MCP names update

This commit is contained in:
Christian 2013-04-10 12:28:20 -04:00
parent d89f0dc683
commit 0a1f3e3150
2 changed files with 281 additions and 62 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
field_100000_e,spawnChances,2,Chances for slimes to spawn in swamps for every moon phase.
field_100001_o,doneBtn,2,"""Done"" button for the GUI."
field_100013_f,isPotionDurationMax,2,"True if potion effect duration is at maximum, false otherwise."
field_70009_b,buffer,2,RCon string buffer for log.
field_70010_a,consoleBuffer,2,only ever used by MinecraftServer.executeCommand
@ -137,6 +142,7 @@ field_70272_f,boatZ,2,
@ -340,7 +346,7 @@ field_70749_g,lookHelper,2,
field_70750_az,texture,2,the path for the texture of this entityLiving
field_70752_e,potionsNeedUpdate,2,Whether the DataWatcher needs to be updated with the active potions
field_70754_ba,limbSwing,2,Only relevant when legYaw is not 0(the entity is moving). Influences where in its swing legs and arms currently are.
field_70754_ba,limbSwing,2,Only relevant when limbYaw is not 0(the entity is moving). Influences where in its swing legs and arms currently are.
field_70755_b,entityLivingToAttack,2,"is only being set, has no uses as of MC 1.1"
field_70757_a,livingSoundTime,2,Number of ticks since this EntityLiving last produced its sound
@ -659,17 +665,18 @@ field_71572_b,posY,2,the y coordinate
field_71573_c,posZ,2,the z coordinate
field_71576_a,theReportedExceptionCrashReport,2,Instance of CrashReport.
field_71577_f,rotateRight,2,Maps a direction to that to the right of it.
field_71578_g,rotateLeft,2,Maps a direction to that to the left of it.
field_71579_d,facingToDirection,2,Maps a Facing value (3D) to a Direction value (2D).
field_71580_e,rotateOpposite,2,Maps a direction to that opposite of it.
field_71582_c,directionToFacing,2,Maps a Direction value (2D) to a Facing value (3D).
field_71585_d,offsetsZForSide,2,gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side.
field_71586_b,offsetsXForSide,2,gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side.
field_71587_c,offsetsYForSide,2,gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side.
field_71588_a,faceToSide,2,Converts a face to a side.
field_71588_a,oppositeSide,2,Converts a side to the opposite side. This is the same as XOR'ing it with 1.
@ -976,7 +983,7 @@ field_72041_aW,blockClay,2,
@ -1013,7 +1020,7 @@ field_72079_ak,stoneSingleSlab,2,stoneSingleSlab
field_72082_bJ,whiteStone,2,The rock found in The End.
@ -1175,7 +1182,7 @@ field_72588_q,lastPosZ,2,The last known z position for this connection.
field_72589_p,lastPosY,2,The last known y position for this connection.
field_72590_a,loginHandler,2,The login handler that spawned this thread.
field_72595_f,requestIdAsString,2,The request ID stored as a String
field_72596_d,requestId,2,A client-provided request ID associated with this query
field_72596_d,requestId,2,A client-provided request ID associated with this query.
field_72597_e,challengeValue,2,A unique string of bytes used to verify client auth
field_72598_b,timestamp,2,The creation timestamp for this auth
field_72599_c,randomChallenge,2,A random challenge
@ -1270,7 +1277,7 @@ field_72781_x,glSkyList2,2,OpenGL sky list 2
field_72782_b,theWorldServer,2,The WorldServer object.
field_72783_a,mcServer,2,Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
field_72793_b,trackedEntities,2,"List of tracked entities, used for iteration operations on tracked entities."
field_72814_d,hasExtendedLevels,2,set by !chunk.getAreLevelsEmpty
@ -1454,7 +1461,7 @@ field_73261_d,locationOfBlockChange,2,
field_73264_c,chunkLocation,2,note: this is final
field_73286_b,clientPacketIdList,2,List of the client's packet IDs.
field_73287_r,isChunkDataPacket,2,"Only true for Packet51MapChunk, Packet52MultiBlockChange, Packet53BlockChange and Packet59ComplexEntity. Used to separate them into a different send queue."
field_73288_c,serverPacketIdList,2,List of the server's packet IDs.
@ -1632,6 +1639,7 @@ field_73513_e,zPosition,2,The player's Z position.
field_73514_b,name,2,The player's name.
field_73515_c,xPosition,2,The player's X position.
field_73516_a,entityId,2,"The entity ID, in this case it's the player ID."
field_73518_h,currentItem,2,The current item the player is holding.
field_73520_f,speedY,2,Not sent if the thrower entity ID is 0. The speed of this fireball along the Y axis.
@ -1706,11 +1714,14 @@ field_73603_i,temp,2,A temporary storage for the compressed chunk data byte arra
field_73604_b,targetEntity,2,The entity the player is interacting with
field_73605_c,isLeftClick,2,Seems to be true when the player is pointing at an entity and left-clicking and false when right-clicking.
field_73606_a,playerEntityId,2,The entity of the player (ignored by the server)
field_73610_f,playerVelocityX,2,X velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
field_73611_g,playerVelocityY,2,Y velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
field_73617_h,playerVelocityZ,2,Z velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
field_73618_b,eventType,2,"0: Invalid bed, 1: Rain starts, 2: Rain stops, 3: Game mode changed."
field_73619_c,gameMode,2,"When reason==3, the game mode to set. See EnumGameType for a list of values."
field_73620_a,clientMessage,2,The client prints clientMessage[eventType] to chat when this packet is received.
@ -3292,7 +3303,6 @@ field_77022_g,itemRenderBlocks,2,
field_77023_b,zLevel,2,Defines the zLevel of rendering of item on GUI.
field_77025_h,random,2,The RNG used in RenderItem (for bobbing itemstacks on the ground)
field_77027_a,itemIconIndex,2,"Have the icon index (in items.png) that will be used to render the image. Currently, eggs and snowballs uses this classes."
field_77046_h,renderPassModel,2,The model to be used during the render passes.
field_77050_a,ironGolemModel,2,Iron Golem's Model.
@ -3532,14 +3542,14 @@ field_77685_T,wheat,2,
field_77697_d,itemRand,2,The RNG used by the Item subclasses.
field_77698_e,itemsList,2,A 32000 elements Item array.
field_77699_b,maxDamage,2,Maximum damage an item can handle.
@ -3551,7 +3561,7 @@ field_77704_l,arrow,2,
@ -3559,7 +3569,7 @@ field_77712_u,axeWood,2,
@ -3609,7 +3619,7 @@ field_77762_aN,minecartCrate,2,
@ -3634,7 +3644,7 @@ field_77787_bX,hasSubtypes,2,"Some items (like dyes) have multiple subtypes on s
field_77789_bW,bFull3D,2,"If true, render the object in full 3D, like weapons and tools."
field_77791_bV,iconIndex,2,Icon index in the icons table.
field_77791_bV,itemIcon,2,Icon index in the icons table.
@ -3655,19 +3665,19 @@ field_77808_an,legsGold,2,
field_77809_bD,expBottle,2,Bottle o' Enchanting. Drops between 1 and 3 experience orbs when thrown.
field_77811_bE,fireballCharge,2,Fire Charge. When used in a dispenser it fires a fireball similiar to a Ghast's.
field_77830_a,spawnID,2,The ID of the block the reed will spawn when used from inventory bar.
@ -4097,28 +4107,16 @@ field_78634_H,aoLightValueScratchXYPP,2,Used as a scratch variable for ambient o
field_78635_I,aoLightValueScratchYZPP,2,Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion between the top face and the west face.
field_78636_J,aoLightValueScratchXYZPPP,2,Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion on the south/top/west corner.
field_78637_K,aoLightValueScratchXZNN,2,Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion between the north face and the east face.
field_78638_aI,aoGrassXYZPCP,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Center Y, and Positive Z"
field_78639_U,aoBrightnessXYZNNP,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNNP
field_78640_aJ,aoGrassXYZNCP,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Center Y, and Positive Z"
field_78641_T,aoBrightnessXYNN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYNN
field_78642_aK,aoGrassXYZPCN,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Center Y, and Negative Z"
field_78643_W,aoBrightnessYZNP,2,Ambient occlusion brightness YZNP
field_78644_aL,aoGrassXYZCNN,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Negative Y, and Negative Z"
field_78645_V,aoBrightnessYZNN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness YZNN
field_78646_aM,aoGrassXYZPNC,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Negative Y, and Center Z"
field_78647_aN,aoGrassXYZNNC,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Negative Y, and center Z"
field_78648_aO,aoGrassXYZCNP,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Negative Y, and Positive Z"
field_78649_S,aoBrightnessXYZNNN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNNN
field_78650_aA,colorBlueBottomLeft,2,Blue color value for the bottom left corner
field_78651_aB,colorBlueBottomRight,2,Blue color value for the bottom right corner
field_78652_aC,colorBlueTopRight,2,Blue color value for the top right corner
field_78653_aD,aoGrassXYZCPN,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Positive Y, and Negative Z"
field_78654_aE,aoGrassXYZPPC,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Positive Y, and Center Z"
field_78655_Y,aoBrightnessXYPN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYPN
field_78656_aF,aoGrassXYZNPC,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Positive Y, and Center Z"
field_78657_X,aoBrightnessXYZPNN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYZPNN
field_78658_aG,aoGrassXYZCPP,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Positive Y, and Positive Z"
field_78659_aH,aoGrassXYZNCN,2,"Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Center Y, and Negative Z"
field_78660_Z,aoBrightnessXYZPNP,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYZPNP
field_78661_f,renderAllFaces,2,"If true, renders all faces on all blocks rather than using the logic in Block.shouldSideBeRendered. Unused."
@ -4130,9 +4128,7 @@ field_78667_b,fancyGrass,2,Fancy grass side matching biome
field_78669_a,blockAccess,2,The IBlockAccess used by this instance of RenderBlocks
field_78670_at,colorRedBottomRight,2,Red color value for the bottom right corner
field_78671_n,lightValueOwn,2,Light value of the block itself
field_78672_as,colorRedBottomLeft,2,Red color value for the bottom left corner
field_78673_o,aoLightValueXNeg,2,Light value one block less in x axis
field_78674_ar,colorRedTopLeft,2,Red color value for the top left corner
field_78676_aq,brightnessTopRight,2,Brightness top right
@ -4152,15 +4148,9 @@ field_78689_v,aoLightValueScratchXYNN,2,Used as a scratch variable for ambient o
field_78690_ai,aoBrightnessXZNN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XZNN
field_78691_u,aoLightValueScratchXYZNNN,2,Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion on the north/bottom/east corner.
field_78692_aj,aoBrightnessXZPN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XZPN
field_78693_t,aoLightValueZPos,2,Light value one block more in z axis
field_78694_ao,brightnessBottomLeft,2,Brightness bottom left
field_78695_s,aoLightValueYPos,2,Light value one block more in y axis
field_78696_ap,brightnessBottomRight,2,Brightness bottom right
field_78697_r,aoLightValueXPos,2,Light value one block more in x axis
field_78698_am,aoType,2,"Ambient occlusion type (0=simple, 1=complex)"
field_78699_q,aoLightValueZNeg,2,Light value one block more in z axis
field_78700_an,brightnessTopLeft,2,Brightness top left
field_78701_p,aoLightValueYNeg,2,Light value one block more in y axis
field_78702_ac,aoBrightnessXYZNPP,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNPP
field_78703_ad,aoBrightnessYZPN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness YZPN
field_78704_aa,aoBrightnessXYZNPN,2,Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNPN
@ -4316,6 +4306,7 @@ field_82135_d,isBeaconActive,2,
field_82136_e,levels,2,Level of this beacon's pyramid.
field_82139_a,effectsList,2,List of effects that Beacon can apply
field_82140_h,payment,2,Item given to this beacon as payment.
field_82156_g,fallHurtMax,2,Maximum amount of damage dealt to entities hit by falling block
@ -4424,6 +4415,9 @@ field_82527_a,dispenseBehaviorRegistry,2,Registry for all dispense behaviors.
field_82537_a,sensible,2,"Whether this button is sensible to arrows, used by wooden buttons."
field_82539_a,types,2,The types of the wall.
field_82559_a,readSuccessfully,2,"Always 1, unless readByte threw an exception."
field_82562_a,worldAge,2,World age in ticks.
field_82575_g,totalTime,2,Total time for this world.
