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Raw Normal View History

* Minecraft Forge
* Copyright (c) 2016-2019.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
* of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.minecraftforge.common.extensions;
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import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.*;
import net.minecraft.client.particle.ParticleManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.IBakedModel;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
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import net.minecraft.entity.MobEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.PlacementType;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityType;
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import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.fluid.IFluidState;
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import net.minecraft.item.DyeColor;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathNodeType;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.*;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn;
import net.minecraftforge.common.IPlantable;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ToolType;
public interface IForgeBlockState
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default BlockState getBlockState()
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return (BlockState)this;
* Gets the slipperiness at the given location at the given state. Normally
* between 0 and 1.
* <p>
* Note that entities may reduce slipperiness by a certain factor of their own;
* for {@link net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase}, this is {@code .91}.
* {@link net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem} uses {@code .98}, and
* {@link net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityFishHook} uses {@code .92}.
* @param world the world
* @param pos the position in the world
* @param entity the entity in question
* @return the factor by which the entity's motion should be multiplied
default float getSlipperiness(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity entity)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getSlipperiness(getBlockState(), world, pos, entity);
* Get a light value for this block, taking into account the given state and coordinates, normal ranges are between 0 and 15
default int getLightValue(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getLightValue(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Checks if a player or entity can use this block to 'climb' like a ladder.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param entity The entity trying to use the ladder, CAN be null.
* @return True if the block should act like a ladder
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default boolean isLadder(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, LivingEntity entity)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isLadder(getBlockState(), world, pos, entity);
* Called throughout the code as a replacement for block instanceof BlockContainer
* Moving this to the Block base class allows for mods that wish to extend vanilla
* blocks, and also want to have a tile entity on that block, may.
* Return true from this function to specify this block has a tile entity.
* @return True if block has a tile entity, false otherwise
default boolean hasTileEntity()
return getBlockState().getBlock().hasTileEntity(getBlockState());
* Called throughout the code as a replacement for ITileEntityProvider.createNewTileEntity
* Return the same thing you would from that function.
* This will fall back to ITileEntityProvider.createNewTileEntity(World) if this block is a ITileEntityProvider
* @param world The world to create the TE in
* @return A instance of a class extending TileEntity
default TileEntity createTileEntity(IBlockReader world)
return getBlockState().getBlock().createTileEntity(getBlockState(), world);
* Determines if the player can harvest this block, obtaining it's drops when the block is destroyed.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos The block's current position
* @param player The player damaging the block
* @return True to spawn the drops
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default boolean canHarvestBlock(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canHarvestBlock(getBlockState(), world, pos, player);
* Called when a player removes a block. This is responsible for
* actually destroying the block, and the block is intact at time of call.
* This is called regardless of whether the player can harvest the block or
* not.
* Return true if the block is actually destroyed.
* Note: When used in multiplayer, this is called on both client and
* server sides!
* @param world The current world
* @param player The player damaging the block, may be null
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param willHarvest True if Block.harvestBlock will be called after this, if the return in true.
* Can be useful to delay the destruction of tile entities till after harvestBlock
* @param fluid The current fluid and block state for the position in the world.
* @return True if the block is actually destroyed.
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default boolean removedByPlayer(World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, boolean willHarvest, IFluidState fluid)
return getBlockState().getBlock().removedByPlayer(getBlockState(), world, pos, player, willHarvest, fluid);
* Determines if this block is classified as a Bed, Allowing
* players to sleep in it, though the block has to specifically
* perform the sleeping functionality in it's activated event.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param player The player or camera entity, null in some cases.
* @return True to treat this as a bed
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default boolean isBed(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable LivingEntity player)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isBed(getBlockState(), world, pos, player);
* Determines if a specified mob type can spawn on this block, returning false will
* prevent any mob from spawning on the block.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param type The Mob Category Type
* @return True to allow a mob of the specified category to spawn, false to prevent it.
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default boolean canCreatureSpawn(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, PlacementType type, EntityType<?> entityType)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canCreatureSpawn(getBlockState(), world, pos, type, entityType);
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* Returns the position that the sleeper is moved to upon
* waking up, or respawning at the bed.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
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* @param sleeper The sleeper or camera entity, null in some cases.
