Remove emissive items hook, add small utility for bakedquad lighting
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 25 additions and 186 deletions
@ -9,18 +9,7 @@
for(Item item : Registry.field_212630_s) {
for(Item item : Registry.field_212630_s) {
if (!field_195411_c.contains(item)) {
if (!field_195411_c.contains(item)) {
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
private void func_229114_a_(IBakedModel p_229114_1_, ItemStack p_229114_2_, int p_229114_3_, int p_229114_4_, MatrixStack p_229114_5_, IVertexBuilder p_229114_6_) {
+ if (false && net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfig.CLIENT.allowEmissiveItems.get()) { //TODO: Find way to re-introduce emissive items.
+ net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient.renderLitItem(this, p_229114_5_, p_229114_6_, p_229114_1_, p_229114_2_);
+ return;
+ }
Random random = new Random();
long i = 42L;
@@ -91,7 +95,7 @@
p_229111_8_ = this.field_175059_m.func_178083_a().func_174953_a(new ModelResourceLocation("minecraft:trident#inventory"));
p_229111_8_ = this.field_175059_m.func_178083_a().func_174953_a(new ModelResourceLocation("minecraft:trident#inventory"));
@ -29,7 +18,7 @@
p_229111_4_.func_227861_a_(-0.5D, -0.5D, -0.5D);
p_229111_4_.func_227861_a_(-0.5D, -0.5D, -0.5D);
if (!p_229111_8_.func_188618_c() && (p_229111_1_.func_77973_b() != Items.field_203184_eO || flag1)) {
if (!p_229111_8_.func_188618_c() && (p_229111_1_.func_77973_b() != Items.field_203184_eO || flag1)) {
RenderType rendertype = RenderTypeLookup.func_228389_a_(p_229111_1_);
RenderType rendertype = RenderTypeLookup.func_228389_a_(p_229111_1_);
@@ -105,7 +109,7 @@
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
IVertexBuilder ivertexbuilder = func_229113_a_(p_229111_5_, rendertype1, true, p_229111_1_.func_77962_s());
IVertexBuilder ivertexbuilder = func_229113_a_(p_229111_5_, rendertype1, true, p_229111_1_.func_77962_s());
this.func_229114_a_(p_229111_8_, p_229111_1_, p_229111_6_, p_229111_7_, p_229111_4_, ivertexbuilder);
this.func_229114_a_(p_229111_8_, p_229111_1_, p_229111_6_, p_229111_7_, p_229111_4_, ivertexbuilder);
} else {
} else {
@ -38,7 +27,7 @@
@@ -129,7 +133,7 @@
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
float f = (float)(i >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f = (float)(i >> 16 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f1 = (float)(i >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f1 = (float)(i >> 8 & 255) / 255.0F;
float f2 = (float)(i & 255) / 255.0F;
float f2 = (float)(i & 255) / 255.0F;
@ -47,7 +36,7 @@
@@ -216,6 +220,7 @@
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@
crashreportcategory.func_189529_a("Item Type", () -> {
crashreportcategory.func_189529_a("Item Type", () -> {
return String.valueOf((Object)p_184391_2_.func_77973_b());
return String.valueOf((Object)p_184391_2_.func_77973_b());
@ -55,7 +44,7 @@
crashreportcategory.func_189529_a("Item Damage", () -> {
crashreportcategory.func_189529_a("Item Damage", () -> {
return String.valueOf(p_184391_2_.func_77952_i());
return String.valueOf(p_184391_2_.func_77952_i());
@@ -247,18 +252,16 @@
@@ -247,18 +248,16 @@
@ -78,7 +67,7 @@
this.func_181565_a(bufferbuilder, p_180453_3_ + 2, p_180453_4_ + 13, 13, 2, 0, 0, 0, 255);
this.func_181565_a(bufferbuilder, p_180453_3_ + 2, p_180453_4_ + 13, 13, 2, 0, 0, 0, 255);
this.func_181565_a(bufferbuilder, p_180453_3_ + 2, p_180453_4_ + 13, i, 1, j >> 16 & 255, j >> 8 & 255, j & 255, 255);
this.func_181565_a(bufferbuilder, p_180453_3_ + 2, p_180453_4_ + 13, i, 1, j >> 16 & 255, j >> 8 & 255, j & 255, 255);
@@ -296,4 +299,9 @@