@ -4512,6 +4506,7 @@ field_82807_a,skullTypes,2,
field_82808_b,cropId,2,Block ID of the crop this seed food should place.
field_82809_c,soilId,2,Block ID of the soil this seed food should be planted on.
field_82822_g,gameVersion,2,Game version for this server.
field_82823_k,hideAddress,2,Whether to hide the IP address for this server.
@ -4580,6 +4575,8 @@ field_85080_a,blockID,2,
field_85087_d,lastUpdateTime,2,The worldtime at which this PortalPosition was last verified
field_85088_e,teleporterInstance,2,The teleporter to which this PortalPosition applies
@ -4598,6 +4595,8 @@ field_85168_c,theMapStructureGenerator,2,
field_85190_d,destinationCoordinateKeys,2,A list of valid keys for the destinationCoordainteCache. These are based on the X & Z of the players initial location.
field_85191_c,destinationCoordinateCache,2,Stores successful portal placement locations for rapid lookup.
field_90018_r,isRightMouseClick,2,Used when touchscreen is enabled
@ -4616,6 +4615,9 @@ field_92039_az,fireworkExplosions,2,
field_92055_b,lifetime,2,The lifetime of the firework in ticks. When the age reaches the lifetime the firework explodes.
field_92056_a,fireworkAge,2,The age of the firework in ticks.
field_92061_d,isChristmas,2,"If true, chests will be rendered with the Christmas present textures."
field_92076_h,skyLightSent,2,"Whether or not the chunk data contains a light nibble array. This is true in the main world, false in the end + nether."
field_92077_h,pitch,2,The pitch in steps of 2p/256
field_92078_i,yaw,2,The yaw in steps of 2p/256
field_92086_a,isBlank,2,When isBlank is true the DataWatcher is not watching any objects
@ -4627,9 +4629,15 @@ field_92119_C,overrideHeight,2,
field_94112_b,dropContentsWhenDead,2,"When set to true, the minecart will drop all items when setDead() is called. When false (such as when travelling dimensions) it preserves its contents."
field_94123_d,inventoryName,2,The name that is displayed if the hopper was renamed
@ -4699,8 +4707,8 @@ field_94299_k,textureWrap,2,
field_94303_q,textureNotModified,2,False if the texture has been modified since it was last uploaded to the GPU.
field_94304_p,autoCreate,2,"Uninitialized boolean. If true, the texture is re-uploaded every time it's modified. If false, every tick after it's been modified at least once in that tick."
@ -4713,7 +4721,7 @@ field_94322_k,atlasTexture,2,
field_94323_h,maxTileDimension,2,Max size (width or height) of a single tile
@ -4725,6 +4733,8 @@ field_94346_cn,redstoneComparatorIdle,2,
field_94357_a,maxItemsWeighted,2,The maximum number of items the plate weights.
@ -4733,7 +4743,14 @@ field_94365_a,iconArray,2,
@ -4751,6 +4768,8 @@ field_94420_a,quartzBlockTypes,2,
@ -4761,9 +4780,31 @@ field_94445_a,iconArray,2,
field_94465_b,doorTypeForIcon,2,Used for pointing at icon names.
field_94500_e,useProvidedWindowTitle,2,"If false, the client will look up a string like ""window.minecart"". If true, the client uses what the server provides."
field_94513_g,railChunkPosition,2,The chunk position the rail is at.
@ -4772,6 +4813,7 @@ field_94601_a,bowPullIconNameArray,2,
field_96113_a,isBlocked,2,Whether this hopper minecart is being blocked by an activator rail.
@ -4784,7 +4826,25 @@ field_96462_b,potionItemStack,2,
field_96480_b,scoreName,2,The unique name for the scoreboard to be displayed.
field_96481_a,scoreboardPosition,2,"The position of the scoreboard. 0 = list, 1 = sidebar, 2 = belowName."
field_96483_c,change,2,"0 to create scoreboard, 1 to remove scoreboard, 2 to update display text."
field_96485_d,updateOrRemove,2,0 to create/update an item. 1 to remove an item.
field_96486_b,scoreName,2,The unique name for the scoreboard to be updated. Only sent when updateOrRemove does not equal 1.
field_96487_c,value,2,The score to be displayed next to the entry. Only sent when Update/Remove does not equal 1.
field_96488_a,itemName,2,An unique name to be displayed in the list.
field_96489_f,mode,2,If 0 then the team is created. If 1 then the team is removed. If 2 the team team information is updated. If 3 then new players are added to the team. If 4 then players are removed from the team.
field_96491_d,teamSuffix,2,Only if mode = 0 or 2. Displayed after the players' name that are part of this team.
field_96492_e,playerNames,2,Only if mode = 0 or 3 or 4. Players to be added/remove from the team.
field_96493_b,teamDisplayName,2,Only if mode = 0 or 2.
field_96494_c,teamPrefix,2,Only if mode = 0 or 2. Displayed before the players' name that are part of this team.
field_96495_a,teamName,2,A unique name for the team.
field_96545_a,scoreObjectives,2,Map of objective names to ScoreObjective objects.
@ -4792,21 +4852,53 @@ field_96602_b,dispenserMinecartBehavior,2,
field_96685_c,objectiveCriteria,2,The ScoreObjectiveCriteria for this objetive
field_98040_a,mobSpawnerLogic,2,Mob spawner logic for this spawner minecart.
field_98181_L,worldLogAgent,2,The log agent for this world.
field_98203_f,offsetY,2,This is added to the Y position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
field_98204_g,offsetZ,2,This is added to the Z position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
field_98205_d,posZ,2,Z position of the particle.
field_98206_e,offsetX,2,This is added to the X position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
field_98207_b,posX,2,X position of the particle.
field_98208_c,posY,2,Y position of the particle.
field_98209_a,particleName,2,The name of the particle to create. A list can be found at
field_98210_h,speed,2,The speed of each particle.
field_98211_i,quantity,2,The number of particles to create.
field_98212_g,friendlyFire,2,Only if mode = 0 or 2.
field_98285_e,minecartToSpawn,2,List of minecart to spawn.
field_98286_b,spawnDelay,2,The delay to spawn.
field_98289_l,activatingRangeFromPlayer,2,The distance from which a player activates the spawner.
field_98290_m,spawnRange,2,The range coefficient for spawning entities around.
field_98294_i,spawnCount,2,A counter for spawn tries.
field_98295_a,mobSpawnerEntity,2,The mob spawner we deal with
field_98296_a,spawnerMinecart,2,The spawner minecart using this mob spawner logic.

1 searge name side desc
2 field_100000_e spawnChances 2 Chances for slimes to spawn in swamps for every moon phase.
3 field_100001_o doneBtn 2 "Done" button for the GUI.
4 field_100002_d cancelBtn 2
5 field_100003_c doneBtn 2
6 field_100010_b iconArray 2
7 field_70009_b field_100013_f chatBuffer isPotionDurationMax 2 True if potion effect duration is at maximum, false otherwise.
8 field_70009_b buffer 2 RCon string buffer for log.
9 field_70010_a consoleBuffer 2 only ever used by MinecraftServer.executeCommand
10 field_70116_cv serverPosZ 2
11 field_70117_cu serverPosY 2
142 field_70273_g boatYaw 2
143 field_70274_d boatX 2
144 field_70275_e boatY 2
145 field_70276_b speedMultiplier 2
146 field_70277_c boatPosRotationIncrements 2
147 field_70278_an velocityZ 2
148 field_70280_j velocityY 2
346 field_70750_az texture 2 the path for the texture of this entityLiving
347 field_70751_d lastAttackingEntity 2
348 field_70752_e potionsNeedUpdate 2 Whether the DataWatcher needs to be updated with the active potions
349 field_70754_ba limbSwing 2 Only relevant when legYaw is not 0(the entity is moving). Influences where in its swing legs and arms currently are. Only relevant when limbYaw is not 0(the entity is moving). Influences where in its swing legs and arms currently are.
350 field_70755_b entityLivingToAttack 2 is only being set, has no uses as of MC 1.1
351 field_70756_c revengeTimer 2
352 field_70757_a livingSoundTime 2 Number of ticks since this EntityLiving last produced its sound
665 field_71573_c posZ 2 the z coordinate
666 field_71574_a posX 2
667 field_71576_a theReportedExceptionCrashReport 2 Instance of CrashReport.
668 field_71577_f enderEyeMetaToDirection rotateRight 2 Maps a direction to that to the right of it.
669 field_71579_d field_71578_g vineGrowth rotateLeft 2 Maps a direction to that to the left of it.
670 field_71580_e field_71579_d footInvisibleFaceRemap facingToDirection 2 Maps a Facing value (3D) to a Direction value (2D).
671 field_71580_e rotateOpposite 2 Maps a direction to that opposite of it.
672 field_71581_b offsetZ 2
673 field_71582_c headInvisibleFace directionToFacing 2 Maps a Direction value (2D) to a Facing value (3D).
674 field_71583_a offsetX 2
675 field_71584_h bedDirection 2
676 field_71585_d offsetsZForSide 2 gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side.
677 field_71586_b offsetsXForSide 2 gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side.
678 field_71587_c offsetsYForSide 2 gives the offset required for this axis to get the block at that side.
679 field_71588_a faceToSide oppositeSide 2 Converts a face to a side. Converts a side to the opposite side. This is the same as XOR'ing it with 1.
680 field_71589_f bc_pbe_sha512 2
681 field_71590_g bc_pbe_sha224 2
682 field_71591_d bc_pbe_sha256 2
983 field_72042_aI signWall 2
984 field_72043_aJ lever 2
985 field_72044_aK pressurePlateStone 2
986 field_72045_aL doorSteel doorIron 2
987 field_72046_aM pressurePlatePlanks 2
988 field_72047_aN oreRedstone 2
989 field_72048_aO oreRedstoneGlowing 2
1020 field_72080_bM redstoneLampActive 2
1021 field_72081_al brick 2
1022 field_72082_bJ whiteStone 2 The rock found in The End.
1023 field_72083_ai blockSteel blockIron 2
1024 field_72084_bK dragonEgg 2
1025 field_72085_aj stoneDoubleSlab 2 stoneDoubleSlab
1026 field_72086_bP cocoaPlant 2
1182 field_72589_p lastPosY 2 The last known y position for this connection.
1183 field_72590_a loginHandler 2 The login handler that spawned this thread.
1184 field_72595_f requestIdAsString 2 The request ID stored as a String
1185 field_72596_d requestId 2 A client-provided request ID associated with this query A client-provided request ID associated with this query.
1186 field_72597_e challengeValue 2 A unique string of bytes used to verify client auth
1187 field_72598_b timestamp 2 The creation timestamp for this auth
1188 field_72599_c randomChallenge 2 A random challenge
1277 field_72782_b theWorldServer 2 The WorldServer object.
1278 field_72783_a mcServer 2 Reference to the MinecraftServer object.
1279 field_72792_d entityViewDistance 2
1280 field_72793_b trackedEntities 2 List of tracked entities, used for iteration operations on tracked entities.