* @return The spawn position
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default Optional<Vec3d> getBedSpawnPosition(EntityType<?> type, IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable LivingEntity sleeper)
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return getBlockState().getBlock().getBedSpawnPosition(type, getBlockState(), world, pos, sleeper);
* Called when a user either starts or stops sleeping in the bed.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
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* @param sleeper The sleeper or camera entity, null in some cases.
* @param occupied True if we are occupying the bed, or false if they are stopping use of the bed
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default void setBedOccupied(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, LivingEntity sleeper, boolean occupied)
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getBlockState().getBlock().setBedOccupied(getBlockState(), world, pos, sleeper, occupied);
* Returns the direction of the block. Same values that
* are returned by BlockDirectional
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return Bed direction
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default Direction getBedDirection(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getBedDirection(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Determines if the current block is the foot half of the bed.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return True if the current block is the foot side of a bed.
default boolean isBedFoot(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isBedFoot(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Called when a leaf should start its decay process.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
default void beginLeaveDecay(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
getBlockState().getBlock().beginLeaveDecay(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Determines this block should be treated as an air block
* by the rest of the code. This method is primarily
* useful for creating pure logic-blocks that will be invisible
* to the player and otherwise interact as air would.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return True if the block considered air
default boolean isAir(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isAir(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Used during tree growth to determine if newly generated leaves can replace this block.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return true if this block can be replaced by growing leaves.
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default boolean canBeReplacedByLeaves(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canBeReplacedByLeaves(getBlockState(), world, pos);
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* Used during tree growth to determine if newly generated logs can replace this block.
* @param state The current state
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return true if this block can be replaced by growing leaves.
default boolean canBeReplacedByLogs(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canBeReplacedByLogs(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Determines if the current block is replaceable by Ore veins during world generation.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param target The generic target block the gen is looking for, Standards define stone
* for overworld generation, and neatherack for the nether.
* @return True to allow this block to be replaced by a ore
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default boolean isReplaceableOreGen(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, Predicate<BlockState> target)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isReplaceableOreGen(getBlockState(), world, pos, target);
* Location sensitive version of getExplosionResistance
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param exploder The entity that caused the explosion, can be null
* @param explosion The explosion
* @return The amount of the explosion absorbed.
default float getExplosionResistance(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity exploder, Explosion explosion)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getExplosionResistance(getBlockState(), world, pos, exploder, explosion);
* Determine if this block can make a redstone connection on the side provided,
* Useful to control which sides are inputs and outputs for redstone wires.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param side The side that is trying to make the connection, CAN BE NULL
* @return True to make the connection
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default boolean canConnectRedstone(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Direction side)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canConnectRedstone(getBlockState(), world, pos, side);
* Called when A user uses the creative pick block button on this block
* @param target The full target the player is looking at
* @return A ItemStack to add to the player's inventory, empty itemstack if nothing should be added.
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default ItemStack getPickBlock(RayTraceResult target, IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getPickBlock(getBlockState(), target, world, pos, player);
* Used by getTopSoilidOrLiquidBlock while placing biome decorations, villages, etc
* Also used to determine if the player can spawn in this block.
* @return False to disallow spawning.
default boolean isFoliage(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isFoliage(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Allows a block to override the standard EntityLivingBase.updateFallState
* particles, this is a server side method that spawns particles with
* WorldServer.spawnParticle.
* @param worldserver The current Server World
* @param pos The position of the block.
* @param state2 The state at the specific world/pos
* @param entity The entity that hit landed on the block
* @param numberOfParticles That vanilla world have spawned
* @return True to prevent vanilla landing particles from spawning
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default boolean addLandingEffects(ServerWorld worldserver, BlockPos pos, BlockState state2, LivingEntity entity, int numberOfParticles)
return getBlockState().getBlock().addLandingEffects(getBlockState(), worldserver, pos, state2, entity, numberOfParticles);
* Allows a block to override the standard vanilla running particles.
* This is called from {@link Entity#spawnRunningParticles} and is called both,
* Client and server side, it's up to the implementor to client check / server check.
* By default vanilla spawns particles only on the client and the server methods no-op.
* @param world The world.
* @param pos The position at the entities feet.
* @param entity The entity running on the block.
