( piano ) %+ { ADD } %- { SUB } %* { MUL } %/ { DIV } %< { LTH } %> { GTH } %= { EQU } %! { NEQ } %++ { ADD2 } %-- { SUB2 } %** { MUL2 } %// { DIV2 } %<< { LTH2 } %>> { GTH2 } %== { EQU2 } %!! { NEQ2 } %!~ { NEQk NIP } %HALT { #010f DEO } %RTN { JMP2r } %TOS { #00 SWP } %MOD { DUP2 / * - } %GTS2 { #8000 ++ SWP2 #8000 ++ << } %2/ { #01 SFT } %2// { #01 SFT2 } %4// { #02 SFT2 } %8// { #03 SFT2 } %8** { #30 SFT2 } %AUTO-NONE { #00 .Screen/auto DEO } %AUTO-X { #01 .Screen/auto DEO } %AUTO-YADDR { #06 .Screen/auto DEO } ( devices ) |00 @System &vector $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &pad $4 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 &debug $1 &halt $1 |10 @Console &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $5 &write $1 &error $1 |20 @Screen &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &auto $1 &pad $1 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 |30 @Audio0 &vector $2 &position $2 &output $1 &pad $3 &adsr $2 &length $2 &addr $2 &volume $1 &pitch $1 |80 @Controller &vector $2 &button $1 &key $1 |90 @Mouse &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &pad $3 &modx $2 &mody $2 |a0 @File &vector $2 &success $2 &stat $2 &delete $1 &append $1 &name $2 &length $2 &read $2 &write $2 ( variables ) |0000 @last-note $1 @octave $1 @pointer &x $2 &y $2 @center &x $2 &y $2 @adsr-view &x1 $2 &y1 $2 &x2 $2 &y2 $2 @wave-view &x1 $2 &y1 $2 &x2 $2 &y2 $2 @octave-view &x1 $2 &y1 $2 &x2 $2 &y2 $2 ( program ) |0100 ( -> ) ( theme ) #0fe5 .System/r DEO2 #0fc5 .System/g DEO2 #0f25 .System/b DEO2 ( vectors ) ;on-frame .Screen/vector DEO2 ;on-control .Controller/vector DEO2 ;on-mouse .Mouse/vector DEO2 ;on-message .Console/vector DEO2 ( find center ) .Screen/width DEI2 2// .center/x STZ2 .Screen/height DEI2 2// .center/y STZ2 ( place octave ) .center/x LDZ2 #0080 -- .octave-view/x1 STZ2 .center/y LDZ2 #0008 ++ .octave-view/y1 STZ2 .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 #0050 ++ .octave-view/x2 STZ2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0018 ++ .octave-view/y2 STZ2 ( place adsr ) .center/x LDZ2 #0020 -- .adsr-view/x1 STZ2 .center/y LDZ2 #0008 ++ .adsr-view/y1 STZ2 .adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #00a0 ++ .adsr-view/x2 STZ2 .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 #0018 ++ .adsr-view/y2 STZ2 ( place waveform ) .center/x LDZ2 #0080 -- .wave-view/x1 STZ2 .center/y LDZ2 #0020 -- .wave-view/y1 STZ2 .wave-view/x1 LDZ2 #0100 ++ .wave-view/x2 STZ2 .wave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0020 ++ .wave-view/y2 STZ2 ( default settings ) #ff .last-note STZ #041c .Audio0/adsr DEO2 #dd .Audio0/volume DEO ;sin-pcm .Audio0/addr DEO2 #0100 .Audio0/length DEO2 ( inital drawing ) ;draw-octave JSR2 ;draw-adsr JSR2 ;draw-wave JSR2 BRK @on-frame ( -> ) .adsr-view/y2 LDZ2 #0020 -- .Screen/y DEO2 #10 #00 &loop .adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #003a -- .Screen/x DEO2 #10 OVR - .Audio0/output DEI #0f AND < .Screen/pixel DEO .adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #003a -- INC2 INC2 .Screen/x DEO2 #10 OVR - .Audio0/output DEI #04 SFT < .Screen/pixel DEO .Screen/y DEI2 INC2 INC2 .Screen/y DEO2 INC GTHk ,&loop JCN POP2 BRK @on-control ( -> ) ( clear last cursor ) .pointer/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2 .pointer/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2 #40 .Screen/sprite DEO .Controller/key DEI [ LIT 'a ] !