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package net.minecraftforge.common;
import java.util.*;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog;
import net.minecraft.init.Biomes;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.EnumHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DeferredBiomeDecorator;
import static net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeDictionary.Type.*;
public class BiomeDictionary
public enum Type
/*Temperature-based tags. Specifying neither implies a biome is temperate*/
/*Tags specifying the amount of vegetation a biome has. Specifying neither implies a biome to have moderate amounts*/
/*Tags specifying how moist a biome is. Specifying neither implies the biome as having moderate humidity*/
/*Tree-based tags, SAVANNA refers to dry, desert-like trees (Such as Acacia), CONIFEROUS refers to snowy trees (Such as Spruce) and JUNGLE refers to jungle trees.
* Specifying no tag implies a biome has temperate trees (Such as Oak)*/
/*Tags specifying the nature of a biome*/
/**A general tag for all water-based biomes. Shown as present if OCEAN or RIVER are.**/
/*Generic types which a biome can be*/
private List<Type> subTags;
private Type(Type... subTags)
this.subTags = Arrays.asList(subTags);
private boolean hasSubTags()
return subTags != null && !subTags.isEmpty();
* Retrieves a Type value by name,
* if one does not exist already it creates one.
* This can be used as intermediate measure for modders to
* add their own category of Biome.
* There are NO naming conventions besides:
* MUST be all upper case (enforced by name.toUpper())
* NO Special characters. {Unenforced, just don't be a pain, if it becomes a issue I WILL
* make this RTE with no worry about backwards compatibility}
* Note: For performance sake, the return value of this function SHOULD be cached.
* Two calls with the same name SHOULD return the same value.
* @param name The name of this Type
* @return An instance of Type for this name.
public static Type getType(String name, Type... subTypes)
name = name.toUpperCase();
for (Type t : values())
if (
return t;
Type ret = EnumHelper.addEnum(Type.class, name, new Class[]{Type[].class}, new Object[]{subTypes});
if (ret.ordinal() >= typeInfoList.length)
typeInfoList = Arrays.copyOf(typeInfoList, ret.ordinal()+1);
for(BiomeInfo bInfo:biomeInfoMap.values())
if(bInfo != null)
EnumSet<Type> oldSet = bInfo.typeList;
bInfo.typeList = EnumSet.noneOf(Type.class);
return ret;
private static HashMap<ResourceLocation, BiomeInfo> biomeInfoMap = new HashMap<ResourceLocation, BiomeInfo>();
2014-01-18 05:55:48 +00:00
private static ArrayList<BiomeGenBase>[] typeInfoList = new ArrayList[Type.values().length];
private static class BiomeInfo
public EnumSet<Type> typeList;
public BiomeInfo(Type[] types)
typeList = EnumSet.noneOf(Type.class);
for(Type t : types)
* Registers a biome with a specific biome type
* @param biome the biome to be registered
* @param type the type to register the biome as
* @return returns true if the biome was registered successfully
public static boolean registerBiomeType(BiomeGenBase biome, Type ... types)
types = listSubTags(types);
if(BiomeGenBase.biomeRegistry.getNameForObject(biome) != null)
for(Type type : types)
if(typeInfoList[type.ordinal()] == null)
typeInfoList[type.ordinal()] = new ArrayList<BiomeGenBase>();
ResourceLocation location = BiomeGenBase.biomeRegistry.getNameForObject(biome);
biomeInfoMap.put(location, new BiomeInfo(types));
for(Type type : types)
return true;
return false;
* Returns a list of biomes registered with a specific type
* @param type the Type to look for
* @return a list of biomes of the specified type, null if there are none
public static BiomeGenBase[] getBiomesForType(Type type)
if(typeInfoList[type.ordinal()] != null)
return typeInfoList[type.ordinal()].toArray(new BiomeGenBase[0]);
return new BiomeGenBase[0];
* Gets a list of Types that a specific biome is registered with
* @param biome the biome to check
* @return the list of types, null if there are none
public static Type[] getTypesForBiome(BiomeGenBase biome)
return getBiomeInfo(biome).typeList.toArray(new Type[0]);
* Checks to see if two biomes are registered as having the same type
* @param biomeA
* @param biomeB
* @return returns true if a common type is found, false otherwise
public static boolean areBiomesEquivalent(BiomeGenBase biomeA, BiomeGenBase biomeB)
for(Type type : getTypesForBiome(biomeA))
if(containsType(getBiomeInfo(biomeB), type))
return true;
return false;
* Checks to see if the given biome is registered as being a specific type
* @param biome the biome to be considered
* @param type the type to check for
* @return returns true if the biome is registered as being of type type, false otherwise
public static boolean isBiomeOfType(BiomeGenBase biome, Type type)
return containsType(getBiomeInfo(biome), type);
* Checks to see if the given biome has been registered as being of any type
* @param biome the biome to consider
* @return returns true if the biome has been registered, false otherwise
public static boolean isBiomeRegistered(BiomeGenBase biome)
return biomeInfoMap.containsKey(BiomeGenBase.biomeRegistry.getNameForObject(biome));
public static void registerAllBiomes()
FMLLog.warning("Redundant call to BiomeDictionary.registerAllBiomes ignored");
* Loops through the biome list and automatically adds tags to any biome that does not have any
* This is called by Forge at postinit time. It will additionally dispatch any deferred decorator
* creation events.