* @return True to prevent vanilla running particles from spawning.
default boolean addRunningEffects(World world, BlockPos pos, Entity entity)
return getBlockState().getBlock().addRunningEffects(getBlockState(), world, pos, entity);
* Spawn a digging particle effect in the world, this is a wrapper
* around EffectRenderer.addBlockHitEffects to allow the block more
* control over the particles. Useful when you have entirely different
* texture sheets for different sides/locations in the world.
* @param world The current world
* @param target The target the player is looking at {x/y/z/side/sub}
* @param manager A reference to the current particle manager.
* @return True to prevent vanilla digging particles form spawning.
default boolean addHitEffects(World world, RayTraceResult target, ParticleManager manager)
return getBlockState().getBlock().addHitEffects(getBlockState(), world, target, manager);
* Spawn particles for when the block is destroyed. Due to the nature
* of how this is invoked, the x/y/z locations are not always guaranteed
* to host your block. So be sure to do proper sanity checks before assuming
* that the location is this block.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Position to spawn the particle
* @param manager A reference to the current particle manager.
* @return True to prevent vanilla break particles from spawning.
default boolean addDestroyEffects(World world, BlockPos pos, ParticleManager manager)
return getBlockState().getBlock().addDestroyEffects(getBlockState(), world, pos, manager);
* Determines if this block can support the passed in plant, allowing it to be planted and grow.
* Some examples:
* Reeds check if its a reed, or if its sand/dirt/grass and adjacent to water
* Cacti checks if its a cacti, or if its sand
* Nether types check for soul sand
* Crops check for tilled soil
* Caves check if it's a solid surface
* Plains check if its grass or dirt
* Water check if its still water
* @param world The current world
* @param facing The direction relative to the given position the plant wants to be, typically its UP
* @param plantable The plant that wants to check
* @return True to allow the plant to be planted/stay.
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default boolean canSustainPlant(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing, IPlantable plantable)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canSustainPlant(getBlockState(), world, pos, facing, plantable);
* Called when a plant grows on this block, only implemented for saplings using the WorldGen*Trees classes right now.
* Modder may implement this for custom plants.
* This does not use ForgeDirection, because large/huge trees can be located in non-representable direction,
* so the source location is specified.
* Currently this just changes the block to dirt if it was grass.
* Note: This happens DURING the generation, the generation may not be complete when this is called.
* @param world Current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param source Source plant's position in world
default void onPlantGrow(IWorld world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos source)
getBlockState().getBlock().onPlantGrow(getBlockState(), world, pos, source);
* Checks if this soil is fertile, typically this means that growth rates
* of plants on this soil will be slightly sped up.
* Only vanilla case is tilledField when it is within range of water.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return True if the soil should be considered fertile.
default boolean isFertile(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isFertile(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Determines if this block can be used as the base of a beacon.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param beacon Beacon position in world
* @return True, to support the beacon, and make it active with this block.
default boolean isBeaconBase(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos beacon)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isBeaconBase(getBlockState(), world, pos, beacon);
* Determines if this block can be used as part of a frame of a nether portal.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return True, to support being part of a nether portal frame, false otherwise.
default boolean isPortalFrame(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isPortalFrame(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Gathers how much experience this block drops when broken.
* @param world The world
* @param pos Block position
* @param fortune
* @return Amount of XP from breaking this block.
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default int getExpDrop(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, int fortune, int silktouch)
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return getBlockState().getBlock().getExpDrop(getBlockState(), world, pos, fortune, silktouch);
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default BlockState rotate(IWorld world, BlockPos pos, Rotation direction)
return getBlockState().getBlock().rotate(getBlockState(), world, pos, direction);
* Determines the amount of enchanting power this block can provide to an enchanting table.
* @param world The World
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return The amount of enchanting power this block produces.
default float getEnchantPowerBonus(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getEnchantPowerBonus(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* //TODO: Re-Evaluate
* Gathers how much experience this block drops when broken.
* @param state The current state
* @param world The world
* @param pos Block position
* @param fortune
* @return Amount of XP from breaking this block.
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default boolean recolorBlock(IWorld world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing, DyeColor color)
return getBlockState().getBlock().recolorBlock(getBlockState(), world, pos, facing, color);
* Called when a tile entity on a side of this block changes is created or is destroyed.
* @param world The world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param neighbor Block position of neighbor
default void onNeighborChange(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos neighbor)
getBlockState().getBlock().onNeighborChange(getBlockState(), world, pos, neighbor);
* Called on an Observer block whenever an update for an Observer is received.
