
609 lines
16 KiB

( piano )
%+ { ADD } %- { SUB } %* { MUL } %/ { DIV }
%< { LTH } %> { GTH } %= { EQU } %! { NEQ }
%++ { ADD2 } %-- { SUB2 } %** { MUL2 } %// { DIV2 }
%<< { LTH2 } %>> { GTH2 } %== { EQU2 } %!! { NEQ2 }
%RTN { JMP2r }
%TOS { #00 SWP }
%MOD { DUP2 / * - }
%LTS2 { #8000 ++ SWP2 #8000 ++ >> }
%GTS2 { #8000 ++ SWP2 #8000 ++ << }
%INCR { SWP #01 + SWP }
%2// { #01 SFT2 }
%4// { #02 SFT2 }
%8// { #03 SFT2 }
%8** { #30 SFT2 }
( devices )
|00 @System [ &vector $2 &pad $6 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|10 @Console [ &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $5 &write $1 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &color $1 ]
|30 @Audio0 [ &vector $2 &position $2 &output $1 &pad $3 &adsr $2 &length $2 &addr $2 &volume $1 &pitch $1 ]
|70 @Midi [ &vector $2 &channel $1 &note $1 &velocity $1 ]
|80 @Controller [ &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 ]
|90 @Mouse [ &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &wheel $1 ]
|a0 @File [ &vector $2 &success $2 &offset $2 &pad $2 &name $2 &length $2 &load $2 &save $2 ]
( variables )
@last-note $1
@octave $1
@color $1
@pointer [ &x $2 &y $2 ]
@center [ &x $2 &y $2 ]
@adsr-view [ &x1 $2 &y1 $2 &x2 $2 &y2 $2 ]
@wave-view [ &x1 $2 &y1 $2 &x2 $2 &y2 $2 ]
@octave-view [ &x1 $2 &y1 $2 &x2 $2 &y2 $2 ]
( program )
|0100 ( -> )
( theme )
#0fe5 .System/r DEO2
#0fc5 .System/g DEO2
#0f25 .System/b DEO2
( vectors )
;on-frame .Screen/vector DEO2
;on-control .Controller/vector DEO2
;on-mouse .Mouse/vector DEO2
;on-message .Console/vector DEO2
( find center )
.Screen/width DEI2 2// .center/x STZ2
.Screen/height DEI2 2// .center/y STZ2
( place octave )
.center/x LDZ2 #0080 -- .octave-view/x1 STZ2
.center/y LDZ2 #0008 ++ .octave-view/y1 STZ2
.octave-view/x1 LDZ2 #0050 ++ .octave-view/x2 STZ2
.octave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0018 ++ .octave-view/y2 STZ2
( place adsr )
.center/x LDZ2 #0020 -- .adsr-view/x1 STZ2
.center/y LDZ2 #0008 ++ .adsr-view/y1 STZ2
.adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #00a0 ++ .adsr-view/x2 STZ2
.adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 #0018 ++ .adsr-view/y2 STZ2
( place waveform )
.center/x LDZ2 #0080 -- .wave-view/x1 STZ2
.center/y LDZ2 #0020 -- .wave-view/y1 STZ2
.wave-view/x1 LDZ2 #0100 ++ .wave-view/x2 STZ2
.wave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0020 ++ .wave-view/y2 STZ2
( default settings )
#ff .last-note STZ
#041c .Audio0/adsr DEO2
#88 .Audio0/volume DEO
;piano-pcm .Audio0/addr DEO2
#0100 .Audio0/length DEO2
( inital drawing )
;draw-octave JSR2
;draw-adsr JSR2
;draw-wave JSR2
@on-frame ( -> )
.adsr-view/y2 LDZ2 #0020 -- .Screen/y DEO2
#00 #10
.adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #003a -- .Screen/x DEO2
OVR #10 SWP - .Audio0/output DEI #0f AND < .Screen/color DEO
.adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #003a -- #0002 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