~ ,&no-c JCN #30 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-c [ LIT 's ] !~ ,&no-d JCN #32 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-d [ LIT 'd ] !~ ,&no-e JCN #34 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-e [ LIT 'f ] !~ ,&no-f JCN #35 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-f [ LIT 'g ] !~ ,&no-g JCN #37 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-g [ LIT 'h ] !~ ,&no-a JCN #39 .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-a [ LIT 'j ] !~ ,&no-b JCN #3b .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-b [ LIT 'k ] !~ ,&no-c2 JCN #3c .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 &no-c2 [ #1b ] !~ ,&no-esc JCN HALT &no-esc POP ( release ) #00 .Controller/key DEO .Controller/button DEI DUP #11 ! ,&cu JCN #3c ;play JSR2 &cu DUP #21 ! ,&cd JCN #3d ;play JSR2 &cd DUP #41 ! ,&cl JCN #3e ;play JSR2 &cl DUP #81 ! ,&cr JCN #3f ;play JSR2 &cr DUP #12 ! ,&au JCN #40 ;play JSR2 &au DUP #22 ! ,&ad JCN #41 ;play JSR2 &ad DUP #42 ! ,&al JCN #42 ;play JSR2 &al DUP #82 ! ,&ar JCN #43 ;play JSR2 &ar DUP #14 ! ,&su JCN #44 ;play JSR2 &su DUP #24 ! ,&sd JCN #45 ;play JSR2 &sd DUP #44 ! ,&sl JCN #46 ;play JSR2 &sl DUP #84 ! ,&sr JCN #47 ;play JSR2 &sr DUP #40 ! ,&l JCN .Audio0/addr DEI2 #0010 -- .Audio0/addr DEO2 &l DUP #80 ! ,&r JCN .Audio0/addr DEI2 #0010 ++ .Audio0/addr DEO2 &r POP ;draw-octave JSR2 ;draw-wave JSR2 BRK @on-message ( -> ) .Console/read DEI ;play JSR2 ;draw-octave JSR2 BRK @on-mouse ( -> ) ;draw-cursor JSR2 .Mouse/state DEI #00 ! #01 JCN [ BRK ] .Mouse/x DEI2 .Mouse/y DEI2 .wave-view ;within-rect JSR2 ;on-touch-wave-view JCN2 .Mouse/x DEI2 .Mouse/y DEI2 .adsr-view ;within-rect JSR2 ;on-touch-adsr-view JCN2 .Mouse/x DEI2 .Mouse/y DEI2 .octave-view ;within-rect JSR2 ;on-touch-octave-view JCN2 BRK @on-touch-wave-view ( -> ) .Mouse/x DEI2 .wave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- .Audio0/length DEO2 ;draw-wave JSR2 ;draw-cursor JSR2 BRK @on-touch-octave-view ( -> ) .Mouse/x DEI2 .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// NIP #09 ! ,&no-mod JCN .Mouse/y DEI2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2 -- 8// NIP [ #00 ] !~ ,&no-incr JCN .octave LDZ #03 = ,&no-incr JCN .octave LDZ INC .octave STZ &no-incr [ #02 ] !~ ,&no-decr JCN .octave LDZ #ff = ,&no-decr JCN .octave LDZ #01 - .octave STZ &no-decr POP ( release ) #00 .Mouse/state DEO ;draw-octave JSR2 BRK &no-mod .Mouse/x DEI2 .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// NIP #06 > ,&no-key JCN .Mouse/x DEI2 .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// ;notes ++ LDA .octave LDZ #0c * + ;play JSR2 ( release ) #00 .Mouse/state DEO ;draw-octave JSR2 &no-key BRK @on-touch-adsr-view ( -> ) .Mouse/x DEI2 .adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 -- 8// NIP #03 / [ #00 ] !~ ,&no-a JCN .Audio0/adsr DEI #10 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #e0 * + + .Audio0/adsr DEO &no-a [ #01 ] !~ ,&no-d JCN .Audio0/adsr DEI DUP #f0 AND STH #01 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #0e * + + #0f AND STHr + .Audio0/adsr DEO &no-d [ #02 ] !