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Raw Normal View History

package net.minecraftforge.client.model;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f;
import javax.vecmath.Quat4f;
import javax.vecmath.Tuple3f;
import javax.vecmath.Tuple4f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector4f;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelRotation;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple;
* Interpolation-friendly affine transformation.
* If created with matrix, should successfully decompose it to a composition
* of easily interpolatable transformations (translation, first rotation, scale
* (with generally speaking different factors for each axis) and second rotation.
* If the inpit matrix is a composition of translation, rotation and scale (in
* any order), then the interpolation of the derived primitive transformations
* should result in the same transformation as the interpolation of the originals.
* Decomposition happens lazily (and is hopefully fast enough), so performance
* should be comparable to using Matrix4f directly.
* Immutable.
public final class TRSRTransformation implements IModelState, ITransformation
private final Matrix4f matrix;
private boolean full;
private Vector3f translation;
private Quat4f leftRot;
private Vector3f scale;
private Quat4f rightRot;
public TRSRTransformation(Matrix4f matrix)
if(matrix == null)
this.matrix = identity.matrix;
this.matrix = matrix;
public TRSRTransformation(Vector3f translation, Quat4f leftRot, Vector3f scale, Quat4f rightRot)
this.matrix = mul(translation, leftRot, scale, rightRot);
this.translation = translation != null ? translation : new Vector3f();
this.leftRot = leftRot != null ? leftRot : new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1);
this.scale = scale != null ? scale : new Vector3f(1, 1, 1);
this.rightRot = rightRot!= null ? rightRot : new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1);
full = true;
public TRSRTransformation(net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemTransformVec3f transform)
public static Matrix4f getMatrix(net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemTransformVec3f transform)
TRSRTransformation ret = new TRSRTransformation(toVecmath(transform.translation), quatFromXYZDegrees(toVecmath(transform.rotation)), toVecmath(transform.scale), null);
return blockCenterToCorner(ret).getMatrix();
public TRSRTransformation(ModelRotation rotation)
public TRSRTransformation(EnumFacing facing)
public static Matrix4f getMatrix(EnumFacing facing)
case DOWN: return ModelRotation.X90_Y0.getMatrix();
case UP: return ModelRotation.X270_Y0.getMatrix();
case NORTH: return TRSRTransformation.identity.matrix;
case SOUTH: return ModelRotation.X0_Y180.getMatrix();
case WEST: return ModelRotation.X0_Y270.getMatrix();
case EAST: return ModelRotation.X0_Y90.getMatrix();
default: return new Matrix4f();
private static final TRSRTransformation identity;
Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
identity = new TRSRTransformation(m);
public static TRSRTransformation identity()
return identity;
public TRSRTransformation compose(TRSRTransformation b)
Matrix4f m = getMatrix();
return new TRSRTransformation(m);
private void genCheck()
Pair<Matrix3f, Vector3f> pair = toAffine(matrix);
Triple<Quat4f, Vector3f, Quat4f> triple = svdDecompose(pair.getLeft());
this.translation = pair.getRight();
this.leftRot = triple.getLeft();
this.scale = triple.getMiddle();
this.rightRot = triple.getRight();
full = true;
public static Quat4f quatFromYXZ(float y, float x, float z)
Quat4f ret = new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1), t = new Quat4f();
