4", and is used for getting x,y,z,range from the token's argument list.
4258 field_82388_c keyValueListPattern 2 This matches things like "rm=4,c=2" and is used for handling named token arguments.
4259 field_82389_a tokenPattern 2 This matches the at-tokens introduced for command blocks, including their arguments, if any.
4260 field_82397_a skullRenderer 2
4261 field_82401_a skeletonHeadModel 2 The Skeleton's head model.
4262 field_82405_a renderBlocksInstance 2
4271 field_82483_a itemDispenseBehaviorProvider 2
4272 field_82484_c defaultItemDispenseBehavior 2 Reference to the BehaviorDefaultDispenseItem object.
4273 field_82490_b mcServer 2
field_82491_c defaultItemDispenseBehavior 2 Reference to the BehaviorDefaultDispenseItem object.
4274 field_82492_b mcServer 2
4275 field_82493_c defaultItemDispenseBehavior 2 Reference to the BehaviorDefaultDispenseItem object.
4276 field_82494_b mcServer 2 Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
4299 field_82539_a types 2 The types of the wall.
4300 field_82548_a theChunkCoordinates 2
4301 field_82552_a mcServer 2
field_82553_a mcServer 2
4302 field_82555_a mcServer 2
4303 field_82557_a mcServer 2 Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
4304 field_82564_f showCape 2
4305 field_82575_g dayTime totalTime 2 Total time for this world.
4306 field_82576_c generatorOptions 2
4307 field_82577_x theGameRules 2
4308 field_82578_b NBTTypes 2
4337 field_82681_h cropTypeD 2 Fourth crop type for this field.
4338 field_82682_h hasWitch 2 Whether this swamp hut has a witch.
4339 field_82693_j playerReputation 2 List of player reputations with this village
4340 field_82694_i noBreedTicks 2 Timestamp of tick count when villager last bred
4341 field_82707_i isAnimal 2 Whether this creature type is an animal.
4342 field_82717_g anvil 2
4343 field_82723_d isSplashPotion 2 Whether the potion is a splash potion
4344 field_82724_e isAmbient 2 Whether the potion effect came from a beacon
4345 field_82727_n wither 2
4346 field_82728_o anvil 2
4347 field_82729_p fallingBlock 2
4376 field_82811_a hangingEntityClass 2
4377 field_82822_g gameVersion 2 Game version for this server.
4378 field_82823_k hideAddress 2 Whether to hide the IP address for this server.
4379 field_82826_b statusBarLenght statusBarLength 2
4380 field_82827_c bossName 2
4381 field_82828_a healthScale 2
4382 field_82843_f itemFrame 2 Item frame this stack is on, or null if not on an item frame.
4384 field_82853_g inputSlots 2 The 2slots where you put your items in that you want to merge and/or rename.
4385 field_82854_e maximumCost 2 The maximum cost of repairing/renaming in the anvil.
4386 field_82855_n thePlayer 2 The player that has this container open.
4387 field_82856_l stackSizeToBeUsedInRepair 2 determined by damage of input item and stackSize of repair materials
4388 field_82857_m repairedItemName 2
4389 field_82860_h theWorld 2
4390 field_82862_h thePlayer 2
4391 field_82864_f beaconSlot 2 This beacon's slot where you put in Emerald, Diamond, Gold or Iron Ingot.
4408 field_82910_c presetData 2 Data for this preset.
4409 field_82911_a iconId 2 ID for the item used as icon for this preset.
4410 field_82915_S theWorldGenerator 2
4411 field_83001_bt invulnerable 2
4412 field_83004_a theCrashReport 2
4413 field_83016_L theCalendar 2
4414 field_83021_g customMinX renderMinX 2 Custom minimum X for rendering The minimum X value for rendering (default 0.0).
4415 field_83022_l customMaxZ renderMaxZ 2 Custom maximum Z for rendering The maximum Z value for rendering (default 1.0).
4416 field_83023_m useCustomBlockBounds lockBlockBounds 2 Use custom block bounds for the rendering Set by overrideBlockBounds, to keep this class from changing the visual bounding box.
4417 field_83024_j customMaxY renderMaxY 2 Custom maximum Y for rendering The maximum Y value for rendering (default 1.0).
4418 field_83025_k customMinZ renderMinZ 2 Custom minimum Z for rendering The minimum Z value for rendering (default 0.0).
4419 field_83026_h customMaxX renderMaxX 2 Custom maximum X for rendering The maximum X value for rendering (default 1.0).
4420 field_83027_i customMinY renderMinY 2 Custom minimum Y for rendering The minimum Y value for rendering (default 0.0).
4421 field_85045_v returningStack 2 Used when touchscreen is enabled
4422 field_85046_u returningStackTime 2
4423 field_85047_t returningStackDestSlot 2
4424 field_85050_q draggedStack 2 Used when touchscreen is enabled
4425 field_85051_p clickedSlot 2 Used when touchscreen is enabled
4426 field_85053_h throwerName 2
4427 field_85180_cf recordWait 2
4428 field_85185_A touchscreen 2
4429 field_90017_e isMacOs 2
4430 field_90018_r isRightMouseClick 2 Used when touchscreen is enabled
4431 field_90044_b records 2 List of all record items and their names.

View file

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ DirNatives = %(DirJars)s/bin/natives
Client = %(DirJars)s/bin/minecraft.jar
Server = %(DirJars)s/minecraft_server.jar
LWJGL = %(DirJars)s/bin/jinput.jar,%(DirJars)s/bin/lwjgl.jar,%(DirJars)s/bin/lwjgl_util.jar
MD5Client = 48677dc4c2b98c29918722b5ab27b4fd
MD5Server = b0700fa969dbf0ff085082cde87384d2
MD5Client = 8e80fb01b321c6b3c7efca397a3eea35
MD5Server = f69ac4bfce2dfbce03fe872518f75a05
Location = %(DirRuntime)s/bin/retroguard.jar

View file

@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ func_70352_b,getPotionResult,2,The result of brewing a potion of the specified d
func_70360_a,addItem,2,Add item stack in first available inventory slot
@ -220,6 +221,7 @@ func_70447_i,getFirstEmptyStack,2,Returns the first item stack that is empty.
func_70448_g,getCurrentItem,2,Returns the item stack currently held by the player.
func_70449_g,damageArmor,2,Damages armor in each slot by the specified amount.
func_70450_e,hasItem,2,Get if a specifiied item id is inside the inventory.
func_70451_h,getHotbarSize,2,Get the size of the player hotbar inventory
func_70452_e,storePartialItemStack,2,This function stores as many items of an ItemStack as possible in a matching slot and returns the quantity of left over items.
func_70453_c,changeCurrentItem,2,Switch the current item to the next one or the previous one
func_70454_b,canHarvestBlock,2,Returns whether the current item (tool) can harvest from the specified block (actually get a result).
@ -251,6 +253,7 @@ func_70540_h,getParticleTextureIndex,2,
func_70589_b,setBaseSpellTextureIndex,2,Sets the base spell texture index
func_70599_aP,getSoundVolume,2,Returns the volume for the sounds this mob makes.
@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ func_70624_b,setAttackTarget,2,Sets the active target the Task system uses for t
func_70625_a,faceEntity,2,Changes pitch and yaw so that the entity calling the function is facing the entity provided as an argument.
func_70627_aG,getTalkInterval,2,"Get number of ticks, at least during which the living entity will be silent."
func_70628_a,dropFewItems,2,Drop 0-2 items of this living's type
func_70628_a,dropFewItems,2,Drop 0-2 items of this living's type. @param par1 - Whether this entity has recently been hit by a player. @param par2 - Level of Looting used to kill this mob.
func_70629_bd,updateAITick,2,"main AI tick function, replaces updateEntityActionState"
func_70631_g_,isChild,2,"If Animal, checks if the age timer is negative"
@ -487,7 +490,7 @@ func_71027_c,travelToDimension,2,Teleports the entity to another dimension. Para
func_71028_bD,destroyCurrentEquippedItem,2,Destroys the currently equipped item from the player's inventory.
func_71029_a,triggerAchievement,2,Will trigger the specified trigger.
func_71033_a,setGameType,2,Sets the player's game mode and sends it to them.
func_71035_c,addChatMessage,2,Add a chat message to the player
func_71036_o,onItemUseFinish,2,"Used for when item use count runs out, ie: eating completed"
@ -638,7 +641,7 @@ func_71279_ae,getGuiEnabled,2,
func_71326_a,saveProperties,2,Saves all of the server properties to the properties file.
func_71327_a,getIntProperty,2,"Gets an integer property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value."
func_71328_a,setProperty,2,Saves an Object with the given property name.
func_71329_c,getSettingsFilename,2,Returns the filename where server properties are stored
func_71330_a,getStringProperty,2,"Gets a string property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value."
func_71332_a,getBooleanProperty,2,"Gets a boolean property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value."