OVR #10 SWP - .Audio0/output DEI #04 SFT < .Screen/color DEO
.Screen/y DEI2 #0002 ++ .Screen/y DEO2
( incr ) INCR
LTHk ,&loop JCN
@on-control ( -> )
( clear last cursor )
.pointer/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.pointer/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
#30 .Screen/color DEO
.Controller/key DEI
DUP #61 ! ,&no-c JCN
#30 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-c
DUP #73 ! ,&no-d JCN
#32 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-d
DUP #64 ! ,&no-e JCN
#34 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-e
DUP #66 ! ,&no-f JCN
#35 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-f
DUP #67 ! ,&no-g JCN
#37 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-g
DUP #68 ! ,&no-a JCN
#39 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-a
DUP #6a ! ,&no-b JCN
#3b .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-b
DUP #6b ! ,&no-c2 JCN
#3c .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-c2
( release )
#00 .Controller/key DEO
.Controller/button DEI #f0 AND
DUP #04 SFT #01 AND #01 ! ,&no-up JCN
( move ) .Audio0/addr DEI2 #0001 -- .Audio0/addr DEO2 &no-up
DUP #05 SFT #01 AND #01 ! ,&no-down JCN
( move ) .Audio0/addr DEI2 #0001 ++ .Audio0/addr DEO2 &no-down
DUP #06 SFT #01 AND #01 ! ,&no-left JCN
( move ) .Audio0/addr DEI2 #0010 -- .Audio0/addr DEO2 &no-left
DUP #07 SFT #01 AND #01 ! ,&no-right JCN
( move ) .Audio0/addr DEI2 #0010 ++ .Audio0/addr DEO2 &no-right
;draw-octave JSR2
;draw-wave JSR2
@on-message ( -> )
.Console/read DEI ;play JSR2
;draw-octave JSR2
@on-mouse ( -> )
;draw-cursor JSR2
.Mouse/state DEI #00 ! #01 JCN [ BRK ]
.Mouse/x DEI2 .Mouse/y DEI2 .wave-view ;within-rect JSR2
;on-touch-wave-view JCN2
.Mouse/x DEI2 .Mouse/y DEI2 .adsr-view ;within-rect JSR2
;on-touch-adsr-view JCN2
.Mouse/x DEI2 .Mouse/y DEI2 .octave-view ;within-rect JSR2
;on-touch-octave-view JCN2
@on-touch-wave-view ( -> )
.Mouse/x DEI2 .wave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- .Audio0/length DEO2
;draw-wave JSR2
;draw-cursor JSR2
@on-touch-octave-view ( -> )
.Mouse/x DEI2 .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// SWP POP #09 ! ,&no-mod JCN
.Mouse/y DEI2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2 -- 8// SWP POP
DUP #00 ! ,&no-incr JCN
.octave LDZ #03 = ,&no-incr JCN
.octave LDZ #01 + .octave STZ &no-incr
DUP #02 ! ,&no-decr JCN
.octave LDZ #ff = ,&no-decr JCN
.octave LDZ #01 - .octave STZ &no-decr
( release ) #00 .Mouse/state DEO
;draw-octave JSR2
.Mouse/x DEI2 .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// SWP POP #06 > ,&no-key JCN
.Mouse/x DEI2 .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// ;notes ++ LDA .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2
( release ) #00 .Mouse/state DEO
;draw-octave JSR2
@on-touch-adsr-view ( -> )