@@ -296,4 +295,9 @@
public void func_195410_a(IResourceManager p_195410_1_) {
public void func_195410_a(IResourceManager p_195410_1_) {
@ -557,166 +557,6 @@ public class ForgeHooksClient
return new Material(AtlasTexture.LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE, loc);
return new Material(AtlasTexture.LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE, loc);
private static class LightGatheringTransformer extends QuadGatheringTransformer {
private static final VertexFormat FORMAT = new VertexFormat(ImmutableList.of(DefaultVertexFormats.TEX_2F, DefaultVertexFormats.TEX_2S));
int blockLight, skyLight;
{ setVertexFormat(FORMAT); }
boolean hasLighting()
return dataLength[1] >= 2;
protected void processQuad()
// Reset light data
blockLight = 0;
skyLight = 0;
// Compute average light for all 4 vertices
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
blockLight += (int) ((quadData[1][i][0] * 0xFFFF) / 0x20);
skyLight += (int) ((quadData[1][i][1] * 0xFFFF) / 0x20);
// Values must be multiplied by 16, divided by 4 for average => x4
blockLight *= 4;
skyLight *= 4;
// Dummy overrides
public void setQuadTint(int tint) {}
public void setQuadOrientation(Direction orientation) {}
public void setApplyDiffuseLighting(boolean diffuse) {}
public void setTexture(TextureAtlasSprite texture) {}
private static final LightGatheringTransformer lightGatherer = new LightGatheringTransformer();
// TODO: Fix: Vanilla now batches rendering items, so our hack of forcing the GL lighting state does not work.
public static void renderLitItem(ItemRenderer ri, MatrixStack mat, IVertexBuilder consumer, IBakedModel model, ItemStack stack)
List<BakedQuad> allquads = new ArrayList<>();
Random random = new Random();
long seed = 42L;
for (Direction enumfacing : Direction.values())
allquads.addAll(model.getQuads(null, enumfacing, random, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE));
allquads.addAll(model.getQuads(null, null, random, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE));
if (allquads.isEmpty()) return;
// Current list of consecutive quads with the same lighting
List<BakedQuad> segment = new ArrayList<>();
// Lighting of the current segment
int segmentBlockLight = 0;
int segmentSkyLight = 0;
// Diffuse lighting state
boolean segmentShading = true;
// State changed by the current segment
boolean segmentLightingDirty = false;
boolean segmentShadingDirty = false;
// If the current segment contains lighting data
boolean hasLighting = false;
for (int i = 0; i < allquads.size(); i++)
BakedQuad q = allquads.get(i);
// Lighting of the current quad
int bl = 0;
int sl = 0;
LightUtil.putBakedQuad(lightGatherer, q);
if (lightGatherer.hasLighting())
bl = lightGatherer.blockLight;
sl = lightGatherer.skyLight;
boolean shade = q.shouldApplyDiffuseLighting();
boolean lightingDirty = segmentBlockLight != bl || segmentSkyLight != sl;
boolean shadeDirty = shade != segmentShading;
// If lighting or color data has changed, draw the segment and flush it
if (lightingDirty || shadeDirty)
if (i > 0) // Make sure this isn't the first quad being processed
drawSegment(ri, mat, consumer, stack, segment, segmentBlockLight, segmentSkyLight, segmentShading, segmentLightingDirty && (hasLighting || segment.size() < i), segmentShadingDirty);
segmentBlockLight = bl;
segmentSkyLight = sl;
segmentShading = shade;
segmentLightingDirty = lightingDirty;
segmentShadingDirty = shadeDirty;
hasLighting = segmentBlockLight > 0 || segmentSkyLight > 0 || !segmentShading;
drawSegment(ri, mat, consumer, stack, segment, segmentBlockLight, segmentSkyLight, segmentShading, segmentLightingDirty && (hasLighting || segment.size() < allquads.size()), segmentShadingDirty);