@ -805,7 +808,7 @@ func_71851_a,getBlockTextureFromSide,2,Returns the block texture based on the si
func_71852_a,breakBlock,2,"ejects contained items into the world, and notifies neighbours of an update, as appropriate"
func_71853_i,canProvidePower,2,Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.
func_71854_d,canBlockStay,2,Can this block stay at this position. Similar to canPlaceBlockAt except gets checked often with plants.
func_71855_c,isProvidingStrongPower,2,"Returns true if the block is emitting direct/strong redstone power on the specified side. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side"
func_71855_c,isProvidingStrongPower,2,"Returns true if the block is emitting direct/strong redstone power on the specified side. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side. Note that the side is reversed - eg it is 1 (up) when checking the bottom of the block."
func_71856_s_,getRenderBlockPass,2,Returns which pass should this block be rendered on. 0 for solids and 1 for alpha
func_71857_b,getRenderType,2,The type of render function that is called for this block
func_71858_a,getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata,2,"From the specified side and block metadata retrieves the blocks texture. Args: side, metadata"
@ -815,7 +818,7 @@ func_71861_g,onBlockAdded,2,"Called whenever the block is added into the world.
func_71862_a,randomDisplayTick,2,A randomly called display update to be able to add particles or other items for display
func_71863_a,onNeighborBlockChange,2,"Lets the block know when one of its neighbor changes. Doesn't know which neighbor changed (coordinates passed are their own) Args: x, y, z, neighbor blockID"
func_71864_b,setBlockName,2,set name of block from language file
func_71865_a,isProvidingWeakPower,2,"Returns true if the block is emitting indirect/weak redstone power on the specified side. If isBlockNormalCube returns true, standard redstone propagation rules will apply instead and this will not be called. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side"
func_71865_a,isProvidingWeakPower,2,"Returns true if the block is emitting indirect/weak redstone power on the specified side. If isBlockNormalCube returns true, standard redstone propagation rules will apply instead and this will not be called. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side. Note that the side is reversed - eg it is 1 (up) when checking the bottom of the block."
func_71866_a,onFallenUpon,2,Block's chance to react to an entity falling on it.
func_71867_k,onBlockDestroyedByExplosion,2,Called upon the block being destroyed by an explosion
func_71868_h,setLightOpacity,2,Sets how much light is blocked going through this block. Returns the object for convenience in constructing.
@ -926,7 +929,7 @@ func_72169_f,isPoweredOrRepeater,2,"Returns true if the block coordinate passed
func_72170_e,getMaxCurrentStrength,2,"Returns the current strength at the specified block if it is greater than the passed value, or the passed value otherwise. Signature: (world, x, y, z, strength)"
func_72172_n,notifyWireNeighborsOfNeighborChange,2,"Calls World.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange() for all neighboring blocks, but only if the given block is a redstone wire."
func_72173_e,isPowerProviderOrWire,2,"Returns true if the block coordinate passed can provide power, or is a redstone wire."
func_72173_e,canConnectRedstone,2,"Returns true if redstone wire can connect to the specified block. Params: World, X, Y, Z, side (not a normal notch-side, this can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or -1)"
func_72176_l,glow,2,The redstone ore glows.
func_72177_n,sparkle,2,The redstone ore sparkles.
func_72179_a,isPoweredBlockRail,2,Return true if the blocks passed is a power related rail.
@ -1115,7 +1118,6 @@ func_72455_a,handleLogin,2,
@ -1125,7 +1127,7 @@ func_72465_a,handleBlockDestroy,2,
func_72467_a,handleServerPing,2,Handle a server ping packet.
func_72469_b,canProcessPackets,2,packet.processPacket is only called if this returns true
func_72469_b,canProcessPacketsAsync,2,"If this returns false, all packets will be queued for the main thread to handle, even if they would otherwise be processed asynchronously. Used to avoid processing packets on the client before the world has been downloaded (which happens on the main thread)"
func_72471_a,handlePlayerAbilities,2,Handle a player abilities packet.
@ -1144,7 +1146,7 @@ func_72484_a,handleAttachEntity,2,Packet handler
func_72485_a,handleEntityStatus,2,Packet handler
func_72487_a,handleUpdateSign,2,Updates Client side signs
func_72489_a,isServerHandler,2,determine if it is a server handler
@ -1181,6 +1183,7 @@ func_72521_a,handleUpdateHealth,2,Recieves player health from the server and the
func_72522_a,handleExperience,2,Handle an experience packet.
func_72525_c,getSharedKey,2,Return the secret AES sharedKey
func_72526_a,getServerId,2,Returns the server Id randomly generated by this login handler.
@ -1193,6 +1196,7 @@ func_72546_b,quitWithPacket,2,
func_72547_c,cleanup,2,sets netManager and worldClient to null
func_72548_f,getNetManager,2,Return the NetworkManager instance used by this NetClientHandler
func_72549_a,urlEncode,2,Encode the given string for insertion into a URL
func_72550_a,sendSessionRequest,2,Send request to http://session.minecraft.net with user's sessionId and serverId hash
func_72551_d,processReadPackets,2,Processes the packets that have been read since the last call to this function.
func_72552_c,addToSendQueue,2,Adds the packet to the send queue
func_72553_e,disconnect,2,Disconnects the network connection.
@ -1224,7 +1228,7 @@ func_72621_a,parseIncomingPacket,2,"Parses an incoming DatagramPacket, returning
func_72622_d,sendAuthChallenge,2,Sends an auth challenge DatagramPacket to the client and adds the client to the queryClients map
func_72623_a,stopWithException,2,Stops the query server and reports the given Exception
func_72624_b,createQueryResponse,2,Creates a query response as a byte array for the specified query DatagramPacket
func_72625_a,getRequestId,2,Returns the request ID provided by the authorized client
func_72625_a,getRequestID,2,Returns the request ID provided by the authorized client
func_72626_g,initQuerySystem,2,Initializes the query system by binding it to a port
func_72627_c,verifyClientAuth,2,"Returns true if the client has a valid auth, otherwise false"
func_72628_f,cleanQueryClientsMap,2,Removes all clients whose auth is no longer valid
@ -1252,6 +1256,7 @@ func_72678_c,getPitch,2,
func_72683_a,addPlayer,2,Adds an EntityPlayerMP to the PlayerManager.
func_72685_d,updateMountedMovingPlayer,2,"update chunks around a player being moved by server logic (e.g. cart, boat)"
func_72686_a,getFurthestViewableBlock,2,Get the furthest viewable block given player's view distance
func_72687_a,flagChunkForUpdate,2,"the ""PlayerInstance""/ chunkWatcher will send this chunk to all players who are in line of sight"
@ -1287,6 +1292,7 @@ func_72724_a,renderSortedRenderers,2,"Renders the sorted renders for the specifi
func_72725_b,markBlocksForUpdate,2,Marks the blocks in the given range for update
func_72726_b,doSpawnParticle,2,"Spawns a particle. Arg: particleType, x, y, z, velX, velY, velZ"
func_72728_f,deleteAllDisplayLists,2,Deletes all display lists
func_72729_a,clipRenderersByFrustum,2,"Checks all renderers that previously weren't in the frustum and 1/16th of those that previously were in the frustum for frustum clipping Args: frustum, partialTickTime"
func_72731_b,drawSelectionBox,2,"Draws the selection box for the player. Args: entityPlayer, rayTraceHit, i, itemStack, partialTickTime"
@ -1472,6 +1478,7 @@ func_72966_v,calculateInitialSkylight,2,Called on construction of the World clas
func_72967_a,calculateSkylightSubtracted,2,Returns the amount of skylight subtracted for the current time
func_72970_h,createChunkProvider,2,Creates the chunk provider for this world. Called in the constructor. Retrieves provider from worldProvider?
func_72971_b,getSunBrightness,2,"Returns the sun brightness - checks time of day, rain and thunder"
func_72972_b,getSavedLightValue,2,Returns saved light value without taking into account the time of day. Either looks in the sky light map or block light map based on the enumSkyBlock arg.
func_72973_f,removeEntity,2,remove dat player from dem servers
func_72974_f,setSpawnLocation,2,"Sets a new spawn location by finding an uncovered block at a random (x,z) location in the chunk."
@ -1514,7 +1521,7 @@ func_73075_a,updateBlockRemoving,2,
func_73077_b,initializeGameType,2,if the gameType is currently NOT_SET then change it to par1
func_73078_a,activateBlockOrUseItem,2,"Activate the clicked on block, otherwise use the held item. Args: player, world, itemStack, x, y, z, side, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset"
func_73079_d,removeBlock,2,Removes a block and triggers the appropriate events
func_73079_d,removeBlock,2,Removes a block and triggers the appropriate events
func_73080_a,setWorld,2,Sets the world instance.
@ -1582,7 +1589,7 @@ func_73273_a,writePacketData,2,Abstract. Writes the raw packet data to the data
func_73274_a,writeByteArray,2,Writes a byte array to the DataOutputStream
func_73275_a,writeNBTTagCompound,2,Writes a compressed NBTTagCompound to the OutputStream
func_73276_c,readItemStack,2,Reads a ItemStack from the InputStream
func_73277_a_,isWritePacket,2,"if this returns false, processPacket is deffered for processReadPackets to handle"
func_73277_a_,canProcessAsync,2,"If this returns true, the packet may be processed on any thread; otherwise it is queued for the main thread to handle."
func_73278_e,isRealPacket,2,"only false for the abstract Packet class, all real packets return true"
func_73279_a,processPacket,2,Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing.
func_73280_b,readBytesFromStream,2,the first short in the stream indicates the number of bytes to read
@ -1591,6 +1598,9 @@ func_73282_a,readString,2,Reads a string from a packet
func_73283_d,readNBTTagCompound,2,Reads a compressed NBTTagCompound from the InputStream
func_73284_a,getPacketSize,2,Abstract. Return the size of the packet (not counting the header).
func_73285_a,addIdClassMapping,2,Adds a two way mapping between the packet ID and packet class.
func_73302_b,getVerifyToken,2,Return verifyToken
func_73303_a,getSharedKey,2,"Return secretKey, decrypting it from the sharedSecret byte array if needed"
func_73304_d,getSharedKey,2,Return the secret AES sharedKey (used by client only)
func_73320_h,getPosZ,2,Gets the Z position of the block
func_73321_f,getPosX,2,Gets the X position of the block
func_73322_d,getEntityId,2,Gets the ID of the entity breaking the block
@ -1628,6 +1638,7 @@ func_73461_f,getRenderDistance,2,
func_73475_d,getIsServer,2,Get whether this is a server
@ -1635,6 +1646,10 @@ func_73570_d,getSoundName,2,
func_73573_j,getPitch,2,Gets the pitch divided by 63 (63 is 100%)
func_73641_d,connectToNeighbor,2,"The specified neighbor has just formed a new connection, so update accordingly"
@ -1645,7 +1660,7 @@ func_73646_c,canConnectTo,2,Determines whether or not the track can bend to meet
func_73649_b,isInTrack,2,Returns true if the specified block is in the same railway.
func_73650_a,getAdjacentTracks,2,Get the number of adjacent tracks
func_73650_a,getAdjacentTrackCount,2,Get the number of adjacent tracks.
func_73652_a,refreshTrackShape,2,Completely recalculates the track shape based on neighboring tracks and power state
func_73660_a,update,2,Updates the JList with a new model.