.Mouse/x DEI2 .adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// SWP POP #03 /
DUP #00 ! ,&no-a JCN
.Audio0/adsr DEI
#10 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #e0 * + +
.Audio0/adsr DEO &no-a
DUP #01 ! ,&no-d JCN
.Audio0/adsr DEI
DUP #f0 AND STH #01 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #0e * + + #0f AND STHr +
.Audio0/adsr DEO &no-d
DUP #02 ! ,&no-s JCN
.Audio0/adsr #01 + DEI
#10 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #e0 * + +
.Audio0/adsr #01 + DEO &no-s
DUP #03 ! ,&no-r JCN
.Audio0/adsr #01 + DEI
DUP #f0 AND STH #01 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #0e * + + #0f AND STHr +
.Audio0/adsr #01 + DEO &no-r
DUP #05 ! ,&no-left JCN
.Audio0/volume DEI
#10 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #e0 * + +
.Audio0/volume DEO &no-left
DUP #06 ! ,&no-right JCN
.Audio0/volume DEI
DUP #f0 AND STH #01 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #0e * + + #0f AND STHr +
.Audio0/volume DEO &no-right
( release ) #00 .Mouse/state DEO
;draw-adsr JSR2
;draw-cursor JSR2
@play ( pitch -- )
DUP #0c MOD .last-note STZ
.Audio0/pitch DEO
@draw-cursor ( -- )
( clear last cursor )
;cursor .Screen/addr DEO2
.pointer/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.pointer/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
#30 .Screen/color DEO
( record pointer positions )
.Mouse/x DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/x STZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.Mouse/y DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/y STZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
( colorize on state )
#31 [ .Mouse/state DEI #00 ! ] + .Screen/color DEO
@draw-octave ( -- )
.octave-view/x1 LDZ2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2
OVR2 OVR2 ;keys-left-icns #21 .last-note LDZ #00 = + ;draw-key JSR2
OVR2 #0008 ++ OVR2 ;keys-middle-icns #21 .last-note LDZ #02 = + ;draw-key JSR2
OVR2 #0010 ++ OVR2 ;keys-right-icns #21 .last-note LDZ #04 = + ;draw-key JSR2
OVR2 #0018 ++ OVR2 ;keys-left-icns #21 .last-note LDZ #05 = + ;draw-key JSR2
OVR2 #0020 ++ OVR2 ;keys-middle-icns #21 .last-note LDZ #07 = + ;draw-key JSR2
OVR2 #0028 ++ OVR2 ;keys-middle-icns #21 .last-note LDZ #09 = + ;draw-key JSR2
SWP2 #0030 ++ SWP2 ;keys-right-icns #21 .last-note LDZ #0b = + ;draw-key JSR2
.octave-view/x1 LDZ2 #0048 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
;arrow-icns .Screen/addr DEO2
.octave-view/y1 LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
#21 .Screen/color DEO
;arrow-icns #0008 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
.octave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0010 ++ .Screen/y DEO2
#21 .Screen/color DEO
;font-hex .octave LDZ #03 + #00 SWP 8** ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
.octave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0008 ++ .Screen/y DEO2
#23 .Screen/color DEO
@draw-key ( x* y* addr* color -- )