1281 field_72794_c trackedEntityIDs 2
1282 field_72795_a theWorld 2
1283 field_72814_d hasExtendedLevels 2 set by !chunk.getAreLevelsEmpty
1461 field_73262_e numberOfTilesToUpdate 2
1462 field_73263_b playersInChunk 2
1463 field_73264_c chunkLocation 2 note: this is final
1464 field_73265_a myManager thePlayerManager 2
1465 field_73286_b clientPacketIdList 2 List of the client's packet IDs.
1466 field_73287_r isChunkDataPacket 2 Only true for Packet51MapChunk, Packet52MultiBlockChange, Packet53BlockChange and Packet59ComplexEntity. Used to separate them into a different send queue.
1467 field_73288_c serverPacketIdList 2 List of the server's packet IDs.
1639 field_73514_b name 2 The player's name.
1640 field_73515_c xPosition 2 The player's X position.
1641 field_73516_a entityId 2 The entity ID, in this case it's the player ID.
1642 field_73517_j metadataWatchableObjects 2
1643 field_73518_h currentItem 2 The current item the player is holding.
1644 field_73519_i metadata 2
1645 field_73520_f speedY 2 Not sent if the thrower entity ID is 0. The speed of this fireball along the Y axis.
1714 field_73604_b targetEntity 2 The entity the player is interacting with
1715 field_73605_c isLeftClick 2 Seems to be true when the player is pointing at an entity and left-clicking and false when right-clicking.
1716 field_73606_a playerEntityId 2 The entity of the player (ignored by the server)
1717 field_73610_f playerVelocityX 2 X velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
1718 field_73611_g playerVelocityY 2 Y velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
1719 field_73612_d explosionSize 2
1720 field_73613_e chunkPositionRecords 2
1721 field_73614_b explosionY 2
1722 field_73615_c explosionZ 2
1723 field_73616_a explosionX 2
1724 field_73617_h playerVelocityZ 2 Z velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
1725 field_73618_b eventType 2 0: Invalid bed, 1: Rain starts, 2: Rain stops, 3: Game mode changed.
1726 field_73619_c gameMode 2 When reason==3, the game mode to set. See EnumGameType for a list of values.
1727 field_73620_a clientMessage 2 The client prints clientMessage[eventType] to chat when this packet is received.
3303 field_77023_b zLevel 2 Defines the zLevel of rendering of item on GUI.
3304 field_77024_a renderWithColor 2
3305 field_77025_h random 2 The RNG used in RenderItem (for bobbing itemstacks on the ground)
field_77027_a itemIconIndex 2 Have the icon index (in items.png) that will be used to render the image. Currently, eggs and snowballs uses this classes.
3306 field_77045_g mainModel 2
3307 field_77046_h renderPassModel 2 The model to be used during the render passes.
3308 field_77050_a ironGolemModel 2 Iron Golem's Model.
3542 field_77686_W plateLeather 2
3543 field_77687_V helmetLeather 2
3544 field_77688_Q hoeDiamond 2
3545 field_77689_P hoeSteel hoeIron 2
3546 field_77690_S seeds 2
3547 field_77691_R hoeGold 2
3548 field_77692_Y bootsLeather 2
3549 field_77693_X legsLeather 2
3550 field_77694_Z helmetChain 2
3551 field_77695_f shovelSteel shovelIron 2
3552 field_77696_g pickaxeSteel pickaxeIron 2
3553 field_77697_d itemRand 2 The RNG used by the Item subclasses.
3554 field_77698_e itemsList 2 A 32000 elements Item array.
3555 field_77699_b maxDamage 2 Maximum damage an item can handle.
3561 field_77705_m coal 2
3562 field_77706_j appleRed 2
3563 field_77707_k bow 2
3564 field_77708_h axeSteel axeIron 2
3565 field_77709_i flintAndSteel 2
3566 field_77710_w shovelStone 2
3567 field_77711_v swordStone 2
3569 field_77713_t pickaxeWood 2
3570 field_77714_s shovelWood 2
3571 field_77715_r swordWood 2
3572 field_77716_q swordSteel swordIron 2
3573 field_77717_p ingotGold 2
3574 field_77718_z swordDiamond 2
3575 field_77719_y axeStone 2
3619 field_77763_aO minecartPowered 2
3620 field_77764_aP egg 2
3621 field_77765_aA saddle 2
3622 field_77766_aB doorSteel doorIron 2
3623 field_77767_aC redstone 2
3624 field_77768_aD snowball 2
3625 field_77769_aE boat 2
3644 field_77788_aw bucketEmpty 2
3645 field_77789_bW bFull3D 2 If true, render the object in full 3D, like weapons and tools.
3646 field_77790_av doorWood 2
3647 field_77791_bV iconIndex itemIcon 2 Icon index in the icons table.
3648 field_77792_au sign 2
3649 field_77793_bL recordChirp 2
3650 field_77794_ak bootsDiamond 2
3665 field_77809_bD expBottle 2 Bottle o' Enchanting. Drops between 1 and 3 experience orbs when thrown.
3666 field_77810_ac bootsChain 2
3667 field_77811_bE fireballCharge 2 Fire Charge. When used in a dispenser it fires a fireball similiar to a Ghast's.
3668 field_77812_ad helmetSteel helmetIron 2
3669 field_77813_bB speckledMelon 2
3670 field_77814_aa plateChain 2
3671 field_77815_bC monsterPlacer 2
3672 field_77816_ab legsChain 2
3673 field_77817_bH emerald 2
3674 field_77818_ag bootsSteel bootsIron 2
3675 field_77819_bI record13 2
3676 field_77820_ah helmetDiamond 2
3677 field_77821_bF writableBook 2
3678 field_77822_ae plateSteel plateIron 2
3679 field_77823_bG writtenBook 2
3680 field_77824_af legsSteel legsIron 2
3681 field_77826_b toolMaterial 2
3682 field_77827_a weaponDamage 2
3683 field_77830_a spawnID 2 The ID of the block the reed will spawn when used from inventory bar.
4107 field_78635_I aoLightValueScratchYZPP 2 Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion between the top face and the west face.
4108 field_78636_J aoLightValueScratchXYZPPP 2 Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion on the south/top/west corner.
4109 field_78637_K aoLightValueScratchXZNN 2 Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion between the north face and the east face.
field_78638_aI aoGrassXYZPCP 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Center Y, and Positive Z
4110 field_78639_U aoBrightnessXYZNNP 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNNP
field_78640_aJ aoGrassXYZNCP 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Center Y, and Positive Z
4111 field_78641_T aoBrightnessXYNN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYNN
field_78642_aK aoGrassXYZPCN 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Center Y, and Negative Z
4112 field_78643_W aoBrightnessYZNP 2 Ambient occlusion brightness YZNP
field_78644_aL aoGrassXYZCNN 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Negative Y, and Negative Z
4113 field_78645_V aoBrightnessYZNN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness YZNN
field_78646_aM aoGrassXYZPNC 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Negative Y, and Center Z
field_78647_aN aoGrassXYZNNC 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Negative Y, and center Z
field_78648_aO aoGrassXYZCNP 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Negative Y, and Positive Z
4114 field_78649_S aoBrightnessXYZNNN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNNN
4115 field_78650_aA colorBlueBottomLeft 2 Blue color value for the bottom left corner
4116 field_78651_aB colorBlueBottomRight 2 Blue color value for the bottom right corner
4117 field_78652_aC colorBlueTopRight 2 Blue color value for the top right corner
field_78653_aD aoGrassXYZCPN 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Positive Y, and Negative Z
field_78654_aE aoGrassXYZPPC 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Positive X, Positive Y, and Center Z
4118 field_78655_Y aoBrightnessXYPN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYPN
field_78656_aF aoGrassXYZNPC 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Positive Y, and Center Z
4119 field_78657_X aoBrightnessXYZPNN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYZPNN
field_78658_aG aoGrassXYZCPP 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Center X, Positive Y, and Positive Z
field_78659_aH aoGrassXYZNCN 2 Grass flag for ambient occlusion on Negative X, Center Y, and Negative Z
4120 field_78660_Z aoBrightnessXYZPNP 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYZPNP
4121 field_78661_f renderAllFaces 2 If true, renders all faces on all blocks rather than using the logic in Block.shouldSideBeRendered. Unused.
4122 field_78662_g uvRotateEast 2
4128 field_78668_c useInventoryTint 2
4129 field_78669_a blockAccess 2 The IBlockAccess used by this instance of RenderBlocks
4130 field_78670_at colorRedBottomRight 2 Red color value for the bottom right corner
field_78671_n lightValueOwn 2 Light value of the block itself
4131 field_78672_as colorRedBottomLeft 2 Red color value for the bottom left corner
field_78673_o aoLightValueXNeg 2 Light value one block less in x axis
4132 field_78674_ar colorRedTopLeft 2 Red color value for the top left corner
4133 field_78675_l uvRotateBottom 2
4134 field_78676_aq brightnessTopRight 2 Brightness top right
4148 field_78690_ai aoBrightnessXZNN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XZNN
4149 field_78691_u aoLightValueScratchXYZNNN 2 Used as a scratch variable for ambient occlusion on the north/bottom/east corner.
4150 field_78692_aj aoBrightnessXZPN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XZPN
field_78693_t aoLightValueZPos 2 Light value one block more in z axis
4151 field_78694_ao brightnessBottomLeft 2 Brightness bottom left
field_78695_s aoLightValueYPos 2 Light value one block more in y axis
4152 field_78696_ap brightnessBottomRight 2 Brightness bottom right
field_78697_r aoLightValueXPos 2 Light value one block more in x axis
field_78698_am aoType 2 Ambient occlusion type (0=simple, 1=complex)
field_78699_q aoLightValueZNeg 2 Light value one block more in z axis
4153 field_78700_an brightnessTopLeft 2 Brightness top left
field_78701_p aoLightValueYNeg 2 Light value one block more in y axis
4154 field_78702_ac aoBrightnessXYZNPP 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNPP
4155 field_78703_ad aoBrightnessYZPN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness YZPN
4156 field_78704_aa aoBrightnessXYZNPN 2 Ambient occlusion brightness XYZNPN
4306 field_82136_e levels 2 Level of this beacon's pyramid.
4307 field_82139_a effectsList 2 List of effects that Beacon can apply
4308 field_82140_h payment 2 Item given to this beacon as payment.
4309 field_82152_aq teleportDirection 2
4310 field_82153_h timeInPortal 2
4311 field_82155_f isAnvil 2
4312 field_82156_g fallHurtMax 2 Maximum amount of damage dealt to entities hit by falling block
4415 field_82537_a sensible 2 Whether this button is sensible to arrows, used by wooden buttons.
4416 field_82539_a types 2 The types of the wall.
4417 field_82548_a theChunkCoordinates 2
4418 field_82559_a readSuccessfully 2 Always 1, unless readByte threw an exception.
4419 field_82561_f disableRelativeVolume 2
4420 field_82562_a worldAge 2 World age in ticks.
4421 field_82564_f showCape 2
4422 field_82575_g totalTime 2 Total time for this world.
4423 field_82576_c generatorOptions 2
4506 field_82808_b cropId 2 Block ID of the crop this seed food should place.
4507 field_82809_c soilId 2 Block ID of the soil this seed food should be planted on.
4508 field_82811_a hangingEntityClass 2
4509 field_82818_l goldenCarrotEffect 2
4510 field_82822_g gameVersion 2 Game version for this server.
4511 field_82823_k hideAddress 2 Whether to hide the IP address for this server.