@ -1844,6 +1859,7 @@ func_74184_a,drawItemStackTooltip,2,
func_74185_a,drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer,2,Draw the background layer for the GuiContainer (everything behind the items)
func_74186_a,isMouseOverSlot,2,Returns if the passed mouse position is over the specified slot.
func_74187_b,getSlotAtPosition,2,Returns the slot at the given coordinates or null if there is none.
func_74188_c,isPointInRegion,2,"Args: left, top, width, height, pointX, pointY. Note: left, top are local to Gui, pointX, pointY are local to screen"
func_74189_g,drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer,2,Draw the foreground layer for the GuiContainer (everything in front of the items)
func_74190_a,drawCreativeTabHoveringText,2,"Draws the text when mouse is over creative inventory tab. Params: current creative tab to be checked, current mouse x position, current mouse y position."
@ -1851,6 +1867,7 @@ func_74192_a,drawSlotInventory,2,Draws an inventory slot
func_74199_h,getIMerchant,2,Gets the Instance of IMerchant interface.
func_74221_h,displayDebuffEffects,2,Displays debuff/potion effects that are currently being applied to the player
func_74226_k,needsScrollBars,2,returns (if you are not on the inventoryTab) and (the flag isn't set) and( you have more than 1 page of items)
func_74229_i,getInventory,2,Returns the creative inventory
func_74231_b,renderCreativeInventoryHoveringText,2,"Renders the creative inventory hovering text if mouse is over it. Returns true if did render or false otherwise. Params: current creative tab to be checked, current mouse x position, current mouse y position."
@ -2238,7 +2255,7 @@ func_75138_a,getInventory,2,"returns a list if itemStacks, for each slot."
func_75140_a,enchantItem,2,enchants the item on the table using the specified slot; also deducts XP from player
func_75141_a,putStackInSlot,2,"args: slotID, itemStack to put in slot"
func_75142_b,updateCraftingResults,2,Updates crafting matrix; called from onCraftMatrixChanged. Args: none
func_75142_b,detectAndSendChanges,2,"Looks for changes made in the container, sends them to every listener."
func_75146_a,addSlotToContainer,2,the slot is assumed empty
@ -2286,7 +2303,7 @@ func_75366_f,findPossibleShelter,2,
func_75382_a,hasPlayerGotBoneInHand,2,Gets if the Player has the Bone in the hand.
func_75388_i,spawnBaby,2,Spawns a baby animal of the same type.
func_75389_f,getNearbyMate,2,Loops through nearby animals and finds another animal of the same type that can be mated with. Returns the first valid mate found.
func_75398_a,isSittableBlock,2,Determines wheter the Ocelot wants to sit on the block at given coordinate
func_75398_a,isSittableBlock,2,Determines whether the Ocelot wants to sit on the block at given coordinate
func_75399_f,getNearbySitableBlockDistance,2,"Searches for a block to sit on within a 8 block range, returns 0 if none found"
@ -2502,9 +2519,18 @@ func_75878_a,getPosition,2,returns the current PathEntity target node as Vec3D
func_75879_b,isFinished,2,Returns true if this path has reached the end
func_75880_b,isDestinationSame,2,Returns true if the final PathPoint in the PathEntity is equal to Vec3D coords.
func_75881_a,getVectorFromIndex,2,Gets the vector of the PathPoint associated with the given index.
func_75886_a,createTheChiperInstance,2,Creates the Chiper Instance.
func_75885_a,cipherOperation,2,Encrypt or decrypt byte[] data using the specified key
func_75886_a,createTheCipherInstance,2,Creates the Cipher Instance.
func_75887_a,decryptSharedKey,2,Decrypt shared secret AES key using RSA private key
func_75889_b,decryptData,2,Decrypt byte[] data with RSA private key
func_75890_a,createNewSharedKey,2,Generate a new shared secret AES key from a secure random source
func_75892_a,createBufferedBlockCipher,2,Create a new BufferedBlockCipher instance
func_75893_a,digestOperation,2,Compute a message digest on arbitrary byte[] data
func_75894_a,encryptData,2,Encrypt byte[] data with RSA public key
func_75895_a,getServerIdHash,2,Compute a serverId hash for use by sendSessionRequest()
func_75896_a,decodePublicKey,2,Create a new PublicKey from encoded X.509 data
func_75899_a,getMD5String,2,Gets the MD5 string
func_75901_a,initializeAllBiomeGenerators,2,"the first array item is a linked list of the bioms, the second is the zoom function, the third is the same as the first."
@ -2514,6 +2540,7 @@ func_75904_a,getInts,2,"Returns a list of integer values generated by this layer
func_75905_a,initWorldGenSeed,2,Initialize layer's local worldGenSeed based on its own baseSeed and the world's global seed (passed in as an argument).
func_75912_b,choose,2,randomly choose between the four args
func_75913_a,choose,2,randomly choose between the two args
func_75916_b,modeOrRandom,2,returns the mode (most frequently occuring number) or a random number from the 4 integers provided
func_75917_a,choose,2,Chooses one of the two inputs randomly.
func_75918_d,initCraftableStats,2,Initializes statistics related to craftable items. Is only called after both block and item stats have been initialized.
func_75919_a,nopInit,2,This method simply NOPs. It is presumably used to call the static constructors on server start.
@ -2645,6 +2672,7 @@ func_76187_b,writeToNBT,2,"write data to NBTTagCompound from this MapDataBase, s
func_76188_b,isDirty,2,Whether this MapDataBase needs saving to disk.
func_76191_a,updateVisiblePlayers,2,Adds the player passed to the list of visible players and checks to see which players are visible
func_76192_a,updateMPMapData,2,Updates the client's map with information from other players in MP
func_76193_a,getUpdatePacketData,2,Get byte array of packet data to send to players on map for updating map data
func_76194_a,setColumnDirty,2,"Marks a vertical range of pixels as being modified so they will be resent to clients. Parameters: X, lowest Y, highest Y"
func_76204_a,getPlayersOnMap,2,"returns a 1+players*3 array, of x,y, and color . the name of this function may be partially wrong, as there is a second branch to the code here"
func_76217_h,getCanBurn,2,Returns if the block can burn or not.
@ -2682,6 +2710,7 @@ func_76319_b,endSection,2,End section
func_76320_a,startSection,2,Start section
func_76321_b,getProfilingData,2,Get profiling data
func_76333_a,smooth,2,Smooths mouse input
func_76337_a,ticksToElapsedTime,2,"Returns the time elapsed for the given number of ticks, in ""mm:ss"" format."
func_76340_b,getSecond,2,Get the second Object in the Tuple
@ -2691,6 +2720,8 @@ func_76346_g,getEntity,2,
func_76347_k,isFireDamage,2,Returns true if the damage is fire based.
func_76349_b,setProjectile,2,Define the damage type as projectile based.
func_76350_n,isDifficultyScaled,2,Return whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty.
func_76351_m,setDifficultyScaled,2,Set whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty.
func_76352_a,isProjectile,2,Returns true if the damage is projectile based.
func_76353_a,causeArrowDamage,2,returns EntityDamageSourceIndirect of an arrow
@ -3192,7 +3223,6 @@ func_77489_c,updateLastSeen,2,Updates the time this LanServer was last seen.
func_77493_a,calculateModifier,2,Generic method use to calculate modifiers of offensive or defensive enchantment values.
func_77501_a,getRespiration,2,Returns the 'Water Breathing' modifier of enchantments on player equipped armors.
func_77502_d,getSilkTouchModifier,2,Returns the silk touch status of enchantments on current equipped item of player.
func_77503_c,getUnbreakingModifier,2,Returns the unbreaking enchantment modifier on current equipped item of player.
func_77504_a,addRandomEnchantment,2,"Adds a random enchantment to the specified item. Args: random, itemStack, enchantabilityLevel"
func_77505_b,mapEnchantmentData,2,Creates a 'Map' of EnchantmentData (enchantments) possible to add on the ItemStack and the enchantability level passed.
func_77506_a,getEnchantmentLevel,2,Returns the level of enchantment on the ItemStack passed.
@ -3239,7 +3269,6 @@ func_77589_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the crafting recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77590_a,addRecipes,2,Adds the ingot recipes to the CraftingManager.
func_77592_b,getRecipeList,2,returns the List<> of all recipes
func_77594_a,getInstance,2,Returns the static instance of this class
func_77595_a,addRecipe,2,Adds a recipe. See spreadsheet on first page for details.
func_77600_a,addSmelting,2,Adds a smelting recipe.
@ -3712,6 +3741,10 @@ func_80006_f,getUniqueID,2,
func_80007_l,getDimensionName,2,"Returns the dimension's name, e.g. ""The End"", ""Nether"", or ""Overworld""."
func_82114_b,getPlayerCoordinates,2,Return the coordinates for this player as ChunkCoordinates.
func_82116_a,setSkullRotation,2,Set the skull's rotation
func_82117_a,getSkullType,2,Get the entity type for the skull
func_82118_a,setSkullType,2,Set the entity type for the skull
func_82120_c,getExtraType,2,"Get the extra data foor this skull, used as player username by player heads"
func_82126_i,getPrimaryEffect,2,Return the primary potion effect given by this beacon.
func_82129_c,setLevels,2,Set the levels of this beacon's pyramid.
func_82130_k,getLevels,2,Return the levels of this beacon's pyramid.