.Screen/addr DEO2
SWP2 .Screen/x DEO2
DUP2 #0018 ++
( move ) OVR2 .Screen/y DEO2
( draw ) STHkr .Screen/color DEO
( incr ) .Screen/addr DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
( incr ) SWP2 #0008 ++ SWP2
LTH2k ,&loop JCN
@draw-adsr ( -- )
( adsr )
.adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2
.Audio0/adsr DEI #04 SFT
;draw-knob JSR2
.adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #0018 ++ .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2
.Audio0/adsr DEI #0f AND
;draw-knob JSR2
.adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #0030 ++ .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2
.Audio0/adsr #01 + DEI #04 SFT
;draw-knob JSR2
.adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #0048 ++ .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2
.Audio0/adsr #01 + DEI #0f AND
;draw-knob JSR2
( volume )
.adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #0028 -- .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2
.Audio0/volume DEI #04 SFT
;draw-knob JSR2
.adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #0010 -- .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2
.Audio0/volume DEI #0f AND
;draw-knob JSR2
@draw-wave ( -- )
( clear )
.wave-view/x1 LDZ2
.wave-view/y1 LDZ2
.wave-view/x2 LDZ2 #0001 ++
.wave-view/y2 LDZ2
#00 ;fill-rect JSR2
#01 ;draw-wave-length JSR2
.wave-view/x1 LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
( waveform )
#00 #ff
( dotted line )
OVR #01 AND ,&no-dot JCN
.wave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0010 ++ .Screen/y DEO2
#03 .Screen/color DEO
OVR TOS .Audio0/addr DEI2 ++ LDA
#02 /
TOS 4// .wave-view/y1 LDZ2 ++ .Screen/y DEO2
.Screen/x DEI2 #0001 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
( draw ) OVR .Audio0/length DEI2 SWP POP > #02 * #01 + .Screen/color DEO
( incr ) INCR
LTHk ,&loop JCN
( range )
.wave-view/x1 LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.wave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0010 -- .Screen/y DEO2
.Audio0/addr DEI2 #22 ;draw-short JSR2
.wave-view/x2 LDZ2 #0020 -- .Screen/x DEO2
.Audio0/length DEI2 #22 ;draw-short JSR2
@draw-wave-length ( color -- )
.wave-view/x1 LDZ2 .Audio0/length DEI2 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
.wave-view/y1 LDZ2 DUP2 #0020 ++
OVR2 .Screen/y DEO2
( draw ) STHkr .Screen/color DEO
( incr ) SWP2 #0001 ++ SWP2
LTH2k ,&loop JCN
@draw-knob ( x* y* value -- )
( load ) STH .Screen/y DEO2 .Screen/x DEO2
;knob-icns .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #21 .Screen/color DEO
.Screen/x DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
;knob-icns #0008 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #21 .Screen/color DEO
.Screen/y DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/y DEO2
;knob-icns #0018 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #21 .Screen/color DEO
.Screen/x DEI2 #0008 -- .Screen/x DEO2