t.set(0, (float)Math.sin(y/2), 0, (float)Math.cos(y/2));
t.set((float)Math.sin(x/2), 0, 0, (float)Math.cos(x/2));
t.set(0, 0, (float)Math.sin(z/2), (float)Math.cos(z/2));
return ret;
public static Quat4f quatFromXYZDegrees(Vector3f xyz)
return quatFromXYZ((float)Math.toRadians(xyz.x), (float)Math.toRadians(xyz.y), (float)Math.toRadians(xyz.z));
public static Quat4f quatFromXYZ(Vector3f xyz)
return quatFromXYZ(xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z);
public static Quat4f quatFromXYZ(float x, float y, float z)
Quat4f ret = new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1), t = new Quat4f();
t.set((float)Math.sin(x/2), 0, 0, (float)Math.cos(x/2));
t.set(0, (float)Math.sin(y/2), 0, (float)Math.cos(y/2));
t.set(0, 0, (float)Math.sin(z/2), (float)Math.cos(z/2));
return ret;
public static Vector3f toYXZDegrees(Quat4f q)
Vector3f yxz = toYXZ(q);
return new Vector3f((float)Math.toDegrees(yxz.x), (float)Math.toDegrees(yxz.y), (float)Math.toDegrees(yxz.z));
public static Vector3f toYXZ(Quat4f q)
float w2 = q.w * q.w;
float x2 = q.x * q.x;
float y2 = q.y * q.y;
float z2 = q.z * q.z;
float l = w2 + x2 + y2 + z2;
float sx = 2 * q.w * q.x - 2 * q.y * q.z;
float x = (float)Math.asin(sx / l);
if(Math.abs(sx) > .999f * l)
return new Vector3f(
2 * (float)Math.atan2(q.y, q.w),
return new Vector3f(
(float)Math.atan2(2 * q.x * q.z + 2 * q.y * q.w, w2 - x2 - y2 + z2),
(float)Math.atan2(2 * q.x * q.y + 2 * q.w * q.z, w2 - x2 + y2 - z2)
public static Vector3f toXYZDegrees(Quat4f q)
Vector3f xyz = toXYZ(q);
return new Vector3f((float)Math.toDegrees(xyz.x), (float)Math.toDegrees(xyz.y), (float)Math.toDegrees(xyz.z));
// TODO check if correct
public static Vector3f toXYZ(Quat4f q)
float w2 = q.w * q.w;
float x2 = q.x * q.x;
float y2 = q.y * q.y;
float z2 = q.z * q.z;
float l = w2 + x2 + y2 + z2;
float sy = 2 * q.w * q.x - 2 * q.y * q.z;
float y = (float)Math.asin(sy / l);
if(Math.abs(sy) > .999f * l)
return new Vector3f(
2 * (float)Math.atan2(q.x, q.w),
return new Vector3f(
(float)Math.atan2(2 * q.y * q.z + 2 * q.x * q.w, w2 - x2 - y2 + z2),
(float)Math.atan2(2 * q.x * q.y + 2 * q.w * q.z, w2 + x2 - y2 - z2)
public static Matrix4f mul(Vector3f translation, Quat4f leftRot, Vector3f scale, Quat4f rightRot)
Matrix4f res = new Matrix4f(), t = new Matrix4f();
if(leftRot != null)
if(scale != null)
t.m00 = scale.x;
t.m11 = scale.y;
t.m22 = scale.z;
if(rightRot != null)
if(translation != null) res.setTranslation(translation);
return res;
* Performs SVD decomposition of m, accumulating reflection in the scale (U and V are pure rotations).
public static Triple<Quat4f, Vector3f, Quat4f> svdDecompose(Matrix3f m)
// determine V by doing 5 steps of Jacobi iteration on MT * M
Quat4f u = new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1), v = new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1), qt = new Quat4f();
Matrix3f b = new Matrix3f(m), t = new Matrix3f();
b.mul(t, b);
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) v.mul(stepJacobi(b));
// FIXME: this doesn't work correctly for some reason; not crucial, so disabling for now; investigate in the future.
//sortSingularValues(b, v);
Pair<Float, Float> p;
float ul = 1f;
p = qrGivensQuat(b.m00, b.m10);
qt.set(0, 0, p.getLeft(), p.getRight());
t.m00 = qt.w * qt.w - qt.z * qt.z;
t.m11 = t.m00;
t.m10 = -2 * qt.z * qt.w;
t.m01 = -t.m10;
t.m22 = qt.w * qt.w + qt.z * qt.z;
ul *= t.m22;
b.mul(t, b);
p = qrGivensQuat(b.m00, b.m20);
qt.set(0, -p.getLeft(), 0, p.getRight());
t.m00 = qt.w * qt.w - qt.y * qt.y;
t.m22 = t.m00;
t.m20 = 2 * qt.y * qt.w;
t.m02 = -t.m20;
t.m11 = qt.w * qt.w + qt.y * qt.y;
ul *= t.m11;