@ -3746,7 +3779,7 @@ func_82203_t,getWatchedTargetId,2,"Returns the target entity ID if present, or -
func_82205_o,isArmored,2,Returns whether the wither is armored with its boss armor or not by checking whether its health is below half of its maximum.
func_82227_f,setChild,2,Set whether this zombie is a child.
func_82228_a,startConversion,2,Starts converting this zombie into a villager. The zombie converts into a villager after the specified time in ticks.
func_82229_g,setIsVillager,2,Set whether this zombie is a villager.
func_82229_g,setVillager,2,Set whether this zombie is a villager.
func_82231_m,isVillager,2,Return whether this zombie is a villager.
func_82232_p,convertToVillager,2,Convert this zombie into a villager.
func_82233_q,getConversionTimeBoost,2,Return the amount of time decremented from conversionTime every tick.
@ -3768,6 +3801,7 @@ func_82294_a,addPreset,2,Add a flat world preset.
func_82295_i,getPresets,2,Return the list of defined flat world presets.
func_82297_a,addPresetNoFeatures,2,Add a flat world preset with no world features.
func_82299_h,getPresetIconRenderer,2,Return the RenderItem instance used to render preset icons.
func_82319_a,checkHotbarKeys,2,This function is what controls the hotbar shortcut check when you press a number key when hovering a stack.
func_82331_h,dropItemStack,2,Drop the item currently on this item frame.
func_82333_j,getRotation,2,Return the rotation of the item currently on this frame.
@ -3793,6 +3827,19 @@ func_82366_d,getGameRules,2,Return the game rule set this command should be able
func_82369_d,getAllOnlineUsernames,2,Return all usernames currently connected to the server.
func_82370_a,getUsernameIndex,2,Return a command's first parameter index containing a valid username.
func_82371_e,getDistanceSquaredToChunkCoordinates,2,Return the squared distance between this coordinates and the ChunkCoordinates given as argument.
func_82375_f,getDefaultMinimumLevel,2,Gets the default minimum experience level (argument lm)
func_82376_e,getDefaultMaximumLevel,2,Gets the default maximum experience level (argument l)
func_82377_a,matchesMultiplePlayers,2,Returns whether the given pattern can match more than one player.
func_82378_b,hasArguments,2,Returns whether the given token has any arguments set.
func_82379_d,getDefaultMaximumRange,2,Gets the default maximum range (argument r).
func_82380_c,matchPlayers,2,Returns an array of all players matched by the given at-token.
func_82381_h,getArgumentMap,2,"Parses the given argument string, turning it into a HashMap&lt;String, String&gt; of name-&gt;value."
func_82382_g,getDefaultCount,2,"Gets the default number of players to return (argument c, 0 for infinite)"
func_82383_a,hasTheseArguments,2,Returns whether the given token (parameter 1) has exactly the given arguments (parameter 2).
func_82384_c,getDefaultMinimumRange,2,Gets the default minimum range (argument rm).
func_82385_b,matchPlayersAsString,2,Returns a nicely-formatted string listing the matching players.
func_82386_a,matchOnePlayer,2,Returns the one player that matches the given at-token. Returns null if more than one player matches.
func_82392_a,bindTextureByURL,2,"Binds a texture that Minecraft will attempt to load from the given URL. (arguments: url, localFallback)"
func_82394_a,renderTileEntitySkullAt,2,Render a skull tile entity.
func_82398_a,renderTileEntityBeaconAt,2,Render a beacon tile entity.
func_82403_a,renderFrameItemAsBlock,2,Render the item frame's item as a block.
@ -3823,8 +3870,10 @@ func_82531_c,getPlantForMeta,2,Return the item associated with the specified flo
func_82532_h,getSeedItem,2,Generate a seed ItemStack for this crop.
func_82533_j,getCropItem,2,Generate a crop produce ItemStack for this crop.
func_82538_d,canConnectWallTo,2,Return whether an adjacent block can connect to a wall.
func_82543_e,isBlockStairsID,2,Checks if supplied ID is one of a BlockStairs
func_82547_a,comparePlayers,2,Compare the position of two players.
func_82574_x,getGameRulesInstance,2,Gets the GameRules class Instance.
@ -3858,12 +3907,14 @@ func_82659_b,getFillBlock,2,Return the block type used on this set of layers.
func_82660_d,setMinY,2,Set the minimum Y coordinate for this layer.
func_82667_a,getScatteredFeatureSpawnList,2,returns possible spawns for scattered features
func_82674_a,pickRandomCrop,2,Returns a crop type to be planted on this field.
func_82677_a,pickRandomCrop,2,Returns a crop type to be planted on this field.
func_82677_a,getRandomCrop,2,Returns a crop type to be planted on this field.
func_82684_a,getReputationForPlayer,2,Return the village reputation for a player
func_82686_i,isMatingSeason,2,Return whether villagers mating refractory period has passed
func_82687_d,isPlayerReputationTooLow,2,Return whether this player has a too low reputation with this village.
func_82688_a,setReputationForPlayer,2,Set the village reputation for a player
func_82688_a,setReputationForPlayer,2,Set the village reputation for a player.
func_82689_b,writeVillageDataToNBT,2,Write this village's data to NBT.
func_82690_a,readVillageDataFromNBT,2,Read this village's data from NBT.
func_82692_h,endMatingSeason,2,Prevent villager breeding for a fixed interval of time
func_82704_a,isEntityApplicable,2,Return whether the specified entity is applicable to this filter.
func_82705_e,getAnimal,2,Return whether this creature type is an animal.
@ -3875,18 +3926,20 @@ func_82714_a,parseIntWithDefaultAndMax,2,parses the string as integer or returns
func_82715_a,parseIntWithDefault,2,parses the string as integer or returns the second parameter if it fails
func_82719_a,writeCustomPotionEffectToNBT,2,Write a custom potion effect to a potion item's NBT data.
func_82720_e,getIsAmbient,2,Gets whether this potion effect originated from a beacon
func_82721_a,setSplashPotion,2,Set whether this potion is a splash potion.
func_82722_b,readCustomPotionEffectFromNBT,2,Read a custom potion effect from a potion item's NBT data.
func_82725_o,isMagicDamage,2,Returns true if the damage is magic based.
func_82726_p,setMagicDamage,2,Define the damage type as magic based.
func_82732_R,getWorldVec3Pool,2,Return the Vec3Pool object for this world.
func_82736_K,getGameRules,2,Gets the GameRules instance
func_82736_K,getGameRules,2,Gets the GameRules instance.
func_82742_i,resetUpdateEntityTick,2,Resets the updateEntityTick field to 0
func_82743_f,getCreationCloudUpdateTick,2,retrieves the 'date' at which the PartiallyDestroyedBlock was created
func_82744_b,setCloudUpdateTick,2,saves the current Cloud update tick into the PartiallyDestroyedBlock
func_82752_c,isAdventure,2,Returns true if this is the ADVENTURE game type
func_82756_a,getGameRuleStringValue,2,Gets the GameRule's value as String.
func_82757_a,setValue,2,Set this game rule value.
@ -3920,6 +3973,7 @@ func_82815_c,removeColor,2,Remove the color from the specified armor ItemStack.
func_82816_b_,hasColor,2,Return whether the specified armor ItemStack has a color.
func_82829_a,renderCloudsCheck,2,Render clouds if enabled
func_82830_a,getNightVisionBrightness,2,Gets the night vision brightness
func_82833_r,getDisplayName,2,returns the display name of the itemstack
func_82834_c,setItemName,2,Sets the item's name (used by anvil to rename the items).
@ -3934,6 +3988,10 @@ func_82844_f,getToolCraftingMaterial,2,"Return the crafting material for this to
func_82845_b,getArmorCraftingMaterial,2,"Return the crafting material for this armor material, used to determine the item that can be used to repair an armor piece with an anvil"
func_82846_b,transferStackInSlot,2,Called when a player shift-clicks on a slot. You must override this or you will crash when someone does that.
func_82847_b,removeCraftingFromCrafters,2,Remove this crafting listener from the listener list.
func_82848_d,updateRepairOutput,2,"called when the Anvil Input Slot changes, calculates the new result and puts it in the output slot"
func_82850_a,updateItemName,2,used by the Anvil GUI to update the Item Name being typed by the player
func_82863_d,getBeacon,2,Returns the Tile Entity behind this beacon inventory / container
func_82869_a,canTakeStack,2,Return whether this slot's stack can be taken from this slot.