;knob-icns #0010 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #21 .Screen/color DEO
.Screen/x DEI2 #0004 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
.Screen/y DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/y DEO2
;font-hex #00 STHkr #08 * ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #21 .Screen/color DEO
.Screen/x DEI2 #0004 -- #00 #00 STHkr ;knob-offsetx ++ LDA ++ .Screen/x DEO2
.Screen/y DEI2 #0010 -- #00 #00 STHr ;knob-offsety ++ LDA ++ .Screen/y DEO2
;knob-icns #0020 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #25 .Screen/color DEO
@draw-short ( short* color -- )
DUP #04 SFT TOS 8** ;font-hex ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) STHkr .Screen/color DEO
#0f AND TOS 8** ;font-hex ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
.Screen/x DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
( draw ) STHkr .Screen/color DEO
DUP #04 SFT TOS 8** ;font-hex ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
.Screen/x DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
( draw ) STHkr .Screen/color DEO
#0f AND TOS 8** ;font-hex ++ .Screen/addr DEO2
.Screen/x DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/x DEO2
( draw ) STHr .Screen/color DEO
@fill-rect ( x1* y1* x2* y2* color -- )
.color STZ
( x1 x2 y1 y2 ) ROT2 SWP2
( save ) OVR2 .Screen/y DEO2
( save ) OVR2 .Screen/x DEO2
( draw ) .color LDZ .Screen/color DEO
( incr ) SWP2 #0001 ++ SWP2
OVR2 OVR2 LTS2 ,&hor JCN
( incr ) SWP2 #0001 ++ SWP2
OVR2 OVR2 LTS2 ,&ver JCN
@within-rect ( x* y* rect -- flag )
( y < rect.y1 ) DUP2 STHkr #02 ADD LDZ2 LTH2 ,&skip JCN
( y > rect.y2 ) DUP2 STHkr #06 ADD LDZ2 GTH2 ,&skip JCN
( x < rect.x1 ) DUP2 STHkr LDZ2 LTH2 ,&skip JCN
( x > rect.x2 ) DUP2 STHkr #04 ADD LDZ2 GTH2 ,&skip JCN
80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000
0010 387c fe10 1000
0010 1010 fe7c 3810
30 32 34 35
37 39 3b 3c
7c7c 7c7c 7c7c 7c7c
7c7c 7c7c 7c7c 7e7f
7f7f 7f7f 7f7f 3e00
1c1c 1c1c 1c1c 1c1c
1c1c 1c1c 1c1c 3e7f
7f7f 7f7f 7f7f 3e00
1f1f 1f1f 1f1f 1f1f
1f1f 1f1f 1f1f 3f7f
7f7f 7f7f 7f7f 3e00
0003 0c10 2020 4040
00c0 3008 0404 0202
4040 2020 100c 0300
0202 0404 0830 c000
0000 183c 3c18 0000
01 00 00 00 00 01 02 03
05 06 07 08 08 08 08 07
07 06 05 03 02 01 00 00
00 00 01 02 03 05 06 07
@font-hex ( 0-F )
007c 8282 8282 827c 0030 1010 1010 1010
007c 8202 7c80 80fe 007c 8202 1c02 827c
000c 1424 4484 fe04 00fe 8080 7c02 827c
007c 8280 fc82 827c 007c 8202 1e02 0202
007c 8282 7c82 827c 007c 8282 7e02 827c
007c 8202 7e82 827e 00fc 8282 fc82 82fc
007c 8280 8080 827c 00fc 8282 8282 82fc
007c 8280 f080 827c 007c 8280 f080 8080
8182 8588 8d91 959b a1a6 aaad b2b5 b8bd
c1c7 cbd0 d5d9 dde1 e5e5 e4e4 e1dc d7d1
cbc5 bfb8 b2ac a6a2 9c97 928d 8884 807c
7977 7574 7372 7272 7273 7372 706d 6964
605b 5650 4d49 4643 4342 4244 4548 4a4d
5052 5556 5758 5554 5150 4c4a 4744 423f
3d3c 3a38 3835 3431 3030 2f31 3336 393e
