Merge pull request #1708 from matthewprenger/PR-1

Ability to add prefixes and suffixes to the player's display name
This commit is contained in:
LexManos 2015-02-16 22:52:03 -08:00
commit 83ca72bef2
1 changed files with 25 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -444,16 +444,19 @@
@@ -1998,7 +2130,7 @@
@@ -1998,7 +2130,10 @@
public IChatComponent func_145748_c_()
- ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext = new ChatComponentText(ScorePlayerTeam.func_96667_a(this.func_96124_cp(), this.func_70005_c_()));
+ ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext = new ChatComponentText(ScorePlayerTeam.func_96667_a(this.func_96124_cp(), this.getDisplayNameString()));
+ ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext = new ChatComponentText("");
+ if (!prefixes.isEmpty()) for (net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent prefix : prefixes) chatcomponenttext.func_150257_a(prefix);
+ chatcomponenttext.func_150257_a(new ChatComponentText(ScorePlayerTeam.func_96667_a(this.func_96124_cp(), this.getDisplayNameString())));
+ if (!suffixes.isEmpty()) for (net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent suffix : suffixes) chatcomponenttext.func_150257_a(suffix);
chatcomponenttext.func_150256_b().func_150241_a(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.SUGGEST_COMMAND, "/msg " + this.func_70005_c_() + " "));
@@ -2157,6 +2289,101 @@
@@ -2157,6 +2292,120 @@, mod, modGuiId, world, x, y, z);
@ -550,6 +553,25 @@
+ {
+ this.displayname = ForgeEventFactory.getPlayerDisplayName(this, this.func_70005_c_());
+ }
+ private final java.util.Collection<net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent> prefixes = new java.util.LinkedList<net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent>();
+ private final java.util.Collection<net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent> suffixes = new java.util.LinkedList<net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent>();
+ /**
+ * Add a prefix to the player's username in chat
+ * @param prefix The prefix
+ */
+ public void addPrefix(net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent prefix) { prefixes.add(prefix); }
+ /**
+ * Add a suffix to the player's username in chat
+ * @param suffix The suffix
+ */
+ public void addSuffix(net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent suffix) { suffixes.add(suffix); }
+ public java.util.Collection<net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent> getPrefixes() { return this.prefixes; }
+ public java.util.Collection<net.minecraft.util.IChatComponent> getSuffixes() { return this.suffixes; }
+ /* ======================================== FORGE END =====================================*/
public static enum EnumChatVisibility