@ -3949,26 +4007,37 @@ func_83010_y,getBlockBoundsMaxY,2,returns the block bounderies maxY value
func_83015_S,getCurrentDate,2,returns a calendar object containing the current date
func_83017_b,resetCustomBlockBounds,2,Reset customBlockBounds
func_83018_a,updateCustomBlockBounds,2,Updates the custom block bounds with the bounds of the given block
func_83019_b,setCustomBlockBounds,2,Sets the custom block bounds for rendering
func_83020_a,setRenderMinMax,2,"Sets the size and offset of the block to be rendered, ie: half size and rendered center block: 0.25D, 0.75D"
func_83017_b,unlockBlockBounds,2,Unlocks the visual bounding box so that RenderBlocks can change it again.
func_83018_a,setRenderBoundsFromBlock,2,"Like setRenderBounds, but automatically pulling the bounds from the given Block."
func_83019_b,overrideBlockBounds,2,"Like setRenderBounds, but locks the values so that RenderBlocks won't change them. If you use this, you must call unlockBlockBounds after you finish rendering!"
func_83020_a,setRenderBounds,2,"Sets the bounding box for the block to draw in, e.g. 0.25-0.75 on all axes for a half-size, centered block."
func_85032_ar,isEntityInvulnerable,2,Return whether this entity is invulnerable to damage.
func_85034_r,setArrowCountInEntity,2,sets the amount of arrows stuck in the entity. used for rendering those
func_85035_bI,getArrowCountInEntity,2,"counts the amount of arrows stuck in the entity. getting hit by arrows increases this, used in rendering"
func_85039_t,addScore,2,Add to player's score
func_85040_s,setScore,2,Set player's score
func_85055_a,makeCrashReport,2,Creates a crash report for the exception
func_85057_a,makeCategoryDepth,2,Creates a CrashReportCategory for the given stack trace depth
func_85058_a,makeCategory,2,Creates a CrashReportCategory
func_85093_e,renderArrowsStuckInEntity,2,"renders arrows the Entity has been attacked with, attached to it"
func_85096_a,renderBlockAnvilMetadata,2,Renders anvil block with metadata
func_85102_a,playSoundToNearExcept,2,Plays sound to all near players except the player reference given
func_85103_a,canDropFromExplosion,2,Return whether this block can drop from an explosion.
func_85104_a,onBlockPlaced,2,"Called when a block is placed using its ItemBlock. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ, block metadata"
func_85105_g,onPostBlockPlaced,2,Called after a block is placed
func_85106_a,insertRecord,2,Insert the specified music disc in the jukebox at the given coordinates
func_85107_d,updateLadderBounds,2,Update the ladder block bounds based on the given metadata value.
func_85128_b,getMapFeaturesEnabled,2,Return the map feautures enabled of a world
func_85132_a,getTerrainTypeOfWorld,2,Return the terrain type of a world
func_85151_d,getLowerChestInventory,2,Return this chest container's lower chest inventory.
func_85173_a,playSoundToNearExcept,2,Plays sound to all near players except the player reference given
func_85187_a,drawString,2,"Draws the specified string. Args: string, x, y, color, dropShadow"
func_90010_a,isPartOfLargeChest,2,Return whether the given inventory is part of this large chest.
func_90019_g,applyRenderColor,2,Creates a new EntityDiggingFX with the block render color applied to the base particle color
func_90030_a,getRendererMinecraft,2,Get minecraft reference from the EntityRenderer
func_90033_f,canLoadWorld,2,Return whether the given world can be loaded.

1 searge name side desc
177 func_70353_r brewPotions 2
178 func_70354_c setBrewTime 2
179 func_70355_t_ getBrewTime 2
180 func_70360_a addItem 2 Add item stack in first available inventory slot
181 func_70361_i getRandomStackFromInventory 2
182 func_70364_a openChest 2
183 func_70365_a isUseableByPlayer 2
221 func_70448_g getCurrentItem 2 Returns the item stack currently held by the player.
222 func_70449_g damageArmor 2 Damages armor in each slot by the specified amount.
223 func_70450_e hasItem 2 Get if a specifiied item id is inside the inventory.
224 func_70451_h getHotbarSize 2 Get the size of the player hotbar inventory
225 func_70452_e storePartialItemStack 2 This function stores as many items of an ItemStack as possible in a matching slot and returns the quantity of left over items.
226 func_70453_c changeCurrentItem 2 Switch the current item to the next one or the previous one
227 func_70454_b canHarvestBlock 2 Returns whether the current item (tool) can harvest from the specified block (actually get a result).
253 func_70541_f multipleParticleScaleBy 2
254 func_70542_f getGreenColorF 2
255 func_70543_e multiplyVelocity 2
256 func_70589_b setBaseSpellTextureIndex 2 Sets the base spell texture index
257 func_70598_b setHomeArea 2
258 func_70599_aP getSoundVolume 2 Returns the volume for the sounds this mob makes.
259 func_70600_l dropRareDrop 2
284 func_70625_a faceEntity 2 Changes pitch and yaw so that the entity calling the function is facing the entity provided as an argument.
285 func_70626_be updateEntityActionState 2
286 func_70627_aG getTalkInterval 2 Get number of ticks, at least during which the living entity will be silent.
287 func_70628_a dropFewItems 2 Drop 0-2 items of this living's type Drop 0-2 items of this living's type. @param par1 - Whether this entity has recently been hit by a player. @param par2 - Level of Looting used to kill this mob.
288 func_70629_bd updateAITick 2 main AI tick function, replaces updateEntityActionState
289 func_70630_aN getHealth 2
290 func_70631_g_ isChild 2 If Animal, checks if the age timer is negative
490 func_71028_bD destroyCurrentEquippedItem 2 Destroys the currently equipped item from the player's inventory.
491 func_71029_a triggerAchievement 2 Will trigger the specified trigger.
492 func_71030_a displayGUIMerchant 2
493 func_71033_a sendGameTypeToPlayer setGameType 2 Sets the player's game mode and sends it to them.
494 func_71034_by stopUsingItem 2
495 func_71035_c addChatMessage 2 Add a chat message to the player
496 func_71036_o onItemUseFinish 2 Used for when item use count runs out, ie: eating completed
641 func_71326_a saveProperties 2 Saves all of the server properties to the properties file.
642 func_71327_a getIntProperty 2 Gets an integer property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value.
643 func_71328_a setProperty 2 Saves an Object with the given property name.
644 func_71329_c getSettingsFilePath getSettingsFilename 2 Returns the filename where server properties are stored
645 func_71330_a getStringProperty 2 Gets a string property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value.
646 func_71331_a addPendingCommand 2
647 func_71332_a getBooleanProperty 2 Gets a boolean property. If it does not exist, set it to the specified value.
808 func_71852_a breakBlock 2 ejects contained items into the world, and notifies neighbours of an update, as appropriate
809 func_71853_i canProvidePower 2 Can this block provide power. Only wire currently seems to have this change based on its state.
810 func_71854_d canBlockStay 2 Can this block stay at this position. Similar to canPlaceBlockAt except gets checked often with plants.
811 func_71855_c isProvidingStrongPower 2 Returns true if the block is emitting direct/strong redstone power on the specified side. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side Returns true if the block is emitting direct/strong redstone power on the specified side. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side. Note that the side is reversed - eg it is 1 (up) when checking the bottom of the block.
812 func_71856_s_ getRenderBlockPass 2 Returns which pass should this block be rendered on. 0 for solids and 1 for alpha
813 func_71857_b getRenderType 2 The type of render function that is called for this block
814 func_71858_a getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata 2 From the specified side and block metadata retrieves the blocks texture. Args: side, metadata
818 func_71862_a randomDisplayTick 2 A randomly called display update to be able to add particles or other items for display
819 func_71863_a onNeighborBlockChange 2 Lets the block know when one of its neighbor changes. Doesn't know which neighbor changed (coordinates passed are their own) Args: x, y, z, neighbor blockID
820 func_71864_b setBlockName 2 set name of block from language file
821 func_71865_a isProvidingWeakPower 2 Returns true if the block is emitting indirect/weak redstone power on the specified side. If isBlockNormalCube returns true, standard redstone propagation rules will apply instead and this will not be called. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side Returns true if the block is emitting indirect/weak redstone power on the specified side. If isBlockNormalCube returns true, standard redstone propagation rules will apply instead and this will not be called. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side. Note that the side is reversed - eg it is 1 (up) when checking the bottom of the block.
822 func_71866_a onFallenUpon 2 Block's chance to react to an entity falling on it.
823 func_71867_k onBlockDestroyedByExplosion 2 Called upon the block being destroyed by an explosion
824 func_71868_h setLightOpacity 2 Sets how much light is blocked going through this block. Returns the object for convenience in constructing.
929 func_72170_e getMaxCurrentStrength 2 Returns the current strength at the specified block if it is greater than the passed value, or the passed value otherwise. Signature: (world, x, y, z, strength)
930 func_72171_a calculateCurrentChanges 2
931 func_72172_n notifyWireNeighborsOfNeighborChange 2 Calls World.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange() for all neighboring blocks, but only if the given block is a redstone wire.
932 func_72173_e isPowerProviderOrWire canConnectRedstone 2 Returns true if the block coordinate passed can provide power, or is a redstone wire. Returns true if redstone wire can connect to the specified block. Params: World, X, Y, Z, side (not a normal notch-side, this can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or -1)
933 func_72176_l glow 2 The redstone ore glows.
934 func_72177_n sparkle 2 The redstone ore sparkles.
935 func_72179_a isPoweredBlockRail 2 Return true if the blocks passed is a power related rail.
1118 func_72456_a handleBlockChange 2
1119 func_72457_a handleLevelSound 2
1120 func_72458_a handleClientCommand 2
func_72459_a handlePickupSpawn 2
1121 func_72460_a handleSleep 2
1122 func_72461_a handleAutoComplete 2
1123 func_72462_a handleDoorChange 2
1127 func_72466_a handleSpawnPosition 2
1128 func_72467_a handleServerPing 2 Handle a server ping packet.
1129 func_72468_a handleTileEntityData 2
1130 func_72469_b canProcessPackets canProcessPacketsAsync 2 packet.processPacket is only called if this returns true If this returns false, all packets will be queued for the main thread to handle, even if they would otherwise be processed asynchronously. Used to avoid processing packets on the client before the world has been downloaded (which happens on the main thread)
1131 func_72470_a handleServerAuthData 2
1132 func_72471_a handlePlayerAbilities 2 Handle a player abilities packet.
1133 func_72472_a handlePlace 2
1146 func_72485_a handleEntityStatus 2 Packet handler
1147 func_72486_a handleWindowItems 2
1148 func_72487_a handleUpdateSign 2 Updates Client side signs
1149 func_72488_a handleBed handleGameEvent 2
1150 func_72489_a isServerHandler 2 determine if it is a server handler
1151 func_72490_a handleSetSlot 2
1152 func_72491_a handleDestroyEntity 2
1183 func_72522_a handleExperience 2 Handle an experience packet.
1184 func_72523_a handleWindowClick 2
1185 func_72524_a handleAnimation 2
1186 func_72525_c getSharedKey 2 Return the secret AES sharedKey
1187 func_72526_a getServerId 2 Returns the server Id randomly generated by this login handler.
