Improved Control of Enchantment.canApplyTogether() in Mod Enchantments, allowing both enchantments to determine if they can apply together. Closes #1434

This commit is contained in:
Lex Manos 2014-12-07 05:37:11 -08:00
parent 35fac1f691
commit 4cc278a125
3 changed files with 35 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
--- ../src-base/minecraft/net/minecraft/command/
+++ ../src-work/minecraft/net/minecraft/command/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
Enchantment enchantment1 = Enchantment.field_77331_b[short1];
- if (!enchantment1.func_77326_a(enchantment))
+ if (!enchantment1.func_77326_a(enchantment) || !enchantment.func_77326_a(enchantment1)) //Forge BugFix: Let Both enchantments veto being together
throw new CommandException("commands.enchant.cantCombine", new Object[] {enchantment.func_77316_c(j), enchantment1.func_77316_c(nbttaglist.func_150305_b(k).func_74765_d("lvl"))});

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@ -18,7 +18,18 @@
if (j <= 0)
@@ -435,7 +435,8 @@
@@ -393,7 +393,9 @@
EnchantmentData enchantmentdata1 = (EnchantmentData);
- if (enchantmentdata1.field_76302_b.func_77326_a(Enchantment.field_77331_b[integer.intValue()]))
+ Enchantment e1 = enchantmentdata1.field_76302_b;
+ Enchantment e2 = Enchantment.field_77331_b[integer.intValue()];
+ if (e1.func_77326_a(e2) && e2.func_77326_a(e1)) //Forge BugFix: Let Both enchantments veto being together
@@ -435,7 +437,8 @@
Enchantment enchantment = aenchantment[k];

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
+ float breakChance = ForgeHooks.onAnvilRepair(p_82870_1_, p_82870_2_, ContainerRepair.this.field_82853_g.func_70301_a(0), ContainerRepair.this.field_82853_g.func_70301_a(1));
ContainerRepair.this.field_82853_g.func_70299_a(0, (ItemStack)null);
if (ContainerRepair.this.field_82856_l > 0)
@ -34,7 +34,17 @@
flag = itemstack2.func_77973_b() == Items.field_151134_bR && Items.field_151134_bR.func_92110_g(itemstack2).func_74745_c() > 0;
if (itemstack1.func_77984_f() && itemstack1.func_77973_b().func_82789_a(itemstack, itemstack2))
@@ -373,6 +377,8 @@
@@ -258,7 +262,8 @@
int j2 = ((Integer);
- if (j2 != i1 && !enchantment.func_77326_a(Enchantment.field_77331_b[j2]))
+ Enchantment e2 = Enchantment.field_77331_b[j2];
+ if (j2 != i1 && !(enchantment.func_77326_a(e2) && e2.func_77326_a(enchantment))) //Forge BugFix: Let Both enchantments veto being together
flag1 = false;
i += i2;
@@ -373,6 +378,8 @@
k2 = Math.max(1, k2 / 2);