4512 field_82826_b statusBarLength 2
4575 field_85082_a theSuspiciousClasses 2
4576 field_85084_a theCrashReport 2
4577 field_85086_a theCrashReport 2
4578 field_85087_d lastUpdateTime 2 The worldtime at which this PortalPosition was last verified
4579 field_85088_e teleporterInstance 2 The teleporter to which this PortalPosition applies
4580 field_85098_d globalRenderer 2
4581 field_85109_a worldInfoInstance 2
4582 field_85111_a worldInfoInstance 2
4595 field_85171_a theDedicatedServer 2
4596 field_85180_cf recordWait 2
4597 field_85185_A touchscreen 2
4598 field_85190_d destinationCoordinateKeys 2 A list of valid keys for the destinationCoordainteCache. These are based on the X & Z of the players initial location.
4599 field_85191_c destinationCoordinateCache 2 Stores successful portal placement locations for rapid lookup.
4600 field_85192_a worldServerInstance 2
4601 field_90017_e isMacOs 2
4602 field_90018_r isRightMouseClick 2 Used when touchscreen is enabled
4615 field_92055_b lifetime 2 The lifetime of the firework in ticks. When the age reaches the lifetime the firework explodes.
4616 field_92056_a fireworkAge 2 The age of the firework in ticks.
4617 field_92061_d isChristmas 2 If true, chests will be rendered with the Christmas present textures.
4618 field_92076_h skyLightSent 2 Whether or not the chunk data contains a light nibble array. This is true in the main world, false in the end + nether.
4619 field_92077_h pitch 2 The pitch in steps of 2p/256
4620 field_92078_i yaw 2 The yaw in steps of 2p/256
4621 field_92086_a isBlank 2 When isBlank is true the DataWatcher is not watching any objects
4622 field_92091_k thorns 2
4623 field_92104_bU firework 2
4629 field_94054_b particleTextureIndexX 2
4630 field_94055_c particleTextureIndexY 2
4631 field_94084_b tntPlacedBy 2
4632 field_94102_c entityName 2
4633 field_94106_a minecartTNTFuse 2
4634 field_94109_b pushZ 2
4635 field_94110_c fuel 2
4636 field_94111_a pushX 2
4637 field_94112_b dropContentsWhenDead 2 When set to true, the minecart will drop all items when setDead() is called. When false (such as when travelling dimensions) it preserves its contents.
4638 field_94113_a minecartContainerItems 2
4639 field_94123_d inventoryName 2 The name that is displayed if the hopper was renamed
4640 field_94124_b hopperItemStacks 2
4641 field_94141_F destroyBlockIcons 2
4642 field_94153_n boundTexture 2
4643 field_94154_l textureMapBlocks 2
4707 field_94300_h textureTarget 2
4708 field_94301_i textureMinFilter 2
4709 field_94302_r textureData 2
4710 field_94303_q textureCreated textureNotModified 2 False if the texture has been modified since it was last uploaded to the GPU.
4711 field_94304_p autoCreate 2 Uninitialized boolean. If true, the texture is re-uploaded every time it's modified. If false, every tick after it's been modified at least once in that tick.
4712 field_94313_f maxHeight 2
4713 field_94314_g forcePowerOf2 2
4714 field_94315_d currentHeight 2
4721 field_94323_h maxTileDimension 2 Max size (width or height) of a single tile
4722 field_94336_cN blockIcon 2
4723 field_94337_cv railActivator 2
4724 field_94338_cu stairCompactNetherQuartz stairsNetherQuartz 2
4725 field_94339_ct blockNetherQuartz 2
4726 field_94340_cs hopperBlock 2
4727 field_94341_cq blockRedstone 2
4733 field_94347_ck chestTrapped 2
4734 field_94348_cl pressurePlateGold 2
4735 field_94349_a iconArray 2
4736 field_94356_a pressurePlateIconName 2
4737 field_94357_a maxItemsWeighted 2 The maximum number of items the plate weights.
4738 field_94359_b theIcon 2
4739 field_94362_b theIcon 2
4740 field_94363_a iconArray 2
4743 field_94366_b iconArray 2
4744 field_94367_a grassTypes 2
4745 field_94369_b theIcon 2
4746 field_94371_c saplingIcon 2
4747 field_94372_b iconArray 2
4748 field_94376_b cauldronTopIcon 2
4749 field_94377_c cauldronBottomIcon 2
4750 field_94379_b cactusBottomIcon 2
4751 field_94380_a cactusTopIcon 2
4752 field_94381_b cakeBottomIcon 2
4753 field_94383_a cakeTopIcon 2
4754 field_94386_b woodTextureTypes 2
4755 field_94387_c iconArray 2
4756 field_94388_cO tree_top 2
4768 field_94423_a theIcon 2
4769 field_94425_a theIcon 2
4770 field_94428_c iconArray 2
4771 field_94430_b breakableBlockIcon 2
4772 field_94431_cO anvilIconNames 2
4773 field_94432_cP iconArray 2
4774 field_94433_b theIcon 2
4775 field_94435_b iconSnowSide 2
4780 field_94447_a theIcon 2
4781 field_94449_b theIcon 2
4782 field_94450_a theIcon 2
4783 field_94454_cO hopperInsideIcon 2
4784 field_94455_b hopperIcon 2
4785 field_94456_c hopperTopIcon 2
4786 field_94462_cO furnaceFrontIcon 2
4787 field_94463_c furnaceTopIcon 2
4788 field_94465_b doorTypeForIcon 2 Used for pointing at icon names.
4789 field_94466_c iconArray 2
4790 field_94467_a doorIconNames 2
4791 field_94469_b iconArray 2
4792 field_94470_a cocoaIcons 2
4793 field_94471_cO bedTopIcons 2
4794 field_94473_c bedSideIcons 2
4795 field_94500_e useProvidedWindowTitle 2 If false, the client will look up a string like "window.minecart". If true, the client uses what the server provides.
4796 field_94512_f isStraightRail 2
4797 field_94513_g railChunkPosition 2 The chunk position the rail is at.
4798 field_94514_d railY 2
4799 field_94515_e railZ 2
4800 field_94516_b logicWorld 2
4801 field_94517_c railX 2
4802 field_94518_a theRail 2
4803 field_94557_a selectAnything 2
4804 field_94582_cb tntMinecart 2
4805 field_94583_ca netherQuartz 2
4806 field_94584_bZ netherrackBrick 2
4807 field_94585_bY comparator 2
4808 field_94593_a theIcon 2
4809 field_94596_a theIcon 2
4810 field_94598_a theIcon 2
4813 field_94610_a theTileEntity 2
4814 field_94612_a theTileEntity 2
4815 field_96093_i entityUniqueID 2
4816 field_96113_a isBlocked 2 Whether this hopper minecart is being blocked by an activator rail.
4817 field_96291_i pointedEntityLiving 2
4818 field_96442_D worldScoreboard 2
4819 field_96452_b flipU 2
4826 field_96463_c dispenserPotionBehavior 2
4827 field_96464_b defaultDispenserItemBehavior 2
4828 field_96469_cy dropper 2
4829 field_96474_cR dropperDefaultBehaviour 2
4830 field_96480_b scoreName 2 The unique name for the scoreboard to be displayed.
4831 field_96481_a scoreboardPosition 2 The position of the scoreboard. 0 = list, 1 = sidebar, 2 = belowName.
4832 field_96482_b objectiveDisplayName 2
4833 field_96483_c change 2 0 to create scoreboard, 1 to remove scoreboard, 2 to update display text.
4834 field_96484_a objectiveName 2
4835 field_96485_d updateOrRemove 2 0 to create/update an item. 1 to remove an item.
4836 field_96486_b scoreName 2 The unique name for the scoreboard to be updated. Only sent when updateOrRemove does not equal 1.
4837 field_96487_c value 2 The score to be displayed next to the entry. Only sent when Update/Remove does not equal 1.
4838 field_96488_a itemName 2 An unique name to be displayed in the list.
4839 field_96489_f mode 2 If 0 then the team is created. If 1 then the team is removed. If 2 the team team information is updated. If 3 then new players are added to the team. If 4 then players are removed from the team.
4840 field_96491_d teamSuffix 2 Only if mode = 0 or 2. Displayed after the players' name that are part of this team.
4841 field_96492_e playerNames 2 Only if mode = 0 or 3 or 4. Players to be added/remove from the team.
4842 field_96493_b teamDisplayName 2 Only if mode = 0 or 2.
4843 field_96494_c teamPrefix 2 Only if mode = 0 or 2. Displayed before the players' name that are part of this team.
4844 field_96495_a teamName 2 A unique name for the team.
4845 field_96545_a scoreObjectives 2 Map of objective names to ScoreObjective objects.
4846 field_96564_a theEntity 2
4847 field_96566_b selectInventories 2
4848 field_96569_b theEntityTracker 2
4849 field_96600_cc hopperMinecart 2
4850 field_96601_a theBlock 2
4852 field_96633_b playerInventory 2
4853 field_96634_a theItemStack 2
4854 field_96656_b theScoreboard 2
4855 field_96683_d displayName 2
4856 field_96684_b name 2
4857 field_96685_c objectiveCriteria 2 The ScoreObjectiveCriteria for this objetive
4858 field_96686_a theScoreboard 2
4859 field_96691_E chatScale 2
4860 field_96692_F chatWidth 2
4861 field_96693_G chatHeightUnfocused 2
4862 field_96694_H chatHeightFocused 2
4863 field_98040_a mobSpawnerLogic 2 Mob spawner logic for this spawner minecart.
4864 field_98044_b transferTicker 2
4865 field_98048_c transferCooldown 2
4866 field_98051_e fallingBlockTileEntityData 2
4867 field_98130_m serverLogAgent 2
4868 field_98151_a theTexture 2
4869 field_98181_L worldLogAgent 2 The log agent for this world.
4870 field_98189_n partialRenderBounds 2
4871 field_98203_f offsetY 2 This is added to the Y position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
4872 field_98204_g offsetZ 2 This is added to the Z position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
4873 field_98205_d posZ 2 Z position of the particle.
4874 field_98206_e offsetX 2 This is added to the X position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
4875 field_98207_b posX 2 X position of the particle.
4876 field_98208_c posY 2 Y position of the particle.
4877 field_98209_a particleName 2 The name of the particle to create. A list can be found at
4878 field_98210_h speed 2 The speed of each particle.
4879 field_98211_i quantity 2 The number of particles to create.
4880 field_98212_g friendlyFire 2 Only if mode = 0 or 2.
4881 field_98219_c entityAvoiderAI 2
4882 field_98223_c minecartName 2
4883 field_98226_b theNetServerHandler 2
4884 field_98227_a thePacket 2
4885 field_98239_d loggerPrefix 2
4886 field_98240_b logFile 2
4887 field_98241_c loggerName 2
4888 field_98242_a serverLogger 2
4889 field_98244_b theNetServerHandler 2
4890 field_98245_a thePacket 2
4891 field_98282_f randomMinecart 2
4892 field_98283_g minSpawnDelay 2
4893 field_98285_e minecartToSpawn 2 List of minecart to spawn.
4894 field_98286_b spawnDelay 2 The delay to spawn.
4895 field_98288_a mobID 2
4896 field_98289_l activatingRangeFromPlayer 2 The distance from which a player activates the spawner.
4897 field_98290_m spawnRange 2 The range coefficient for spawning entities around.
4898 field_98292_k maxNearbyEntities 2
4899 field_98293_h maxSpawnDelay 2
4900 field_98294_i spawnCount 2 A counter for spawn tries.
4901 field_98295_a mobSpawnerEntity 2 The mob spawner we deal with
4902 field_98296_a spawnerMinecart 2 The spawner minecart using this mob spawner logic.
4903 field_98303_au AMBIENT_OCCLUSIONS 2
4904 field_98307_f fontTextureName 2

View file

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
func_100008_d,isDurationMax,2,"Returns true if duration is at maximum, false otherwise."
func_100012_b,setPotionDurationMax,2,Toggle the isPotionDurationMax field.
func_100015_a,isKeyDown,2,Returns whether the specified key binding is currently being pressed.
func_70002_Q,isSnooperEnabled,2,Returns whether snooping is enabled or not.