1188 func_72527_a raiseErrorAndDisconnect 2
1189 func_72528_e getUsernameAndAddress 2
1196 func_72547_c cleanup 2 sets netManager and worldClient to null
1197 func_72548_f getNetManager 2 Return the NetworkManager instance used by this NetClientHandler
1198 func_72549_a urlEncode 2 Encode the given string for insertion into a URL
1199 func_72550_a sendSessionRequest 2 Send request to http://session.minecraft.net with user's sessionId and serverId hash
1200 func_72551_d processReadPackets 2 Processes the packets that have been read since the last call to this function.
1201 func_72552_c addToSendQueue 2 Adds the packet to the send queue
1202 func_72553_e disconnect 2 Disconnects the network connection.
1228 func_72622_d sendAuthChallenge 2 Sends an auth challenge DatagramPacket to the client and adds the client to the queryClients map
1229 func_72623_a stopWithException 2 Stops the query server and reports the given Exception
1230 func_72624_b createQueryResponse 2 Creates a query response as a byte array for the specified query DatagramPacket
1231 func_72625_a getRequestId getRequestID 2 Returns the request ID provided by the authorized client
1232 func_72626_g initQuerySystem 2 Initializes the query system by binding it to a port
1233 func_72627_c verifyClientAuth 2 Returns true if the client has a valid auth, otherwise false
1234 func_72628_f cleanQueryClientsMap 2 Removes all clients whose auth is no longer valid
1256 func_72682_c getChunkWatchersWithPlayers 2
1257 func_72683_a addPlayer 2 Adds an EntityPlayerMP to the PlayerManager.
1258 func_72685_d updateMountedMovingPlayer 2 update chunks around a player being moved by server logic (e.g. cart, boat)
1259 func_72686_a getFurthestViewableBlock 2 Get the furthest viewable block given player's view distance
1260 func_72687_a flagChunkForUpdate 2 the "PlayerInstance"/ chunkWatcher will send this chunk to all players who are in line of sight
1261 func_72688_a getWorldServer 2
1262 func_72689_b getChunkWatchers 2
1292 func_72725_b markBlocksForUpdate 2 Marks the blocks in the given range for update
1293 func_72726_b doSpawnParticle 2 Spawns a particle. Arg: particleType, x, y, z, velX, velY, velZ
1294 func_72727_a drawBlockBreaking 2
1295 func_72728_f deleteAllDisplayLists 2 Deletes all display lists
1296 func_72729_a clipRenderersByFrustum 2 Checks all renderers that previously weren't in the frustum and 1/16th of those that previously were in the frustum for frustum clipping Args: frustum, partialTickTime
1297 func_72730_g renderStars 2
1298 func_72731_b drawSelectionBox 2 Draws the selection box for the player. Args: entityPlayer, rayTraceHit, i, itemStack, partialTickTime
1478 func_72967_a calculateSkylightSubtracted 2 Returns the amount of skylight subtracted for the current time
1479 func_72969_x updateAllLightTypes 2
1480 func_72970_h createChunkProvider 2 Creates the chunk provider for this world. Called in the constructor. Retrieves provider from worldProvider?
1481 func_72971_b getSunBrightness 2 Returns the sun brightness - checks time of day, rain and thunder
1482 func_72972_b getSavedLightValue 2 Returns saved light value without taking into account the time of day. Either looks in the sky light map or block light map based on the enumSkyBlock arg.
1483 func_72973_f removeEntity 2 remove dat player from dem servers
1484 func_72974_f setSpawnLocation 2 Sets a new spawn location by finding an uncovered block at a random (x,z) location in the chunk.
1521 func_73076_a setGameType 2
1522 func_73077_b initializeGameType 2 if the gameType is currently NOT_SET then change it to par1
1523 func_73078_a activateBlockOrUseItem 2 Activate the clicked on block, otherwise use the held item. Args: player, world, itemStack, x, y, z, side, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset
1524 func_73079_d removeBlock 2 Removes a block and triggers the appropriate events Removes a block and triggers the appropriate events
1525 func_73080_a setWorld 2 Sets the world instance.
1526 func_73081_b getGameType 2
1527 func_73082_a uncheckedTryHarvestBlock 2
1589 func_73274_a writeByteArray 2 Writes a byte array to the DataOutputStream
1590 func_73275_a writeNBTTagCompound 2 Writes a compressed NBTTagCompound to the OutputStream
1591 func_73276_c readItemStack 2 Reads a ItemStack from the InputStream
1592 func_73277_a_ isWritePacket canProcessAsync 2 if this returns false, processPacket is deffered for processReadPackets to handle If this returns true, the packet may be processed on any thread; otherwise it is queued for the main thread to handle.
1593 func_73278_e isRealPacket 2 only false for the abstract Packet class, all real packets return true
1594 func_73279_a processPacket 2 Passes this Packet on to the NetHandler for processing.
1595 func_73280_b readBytesFromStream 2 the first short in the stream indicates the number of bytes to read
1598 func_73283_d readNBTTagCompound 2 Reads a compressed NBTTagCompound from the InputStream
1599 func_73284_a getPacketSize 2 Abstract. Return the size of the packet (not counting the header).
1600 func_73285_a addIdClassMapping 2 Adds a two way mapping between the packet ID and packet class.
1601 func_73302_b getVerifyToken 2 Return verifyToken
1602 func_73303_a getSharedKey 2 Return secretKey, decrypting it from the sharedSecret byte array if needed
1603 func_73304_d getSharedKey 2 Return the secret AES sharedKey (used by client only)
1604 func_73320_h getPosZ 2 Gets the Z position of the block
1605 func_73321_f getPosX 2 Gets the X position of the block
1606 func_73322_d getEntityId 2 Gets the ID of the entity breaking the block
1638 func_73462_i getDifficulty 2
1639 func_73463_g getChatVisibility 2
1640 func_73473_d getText 2
1641 func_73475_d getIsServer 2 Get whether this is a server
1642 func_73489_c getMetadata 2
1643 func_73568_g getEffectY 2
1644 func_73569_h getEffectZ 2
1646 func_73571_i getVolume 2
1647 func_73572_f getEffectX 2
1648 func_73573_j getPitch 2 Gets the pitch divided by 63 (63 is 100%)
1649 func_73580_b getChunkPosZ 2
1650 func_73581_d getNumberOfChunkInPacket 2
1651 func_73582_a getChunkPosX 2
1652 func_73583_c getChunkCompressedData 2
1653 func_73594_a getMapChunkData 2
1654 func_73641_d connectToNeighbor 2 The specified neighbor has just formed a new connection, so update accordingly
1655 func_73642_a isMinecartTrack 2
1660 func_73647_b isConnectedTo 2
1661 func_73648_a getMinecartTrackLogic 2
1662 func_73649_b isInTrack 2 Returns true if the specified block is in the same railway.
1663 func_73650_a getAdjacentTracks getAdjacentTrackCount 2 Get the number of adjacent tracks Get the number of adjacent tracks.
1664 func_73651_b getAdjacentTracks 2
1665 func_73652_a refreshTrackShape 2 Completely recalculates the track shape based on neighboring tracks and power state
1666 func_73660_a update 2 Updates the JList with a new model.
1859 func_74185_a drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer 2 Draw the background layer for the GuiContainer (everything behind the items)
1860 func_74186_a isMouseOverSlot 2 Returns if the passed mouse position is over the specified slot.
1861 func_74187_b getSlotAtPosition 2 Returns the slot at the given coordinates or null if there is none.
1862 func_74188_c isPointInRegion 2 Args: left, top, width, height, pointX, pointY. Note: left, top are local to Gui, pointX, pointY are local to screen
1863 func_74189_g drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer 2 Draw the foreground layer for the GuiContainer (everything in front of the items)
1864 func_74190_a drawCreativeTabHoveringText 2 Draws the text when mouse is over creative inventory tab. Params: current creative tab to be checked, current mouse x position, current mouse y position.
1865 func_74191_a handleMouseClick 2
1867 func_74199_h getIMerchant 2 Gets the Instance of IMerchant interface.
1868 func_74221_h displayDebuffEffects 2 Displays debuff/potion effects that are currently being applied to the player
1869 func_74226_k needsScrollBars 2 returns (if you are not on the inventoryTab) and (the flag isn't set) and( you have more than 1 page of items)
1870 func_74227_b setCurrentCreativeTab 2
1871 func_74228_j updateCreativeSearch 2
1872 func_74229_i getInventory 2 Returns the creative inventory
1873 func_74231_b renderCreativeInventoryHoveringText 2 Renders the creative inventory hovering text if mouse is over it. Returns true if did render or false otherwise. Params: current creative tab to be checked, current mouse x position, current mouse y position.
2255 func_75139_a getSlot 2
2256 func_75140_a enchantItem 2 enchants the item on the table using the specified slot; also deducts XP from player
2257 func_75141_a putStackInSlot 2 args: slotID, itemStack to put in slot
2258 func_75142_b updateCraftingResults detectAndSendChanges 2 Updates crafting matrix; called from onCraftMatrixChanged. Args: none Looks for changes made in the container, sends them to every listener.
2259 func_75144_a slotClick 2
2260 func_75145_c canInteractWith 2
2261 func_75146_a addSlotToContainer 2 the slot is assumed empty
2303 func_75382_a hasPlayerGotBoneInHand 2 Gets if the Player has the Bone in the hand.
2304 func_75388_i spawnBaby 2 Spawns a baby animal of the same type.
2305 func_75389_f getNearbyMate 2 Loops through nearby animals and finds another animal of the same type that can be mated with. Returns the first valid mate found.