// Clean up render state if necessary
if (hasLighting)
RenderSystem.glMultiTexCoord2f(GL13.GL_TEXTURE1, GlStateManager.lastBrightnessX, GlStateManager.lastBrightnessY);
private static void drawSegment(ItemRenderer ir, MatrixStack mat, IVertexBuilder cons, ItemStack stack, List<BakedQuad> segment, int bl, int sl, boolean shade, boolean updateLighting, boolean updateShading)
float lastBl = GlStateManager.lastBrightnessX;
float lastSl = GlStateManager.lastBrightnessY;
if (updateShading)
if (shade)
// (Re-)enable lighting for normal look with shading
// Disable lighting to simulate a lack of diffuse lighting
if (updateLighting)
// Force lightmap coords to simulate synthetic lighting
RenderSystem.glMultiTexCoord2f(GL13.GL_TEXTURE1, Math.max(bl, lastBl), Math.max(sl, lastSl));
// TODO can we just use this light value ??
ir.func_229112_a_(mat, cons, segment, stack, (bl << 16) | sl, OverlayTexture.field_229196_a_);
// Preserve this as it represents the "world" lighting
GlStateManager.lastBrightnessX = lastBl;
GlStateManager.lastBrightnessY = lastSl;
* internal, relies on fixed format of FaceBakery
* internal, relies on fixed format of FaceBakery
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Vector4f;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.LightUtil;
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack;
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
@ -108,8 +110,9 @@ public interface IForgeVertexBuilder
default int applyBakedLighting(int lightmapCoord, ByteBuffer data) {
default int applyBakedLighting(int lightmapCoord, ByteBuffer data) {
int bl = LightTexture.func_228450_a_(lightmapCoord);
int bl = LightTexture.func_228450_a_(lightmapCoord);
int sl = LightTexture.func_228454_b_(lightmapCoord);
int sl = LightTexture.func_228454_b_(lightmapCoord);
int blBaked = Short.toUnsignedInt(data.getShort(24)) >> 4;
int offset = LightUtil.getLightOffset(0) * 4; // int offset for vertex 0 * 4 bytes per int
int slBaked = Short.toUnsignedInt(data.getShort(26)) >> 4;
int blBaked = Short.toUnsignedInt(data.getShort(offset)) >> 4;
int slBaked = Short.toUnsignedInt(data.getShort(offset + 2)) >> 4;
bl = Math.max(bl, blBaked);
bl = Math.max(bl, blBaked);
sl = Math.max(sl, slBaked);
sl = Math.max(sl, slBaked);
return LightTexture.func_228451_a_(bl, sl);
return LightTexture.func_228451_a_(bl, sl);
@ -247,6 +247,20 @@ public class LightUtil
public static int getLightOffset(int v)
return (v * 8) + 6;
public static void setLightData(BakedQuad q, int light)
int[] data = q.getVertexData();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
data[getLightOffset(i)] = light;
private static final class ItemPipeline
private static final class ItemPipeline
@ -133,8 +133,6 @@ public class ForgeConfig
public final BooleanValue showLoadWarnings;
public final BooleanValue showLoadWarnings;
public final BooleanValue allowEmissiveItems;
Client(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) {
Client(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) {
builder.comment("Client only settings, mostly things related to rendering")
builder.comment("Client only settings, mostly things related to rendering")
@ -176,11 +174,6 @@ public class ForgeConfig
.define("showLoadWarnings", true);
.define("showLoadWarnings", true);
allowEmissiveItems = builder
.comment("Allow item rendering to detect emissive quads and draw them properly. This allows glowing blocks to look the same in item form, but incurs a very slight performance hit.")
.define("allowEmissiveItems", true);
Reference in a new issue