* @param observerState The Observer block's state.
* @param world The current world.
* @param pos The Observer block's position.
* @param changed The updated block.
* @param changedPos The updated block's position.
default void observedNeighborChange(World world, BlockPos pos, Block changed, BlockPos changedPos)
getBlockState().getBlock().observedNeighborChange(getBlockState(), world, pos, changed, changedPos);
* Called to determine whether to allow the a block to handle its own indirect power rather than using the default rules.
* @param world The world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param side The INPUT side of the block to be powered - ie the opposite of this block's output side
* @return Whether Block#isProvidingWeakPower should be called when determining indirect power
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default boolean shouldCheckWeakPower(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction side)
return getBlockState().getBlock().shouldCheckWeakPower(getBlockState(), world, pos, side);
* If this block should be notified of weak changes.
* Weak changes are changes 1 block away through a solid block.
* Similar to comparators.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return true To be notified of changes
default boolean getWeakChanges(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getWeakChanges(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Queries the class of tool required to harvest this block, if null is returned
* we assume that anything can harvest this block.
default ToolType getHarvestTool()
return getBlockState().getBlock().getHarvestTool(getBlockState());
default int getHarvestLevel()
return getBlockState().getBlock().getHarvestLevel(getBlockState());
* Checks if the specified tool type is efficient on this block,
* meaning that it digs at full speed.
default boolean isToolEffective(ToolType tool)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isToolEffective(getBlockState(), tool);
* Sensitive version of getSoundType
* @param world The world
* @param pos The position. Note that the world may not necessarily have {@code state} here!
* @param entity The entity that is breaking/stepping on/placing/hitting/falling on this block, or null if no entity is in this context
* @return A SoundType to use
default SoundType getSoundType(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Entity entity)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getSoundType(getBlockState(), world, pos, entity);
* @param world The world
* @param pos The position of this state
* @param beaconPos The position of the beacon
* @return A float RGB [0.0, 1.0] array to be averaged with a beacon's existing beam color, or null to do nothing to the beam
default float[] getBeaconColorMultiplier(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos beacon)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getBeaconColorMultiplier(getBlockState(), world, pos, beacon);
* Use this to change the fog color used when the entity is "inside" a material.
* Vec3d is used here as "r/g/b" 0 - 1 values.
* @param world The world.
* @param pos The position at the entity viewport.
* @param entity the entity
* @param originalColor The current fog color, You are not expected to use this, Return as the default if applicable.
* @return The new fog color.
default Vec3d getFogColor(IWorldReader world, BlockPos pos, Entity entity, Vec3d originalColor, float partialTicks)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getFogColor(getBlockState(), world, pos, entity, originalColor, partialTicks);
* Used to determine the state 'viewed' by an entity (see
* {@link ActiveRenderInfo#getBlockStateAtEntityViewpoint(World, Entity, float)}).
* Can be used by fluid blocks to determine if the viewpoint is within the fluid or not.
* @param world the world
* @param pos the position
* @param viewpoint the viewpoint
* @return the block state that should be 'seen'
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default BlockState getStateAtViewpoint(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Vec3d viewpoint)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getStateAtViewpoint(getBlockState(), world, pos, viewpoint);
/** //TODO: Re-Evaluate
* Gets the {@link IBlockState} to place
* @param world The world the block is being placed in
* @param pos The position the block is being placed at
* @param facing The side the block is being placed on
* @param hitX The X coordinate of the hit vector
* @param hitY The Y coordinate of the hit vector
* @param hitZ The Z coordinate of the hit vector
* @param meta The metadata of {@link ItemStack} as processed by {@link Item#getMetadata(int)}
* @param placer The entity placing the block
* @param hand The player hand used to place this block
* @return The state to be placed in the world
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default BlockState getStateForPlacement(Direction facing, BlockState state2, IWorld world, BlockPos pos1, BlockPos pos2, Hand hand)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getStateForPlacement(getBlockState(), facing, state2, world, pos1, pos2, hand);
* Determines if another block can connect to this block
* @param world The current world
* @param pos The position of this block
* @param facing The side the connecting block is on
* @return True to allow another block to connect to this block
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default boolean canBeConnectedTo(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canBeConnectedTo(getBlockState(), world, pos, facing);
* @param state The state
* @return true if the block is sticky block which used for pull or push adjacent blocks (use by piston)
default boolean isSlimeBlock()
return getBlockState().getBlock().isSlimeBlock(getBlockState());
* @param state The state
* @return true if the block is sticky block which used for pull or push adjacent blocks (use by piston)
default boolean isStickyBlock()
return getBlockState().getBlock().isStickyBlock(getBlockState());
* Determines if this block can stick to another block when pushed by a piston.
