Fix Debug packet logger on local memory connections.

This commit is contained in:
Lex Manos 2015-03-04 21:00:31 -08:00
parent 4d4f82816f
commit 418b7794d2
2 changed files with 18 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
--- ../src-base/minecraft/net/minecraft/network/play/client/
+++ ../src-work/minecraft/net/minecraft/network/play/client/
@@ -47,7 +47,11 @@
public void func_148840_b(PacketBuffer p_148840_1_) throws IOException
+ synchronized(this) { //This may be access multiple times, from multiple threads, lets be safe.
+ this.field_149561_c.markReaderIndex();
+ this.field_149561_c.resetReaderIndex();
+ }
public void func_148833_a(INetHandlerPlayServer p_148833_1_)

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@ -30,17 +30,19 @@ public class PacketLoggingHandler
pipeline.addBefore("packet_handler", "splitter", new SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Packet>()
String prefix = (direction == EnumPacketDirection.SERVERBOUND ? "SERVER: C->S" : "CLIENT: S->C");
protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Packet msg) throws Exception
PacketBuffer buf = new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer());
FMLLog.log(Level.DEBUG, "$s $s:\n%s", msg.getClass().getSimpleName(), ByteBufUtils.getContentDump(buf));
FMLLog.log(Level.DEBUG, "%s %s:\n%s", prefix, msg.getClass().getSimpleName(), ByteBufUtils.getContentDump(buf));
pipeline.addBefore("splitter", "prepender", new ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter()
String prefix = (direction == EnumPacketDirection.SERVERBOUND ? "SERVER: S->C" : "CLIENT: C->S");
public void write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ public class PacketLoggingHandler
PacketBuffer buf = new PacketBuffer(Unpooled.buffer());
FMLLog.log(Level.DEBUG, "$s $s:\n%s", msg.getClass().getSimpleName(), ByteBufUtils.getContentDump(buf));
FMLLog.log(Level.DEBUG, "%s %s:\n%s", prefix, msg.getClass().getSimpleName(), ByteBufUtils.getContentDump(buf));
ctx.write(msg, promise);