* DO NOT call this during world generation
public static void registerAllBiomesAndGenerateEvents()
for (ResourceLocation biomeResource : BiomeGenBase.biomeRegistry.getKeys())
BiomeGenBase biome = BiomeGenBase.biomeRegistry.getObject(biomeResource);
if (biome.theBiomeDecorator instanceof DeferredBiomeDecorator)
DeferredBiomeDecorator decorator = (DeferredBiomeDecorator) biome.theBiomeDecorator;
* Automatically looks for and registers a given biome with appropriate tags
* This method is called automatically if a biome has not been registered with any tags,
* And another method requests information about it
* @param biome the biome to be considered
public static void makeBestGuess(BiomeGenBase biome)
if (biome.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk >= 3)
if (biome.isHighHumidity() && biome.getTemperature() >= 0.9F)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, JUNGLE);
else if (!biome.isHighHumidity())
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, FOREST);
if (biome.getTemperature() <= 0.2f)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, CONIFEROUS);
else if(biome.getHeightVariation() <= 0.3F && biome.getHeightVariation() >= 0.0F)
if(!biome.isHighHumidity() || biome.getBaseHeight() >= 0.0F)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, PLAINS);
if (biome.getRainfall() > 0.85f)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, WET);
if (biome.getRainfall() < 0.15f)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, DRY);
if (biome.getTemperature() > 0.85f)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, HOT);
if (biome.getTemperature() < 0.15f)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, COLD);
if (biome.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk > 0 && biome.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk < 3)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, SPARSE);
else if (biome.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk >= 10)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, DENSE);
if (biome.isHighHumidity() && biome.getBaseHeight() < 0.0F && (biome.getHeightVariation() <= 0.3F && biome.getHeightVariation() >= 0.0F))
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, SWAMP);
if (biome.getBaseHeight() <= -0.5F)
if (biome.getHeightVariation() == 0.0F)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, RIVER);
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, OCEAN);
if (biome.getHeightVariation() >= 0.4F && biome.getHeightVariation() < 1.5F)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, HILLS);
if (biome.getHeightVariation() >= 1.5F)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, MOUNTAIN);
if (biome.getEnableSnow())
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, SNOWY);
if (biome.topBlock != Blocks.sand && biome.getTemperature() >= 1.0f && biome.getRainfall() < 0.2f)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, SAVANNA);
if (biome.topBlock == Blocks.sand )
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, SANDY);
else if (biome.topBlock == Blocks.mycelium)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, MUSHROOM);
if (biome.fillerBlock == Blocks.hardened_clay)
BiomeDictionary.registerBiomeType(biome, MESA);
//Internal implementation
private static BiomeInfo getBiomeInfo(BiomeGenBase biome)
return biomeInfoMap.get(BiomeGenBase.biomeRegistry.getNameForObject(biome));
private static void checkRegistration(BiomeGenBase biome)
private static boolean containsType(BiomeInfo info, Type type)
if (type.hasSubTags())
for (Type remappedType : listSubTags(type))
if (info.typeList.contains(remappedType)) return true;
return false;
return info.typeList.contains(type);
private static Type[] listSubTags(Type... types)
List<Type> subTags = new ArrayList<Type>();
for (Type type : types)
if (type.hasSubTags()) subTags.addAll(type.subTags);
else subTags.add(type);
return subTags.toArray(new Type[subTags.size()]);
private static void registerVanillaBiomes()
registerBiomeType(Biomes.ocean, OCEAN );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.plains, PLAINS );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.desert, HOT, DRY, SANDY );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.extremeHills, MOUNTAIN, HILLS );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.forest, FOREST );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.taiga, COLD, CONIFEROUS, FOREST );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.taigaHills, COLD, CONIFEROUS, FOREST, HILLS );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.swampland, WET, SWAMP );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.river, RIVER );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.frozenOcean, COLD, OCEAN, SNOWY );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.frozenRiver, COLD, RIVER, SNOWY );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.icePlains, COLD, SNOWY, WASTELAND );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.iceMountains, COLD, SNOWY, MOUNTAIN );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.beach, BEACH );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.desertHills, HOT, DRY, SANDY, HILLS );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.jungle, HOT, WET, DENSE, JUNGLE );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.jungleHills, HOT, WET, DENSE, JUNGLE, HILLS);
registerBiomeType(Biomes.forestHills, FOREST, HILLS );
registerBiomeType(, COLD, DRY, END );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.hell, HOT, DRY, NETHER );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.mushroomIsland, MUSHROOM );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.extremeHillsEdge, MOUNTAIN );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.mushroomIslandShore, MUSHROOM, BEACH );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.jungleEdge, HOT, WET, JUNGLE, FOREST );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.deepOcean, OCEAN );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.stoneBeach, BEACH );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.coldBeach, COLD, BEACH, SNOWY );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.birchForest, FOREST );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.birchForestHills, FOREST, HILLS );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.roofedForest, SPOOKY, DENSE, FOREST );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.coldTaiga, COLD, CONIFEROUS, FOREST, SNOWY );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.coldTaigaHills, COLD, CONIFEROUS, FOREST, SNOWY, HILLS);
registerBiomeType(Biomes.megaTaiga, COLD, CONIFEROUS, FOREST );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.megaTaigaHills, COLD, CONIFEROUS, FOREST, HILLS );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.extremeHillsPlus, MOUNTAIN, FOREST, SPARSE );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.savanna, HOT, SAVANNA, PLAINS, SPARSE );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.savannaPlateau, HOT, SAVANNA, PLAINS, SPARSE );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.mesa, MESA, SANDY );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.mesaPlateau_F, MESA, SPARSE, SANDY );
registerBiomeType(Biomes.mesaPlateau, MESA, SANDY );