name: Build on: workflow_dispatch jobs: create_release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: version_suffix: ${{ steps.version_suffix.outputs.version_suffix }} ytdlp_version: ${{ steps.bump_version.outputs.ytdlp_version }} upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} release_id: ${{ }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 0 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: '3.10' - name: Set version suffix id: version_suffix env: PUSH_VERSION_COMMIT: ${{ secrets.PUSH_VERSION_COMMIT }} if: "env.PUSH_VERSION_COMMIT == ''" run: echo ::set-output name=version_suffix::$(date -u +"%H%M%S") - name: Bump version id: bump_version run: | python devscripts/ ${{ steps.version_suffix.outputs.version_suffix }} make issuetemplates - name: Push to release id: push_release run: | git config --global github-actions git config --global git add -u git commit -m "[version] update" -m "Created by: ${{ github.event.sender.login }}" -m ":ci skip all :ci run dl" git push origin --force ${{ github.event.ref }}:release echo ::set-output name=head_sha::$(git rev-parse HEAD) - name: Update master env: PUSH_VERSION_COMMIT: ${{ secrets.PUSH_VERSION_COMMIT }} if: "env.PUSH_VERSION_COMMIT != ''" run: git push origin ${{ github.event.ref }} - name: Get Changelog run: | changelog=$(grep -oPz '(?s)(?<=### ${{ steps.bump_version.outputs.ytdlp_version }}\n{2}).+?(?=\n{2,3}###)' || true echo "changelog<> $GITHUB_ENV echo "$changelog" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "EOF" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Create Release id: create_release uses: actions/create-release@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: tag_name: ${{ steps.bump_version.outputs.ytdlp_version }} release_name: yt-dlp ${{ steps.bump_version.outputs.ytdlp_version }} commitish: ${{ steps.push_release.outputs.head_sha }} draft: true prerelease: false body: | #### [A description of the various files](( are in the README ---


${{ env.changelog }}

build_unix: needs: create_release runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 # Standalone executable should be built on minimum supported OS outputs: sha256_bin: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_bin }} sha512_bin: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_bin }} sha256_tar: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_tar }} sha512_tar: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_tar }} sha256_linux: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_linux }} sha512_linux: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_linux }} sha256_linux_zip: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_linux_zip }} sha512_linux_zip: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_linux_zip }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: '3.10' - name: Install Requirements run: | sudo apt-get -y install zip pandoc man python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel twine python -m pip install Pyinstaller -r requirements.txt - name: Prepare run: | python devscripts/ ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.version_suffix }} python devscripts/ - name: Build Unix executables run: | make all tar python --onedir (cd ./dist/yt-dlp_linux && zip -r ../ .) python - name: Get SHA2-SUMS id: get_sha run: | echo "::set-output name=sha256_bin::$(sha256sum yt-dlp | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha512_bin::$(sha512sum yt-dlp | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha256_tar::$(sha256sum yt-dlp.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha512_tar::$(sha512sum yt-dlp.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha256_linux::$(sha256sum dist/yt-dlp_linux | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha512_linux::$(sha512sum dist/yt-dlp_linux | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha256_linux_zip::$(sha256sum dist/ | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha512_linux_zip::$(sha512sum dist/ | awk '{print $1}')" - name: Upload zip binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./yt-dlp asset_name: yt-dlp asset_content_type: application/octet-stream - name: Upload Source tar uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./yt-dlp.tar.gz asset_name: yt-dlp.tar.gz asset_content_type: application/gzip - name: Upload standalone binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/yt-dlp_linux asset_name: yt-dlp_linux asset_content_type: application/octet-stream - name: Upload onedir binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/ asset_name: asset_content_type: application/zip - name: Build and publish on PyPi env: TWINE_USERNAME: __token__ TWINE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.PYPI_TOKEN }} if: "env.TWINE_PASSWORD != ''" run: | rm -rf dist/* python sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/* - name: Install SSH private key for Homebrew env: BREW_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BREW_TOKEN }} if: "env.BREW_TOKEN != ''" uses: yt-dlp/ssh-agent@v0.5.3 with: ssh-private-key: ${{ env.BREW_TOKEN }} - name: Update