4449 4e54 5a60 666b 7175 7b82 8990 989e
a6ab b1b6 babd bebf bfbe bbb9 b6b3 b0ae
aaa8 a6a3 a19e 9c9a 9997 9696 9798 9b9e
a1a4 a6a9 a9ac adad adae aeaf b0b0 b1b1
b3b3 b4b4 b4b3 b3b1 b0ad abab a9a9 a8a8
a7a5 a19d 9891 8b84 7e77 726e 6b6b 6b6c
6f71 7477 7776 7370 6c65 5e56 4e48 423f
3d3c 3b3a 3a39 3838 3839 393a 3c3e 4146
4a50 575b 6064 686a 6e70 7274 7677 7a7d
8186 8d94 9ba0 a3a7 acb1 b5bc c2c7 cacc
cecf d0d1 d3d5 d8db dee1 e3e5 e6e5 e5e3
dfdc d7d0 c8c2 bbb2 a99f 968c 847c 746e
675f 5851 4b43 3e3a 3533 312e 2c2b 2826
2422 2122 2327 2d34 3c44 4c57 5f68 7075
7b80 8487 8789 8a8c 8d90 9397 999c 9ea0
a2a2 a2a0 9c97 9491 8f8e 908f 918f 8e88
827a 726a 6058 5047 423f 3f40 4245 4748
4949 4746 4545 4a4f 5863 717f 8b9a a6b1
b8be c1c1 bfbd bab5 b1af acac aeb1 b7bc
c2c9 cfd3 d5d4 d3d3 d1ce cbc6 c0ba b3ab
a39a 8f85 7b72 6c67 6462 605f 5e5d 5b58
5550 4d49 4848 4949 4a4d 5052 5558 5b5e
6164 686c 7074 7677 7979 7a7b 7b7a 7977
7473 6f6e 6b69 696b 6f72 7576 7574 716b
655d 554e 4742 3f3f 4045 4b52 5a62 6b74
8083 8689 8c8f 9295 989b 9ea1 a4a7 aaad
b0b3 b6b9 bbbe c1c3 c6c9 cbce d0d2 d5d7
d9db dee0 e2e4 e6e7 e9eb ecee f0f1 f2f4
f5f6 f7f8 f9fa fbfb fcfd fdfe fefe fefe
fffe fefe fefe fdfd fcfb fbfa f9f8 f7f6
f5f4 f2f1 f0ee eceb e9e7 e6e4 e2e0 dedb
d9d7 d5d2 d0ce cbc9 c6c3 c1be bbb9 b6b3
b0ad aaa7 a4a1 9e9b 9895 928f 8c89 8683
807d 7a77 7471 6e6b 6865 625f 5c59 5653
504d 4a47 4542 3f3d 3a37 3532 302e 2b29
2725 2220 1e1c 1a19 1715 1412 100f 0e0c
0b0a 0908 0706 0505 0403 0302 0202 0202
0102 0202 0202 0303 0405 0506 0708 090a
0b0c 0e0f 1012 1415 1719 1a1c 1e20 2225
2729 2b2e 3032 3537 3a3d 3f42 4547 4a4d
5053 5659 5c5f 6265 686b 6e71 7477 7a7d
8082 8486 888a 8c8e 9092 9496 989a 9c9e
a0a2 a4a6 a8aa acae b0b2 b4b6 b8ba bcbe
c0c2 c4c6 c8ca ccce d0d2 d4d6 d8da dcde
e0e2 e4e6 e8ea ecee f0f2 f4f6 f8fa fcfe
fffd fbf9 f7f5 f3f1 efed ebe9 e7e5 e3e1
dfdd dbd9 d7d5 d3d1 cfcd cbc9 c7c5 c3c1
bfbd bbb9 b7b5 b3b1 afad aba9 a7a5 a3a1
9f9d 9b99 9795 9391 8f8d 8b89 8785 8381
7f7d 7b79 7775 7371 6f6d 6b69 6765 6361
5f5d 5b59 5755 5351 4f4d 4b49 4745 4341
3f3d 3b39 3735 3331 2f2d 2b29 2725 2321
1f1d 1b19 1715 1311 0f0d 0b09 0705 0301
0103 0507 090b 0d0f 1113 1517 191b 1d1f
2123 2527 292b 2d2f 3133 3537 393b 3d3f
4143 4547 494b 4d4f 5153 5557 595b 5d5f
6163 6567 696b 6d6f 7173 7577 797b 7d7f
8282 8183 8384 8685 8888 8889 8a8b 8c8c
8e8e 8f90 9092 9193 9494 9596 9699 9899
9b9a 9c9c 9c9d 9ea0 a1a0 a2a2 a3a5 a4a6
a7a7 a9a8 a9aa aaac adad aeae b0b0 b1b3
b2b4 b5b5 b6b7 b9b8 b9bb babc bdbc bdbe
bfc1 bfc1 c3c1 c4c5 c5c6 c6c7 c9c7 cbca
cbcc cdcd cfcf d2d0 d2d2 d2d5 d4d5 d6d7
d8d8 d9dc d9df dadf dce1 dde5 dce6 dceb
cb1f 1b1e 1c21 1c21 1f23 2025 2127 2329
2529 2829 2a2b 2b2e 2d2f 302f 3231 3234
3334 3536 3836 3939 3a3b 3b3d 3e3d 3f40
4042 4242 4444 4646 4748 474a 4a4b 4d4c
4e4e 4f50 5052 5252 5554 5557 5759 5959
5b5b 5c5d 5d5f 5e60 6160 6264 6365 6566
6867 6969 6a6c 6c6d 6d6e 706f 7071 7174
7475 7576 7777 797a 7a7c 7b7c 7e7d 7f7f