@ -629,7 +633,7 @@ func_71267_a,saveAllWorlds,2,par1 indicates if a log message should be output.
func_71272_O,deleteWorldAndStopServer,2,WARNING : directly calls getActiveAnvilConverter().deleteWorldDirectory(theWorldServer[0].getSaveHandler().getSaveDirectoryName());
func_71272_O,deleteWorldAndStopServer,2,WARNING : directly calls getActiveAnvilConverter().deleteWorldDirectory(theWorldServer[0].getSaveHandler().getWorldDirectoryName());
func_71274_v,getServerMOTD,2,Returns the server message of the day
func_71275_y,getMaxPlayers,2,Returns the maximum number of players allowed on the server.
@ -792,7 +796,6 @@ func_71764_a,addPendingConnection,2,
@ -832,7 +835,7 @@ func_71854_d,canBlockStay,2,Can this block stay at this position. Similar to ca
func_71855_c,isProvidingStrongPower,2,"Returns true if the block is emitting direct/strong redstone power on the specified side. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side. Note that the side is reversed - eg it is 1 (up) when checking the bottom of the block."
func_71856_s_,getRenderBlockPass,2,Returns which pass should this block be rendered on. 0 for solids and 1 for alpha
func_71857_b,getRenderType,2,The type of render function that is called for this block
func_71858_a,getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata,2,"From the specified side and block metadata retrieves the blocks texture. Args: side, metadata"
func_71858_a,getIcon,2,"From the specified side and block metadata retrieves the blocks texture. Args: side, metadata"
func_71859_p_,tickRate,2,How many world ticks before ticking
func_71860_a,onBlockPlacedBy,2,Called when the block is placed in the world.
func_71861_g,onBlockAdded,2,"Called whenever the block is added into the world. Args: world, x, y, z"
@ -1353,10 +1356,10 @@ func_72825_h,getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock,2,"Finds the highest block on the x, z coo
func_72826_c,getCelestialAngle,2,calls calculateCelestialAngle
func_72827_u,getProviderName,2,"Returns the name of the current chunk provider, by calling chunkprovider.makeString()"
func_72828_b,unloadEntities,2,Adds a list of entities to be unloaded on the next pass of World.updateEntities()
func_72829_c,isAABBNonEmpty,2,Returns true if there are any blocks in the region constrained by an AxisAlignedBB
func_72829_c,checkBlockCollision,2,Returns true if there are any blocks in the region constrained by an AxisAlignedBB
func_72830_b,isAABBInMaterial,2,checks if the given AABB is in the material given. Used while swimming.
func_72832_d,setBlock,2,"Sets the block ID and metadata at a given location. Args: X, Y, Z, new block ID, new metadata, flags. Flag 0x02 will trigger a block update both on server and on client, flag 0x04, if used with 0x02, will prevent a block update on client worlds. Flag 0x01 will pass the original block ID when notifying adjacent blocks, otherwise it will pass 0."
func_72832_d,setBlock,2,"Sets the block ID and metadata at a given location. Args: X, Y, Z, new block ID, new metadata, flags. Flag 1 will cause a block update. Flag 2 will send the change to clients (you almost always want this). Flag 4 prevents the block from being re-rendered, if this is a client world. Flags can be added together."
func_72833_a,getSkyColor,2,Calculates the color for the skybox
func_72834_c,canBlockFreeze,2,"checks to see if a given block is both water, and cold enough to freeze - if the par4 boolean is set, this will only return true if there is a non-water block immediately adjacent to the specified block"
func_72835_b,tick,2,Runs a single tick for the world
@ -1364,7 +1367,7 @@ func_72836_a,scheduleBlockUpdate,2,Schedules a tick to a block with a delay (Mos
func_72837_a,setBlockTileEntity,2,"Sets the TileEntity for a given block in X, Y, Z coordinates"
func_72838_d,spawnEntityInWorld,2,Called to place all entities as part of a world
func_72839_b,getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity,2,"Will get all entities within the specified AABB excluding the one passed into it. Args: entityToExclude, aabb"
func_72840_a,getAllCollidingBoundingBoxes,2,calculates and returns a list of colliding bounding boxes within a given AABB
func_72840_a,getCollidingBlockBounds,2,calculates and returns a list of colliding bounding boxes within a given AABB
func_72841_b,getUniqueDataId,2,Returns an unique new data id from the MapStorage for the given prefix and saves the idCounts map to the 'idcounts' file.
func_72842_a,getBlockDensity,2,"Gets the percentage of real blocks within within a bounding box, along a specified vector."
func_72843_D,setRandomSeed,2,puts the World Random seed to a specific state dependant on the inputs
@ -1379,7 +1382,7 @@ func_72851_f,notifyBlockChange,2,"The block type change and need to notify other
func_72854_c,updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag,2,Updates the flag that indicates whether or not all players in the world are sleeping.
func_72855_b,checkIfAABBIsClear,2,"Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB"
func_72855_b,checkNoEntityCollision,2,"Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB"
func_72856_b,getClosestVulnerablePlayerToEntity,2,"Returns the closest vulnerable player to this entity within the given radius, or null if none is found"
func_72858_w,canSnowAt,2,Tests whether or not snow can be placed at a given location
@ -1436,7 +1439,7 @@ func_72913_w,toggleRain,2,
func_72914_a,addWorldInfoToCrashReport,2,Adds some basic stats of the world to the given crash report.
func_72915_b,setLightValue,2,"Sets the light value either into the sky map or block map depending on if enumSkyBlock is set to sky or block. Args: enumSkyBlock, x, y, z, lightValue"
func_72916_c,chunkExists,2,"Returns whether a chunk exists at chunk coordinates x, y"
func_72917_a,checkIfAABBIsClearExcludingEntity,2,"Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB, excluding the given entity"
func_72917_a,checkNoEntityCollision,2,"Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB, excluding the given entity"
func_72918_a,handleMaterialAcceleration,2,handles the acceleration of an object whilst in water. Not sure if it is used elsewhere.
func_72919_O,getHorizon,2,Returns horizon height for use in rendering the sky.
@ -1647,6 +1650,7 @@ func_73463_g,getChatVisibility,2,
func_73475_d,getIsServer,2,Get whether this is a server
@ -1657,7 +1661,11 @@ func_73580_b,getChunkPosZ,2,
func_73607_d,getPlayerVelocityX,2,Gets the X velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
func_73608_g,getPlayerVelocityZ,2,Gets the Z velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
func_73609_f,getPlayerVelocityY,2,Gets the Y velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
func_73660_a,update,2,Updates the JList with a new model.
func_73665_c,getPropertiesFile,2,Returns this PropertyManager's file object used for property saving.
func_73666_a,logMessageAndSave,2,logs an info message then calls saveSettingsToFile Yes this appears to be a potential stack overflow - these 2 functions call each other repeatdly if an exception occurs.
@ -2456,12 +2464,12 @@ func_75756_e,getSaveHandler,2,returns null if no saveHandler is relevent (eg. SM
func_75757_d,loadWorldInfo,2,Loads and returns the world info
func_75758_b,getMapFileFromName,2,Gets the file location of the given map
func_75759_a,flush,2,"Called to flush all changes to disk, waiting for them to complete."
func_75760_g,getSaveDirectoryName,2,Returns the name of the directory where world information is saved.
func_75760_g,getWorldDirectoryName,2,Returns the name of the directory where world information is saved.
func_75761_a,saveWorldInfo,2,Saves the passed in world info.
func_75762_c,checkSessionLock,2,Checks the session lock to prevent save collisions
func_75763_a,getChunkLoader,2,Returns the chunk loader with the provided world provider
func_75764_a,getPlayerData,2,Gets the player data for the given playername as a NBTTagCompound.
func_75765_b,getSaveDirectory,2,gets the File object corresponding to the base directory of this save (saves/404 for a save called 404 etc)
func_75765_b,getWorldDirectory,2,Gets the File object corresponding to the base directory of this world.
func_75766_h,setSessionLock,2,Creates a session lock file for this process
func_75773_a,canContinue,2,Determine if a specific AI Task should continue being executed.
@ -2643,7 +2651,7 @@ func_76126_a,sin,2,sin looked up in a table
func_76128_c,floor_double,2,Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the double argument
func_76130_a,abs_int,2,Returns the unsigned value of an int.
func_76131_a,clamp_float,2,"Returns the value of the first parameter, clamped to be within the lower and upper limits given by the second and third parameters"
func_76132_a,abs_max,2,Maximum of the absolute value of two numbers.
@ -3769,6 +3777,7 @@ func_82142_c,setHasActivePotion,2,
func_82144_au,doesEntityNotTriggerPressurePlate,2,Return whether this entity should NOT trigger a pressure plate or a tripwire.
func_82145_z,getMaxInPortalTime,2,Return the amount of time this entity should stay in a portal before being transported.
func_82147_ab,getPortalCooldown,2,Return the amount of cooldown before this entity can use a portal again.
@ -3895,6 +3904,8 @@ func_82533_j,getCropItem,2,Generate a crop produce ItemStack for this crop.
func_82538_d,canConnectWallTo,2,Return whether an adjacent block can connect to a wall.
func_82543_e,isBlockStairsID,2,Checks if supplied ID is one of a BlockStairs
func_82547_a,comparePlayers,2,Compare the position of two players.
@ -4029,6 +4040,7 @@ func_82877_b,setPlayerWalkSpeed,2,
func_82879_c,sendSettingsToServer,2,Send a client info packet with settings information to the server
func_82883_a,getUnicodeFlag,2,Get unicodeFlag controlling whether strings should be rendered with Unicode fonts instead of the default.png font.
func_82889_a,getBatSize,2,"not actually sure this is size, is not used as of now, but the model would be recreated if the value changed and it seems a good match for a bats size"
func_83003_a,getMemoryReport,2,Returns a string with allocated and used memory.
func_83005_z,getBlockBoundsMinZ,2,returns the block bounderies minZ value
func_83006_A,getBlockBoundsMaxZ,2,returns the block bounderies maxZ value
func_83007_w,getBlockBoundsMaxX,2,returns the block bounderies maxX value
@ -4058,6 +4070,7 @@ func_85057_a,makeCategoryDepth,2,Creates a CrashReportCategory for the given sta
func_85058_a,makeCategory,2,Creates a CrashReportCategory
func_85071_a,getLocationInfo,2,"Returns a string with world information on location.Args:x,y,z"
func_85093_e,renderArrowsStuckInEntity,2,"renders arrows the Entity has been attacked with, attached to it"
@ -4096,6 +4109,8 @@ func_85145_a,callTileEntityName,2,
func_85151_d,getLowerChestInventory,2,Return this chest container's lower chest inventory.
func_85156_a,removeTask,2,removes the indicated task from the entity's AI tasks.
func_85157_q,isAlwaysHarvested,2,Check to see if we can harvest it in any case.
func_85158_p,setAlwaysHarvested,2,Set as harvestable in any case.