Homebrew Formulae env: BREW_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BREW_TOKEN }} if: "env.BREW_TOKEN != ''" run: | git clone taps/ python devscripts/ taps/Formula/yt-dlp.rb "${{ needs.create_release.outputs.ytdlp_version }}" git -C taps/ config github-actions git -C taps/ config git -C taps/ commit -am 'yt-dlp: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.ytdlp_version }}' git -C taps/ push build_macos: runs-on: macos-11 needs: create_release outputs: sha256_macos: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_macos }} sha512_macos: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_macos }} sha256_macos_zip: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_macos_zip }} sha512_macos_zip: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_macos_zip }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # NB: In order to create a universal2 application, the version of python3 in /usr/bin has to be used - name: Install Requirements run: | brew install coreutils /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install -U --user pip Pyinstaller -r requirements.txt - name: Prepare run: | /usr/bin/python3 devscripts/ ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.version_suffix }} /usr/bin/python3 devscripts/ - name: Build run: | /usr/bin/python3 --target-architecture universal2 --onedir (cd ./dist/yt-dlp_macos && zip -r ../ .) /usr/bin/python3 --target-architecture universal2 - name: Get SHA2-SUMS id: get_sha run: | echo "::set-output name=sha256_macos::$(sha256sum dist/yt-dlp_macos | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha512_macos::$(sha512sum dist/yt-dlp_macos | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha256_macos_zip::$(sha256sum dist/ | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha512_macos_zip::$(sha512sum dist/ | awk '{print $1}')" - name: Upload standalone binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/yt-dlp_macos asset_name: yt-dlp_macos asset_content_type: application/octet-stream - name: Upload onedir binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/ asset_name: asset_content_type: application/zip build_macos_legacy: runs-on: macos-latest needs: create_release outputs: sha256_macos_legacy: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_macos_legacy }} sha512_macos_legacy: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_macos_legacy }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install Python # We need the official Python, because the GA ones only support newer macOS versions env: PYTHON_VERSION: 3.10.5 MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: 10.9 # Used up by the Python build tools run: | # Hack to get the latest patch version. Uncomment if needed #brew install python@3.10 #export PYTHON_VERSION=$( $(brew --prefix)/opt/python@3.10/bin/python3 --version | cut -d ' ' -f 2 ) curl${PYTHON_VERSION}/python-${PYTHON_VERSION}-macos11.pkg -o "python.pkg" sudo installer -pkg python.pkg -target / python3 --version - name: Install Requirements run: | brew install coreutils python3 -m pip install -U --user pip Pyinstaller -r requirements.txt - name: Prepare run: | python3 devscripts/ ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.version_suffix }} python3 devscripts/ - name: Build run: | python3 - name: Get SHA2-SUMS id: get_sha run: | echo "::set-output name=sha256_macos_legacy::$(sha256sum dist/yt-dlp_macos | awk '{print $1}')" echo "::set-output name=sha512_macos_legacy::$(sha512sum dist/yt-dlp_macos | awk '{print $1}')" - name: Upload standalone binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/yt-dlp_macos asset_name: yt-dlp_macos_legacy asset_content_type: application/octet-stream build_windows: runs-on: windows-latest needs: create_release outputs: sha256_win: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_win }} sha512_win: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_win }} sha256_py2exe: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_py2exe }} sha512_py2exe: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_py2exe }} sha256_win_zip: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_win_zip }} sha512_win_zip: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_win_zip }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: # 3.8 is used for Win7 support python-version: '3.8' - name: Install Requirements run: | # Custom pyinstaller built with python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel py2exe pip install "" -r requirements.txt - name: Prepare run: | python devscripts/ ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.version_suffix }} python devscripts/ - name: Build run: | python py2exe Move-Item ./dist/yt-dlp.exe ./dist/yt-dlp_min.exe python python --onedir Compress-Archive -Path ./dist/yt-dlp/* -DestinationPath ./dist/ - name: Get SHA2-SUMS id: get_sha run: | echo "::set-output name=sha256_py2exe::$((Get-FileHash dist\yt-dlp_min.exe -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower())" echo "::set-output name=sha512_py2exe::$((Get-FileHash dist\yt-dlp_min.exe -Algorithm SHA512).Hash.ToLower())" echo "::set-output