2306 func_75398_a isSittableBlock 2 Determines wheter the Ocelot wants to sit on the block at given coordinate Determines whether the Ocelot wants to sit on the block at given coordinate
2307 func_75399_f getNearbySitableBlockDistance 2 Searches for a block to sit on within a 8 block range, returns 0 if none found
2308 func_75446_f checkSufficientDoorsPresentForNewVillager 2
2309 func_75447_i giveBirth 2
2519 func_75879_b isFinished 2 Returns true if this path has reached the end
2520 func_75880_b isDestinationSame 2 Returns true if the final PathPoint in the PathEntity is equal to Vec3D coords.
2521 func_75881_a getVectorFromIndex 2 Gets the vector of the PathPoint associated with the given index.
2522 func_75886_a func_75885_a createTheChiperInstance cipherOperation 2 Creates the Chiper Instance. Encrypt or decrypt byte[] data using the specified key
2523 func_75886_a createTheCipherInstance 2 Creates the Cipher Instance.
2524 func_75887_a decryptSharedKey 2 Decrypt shared secret AES key using RSA private key
2525 func_75888_a decryptInputStream 2
2526 func_75889_b decryptData 2 Decrypt byte[] data with RSA private key
2527 func_75890_a createNewSharedKey 2 Generate a new shared secret AES key from a secure random source
2528 func_75891_b createNewKeyPair 2
2529 func_75892_a createBufferedBlockCipher 2 Create a new BufferedBlockCipher instance
2530 func_75893_a digestOperation 2 Compute a message digest on arbitrary byte[] data
2531 func_75894_a encryptData 2 Encrypt byte[] data with RSA public key
2532 func_75895_a getServerIdHash 2 Compute a serverId hash for use by sendSessionRequest()
2533 func_75896_a decodePublicKey 2 Create a new PublicKey from encoded X.509 data
2534 func_75897_a encryptOuputStream 2
2535 func_75899_a getMD5String 2 Gets the MD5 string
2536 func_75901_a initializeAllBiomeGenerators 2 the first array item is a linked list of the bioms, the second is the zoom function, the third is the same as the first.
2540 func_75905_a initWorldGenSeed 2 Initialize layer's local worldGenSeed based on its own baseSeed and the world's global seed (passed in as an argument).
2541 func_75912_b choose 2 randomly choose between the four args
2542 func_75913_a choose 2 randomly choose between the two args
2543 func_75916_b modeOrRandom 2 returns the mode (most frequently occuring number) or a random number from the 4 integers provided
2544 func_75917_a choose 2 Chooses one of the two inputs randomly.
2545 func_75918_d initCraftableStats 2 Initializes statistics related to craftable items. Is only called after both block and item stats have been initialized.
2546 func_75919_a nopInit 2 This method simply NOPs. It is presumably used to call the static constructors on server start.
2672 func_76188_b isDirty 2 Whether this MapDataBase needs saving to disk.
2673 func_76191_a updateVisiblePlayers 2 Adds the player passed to the list of visible players and checks to see which players are visible
2674 func_76192_a updateMPMapData 2 Updates the client's map with information from other players in MP
2675 func_76193_a getUpdatePacketData 2 Get byte array of packet data to send to players on map for updating map data
2676 func_76194_a setColumnDirty 2 Marks a vertical range of pixels as being modified so they will be resent to clients. Parameters: X, lowest Y, highest Y
2677 func_76204_a getPlayersOnMap 2 returns a 1+players*3 array, of x,y, and color . the name of this function may be partially wrong, as there is a second branch to the code here
2678 func_76217_h getCanBurn 2 Returns if the block can burn or not.
2710 func_76320_a startSection 2 Start section
2711 func_76321_b getProfilingData 2 Get profiling data
2712 func_76322_c getNameOfLastSection 2
2713 func_76333_a smooth 2 Smooths mouse input
2714 func_76337_a ticksToElapsedTime 2 Returns the time elapsed for the given number of ticks, in "mm:ss" format.
2715 func_76338_a stripControlCodes 2
2716 func_76340_b getSecond 2 Get the second Object in the Tuple
2720 func_76347_k isFireDamage 2 Returns true if the damage is fire based.
2721 func_76348_h setDamageBypassesArmor 2
2722 func_76349_b setProjectile 2 Define the damage type as projectile based.
2723 func_76350_n isDifficultyScaled 2 Return whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty.
2724 func_76351_m setDifficultyScaled 2 Set whether this damage source will have its damage amount scaled based on the current difficulty.
2725 func_76352_a isProjectile 2 Returns true if the damage is projectile based.
2726 func_76353_a causeArrowDamage 2 returns EntityDamageSourceIndirect of an arrow
2727 func_76354_b causeIndirectMagicDamage 2
3223 func_77493_a calculateModifier 2 Generic method use to calculate modifiers of offensive or defensive enchantment values.
3224 func_77501_a getRespiration 2 Returns the 'Water Breathing' modifier of enchantments on player equipped armors.
3225 func_77502_d getSilkTouchModifier 2 Returns the silk touch status of enchantments on current equipped item of player.
func_77503_c getUnbreakingModifier 2 Returns the unbreaking enchantment modifier on current equipped item of player.
3226 func_77504_a addRandomEnchantment 2 Adds a random enchantment to the specified item. Args: random, itemStack, enchantabilityLevel
3227 func_77505_b mapEnchantmentData 2 Creates a 'Map' of EnchantmentData (enchantments) possible to add on the ItemStack and the enchantability level passed.
3228 func_77506_a getEnchantmentLevel 2 Returns the level of enchantment on the ItemStack passed.
3269 func_77590_a addRecipes 2 Adds the ingot recipes to the CraftingManager.
3270 func_77592_b getRecipeList 2 returns the List<> of all recipes
3271 func_77594_a getInstance 2 Returns the static instance of this class
func_77595_a addRecipe 2 Adds a recipe. See spreadsheet on first page for details.
3272 func_77596_b addShapelessRecipe 2
3273 func_77599_b getSmeltingList 2
3274 func_77600_a addSmelting 2 Adds a smelting recipe.
3741 func_80007_l getDimensionName 2 Returns the dimension's name, e.g. "The End", "Nether", or "Overworld".
3742 func_82011_an enableGui 2
3743 func_82114_b getPlayerCoordinates 2 Return the coordinates for this player as ChunkCoordinates.
3744 func_82116_a setSkullRotation 2 Set the skull's rotation
3745 func_82117_a getSkullType 2 Get the entity type for the skull
3746 func_82118_a setSkullType 2 Set the entity type for the skull
3747 func_82120_c getExtraType 2 Get the extra data foor this skull, used as player username by player heads
3748 func_82126_i getPrimaryEffect 2 Return the primary potion effect given by this beacon.
3749 func_82129_c setLevels 2 Set the levels of this beacon's pyramid.
3750 func_82130_k getLevels 2 Return the levels of this beacon's pyramid.
3779 func_82205_o isArmored 2 Returns whether the wither is armored with its boss armor or not by checking whether its health is below half of its maximum.
3780 func_82227_f setChild 2 Set whether this zombie is a child.
3781 func_82228_a startConversion 2 Starts converting this zombie into a villager. The zombie converts into a villager after the specified time in ticks.
3782 func_82229_g setIsVillager setVillager 2 Set whether this zombie is a villager.
3783 func_82231_m isVillager 2 Return whether this zombie is a villager.
3784 func_82232_p convertToVillager 2 Convert this zombie into a villager.
3785 func_82233_q getConversionTimeBoost 2 Return the amount of time decremented from conversionTime every tick.
3801 func_82295_i getPresets 2 Return the list of defined flat world presets.
3802 func_82297_a addPresetNoFeatures 2 Add a flat world preset with no world features.
3803 func_82299_h getPresetIconRenderer 2 Return the RenderItem instance used to render preset icons.
3804 func_82319_a checkHotbarKeys 2 This function is what controls the hotbar shortcut check when you press a number key when hovering a stack.
3805 func_82328_a setDirection 2
3806 func_82331_h dropItemStack 2 Drop the item currently on this item frame.
3807 func_82333_j getRotation 2 Return the rotation of the item currently on this frame.
3827 func_82369_d getAllOnlineUsernames 2 Return all usernames currently connected to the server.
3828 func_82370_a getUsernameIndex 2 Return a command's first parameter index containing a valid username.
3829 func_82371_e getDistanceSquaredToChunkCoordinates 2 Return the squared distance between this coordinates and the ChunkCoordinates given as argument.
3830 func_82375_f getDefaultMinimumLevel 2 Gets the default minimum experience level (argument lm)
3831 func_82376_e getDefaultMaximumLevel 2 Gets the default maximum experience level (argument l)
3832 func_82377_a matchesMultiplePlayers 2 Returns whether the given pattern can match more than one player.
3833 func_82378_b hasArguments 2 Returns whether the given token has any arguments set.
3834 func_82379_d getDefaultMaximumRange 2 Gets the default maximum range (argument r).
3835 func_82380_c matchPlayers 2 Returns an array of all players matched by the given at-token.
3836 func_82381_h getArgumentMap 2 Parses the given argument string, turning it into a HashMap&lt;String, String&gt; of name-&gt;value.
3837 func_82382_g getDefaultCount 2 Gets the default number of players to return (argument c, 0 for infinite)
3838 func_82383_a hasTheseArguments 2 Returns whether the given token (parameter 1) has exactly the given arguments (parameter 2).
3839 func_82384_c getDefaultMinimumRange 2 Gets the default minimum range (argument rm).
3840 func_82385_b matchPlayersAsString 2 Returns a nicely-formatted string listing the matching players.
3841 func_82386_a matchOnePlayer 2 Returns the one player that matches the given at-token. Returns null if more than one player matches.
3842 func_82392_a bindTextureByURL 2 Binds a texture that Minecraft will attempt to load from the given URL. (arguments: url, localFallback)
3843 func_82394_a renderTileEntitySkullAt 2 Render a skull tile entity.
3844 func_82398_a renderTileEntityBeaconAt 2 Render a beacon tile entity.
3845 func_82403_a renderFrameItemAsBlock 2 Render the item frame's item as a block.