@ -4105,6 +4120,7 @@ func_85176_s,getDefaultTeleporter,2,
func_85187_a,drawString,2,"Draws the specified string. Args: string, x, y, color, dropShadow"
func_85189_a,removeStalePortalLocations,2,called periodically to remove out-of-date portal locations from the cache list. Argument par1 is a WorldServer.getTotalWorldTime() value.
func_90010_a,isPartOfLargeChest,2,Return whether the given inventory is part of this large chest.
func_90019_g,applyRenderColor,2,Creates a new EntityDiggingFX with the block render color applied to the base particle color
@ -4131,13 +4147,36 @@ func_92085_d,getIsBlank,2,
func_94041_b,isStackValidForSlot,2,Returns true if automation is allowed to insert the given stack (ignoring stack size) into the given slot.
func_94042_c,isInvNameLocalized,2,"If this returns false, the inventory name will be used as an unlocalized name, and translated into the player's language. Otherwise it will be used directly."
func_94127_c,getStartInventorySide,2,Get the start of the side inventory.
func_94090_a,createMinecart,2,"Creates a new minecart of the specified type in the specified location in the given world. par0World - world to create the minecart in, double par1,par3,par5 represent x,y,z respectively. int par7 specifies the type: 1 for MinecartChest, 2 for MinecartFurnace, 3 for MinecartTNT, 4 for MinecartMobSpawner, 5 for MinecartHopper and 0 for a standard empty minecart"
func_94103_c,explodeCart,2,Makes the minecart explode.
func_94105_c,ignite,2,Ignites this TNT cart.
func_94116_j,insertItemToInventory,2,Inserts one item from the hopper into the inventory the hopper is pointing at.
func_94117_a,insertStack,2,"Inserts a stack into an inventory. Args: Inventory, stack, side. Returns leftover items."
func_94119_v,getOutputInventory,2,Gets the inventory the hopper is pointing at.
func_94128_d,getSizeInventorySide,2,Get the size of the side inventory.
@ -4208,7 +4247,7 @@ func_94280_f,getTextureName,2,
func_94308_a,getCeilPowerOf2,2,Returns power of 2 >= the specified value
@ -4216,13 +4255,31 @@ func_94309_g,getStichSlots,2,
func_94310_b,allocateSlot,2,Attempts to find space for specified tile
func_94311_c,expandAndAllocateSlot,2,Expand stitched texture in order to make space for specified tile
func_94327_t_,getItemIconName,2,Gets the icon name of the ItemBlock corresponding to this block. Used by hoppers.
func_94328_b_,getComparatorInputOverride,2,"If hasComparatorInputOverride returns true, the return value from this is used instead of the redstone signal strength when this block inputs to a comparator."
func_94329_b,isAssociatedBlockID,2,Static version of isAssociatedBlockID.
func_94330_A,getUnlocalizedName2,2,Returns the unlocalized name without the tile. prefix. Caution: client-only.
func_94332_a,registerIcons,2,"When this method is called, your block should register all the icons it needs with the given IconRegister. This is the only chance you get to register icons."
func_94334_h,isAssociatedBlockID,2,"Returns true if the given block ID is equivalent to this one. Example: redstoneTorchOn matches itself and redstoneTorchOff, and vice versa. Most blocks only match themselves."
func_94350_c,getPowerSupply,2,Argument is metadata. Returns power level (0-15)
func_94351_d,getPlateState,2,Returns the current state of the pressure plate. Returns a value between 0 and 15 based on the number of items on it.
func_94355_d,getMetaFromWeight,2,Argument is weight (0-15). Return the metadata to be set because of it.
func_94442_h_,getInventory,2,"Gets the inventory of the chest at the specified coords, accounting for blocks or ocelots on top of the chest, and double chests."
func_94508_a,isRailChunkPositionCorrect,2,Checks if the rail is at the chunk position it is expected to be.
@ -4231,13 +4288,44 @@ func_94572_D,getStrongestIndirectPower,2,
func_94573_a,isBlockTickScheduled,2,"Returns true if the given block will receive a scheduled tick in the future. Args: X, Y, Z, blockID"
func_94574_k,getIndirectPowerOutput,2,"Returns the indirect signal strength being outputted by the given block in the *opposite* of the given direction. Args: X, Y, Z, direction"
func_94575_c,setBlock,2,"Sets a block and notifies relevant systems with the block change Args: x, y, z, blockID"
func_94577_B,getBlockPowerInput,2,"Returns the highest redstone signal strength powering the given block. Args: X, Y, Z."
func_94578_a,destroyBlock,2,"Destroys a block and optionally drops items. Args: X, Y, Z, dropItems"
func_94901_k,getSpriteNumber,2,"Returns 0 for /terrain.png, 1 for /gui/items.png"
func_96095_a,onActivatorRailPass,2,Called every tick the minecart is on an activator rail.
func_96107_aA,getXPos,2,Gets the world X position for this hopper entity.
func_96108_aC,getZPos,2,Gets the world Z position for this hopper entity.
func_96109_aB,getYPos,2,Gets the world Y position for this hopper entity.
func_96110_f,setBlocked,2,Set whether this hopper minecart is being blocked by an activator rail.
func_96111_ay,getBlocked,2,Get whether this hopper minecart is being blocked by an activator rail.
func_96116_a,suckItemsIntoHopper,2,Sucks one item into the given hopper from an inventory or EntityItem above it.
func_96117_b,getInventoryAtLocation,2,Gets an inventory at the given location to extract items into or take items from. Can find either a tile entity or regular entity implementing IInventory.
func_96335_a,getScoreObjectivesList,2,"If the parameter is true, does not return read-only entries."
func_96336_d,getObjectivesList,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives list' command.
func_96337_e,removeObjective,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives remove' command.
func_96338_a,getTeam,2,Returns the ScorePlayerTeam for the given team name.
func_96339_l,setPlayerScore,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard players [add|remove|set]' commands.
func_96340_c,addTeam,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard teams add' command.
func_96341_k,listPlayers,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard players list' command.
func_96342_g,joinTeam,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard teams join' command.
func_96343_e,removeTeam,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard teams remove' command.
func_96344_f,getTeamList,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard teams list' command.
func_96345_a,getScoreObjective,2,"User-safe version of Scoreboard.getObjective, does checks against the objective not being found and whether it's read-only or not. If true, the second parameter makes the function throw an exception if the objective is read-only."
func_96346_i,emptyTeam,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard teams empty' command.
func_96347_j,setObjectivesDisplay,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives setdisplay' command.
func_96348_d,setTeamOption,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard teams option' command.
func_96349_h,leaveTeam,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard teams leave' command.
func_96350_b,addObjective,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives add' command.
func_96351_m,resetPlayerScore,2,Handler for the 'scoreboard players reset' command.
func_96435_a,handleSetPlayerTeam,2,Handle a set player team packet.
func_96436_a,handleSetObjective,2,Handle a set objective packet.
func_96437_a,handleSetScore,2,Handle a set score packet.
func_96438_a,handleSetDisplayObjective,2,Handle a set display objective packet.
func_96439_d,notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange,2,"Calls notifyBlockOfNeighborChange on adjacent blocks, except the one on the given side. Args: X, Y, Z, changingBlockID, side"
@ -4247,33 +4335,72 @@ func_96447_a,renderBlockHopperMetadata,2,
func_96468_q_,hasComparatorInputOverride,2,"If this returns true, then comparators facing away from this block will use the value from getComparatorInputOverride instead of the actual redstone signal strength."
func_96472_a,getBehaviorForItemStack,2,Returns the behavior for the given ItemStack.
func_96475_a_,getTileEntityComparator,2,Returns the blockTileEntity at given coordinates.
func_96517_b,getObjectiveDisplaySlot,2,"Returns 'list' for 0, 'sidebar' for 1, 'belowName for 2, otherwise null."
func_96518_b,getObjective,2,Returns a ScoreObjective for the objective name
func_96537_j,getObjectiveDisplaySlotNumber,2,"Returns 0 for (case-insensitive) 'list', 1 for 'sidebar', 2 for 'belowName', otherwise -1."
func_98042_n,setTransferTicker,2,"Sets the transfer ticker, used to determine the delay between transfers."
func_98043_aE,canTransfer,2,Returns whether the hopper cart can currently transfer an item.
func_98146_d,getBasename,2,"Strips directory and file extension from the specified path, returning only the filename"
func_98147_a,hasAnimationTxt,2,Returns true if specified texture pack contains animation data for the specified texture file
func_98182_a,handleWorldParticles,2,Handle a world particles packet.
func_98194_g,getPositionY,2,Gets the Y position of the particle.
func_98196_i,getOffsetX,2,This is added to the X position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
func_98197_l,getSpeed,2,Gets the speed of the particles.
func_98198_h,getPositionZ,2,Gets the Z position of the particle.
func_98199_k,getOffsetZ,2,This is added to the Z position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
func_98200_f,getPositionX,2,Gets the X position of the particle.
func_98201_j,getOffsetY,2,This is added to the Y position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
func_98202_m,getQuantity,2,Gets the number of particles to create.
func_98238_b,setupLogger,2,Sets up the logger for usage.
func_98268_b,setDelayToMin,2,"Sets the delay to minDelay if parameter given is 1, else return false."
func_98276_e,getEntityNameToSpawn,2,Gets the entity name that should be spawned.
func_98279_f,canRun,2,Returns true if there's a player close enough to this mob spawner to activate it.

1 searge name side desc
2 func_100008_d isDurationMax 2 Returns true if duration is at maximum, false otherwise.
3 func_100009_j_ getFacing 2
4 func_100011_g getIsPotionDurationMax 2
5 func_100012_b setPotionDurationMax 2 Toggle the isPotionDurationMax field.
6 func_100015_a isKeyDown 2 Returns whether the specified key binding is currently being pressed.
7 func_70000_a addServerStatsToSnooper 2
8 func_70001_b addServerTypeToSnooper 2
9 func_70002_Q isSnooperEnabled 2 Returns whether snooping is enabled or not.
633 func_71268_U getCanSpawnAnimals 2
634 func_71269_o setTexturePack 2
635 func_71270_I getFolderName 2
636 func_71272_O deleteWorldAndStopServer 2 WARNING : directly calls getActiveAnvilConverter().deleteWorldDirectory(theWorldServer[0].getSaveHandler().getSaveDirectoryName()); WARNING : directly calls getActiveAnvilConverter().deleteWorldDirectory(theWorldServer[0].getSaveHandler().getWorldDirectoryName());
637 func_71273_Y getMOTD 2
638 func_71274_v getServerMOTD 2 Returns the server message of the day
639 func_71275_y getMaxPlayers 2 Returns the maximum number of players allowed on the server.
796 func_71765_d getMyPort 2
797 func_71766_a processPendingConnections 2
798 func_71767_c getInetAddress 2
func_71770_b isLocalHost 2
799 func_71779_a getIV 2
800 func_71780_b getParameters 2
801 func_71783_a getKey 2
835 func_71855_c isProvidingStrongPower 2 Returns true if the block is emitting direct/strong redstone power on the specified side. Args: World, X, Y, Z, side. Note that the side is reversed - eg it is 1 (up) when checking the bottom of the block.
836 func_71856_s_ getRenderBlockPass 2 Returns which pass should this block be rendered on. 0 for solids and 1 for alpha
837 func_71857_b getRenderType 2 The type of render function that is called for this block
838 func_71858_a getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata getIcon 2 From the specified side and block metadata retrieves the blocks texture. Args: side, metadata
839 func_71859_p_ tickRate 2 How many world ticks before ticking
840 func_71860_a onBlockPlacedBy 2 Called when the block is placed in the world.
841 func_71861_g onBlockAdded 2 Called whenever the block is added into the world. Args: world, x, y, z
1356 func_72826_c getCelestialAngle 2 calls calculateCelestialAngle
1357 func_72827_u getProviderName 2 Returns the name of the current chunk provider, by calling chunkprovider.makeString()
1358 func_72828_b unloadEntities 2 Adds a list of entities to be unloaded on the next pass of World.updateEntities()
1359 func_72829_c isAABBNonEmpty checkBlockCollision 2 Returns true if there are any blocks in the region constrained by an AxisAlignedBB
1360 func_72830_b isAABBInMaterial 2 checks if the given AABB is in the material given. Used while swimming.