b.mul(t, b);
p = qrGivensQuat(b.m11, b.m21);
qt.set(p.getLeft(), 0, 0, p.getRight());
t.m11 = qt.w * qt.w - qt.x * qt.x;
t.m22 = t.m11;
t.m21 = -2 * qt.x * qt.w;
t.m12 = -t.m21;
t.m00 = qt.w * qt.w + qt.x * qt.x;
ul *= t.m00;
b.mul(t, b);
ul = 1f / ul;
Vector3f s = new Vector3f(b.m00 * ul, b.m11 * ul, b.m22 * ul);
return Triple.of(u, s, v);
private static float rsqrt(float f)
float f2 = .5f * f;
int i = Float.floatToIntBits(f);
i = 0x5f3759df - (i >> 1);
f = Float.intBitsToFloat(i);
f *= 1.5f - f2 * f * f;
return f;
private static final float eps = 1e-6f;
private static final float g = 3f + 2f * (float)Math.sqrt(2);
private static final float cs = (float)Math.cos(Math.PI / 8);
private static final float ss = (float)Math.sin(Math.PI / 8);
private static final float sq2 = 1f / (float)Math.sqrt(2);
private static Pair<Float, Float> approxGivensQuat(float a11, float a12, float a22)
float ch = 2f * (a11 - a22);
float sh = a12;
boolean b = g * sh * sh < ch * ch;
float w = rsqrt(sh * sh + ch * ch);
ch = b ? w * ch : cs;
sh = b ? w * sh : ss;
return Pair.of(sh, ch);
private static final void swapNeg(Matrix3f m, int i, int j)
float[] t = new float[3];
m.getColumn(j, t);
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
m.setElement(k, j, -m.getElement(k, i));
m.setColumn(i, t);
private static void sortSingularValues(Matrix3f b, Quat4f v)
float p0 = b.m00 * b.m00 + b.m10 * b.m10 + b.m20 * b.m20;
float p1 = b.m01 * b.m01 + b.m11 * b.m11 + b.m21 * b.m21;
float p2 = b.m02 * b.m02 + b.m12 * b.m12 + b.m22 * b.m22;
Quat4f t = new Quat4f();
if(p0 < p1)
swapNeg(b, 0, 1);
t.set(0, 0, sq2, sq2);
float f = p0;
p0 = p1;
p1 = f;
if(p0 < p2)
swapNeg(b, 0, 2);
t.set(0, sq2, 0, sq2);
float f = p0;
p0 = p2;
p2 = f;
if(p1 < p2)
swapNeg(b, 1, 2);
t.set(sq2, 0, 0, sq2);
private static Pair<Float, Float> qrGivensQuat(float a1, float a2)
float p = (float)Math.sqrt(a1 * a1 + a2 * a2);
float sh = p > eps ? a2 : 0;
float ch = Math.abs(a1) + Math.max(p, eps);
if(a1 < 0)
float f = sh;
sh = ch;
ch = f;
//float w = 1.f / (float)Math.sqrt(ch * ch + sh * sh);
float w = rsqrt(ch * ch + sh * sh);
ch *= w;
sh *= w;
return Pair.of(sh, ch);
private static Quat4f stepJacobi(Matrix3f m)
Matrix3f t = new Matrix3f();
Quat4f qt = new Quat4f(), ret = new Quat4f(0, 0, 0, 1);
Pair<Float, Float> p;
// 01
if(m.m01 * m.m01 + m.m10 * m.m10 > eps)
p = approxGivensQuat(m.m00, .5f * (m.m01 + m.m10), m.m11);
qt.set(0, 0, p.getLeft(), p.getRight());
t.m00 = qt.w * qt.w - qt.z * qt.z;
t.m11 = t.m00;
t.m10 = 2 * qt.z * qt.w;
t.m01 = -t.m10;
t.m22 = qt.w * qt.w + qt.z * qt.z;
m.mul(m, t);
m.mul(t, m);
// 02
if(m.m02 * m.m02 + m.m20 * m.m20 > eps)
p = approxGivensQuat(m.m00, .5f * (m.m02 + m.m20), m.m22);
qt.set(0, -p.getLeft(), 0, p.getRight());
t.m00 = qt.w * qt.w - qt.y * qt.y;
t.m22 = t.m00;
t.m20 = -2 * qt.y * qt.w;
t.m02 = -t.m20;
t.m11 = qt.w * qt.w + qt.y * qt.y;
m.mul(m, t);
m.mul(t, m);
// 12
if(m.m12 * m.m12 + m.m21 * m.m21 > eps)
p = approxGivensQuat(m.m11, .5f * (m.m12 + m.m21), m.m22);
qt.set(p.getLeft(), 0, 0, p.getRight());
t.m11 = qt.w * qt.w - qt.x * qt.x;
t.m22 = t.m11;
t.m21 = 2 * qt.x * qt.w;
t.m12 = -t.m21;
t.m00 = qt.w * qt.w + qt.x * qt.x;
m.mul(m, t);
m.mul(t, m);
return ret;
* Divides m by m33, sets last row to (0, 0, 0, 1), extracts linear and translation parts
public static Pair<Matrix3f, Vector3f> toAffine(Matrix4f m)
m.mul(1.f / m.m33);
Vector3f trans = new Vector3f(m.m03, m.m13, m.m23);
Matrix3f linear = new Matrix3f(m.m00, m.m01, m.m02, m.m10, m.m11, m.m12, m.m20, m.m21, m.m22);
return Pair.of(linear, trans);
* Don't use this if you don't need to, conversion is lossy (second rotation component is lost).