3870 func_82532_h getSeedItem 2 Generate a seed ItemStack for this crop.
3871 func_82533_j getCropItem 2 Generate a crop produce ItemStack for this crop.
3872 func_82538_d canConnectWallTo 2 Return whether an adjacent block can connect to a wall.
3873 func_82543_e isBlockStairsID 2 Checks if supplied ID is one of a BlockStairs
3874 func_82547_a comparePlayers 2 Compare the position of two players.
3875 func_82563_j getShowCape 2
3876 func_82571_y getGeneratorOptions 2
3877 func_82572_b incrementTotalWorldTime 2
3878 func_82573_f getWorldTotalTime 2
3879 func_82574_x getGameRulesInstance 2 Gets the GameRules class Instance.
3907 func_82660_d setMinY 2 Set the minimum Y coordinate for this layer.
3908 func_82667_a getScatteredFeatureSpawnList 2 returns possible spawns for scattered features
3909 func_82674_a pickRandomCrop 2 Returns a crop type to be planted on this field.
3910 func_82677_a pickRandomCrop getRandomCrop 2 Returns a crop type to be planted on this field.
3911 func_82684_a getReputationForPlayer 2 Return the village reputation for a player
3912 func_82686_i isMatingSeason 2 Return whether villagers mating refractory period has passed
3913 func_82687_d isPlayerReputationTooLow 2 Return whether this player has a too low reputation with this village.
3914 func_82688_a setReputationForPlayer 2 Set the village reputation for a player Set the village reputation for a player.
3915 func_82689_b writeVillageDataToNBT 2 Write this village's data to NBT.
3916 func_82690_a readVillageDataFromNBT 2 Read this village's data from NBT.
3917 func_82692_h endMatingSeason 2 Prevent villager breeding for a fixed interval of time
3918 func_82695_e recreateStructures 2
3919 func_82704_a isEntityApplicable 2 Return whether the specified entity is applicable to this filter.
3920 func_82705_e getAnimal 2 Return whether this creature type is an animal.
3926 func_82715_a parseIntWithDefault 2 parses the string as integer or returns the second parameter if it fails
3927 func_82716_a getRandomDoubleInRange 2
3928 func_82719_a writeCustomPotionEffectToNBT 2 Write a custom potion effect to a potion item's NBT data.
3929 func_82720_e getIsAmbient 2 Gets whether this potion effect originated from a beacon
3930 func_82721_a setSplashPotion 2 Set whether this potion is a splash potion.
3931 func_82722_b readCustomPotionEffectFromNBT 2 Read a custom potion effect from a potion item's NBT data.
3932 func_82725_o isMagicDamage 2 Returns true if the damage is magic based.
3933 func_82726_p setMagicDamage 2 Define the damage type as magic based.
3934 func_82732_R getWorldVec3Pool 2 Return the Vec3Pool object for this world.
3935 func_82733_a selectEntitiesWithinAABB 2
3936 func_82736_K getGameRules 2 Gets the GameRules instance Gets the GameRules instance.
3937 func_82737_E getTotalWorldTime 2
3938 func_82742_i resetUpdateEntityTick 2 Resets the updateEntityTick field to 0
3939 func_82743_f getCreationCloudUpdateTick 2 retrieves the 'date' at which the PartiallyDestroyedBlock was created
3940 func_82744_b setCloudUpdateTick 2 saves the current Cloud update tick into the PartiallyDestroyedBlock
3941 func_82746_a broadcastSound 2
3942 func_82747_f getWorldTypeID 2
3943 func_82752_c isAdventure 2 Returns true if this is the ADVENTURE game type
3944 func_82756_a getGameRuleStringValue 2 Gets the GameRule's value as String.
3945 func_82757_a setValue 2 Set this game rule value.
3973 func_82816_b_ hasColor 2 Return whether the specified armor ItemStack has a color.
3974 func_82819_b setHideAddress 2
3975 func_82820_d isHidingAddress 2
3976 func_82829_a renderCloudsCheck 2 Render clouds if enabled
3977 func_82830_a getNightVisionBrightness 2 Gets the night vision brightness
3978 func_82833_r getDisplayName 2 returns the display name of the itemstack
3979 func_82834_c setItemName 2 Sets the item's name (used by anvil to rename the items).
3988 func_82845_b getArmorCraftingMaterial 2 Return the crafting material for this armor material, used to determine the item that can be used to repair an armor piece with an anvil
3989 func_82846_b transferStackInSlot 2 Called when a player shift-clicks on a slot. You must override this or you will crash when someone does that.
3990 func_82847_b removeCraftingFromCrafters 2 Remove this crafting listener from the listener list.
3991 func_82848_d updateRepairOutput 2 called when the Anvil Input Slot changes, calculates the new result and puts it in the output slot
3992 func_82849_b getStackSizeUsedInRepair 2
3993 func_82850_a updateItemName 2 used by the Anvil GUI to update the Item Name being typed by the player
3994 func_82851_a getRepairInputInventory 2
3995 func_82863_d getBeacon 2 Returns the Tile Entity behind this beacon inventory / container
3996 func_82869_a canTakeStack 2 Return whether this slot's stack can be taken from this slot.
3997 func_82870_a onPickupFromSlot 2
4007 func_83012_d getnextPoolIndex 2
4008 func_83013_c getlistAABBsize 2
4009 func_83015_S getCurrentDate 2 returns a calendar object containing the current date
4010 func_83017_b resetCustomBlockBounds unlockBlockBounds 2 Reset customBlockBounds Unlocks the visual bounding box so that RenderBlocks can change it again.
4011 func_83018_a updateCustomBlockBounds setRenderBoundsFromBlock 2 Updates the custom block bounds with the bounds of the given block Like setRenderBounds, but automatically pulling the bounds from the given Block.
4012 func_83019_b setCustomBlockBounds overrideBlockBounds 2 Sets the custom block bounds for rendering Like setRenderBounds, but locks the values so that RenderBlocks won't change them. If you use this, you must call unlockBlockBounds after you finish rendering!
4013 func_83020_a setRenderMinMax setRenderBounds 2 Sets the size and offset of the block to be rendered, ie: half size and rendered center block: 0.25D, 0.75D Sets the bounding box for the block to draw in, e.g. 0.25-0.75 on all axes for a half-size, centered block.
4014 func_85030_a playSound 2
4015 func_85032_ar isEntityInvulnerable 2 Return whether this entity is invulnerable to damage.
4016 func_85034_r setArrowCountInEntity 2 sets the amount of arrows stuck in the entity. used for rendering those
4017 func_85035_bI getArrowCountInEntity 2 counts the amount of arrows stuck in the entity. getting hit by arrows increases this, used in rendering
4018 func_85039_t addScore 2 Add to player's score
4019 func_85040_s setScore 2 Set player's score
4020 func_85044_b drawItemStack 2
4021 func_85052_h getThrower 2
4022 func_85055_a makeCrashReport 2 Creates a crash report for the exception
4023 func_85057_a makeCategoryDepth 2 Creates a CrashReportCategory for the given stack trace depth
4024 func_85058_a makeCategory 2 Creates a CrashReportCategory
4025 func_85093_e renderArrowsStuckInEntity 2 renders arrows the Entity has been attacked with, attached to it
4026 func_85096_a renderBlockAnvilMetadata 2 Renders anvil block with metadata
4027 func_85102_a playSoundToNearExcept 2 Plays sound to all near players except the player reference given
4028 func_85103_a canDropFromExplosion 2 Return whether this block can drop from an explosion.
4029 func_85104_a onBlockPlaced 2 Called when a block is placed using its ItemBlock. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side, hitX, hitY, hitZ, block metadata
4030 func_85105_g onPostBlockPlaced 2 Called after a block is placed
4031 func_85106_a insertRecord 2 Insert the specified music disc in the jukebox at the given coordinates
4032 func_85107_d updateLadderBounds 2 Update the ladder block bounds based on the given metadata value.
4033 func_85128_b getMapFeaturesEnabled 2 Return the map feautures enabled of a world
4034 func_85132_a getTerrainTypeOfWorld 2 Return the terrain type of a world
4035 func_85151_d getLowerChestInventory 2 Return this chest container's lower chest inventory.
4036 func_85173_a playSoundToNearExcept 2 Plays sound to all near players except the player reference given
4037 func_85187_a drawString 2 Draws the specified string. Args: string, x, y, color, dropShadow
4038 func_90010_a isPartOfLargeChest 2 Return whether the given inventory is part of this large chest.
4039 func_90011_a createChild 2
4040 func_90019_g applyRenderColor 2 Creates a new EntityDiggingFX with the block render color applied to the base particle color
4041 func_90022_d getListOfPlayers 2
4042 func_90030_a getRendererMinecraft 2 Get minecraft reference from the EntityRenderer
4043 func_90033_f canLoadWorld 2 Return whether the given world can be loaded.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
MCPVersion = 7.25
ClientVersion = 1.4.6
ServerVersion = 1.4.6
MCPVersion = 7.26
ClientVersion = 1.4.7
ServerVersion = 1.4.7

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
current_ver = 1.4.6
current_ver = 1.4.7
base_url = http://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/
libraries = lwjgl.jar lwjgl_util.jar jinput.jar
natives = windows_natives.jar macosx_natives.jar linux_natives.jar
@ -31,3 +31,12 @@ mcp_ver = 7.25
mcp_url = http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/files/archive/mcp725.zip
mcp_md5 = a7276589fca4974d40eb4e27ba41ba16
client_url = http://assets.minecraft.net/1_4_7/minecraft.jar
server_url = http://assets.minecraft.net/1_4_7/minecraft_server.jar
client_md5 = 8e80fb01b321c6b3c7efca397a3eea35
server_md5 = f69ac4bfce2dfbce03fe872518f75a05
mcp_ver = 7.26
mcp_url = http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/files/archive/mcp726.zip
mcp_md5 = 5320353829c2906bd032649085721d1d