1361 func_72831_a rayTraceBlocks_do_do 2
1362 func_72832_d setBlock 2 Sets the block ID and metadata at a given location. Args: X, Y, Z, new block ID, new metadata, flags. Flag 0x02 will trigger a block update both on server and on client, flag 0x04, if used with 0x02, will prevent a block update on client worlds. Flag 0x01 will pass the original block ID when notifying adjacent blocks, otherwise it will pass 0. Sets the block ID and metadata at a given location. Args: X, Y, Z, new block ID, new metadata, flags. Flag 1 will cause a block update. Flag 2 will send the change to clients (you almost always want this). Flag 4 prevents the block from being re-rendered, if this is a client world. Flags can be added together.
1363 func_72833_a getSkyColor 2 Calculates the color for the skybox
1364 func_72834_c canBlockFreeze 2 checks to see if a given block is both water, and cold enough to freeze - if the par4 boolean is set, this will only return true if there is a non-water block immediately adjacent to the specified block
1365 func_72835_b tick 2 Runs a single tick for the world
1367 func_72837_a setBlockTileEntity 2 Sets the TileEntity for a given block in X, Y, Z coordinates
1368 func_72838_d spawnEntityInWorld 2 Called to place all entities as part of a world
1369 func_72839_b getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity 2 Will get all entities within the specified AABB excluding the one passed into it. Args: entityToExclude, aabb
1370 func_72840_a getAllCollidingBoundingBoxes getCollidingBlockBounds 2 calculates and returns a list of colliding bounding boxes within a given AABB
1371 func_72841_b getUniqueDataId 2 Returns an unique new data id from the MapStorage for the given prefix and saves the idCounts map to the 'idcounts' file.
1372 func_72842_a getBlockDensity 2 Gets the percentage of real blocks within within a bounding box, along a specified vector.
1373 func_72843_D setRandomSeed 2 puts the World Random seed to a specific state dependant on the inputs
1382 func_72852_a addTileEntity 2
1383 func_72853_d getMoonPhase 2
1384 func_72854_c updateAllPlayersSleepingFlag 2 Updates the flag that indicates whether or not all players in the world are sleeping.
1385 func_72855_b checkIfAABBIsClear checkNoEntityCollision 2 Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB
1386 func_72856_b getClosestVulnerablePlayerToEntity 2 Returns the closest vulnerable player to this entity within the given radius, or null if none is found
1387 func_72857_a findNearestEntityWithinAABB 2
1388 func_72858_w canSnowAt 2 Tests whether or not snow can be placed at a given location
1439 func_72914_a addWorldInfoToCrashReport 2 Adds some basic stats of the world to the given crash report.
1440 func_72915_b setLightValue 2 Sets the light value either into the sky map or block map depending on if enumSkyBlock is set to sky or block. Args: enumSkyBlock, x, y, z, lightValue
1441 func_72916_c chunkExists 2 Returns whether a chunk exists at chunk coordinates x, y
1442 func_72917_a checkIfAABBIsClearExcludingEntity checkNoEntityCollision 2 Returns true if there are no solid, live entities in the specified AxisAlignedBB, excluding the given entity
1443 func_72918_a handleMaterialAcceleration 2 handles the acceleration of an object whilst in water. Not sure if it is used elsewhere.
1444 func_72919_O getHorizon 2 Returns horizon height for use in rendering the sky.
1445 func_72920_a getPendingBlockUpdates 2
1650 func_73473_d getText 2
1651 func_73475_d getIsServer 2 Get whether this is a server
1652 func_73489_c getMetadata 2
1653 func_73509_c getWatchedMetadata 2
1654 func_73568_g getEffectY 2
1655 func_73569_h getEffectZ 2
1656 func_73570_d getSoundName 2
1661 func_73581_d getNumberOfChunkInPacket 2
1662 func_73582_a getChunkPosX 2
1663 func_73583_c getChunkCompressedData 2
1664 func_73593_d getCompressedChunkData 2
1665 func_73594_a getMapChunkData 2
1666 func_73607_d getPlayerVelocityX 2 Gets the X velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
1667 func_73608_g getPlayerVelocityZ 2 Gets the Z velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
1668 func_73609_f getPlayerVelocityY 2 Gets the Y velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
1669 func_73660_a update 2 Updates the JList with a new model.
1670 func_73665_c getPropertiesFile 2 Returns this PropertyManager's file object used for property saving.
1671 func_73666_a logMessageAndSave 2 logs an info message then calls saveSettingsToFile Yes this appears to be a potential stack overflow - these 2 functions call each other repeatdly if an exception occurs.
2464 func_75757_d loadWorldInfo 2 Loads and returns the world info
2465 func_75758_b getMapFileFromName 2 Gets the file location of the given map
2466 func_75759_a flush 2 Called to flush all changes to disk, waiting for them to complete.
2467 func_75760_g getSaveDirectoryName getWorldDirectoryName 2 Returns the name of the directory where world information is saved.
2468 func_75761_a saveWorldInfo 2 Saves the passed in world info.
2469 func_75762_c checkSessionLock 2 Checks the session lock to prevent save collisions
2470 func_75763_a getChunkLoader 2 Returns the chunk loader with the provided world provider
2471 func_75764_a getPlayerData 2 Gets the player data for the given playername as a NBTTagCompound.
2472 func_75765_b getSaveDirectory getWorldDirectory 2 gets the File object corresponding to the base directory of this save (saves/404 for a save called 404 etc) Gets the File object corresponding to the base directory of this world.
2473 func_75766_h setSessionLock 2 Creates a session lock file for this process
2474 func_75773_a canContinue 2 Determine if a specific AI Task should continue being executed.
2475 func_75774_a onUpdateTasks 2
2651 func_76127_a average 2
2652 func_76128_c floor_double 2 Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the double argument
2653 func_76129_c sqrt_float 2
2654 func_76130_a abs_int 2 Returns the unsigned value of an int.
2655 func_76131_a clamp_float 2 Returns the value of the first parameter, clamped to be within the lower and upper limits given by the second and third parameters
2656 func_76132_a abs_max 2 Maximum of the absolute value of two numbers.
2657 func_76133_a sqrt_double 2
3777 func_82144_au doesEntityNotTriggerPressurePlate 2 Return whether this entity should NOT trigger a pressure plate or a tripwire.
3778 func_82145_z getMaxInPortalTime 2 Return the amount of time this entity should stay in a portal before being transported.
3779 func_82147_ab getPortalCooldown 2 Return the amount of cooldown before this entity can use a portal again.
3780 func_82148_at getTeleportDirection 2
3781 func_82150_aj getHasActivePotion 2
3782 func_82154_e setIsAnvil 2
3783 func_82159_b getArmorPosition 2
3904 func_82538_d canConnectWallTo 2 Return whether an adjacent block can connect to a wall.
3905 func_82543_e isBlockStairsID 2 Checks if supplied ID is one of a BlockStairs
3906 func_82547_a comparePlayers 2 Compare the position of two players.
3907 func_82558_j getWalkSpeed 2
3908 func_82560_d getRelativeVolumeDisabled 2
3909 func_82563_j getShowCape 2
3910 func_82571_y getGeneratorOptions 2
3911 func_82572_b incrementTotalWorldTime 2
4040 func_82879_c sendSettingsToServer 2 Send a client info packet with settings information to the server
4041 func_82883_a getUnicodeFlag 2 Get unicodeFlag controlling whether strings should be rendered with Unicode fonts instead of the default.png font.
4042 func_82889_a getBatSize 2 not actually sure this is size, is not used as of now, but the model would be recreated if the value changed and it seems a good match for a bats size
4043 func_83003_a getMemoryReport 2 Returns a string with allocated and used memory.
4044 func_83005_z getBlockBoundsMinZ 2 returns the block bounderies minZ value
4045 func_83006_A getBlockBoundsMaxZ 2 returns the block bounderies maxZ value
4046 func_83007_w getBlockBoundsMaxX 2 returns the block bounderies maxX value
4070 func_85058_a makeCategory 2 Creates a CrashReportCategory
4071 func_85062_a callBlockDataValue 2
4072 func_85064_a callBlockLocationInfo 2
4073 func_85071_a getLocationInfo 2 Returns a string with world information on location.Args:x,y,z
4074 func_85079_a callBlockType 2
4075 func_85085_a callSuspiciousClasses 2
4076 func_85093_e renderArrowsStuckInEntity 2 renders arrows the Entity has been attacked with, attached to it
4109 func_85151_d getLowerChestInventory 2 Return this chest container's lower chest inventory.
4110 func_85154_a callEntityType 2
4111 func_85156_a removeTask 2 removes the indicated task from the entity's AI tasks.
4112 func_85157_q isAlwaysHarvested 2 Check to see if we can harvest it in any case.
4113 func_85158_p setAlwaysHarvested 2 Set as harvestable in any case.
4114 func_85160_a callStructureType 2
4115 func_85162_a callChunkPositionHash 2
4116 func_85170_a callServerType 2
4120 func_85181_a getRandomModelBox 2
4121 func_85187_a drawString 2 Draws the specified string. Args: string, x, y, color, dropShadow
4122 func_85188_a makePortal 2
4123 func_85189_a removeStalePortalLocations 2 called periodically to remove out-of-date portal locations from the cache list. Argument par1 is a WorldServer.getTotalWorldTime() value.
4124 func_90010_a isPartOfLargeChest 2 Return whether the given inventory is part of this large chest.
4125 func_90011_a createChild 2
4126 func_90019_g applyRenderColor 2 Creates a new EntityDiggingFX with the block render color applied to the base particle color
4147 func_92103_a addRecipe 2
4148 func_94041_b isStackValidForSlot 2 Returns true if automation is allowed to insert the given stack (ignoring stack size) into the given slot.
4149 func_94042_c isInvNameLocalized 2 If this returns false, the inventory name will be used as an unlocalized name, and translated into the player's language. Otherwise it will be used directly.
4150 func_94052_a setParticleIcon 2
4151 func_94053_h nextTextureIndexX 2
4152 func_94065_a drawTexturedModelRectFromIcon 2
4153 func_94127_c func_94085_r getStartInventorySide getDefaultDisplayTileOffset 2 Get the start of the side inventory.
4154 func_94086_l setDisplayTileOffset 2
4155 func_94087_l getMinecartType 2
4156 func_94089_m getDisplayTile 2
4157 func_94090_a createMinecart 2 Creates a new minecart of the specified type in the specified location in the given world. par0World - world to create the minecart in, double par1,par3,par5 represent x,y,z respectively. int par7 specifies the type: 1 for MinecartChest, 2 for MinecartFurnace, 3 for MinecartTNT, 4 for MinecartMobSpawner, 5 for MinecartHopper and 0 for a standard empty minecart
4158 func_94091_a updateOnTrack 2
4159 func_94092_k setDisplayTileData 2
4160 func_94093_n getDefaultDisplayTile 2
4161 func_94094_j setDisplayTile 2
4162 func_94095_a killMinecart 2
4163 func_94096_e setHasDisplayTile 2
4164 func_94097_p getDefaultDisplayTileData 2
4165 func_94098_o getDisplayTileData 2
4166 func_94099_q getDisplayTileOffset 2
4167 func_94100_s hasDisplayTile 2
4168 func_94101_h applyDrag 2
4169 func_94103_c explodeCart 2 Makes the minecart explode.
4170 func_94105_c ignite 2 Ignites this TNT cart.
4171 func_94107_f setMinecartPowered 2
4172 func_94108_c isMinecartPowered 2
4173 func_94116_j insertItemToInventory 2 Inserts one item from the hopper into the inventory the hopper is pointing at.
4174 func_94117_a insertStack 2 Inserts a stack into an inventory. Args: Inventory, stack, side. Returns leftover items.
