Some changes to the ForgeChunkManager.

Null modData is allowed now.
The entity id is actually properly persisted in the ticket now.
There is a new "orderedLoadingCallback" that allows you to provide a preferred ticket loading order in case of "excess tickets". Also, tickets
that are not in the returned list are now unregistered.
There is a way to resort the chunks in the forced chunklist on a ticket now.
Log the dormant cache configuration
This commit is contained in:
Christian 2012-09-24 17:31:03 -04:00
parent 021bbad2b5
commit 595d3e9e79
1 changed files with 84 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -90,13 +90,42 @@ public class ForgeChunkManager
* Called back when tickets are loaded from the world to allow the
* mod to re-register the chunks associated with those tickets
* mod to re-register the chunks associated with those tickets. The list supplied
* here is truncated to length prior to use. Tickets unwanted by the
* mod must be disposed of manually.
* @param tickets
* @param world
public void ticketsLoaded(List<Ticket> tickets, World world);
* This is a special LoadingCallback that can be implemented as well as the
* LoadingCallback to provide access to additional behaviour.
* Specifically, this callback will fire prior to Forge dropping excess
* tickets. Tickets in the returned list are presumed ordered and excess will
* be truncated from the returned list.
* This allows the mod to control not only if they actually <em>want</em> a ticket but
* also their preferred ticket ordering.
* @author cpw
public interface OrderedLoadingCallback extends LoadingCallback
* Called back when tickets are loaded from the world to allow the
* mod to re-register the chunks associated with those tickets.
* @param tickets The tickets that your mod should re-register
* @param world The world
* @param maxTicketCount The maximum number of tickets that will be allowed.
* @return A list of the tickets this mod wishes to continue using. This list will be truncated
* to "maxTicketCount" size after the call returns.
public List<Ticket> ticketsLoaded(List<Ticket> tickets, World world, int maxTicketCount);
public enum Type
@ -139,9 +168,9 @@ public class ForgeChunkManager
public void setChunkListDepth(int depth)
if (depth > getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId))
if (depth > getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId) || (depth <= 0 && getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId) > 0))
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s tried to modify the chunk ticket depth to: %d, greater than it's maximum: %d", modId, depth, getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId));
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s tried to modify the chunk ticket depth to: %d, its allowed maximum is: %d", modId, depth, getMaxChunkDepthFor(modId));
@ -246,21 +275,17 @@ public class ForgeChunkManager
int maxTicketLength = getMaxTicketLengthFor(modId);
NBTTagList tickets = ticketHolder.getTagList("Tickets");
if (tickets.tagCount() > maxTicketLength)
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s has more tickets in to load than it is allowed. Only the first %d will be loaded - the rest will be removed", modId, maxTicketLength);
for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(tickets.tagCount(), maxTicketLength); j++)
for (int j = 0; j < tickets.tagCount(); j++)
NBTTagCompound ticket = (NBTTagCompound) tickets.tagAt(j);
Type type = Type.values()[ticket.getByte("Type")];
byte ticketChunkDepth = ticket.getByte("ChunkListDepth");
NBTTagCompound modData = ticket.getCompoundTag("ModData");
Ticket tick = new Ticket(modId, type, world);
tick.modData = modData;
if (ticket.hasKey("ModData"))
tick.modData = ticket.getCompoundTag("ModData");
if (type == Type.ENTITY)
tick.entityChunkX = ticket.getInteger("chunkX");
@ -295,7 +320,29 @@ public class ForgeChunkManager
// send callbacks
for (String modId : loadedTickets.keySet())
callbacks.get(modId).ticketsLoaded(loadedTickets.get(modId), world);
LoadingCallback loadingCallback = callbacks.get(modId);
int maxTicketLength = getMaxTicketLengthFor(modId);
List<Ticket> tickets = loadedTickets.get(modId);
if (loadingCallback instanceof OrderedLoadingCallback)
OrderedLoadingCallback orderedLoadingCallback = (OrderedLoadingCallback) loadingCallback;
tickets = orderedLoadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(tickets, world, maxTicketLength);
if (tickets.size() > maxTicketLength)
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s has too many open chunkloading tickets %d. Excess will be dropped", modId, tickets.size());
tickets.subList(maxTicketLength, tickets.size()).clear();
if (tickets.size() > maxTicketLength)
FMLLog.warning("The mod %s has too many open chunkloading tickets %d. Excess will be dropped", modId, tickets.size());
tickets.subList(maxTicketLength, tickets.size()).clear();
loadingCallback.ticketsLoaded(tickets, world);
}, tickets);
@ -441,6 +488,23 @@ public class ForgeChunkManager
* Reorganize the internal chunk list so that the chunk supplied is at the *end* of the list
* This helps if you wish to guarantee a certain "automatic unload ordering" for the chunks
* in the ticket list
* @param ticket The ticket holding the chunk list
* @param chunk The chunk you wish to push to the end (so that it would be unloaded last)
public static void reorderChunk(Ticket ticket, ChunkCoordIntPair chunk)
if (ticket == null || chunk == null || !ticket.requestedChunks.contains(chunk))
* Unforce the supplied chunk, allowing it to be unloaded and stop ticking.
@ -479,6 +543,7 @@ public class ForgeChunkManager
dormantChunkCacheSize.comment = "Unloaded chunks can first be kept in a dormant cache for quicker\n" +
"loading times. Specify the size of that cache here";
dormantChunkCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(dormantChunkCacheSize.getInt(0)).build();"Configured a dormant chunk cache size of %d", dormantChunkCacheSize.getInt(0));
Property modOverridesEnabled = config.getOrCreateBooleanProperty("enabled", "defaults", true);
modOverridesEnabled.comment = "Are mod overrides enabled?";
@ -549,13 +614,16 @@ public class ForgeChunkManager
ticket.setByte("Type", (byte) tick.ticketType.ordinal());
ticket.setByte("ChunkListDepth", (byte) tick.maxDepth);
ticket.setCompoundTag("ModData", tick.modData);
if (tick.modData != null)
ticket.setCompoundTag("ModData", tick.modData);
if (tick.ticketType == Type.ENTITY)
ticket.setInteger("chunkX", MathHelper.floor_double(tick.entity.chunkCoordX));
ticket.setInteger("chunkZ", MathHelper.floor_double(tick.entity.chunkCoordZ));
ticket.setLong("persistentIDMSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getMostSignificantBits());
ticket.setLong("persistentIDLSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getLeastSignificantBits());
ticket.setLong("PersistentIDMSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getMostSignificantBits());
ticket.setLong("PersistentIDLSB", tick.entity.getPersistentID().getLeastSignificantBits());