name=sha256_win::$((Get-FileHash dist\yt-dlp.exe -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower())" echo "::set-output name=sha512_win::$((Get-FileHash dist\yt-dlp.exe -Algorithm SHA512).Hash.ToLower())" echo "::set-output name=sha256_win_zip::$((Get-FileHash dist\ -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower())" echo "::set-output name=sha512_win_zip::$((Get-FileHash dist\ -Algorithm SHA512).Hash.ToLower())" - name: Upload py2exe binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/yt-dlp_min.exe asset_name: yt-dlp_min.exe asset_content_type: application/ - name: Upload standalone binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/yt-dlp.exe asset_name: yt-dlp.exe asset_content_type: application/ - name: Upload onedir binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/ asset_name: asset_content_type: application/zip build_windows32: runs-on: windows-latest needs: create_release outputs: sha256_win32: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha256_win32 }} sha512_win32: ${{ steps.get_sha.outputs.sha512_win32 }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: # 3.7 is used for Vista support. See python-version: '3.7' architecture: 'x86' - name: Install Requirements run: | python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel pip install "" -r requirements.txt - name: Prepare run: | python devscripts/ ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.version_suffix }} python devscripts/ - name: Build run: | python - name: Get SHA2-SUMS id: get_sha run: | echo "::set-output name=sha256_win32::$((Get-FileHash dist\yt-dlp_x86.exe -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower())" echo "::set-output name=sha512_win32::$((Get-FileHash dist\yt-dlp_x86.exe -Algorithm SHA512).Hash.ToLower())" - name: Upload standalone binary uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./dist/yt-dlp_x86.exe asset_name: yt-dlp_x86.exe asset_content_type: application/ finish: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [create_release, build_unix, build_windows, build_windows32, build_macos, build_macos_legacy] steps: - name: Make SHA2-SUMS files run: | echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha256_bin }} yt-dlp" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha256_tar }} yt-dlp.tar.gz" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha256_linux }} yt-dlp_linux" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha256_linux_zip }}" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows.outputs.sha256_win }} yt-dlp.exe" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows.outputs.sha256_py2exe }} yt-dlp_min.exe" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows32.outputs.sha256_win32 }} yt-dlp_x86.exe" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows.outputs.sha256_win_zip }}" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_macos.outputs.sha256_macos }} yt-dlp_macos" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_macos.outputs.sha256_macos_zip }}" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_macos_legacy.outputs.sha256_macos_legacy }} yt-dlp_macos_legacy" >> SHA2-256SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha512_bin }} yt-dlp" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha512_tar }} yt-dlp.tar.gz" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha512_linux }} yt-dlp_linux" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_unix.outputs.sha512_linux_zip }}" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows.outputs.sha512_win }} yt-dlp.exe" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows.outputs.sha512_py2exe }} yt-dlp_min.exe" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows32.outputs.sha512_win32 }} yt-dlp_x86.exe" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_windows.outputs.sha512_win_zip }}" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_macos.outputs.sha512_macos }} yt-dlp_macos" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_macos.outputs.sha512_macos_zip }}" >> SHA2-512SUMS echo "${{ needs.build_macos_legacy.outputs.sha512_macos_legacy }} yt-dlp_macos_legacy" >> SHA2-512SUMS - name: Upload SHA2-256SUMS file uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./SHA2-256SUMS asset_name: SHA2-256SUMS asset_content_type: text/plain - name: Upload SHA2-512SUMS file uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./SHA2-512SUMS asset_name: SHA2-512SUMS asset_content_type: text/plain - name: Make Update spec run: | echo "# This file is used for regulating self-update" >> _update_spec - name: Upload update spec uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1 env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with: upload_url: ${{ needs.create_release.outputs.upload_url }} asset_path: ./_update_spec asset_name: _update_spec asset_content_type: text/plain - name: Finalize release env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} run: | gh api -X PATCH -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ /repos/${{ github.repository }}/releases/${{ needs.create_release.outputs.release_id }} \ -F draft=false