* @param other Other block
* @return True to link blocks
default boolean canStickTo(BlockState other)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canStickTo(getBlockState(), other);
* Chance that fire will spread and consume this block.
* 300 being a 100% chance, 0, being a 0% chance.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param face The face that the fire is coming from
* @return A number ranging from 0 to 300 relating used to determine if the block will be consumed by fire
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default int getFlammability(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getFlammability(getBlockState(), world, pos, face);
* Called when fire is updating, checks if a block face can catch fire.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param face The face that the fire is coming from
* @return True if the face can be on fire, false otherwise.
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default boolean isFlammable(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isFlammable(getBlockState(), world, pos, face);
* If the block is flammable, this is called when it gets lit on fire.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param face The face that the fire is coming from
* @param igniter The entity that lit the fire
default void catchFire(World world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Direction face, @Nullable LivingEntity igniter)
getBlockState().getBlock().catchFire(getBlockState(), world, pos, face, igniter);
* Called when fire is updating on a neighbor block.
* The higher the number returned, the faster fire will spread around this block.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param face The face that the fire is coming from
* @return A number that is used to determine the speed of fire growth around the block
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default int getFireSpreadSpeed(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction face)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getFireSpreadSpeed(getBlockState(), world, pos, face);
* Currently only called by fire when it is on top of this block.
* Returning true will prevent the fire from naturally dying during updating.
* Also prevents firing from dying from rain.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param side The face that the fire is coming from
* @return True if this block sustains fire, meaning it will never go out.
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default boolean isFireSource(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Direction side)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isFireSource(getBlockState(), world, pos, side);
* Determines if this block is can be destroyed by the specified entities normal behavior.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return True to allow the ender dragon to destroy this block
default boolean canEntityDestroy(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Entity entity)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canEntityDestroy(getBlockState(), world, pos, entity);
* Get the rotations that can apply to the block at the specified coordinates. Null means no rotations are possible.
* Note, this is up to the block to decide. It may not be accurate or representative.
* @param world The world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return An array of valid axes to rotate around, or null for none or unknown
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default Direction[] getValidRotations(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getValidRotations(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Determines if this block should set fire and deal fire damage
* to entities coming into contact with it.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @return True if the block should deal damage
default boolean isBurning(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getBlockState().getBlock().isBurning(getBlockState(), world, pos);
* Get the {@code PathNodeType} for this block. Return {@code null} for vanilla behavior.
* @return the PathNodeType
default PathNodeType getAiPathNodeType(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos)
return getAiPathNodeType(world, pos, null);
* Get the {@code PathNodeType} for this block. Return {@code null} for vanilla behavior.
* @return the PathNodeType
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default PathNodeType getAiPathNodeType(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, @Nullable MobEntity entity)
return getBlockState().getBlock().getAiPathNodeType(getBlockState(), world, pos, entity);
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* Determines if this block should drop loot when exploded.
default boolean canDropFromExplosion(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Explosion explosion)
return getBlockState().getBlock().canDropFromExplosion(getBlockState(), world, pos, explosion);
* Called when the block is destroyed by an explosion.
* Useful for allowing the block to take into account tile entities,
* state, etc. when exploded, before it is removed.
* @param world The current world
* @param pos Block position in world
* @param explosion The explosion instance affecting the block
default void onBlockExploded(World world, BlockPos pos, Explosion explosion)
getBlockState().getBlock().onBlockExploded(getBlockState(), world, pos, explosion);
* Determines if this block's collision box should be treated as though it can extend above its block space.
* This can be used to replicate fence and wall behavior.
default boolean collisionExtendsVertically(IBlockReader world, BlockPos pos, Entity collidingEntity)
return getBlockState().getBlock().collisionExtendsVertically(getBlockState(), world, pos, collidingEntity);