public net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemTransformVec3f toItemTransform()
return new net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemTransformVec3f(toLwjgl(toXYZDegrees(getLeftRot())), toLwjgl(getTranslation()), toLwjgl(getScale()));
public Matrix4f getMatrix()
return (Matrix4f)matrix.clone();
public Vector3f getTranslation()
return (Vector3f)translation.clone();
public Quat4f getLeftRot()
return (Quat4f)leftRot.clone();
public Vector3f getScale()
return (Vector3f)scale.clone();
public Quat4f getRightRot()
return (Quat4f)rightRot.clone();
public Optional<TRSRTransformation> apply(Optional<? extends IModelPart> part)
return Optional.absent();
return Optional.of(this);
public EnumFacing rotate(EnumFacing facing)
return rotate(matrix, facing);
public static EnumFacing rotate(Matrix4f matrix, EnumFacing facing)
Vec3i dir = facing.getDirectionVec();
Vector4f vec = new Vector4f(dir.getX(), dir.getY(), dir.getZ(), 0);
return EnumFacing.getFacingFromVector(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
public static boolean isInteger(Matrix4f matrix)
Matrix4f m = new Matrix4f();
m.m30 = m.m31 = m.m32 = 1;
m.m33 = 0;
m.mul(matrix, m);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
float v = m.getElement(i, j) / m.getElement(3, j);
if(Math.abs(v - Math.round(v)) > 1e-5) return false;
return true;
public int rotate(EnumFacing facing, int vertexIndex)
// FIXME check if this is good enough
return vertexIndex;
public String toString()
return Objects.toStringHelper(this.getClass())
.add("matrix", matrix)
.add("translation", translation)
.add("leftRot", leftRot)
.add("scale", scale)
.add("rightRot", rightRot)
* convert transformation from assuming center-block system to corner-block system
public static TRSRTransformation blockCenterToCorner(TRSRTransformation transform)
Matrix4f ret = new Matrix4f(transform.getMatrix()), tmp = new Matrix4f();
tmp.m03 = tmp.m13 = tmp.m23 = .5f;
ret.mul(tmp, ret);
tmp.m03 = tmp.m13 = tmp.m23 = -.5f;
return new TRSRTransformation(ret);
* convert transformation from assuming corner-block system to center-block system
public static TRSRTransformation blockCornerToCenter(TRSRTransformation transform)
Matrix4f ret = new Matrix4f(transform.getMatrix()), tmp = new Matrix4f();
tmp.m03 = tmp.m13 = tmp.m23 = -.5f;
ret.mul(tmp, ret);
tmp.m03 = tmp.m13 = tmp.m23 = .5f;
return new TRSRTransformation(ret);
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((matrix == null) ? 0 : matrix.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
TRSRTransformation other = (TRSRTransformation) obj;
if (matrix == null)
if (other.matrix != null) return false;
else if (!matrix.equals(other.matrix)) return false;
return true;
public static Vector3f toVecmath(org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f vec)
return new Vector3f(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
public static Vector4f toVecmath(org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector4f vec)
return new Vector4f(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, vec.w);
public static Matrix4f toVecmath(org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f m)
return new Matrix4f(
m.m00, m.m10, m.m20, m.m30,
m.m01, m.m11, m.m21, m.m31,
m.m02, m.m12, m.m22, m.m32,
m.m03, m.m13, m.m23, m.m33);
public static org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f toLwjgl(Vector3f vec)
return new org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
public static org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector4f toLwjgl(Vector4f vec)
return new org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector4f(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, vec.w);
public static org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f toLwjgl(Matrix4f m)
org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f r = new org.lwjgl.util.vector.Matrix4f();
r.m00 = m.m00;
r.m01 = m.m10;
r.m02 = m.m20;
r.m03 = m.m30;
r.m10 = m.m01;
r.m11 = m.m11;
r.m12 = m.m21;
r.m13 = m.m31;
r.m20 = m.m02;
r.m21 = m.m12;
r.m22 = m.m22;
r.m23 = m.m32;
r.m30 = m.m03;
r.m31 = m.m13;
r.m32 = m.m23;
r.m33 = m.m33;
return r;
public static Vector3f lerp(Tuple3f from, Tuple3f to, float progress)
Vector3f res = new Vector3f(from);
res.interpolate(from, to, progress);
return res;
public static Vector4f lerp(Tuple4f from, Tuple4f to, float progress)
Vector4f res = new Vector4f(from);
res.interpolate(from, to, progress);
return res;
public static Quat4f slerp(Quat4f from, Quat4f to, float progress)
Quat4f res = new Quat4f();
res.interpolate(from, to, progress);
return res;
public TRSRTransformation slerp(TRSRTransformation that, float progress)
return new TRSRTransformation(
lerp(this.getTranslation(), that.getTranslation(), progress),
slerp(this.getLeftRot(), that.getLeftRot(), progress),
lerp(this.getScale(), that.getScale(), progress),
slerp(this.getRightRot(), that.getRightRot(), progress)