4175 func_94119_v getOutputInventory 2 Gets the inventory the hopper is pointing at.
4176 func_94128_d getSizeInventorySide 2 Get the size of the side inventory.
4177 func_94140_a registerDestroyBlockIcons 2
4178 func_94143_a updateIcons 2
4179 func_94148_a renderItemStack renderItemOverlayIntoGUI 2
4180 func_94149_a renderIcon 2
4181 func_94152_c refreshTextureMaps 2
4182 func_94156_a intersection 2
4247 func_94281_a copyFrom 2
4248 func_94282_c getGlTextureId 2
4249 func_94284_b getTextureId 2
4250 func_94285_g createTexture uploadTexture 2
4251 func_94305_f doStitch 2
4252 func_94306_e getTexture 2
4253 func_94308_a getCeilPowerOf2 2 Returns power of 2 >= the specified value
4255 func_94310_b allocateSlot 2 Attempts to find space for specified tile
4256 func_94311_c expandAndAllocateSlot 2 Expand stitched texture in order to make space for specified tile
4257 func_94312_a addStitchHolder 2
4258 func_94327_t_ getItemIconName 2 Gets the icon name of the ItemBlock corresponding to this block. Used by hoppers.
4259 func_94328_b_ getComparatorInputOverride 2 If hasComparatorInputOverride returns true, the return value from this is used instead of the redstone signal strength when this block inputs to a comparator.
4260 func_94329_b isAssociatedBlockID 2 Static version of isAssociatedBlockID.
4261 func_94330_A getUnlocalizedName2 2 Returns the unlocalized name without the tile. prefix. Caution: client-only.
4262 func_94331_a canPlaceBlockOnSide 2
4263 func_94332_a registerIcons 2 When this method is called, your block should register all the icons it needs with the given IconRegister. This is the only chance you get to register icons.
4264 func_94334_h isAssociatedBlockID 2 Returns true if the given block ID is equivalent to this one. Example: redstoneTorchOn matches itself and redstoneTorchOff, and vice versa. Most blocks only match themselves.
4265 func_94350_c getPowerSupply 2 Argument is metadata. Returns power level (0-15)
4266 func_94351_d getPlateState 2 Returns the current state of the pressure plate. Returns a value between 0 and 15 based on the number of items on it.
4267 func_94352_a getSensitiveAABB 2
4268 func_94355_d getMetaFromWeight 2 Argument is weight (0-15). Return the metadata to be set because of it.
4269 func_94434_o getIconSideOverlay 2
4270 func_94442_h_ getInventory 2 Gets the inventory of the chest at the specified coords, accounting for blocks or ocelots on top of the chest, and double chests.
4271 func_94451_c getDirectionFromMetadata 2
4272 func_94453_b getHopperIcon 2
4273 func_94501_a getRailLogic 2
4274 func_94502_a isMinecartTrack 2
4275 func_94503_c canConnectFrom 2
4276 func_94504_a setBasicRail 2
4277 func_94505_a getNumberOfAdjacentTracks 2
4278 func_94506_c connectToNeighbor 2
4279 func_94507_b canConnectTo 2
4280 func_94508_a isRailChunkPositionCorrect 2 Checks if the rail is at the chunk position it is expected to be.
4281 func_94509_b refreshConnectedTracks 2
4282 func_94510_b isPartOfTrack 2
4283 func_94539_a setExplosionSource 2
4284 func_94540_d setExplosion 2
4285 func_94541_c isExplosion 2
4288 func_94573_a isBlockTickScheduled 2 Returns true if the given block will receive a scheduled tick in the future. Args: X, Y, Z, blockID
4289 func_94574_k getIndirectPowerOutput 2 Returns the indirect signal strength being outputted by the given block in the *opposite* of the given direction. Args: X, Y, Z, direction
4290 func_94575_c setBlock 2 Sets a block and notifies relevant systems with the block change Args: x, y, z, blockID
4291 func_94576_a getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity 2
4292 func_94577_B getBlockPowerInput 2 Returns the highest redstone signal strength powering the given block. Args: X, Y, Z.
4293 func_94578_a destroyBlock 2 Destroys a block and optionally drops items. Args: X, Y, Z, dropItems
4294 func_94581_a updateIcons registerIcons 2
4295 func_94608_d getItemSpriteNumber 2
4296 func_94609_a callTileEntityID 2
4297 func_94611_a callTileEntityDataInfo 2
4298 func_94901_k getSpriteNumber 2 Returns 0 for /terrain.png, 1 for /gui/items.png
4299 func_96095_a onActivatorRailPass 2 Called every tick the minecart is on an activator rail.
4300 func_96107_aA getXPos 2 Gets the world X position for this hopper entity.
4301 func_96108_aC getZPos 2 Gets the world Z position for this hopper entity.
4302 func_96109_aB getYPos 2 Gets the world Y position for this hopper entity.
4303 func_96110_f setBlocked 2 Set whether this hopper minecart is being blocked by an activator rail.
4304 func_96111_ay getBlocked 2 Get whether this hopper minecart is being blocked by an activator rail.
4305 func_96116_a suckItemsIntoHopper 2 Sucks one item into the given hopper from an inventory or EntityItem above it.
4306 func_96117_b getInventoryAtLocation 2 Gets an inventory at the given location to extract items into or take items from. Can find either a tile entity or regular entity implementing IInventory.
4307 func_96334_d getScoreboardFromWorldServer 2
4308 func_96335_a getScoreObjectivesList 2 If the parameter is true, does not return read-only entries.
4309 func_96336_d getObjectivesList 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives list' command.
4310 func_96337_e removeObjective 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives remove' command.
4311 func_96338_a getTeam 2 Returns the ScorePlayerTeam for the given team name.
4312 func_96339_l setPlayerScore 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard players [add|remove|set]' commands.
4313 func_96340_c addTeam 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard teams add' command.
4314 func_96341_k listPlayers 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard players list' command.
4315 func_96342_g joinTeam 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard teams join' command.
4316 func_96343_e removeTeam 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard teams remove' command.
4317 func_96344_f getTeamList 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard teams list' command.
4318 func_96345_a getScoreObjective 2 User-safe version of Scoreboard.getObjective, does checks against the objective not being found and whether it's read-only or not. If true, the second parameter makes the function throw an exception if the objective is read-only.
4319 func_96346_i emptyTeam 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard teams empty' command.
4320 func_96347_j setObjectivesDisplay 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives setdisplay' command.
4321 func_96348_d setTeamOption 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard teams option' command.
4322 func_96349_h leaveTeam 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard teams leave' command.
4323 func_96350_b addObjective 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard objectives add' command.
4324 func_96351_m resetPlayerScore 2 Handler for the 'scoreboard players reset' command.
4325 func_96435_a handleSetPlayerTeam 2 Handle a set player team packet.
4326 func_96436_a handleSetObjective 2 Handle a set objective packet.
4327 func_96437_a handleSetScore 2 Handle a set score packet.
4328 func_96438_a handleSetDisplayObjective 2 Handle a set display objective packet.
4329 func_96439_d notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange 2 Calls notifyBlockOfNeighborChange on adjacent blocks, except the one on the given side. Args: X, Y, Z, changingBlockID, side
4330 func_96441_U getScoreboard 2
4331 func_96444_a mixAoBrightness 2
4335 func_96448_c getMissingIcon 2
4336 func_96455_e getMissingIcon 2
4337 func_96468_q_ hasComparatorInputOverride 2 If this returns true, then comparators facing away from this block will use the value from getComparatorInputOverride instead of the actual redstone signal strength.
4338 func_96472_a getBehaviorForItemStack 2 Returns the behavior for the given ItemStack.
4339 func_96475_a_ getTileEntityComparator 2 Returns the blockTileEntity at given coordinates.
4340 func_96514_c getScoreObjectives 2
4341 func_96517_b getObjectiveDisplaySlot 2 Returns 'list' for 0, 'sidebar' for 1, 'belowName for 2, otherwise null.
4342 func_96518_b getObjective 2 Returns a ScoreObjective for the objective name
4343 func_96526_d getObjectiveNames 2
4344 func_96537_j getObjectiveDisplaySlotNumber 2 Returns 0 for (case-insensitive) 'list', 1 for 'sidebar', 2 for 'belowName', otherwise -1.
4345 func_96556_a callServerMemoryStats 2
4346 func_96557_a callServerProfiler 2
4347 func_96559_d getFrontOffsetY 2
4348 func_96563_a callEntityName 2
4349 func_96632_a callItemDisplayName 2
4350 func_96637_b isReadOnly 2
4351 func_96678_d getDisplayName 2
4352 func_96679_b getName 2
4353 func_96680_c getCriteria 2
4354 func_96681_a setDisplayName 2
4355 func_96682_a getScoreboard 2
4356 func_98033_al getLogAgent 2
4357 func_98042_n setTransferTicker 2 Sets the transfer ticker, used to determine the delay between transfers.
4358 func_98043_aE canTransfer 2 Returns whether the hopper cart can currently transfer an item.
4359 func_98052_bS canPickUpLoot 2
4360 func_98053_h setCanPickUpLoot 2
4361 func_98076_a getServerLogger 2
4362 func_98145_a createEmptyTexture 2
4363 func_98146_d getBasename 2 Strips directory and file extension from the specified path, returning only the filename
4364 func_98147_a hasAnimationTxt 2 Returns true if specified texture pack contains animation data for the specified texture file
4365 func_98180_V getWorldLogAgent 2
4366 func_98182_a handleWorldParticles 2 Handle a world particles packet.
4367 func_98184_a setupTextureExt 2
4368 func_98185_a resetBoundTexture 2
4369 func_98186_a colorToAnaglyph 2
4370 func_98187_b bindTexture 2
4371 func_98194_g getPositionY 2 Gets the Y position of the particle.
4372 func_98195_d getParticleName 2
4373 func_98196_i getOffsetX 2 This is added to the X position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
4374 func_98197_l getSpeed 2 Gets the speed of the particles.
4375 func_98198_h getPositionZ 2 Gets the Z position of the particle.
4376 func_98199_k getOffsetZ 2 This is added to the Z position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
4377 func_98200_f getPositionX 2 Gets the X position of the particle.
4378 func_98201_j getOffsetY 2 This is added to the Y position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
4379 func_98202_m getQuantity 2 Gets the number of particles to create.
4380 func_98213_d getHopperTile 2
4381 func_98225_a getPacketClass 2
4382 func_98230_d logFine 2
4383 func_98231_b logWarningFormatted 2
4384 func_98232_c logSevere 2
4385 func_98233_a logInfo 2
4386 func_98234_c logSevereException 2
4387 func_98235_b logWarningException 2
4388 func_98236_b logWarning 2
4389 func_98238_b setupLogger 2 Sets up the logger for usage.
4390 func_98243_a callPacketID 2
4391 func_98266_d getSpawnerZ 2
4392 func_98268_b setDelayToMin 2 Sets the delay to minDelay if parameter given is 1, else return false.
4393 func_98269_i getRandomMinecart 2
4394 func_98270_a readFromNBT 2
4395 func_98271_a getSpawnerWorld 2
4396 func_98272_a setMobID 2
4397 func_98274_c getSpawnerY 2
4398 func_98275_b getSpawnerX 2
4399 func_98276_e getEntityNameToSpawn 2 Gets the entity name that should be spawned.
4400 func_98277_a setRandomMinecart 2
4401 func_98278_g updateSpawner 2
4402 func_98279_f canRun 2 Returns true if there's a player close enough to this mob spawner to activate it.
4403 func_98280_b writeToNBT 2
4404 func_98304_a readFontData 2
4405 func_98305_c readFontTexture 2
4406 func_98306_d readGlyphSizes 2