~ ,&no-s JCN .Audio0/adsr INC DEI #10 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #e0 * + + .Audio0/adsr INC DEO &no-s [ #03 ] !~ ,&no-r JCN .Audio0/adsr INC DEI DUP #f0 AND STH #01 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #0e * + + #0f AND STHr + .Audio0/adsr INC DEO &no-r [ #05 ] !~ ,&no-left JCN .Audio0/volume DEI #10 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #e0 * + + .Audio0/volume DEO &no-left [ #06 ] !~ ,&no-right JCN .Audio0/volume DEI DUP #f0 AND STH #01 .Mouse/state DEI #10 = #0e * + + #0f AND STHr + .Audio0/volume DEO &no-right POP ( release ) #00 .Mouse/state DEO ;draw-adsr JSR2 ;draw-cursor JSR2 BRK @play ( pitch -- ) DUP #0c MOD .last-note STZ .Audio0/pitch DEO RTN @draw-cursor ( -- ) ( clear last cursor ) ;cursor .Screen/addr DEO2 .pointer/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2 .pointer/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2 #40 .Screen/sprite DEO ( record pointer positions ) .Mouse/x DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/x STZ2 .Screen/x DEO2 .Mouse/y DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/y STZ2 .Screen/y DEO2 ( colorize on state ) #41 [ .Mouse/state DEI #00 ! ] + .Screen/sprite DEO RTN @draw-octave ( -- ) .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 #0048 ++ .Screen/x DEO2 ;arrow-icns .Screen/addr DEO2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2 #01 .Screen/sprite DEO ;arrow-icns #0008 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0010 ++ .Screen/y DEO2 #01 .Screen/sprite DEO ;font-hex .octave LDZ #03 + #00 SWP 8** ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0008 ++ .Screen/y DEO2 #03 .Screen/sprite DEO .octave-view/x1 LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2 .octave-view/y1 LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2 AUTO-YADDR .last-note LDZ STH ;keys-left-icns STHkr #00 = INC ,draw-key JSR ;keys-middle-icns STHkr #02 = INC ,draw-key JSR ;keys-right-icns STHkr #04 = INC ,draw-key JSR ;keys-left-icns STHkr #05 = INC ,draw-key JSR ;keys-middle-icns STHkr #07 = INC ,draw-key JSR ;keys-middle-icns STHkr #09 = INC ,draw-key JSR ;keys-right-icns STHr #0b = INC ,draw-key JSR AUTO-NONE RTN @draw-key ( addr* color -- ) STH .Screen/addr DEO2 .Screen/y DEI2 STHr .Screen/sprite DEOk DEOk DEO .Screen/x DEI2k #0008 ++ ROT DEO2 .Screen/y DEO2 RTN @draw-adsr ( -- ) ( adsr ) .adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 .Audio0/adsr DEI #04 SFT ;draw-knob JSR2 .adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #0018 ++ .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 .Audio0/adsr DEI #0f AND ;draw-knob JSR2 .adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #0030 ++ .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 .Audio0/adsr INC DEI #04 SFT ;draw-knob JSR2 .adsr-view/x1 LDZ2 #0048 ++ .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 .Audio0/adsr INC DEI #0f AND ;draw-knob JSR2 ( volume ) .adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #0028 -- .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 .Audio0/volume DEI #04 SFT ;draw-knob JSR2 .adsr-view/x2 LDZ2 #0010 -- .adsr-view/y1 LDZ2 .Audio0/volume DEI #0f AND ;draw-knob JSR2 RTN @draw-wave ( -- ) ( clear ) .wave-view/x1 LDZ2 .wave-view/y1 LDZ2 .wave-view/x2 LDZ2 INC2 .wave-view/y2 LDZ2 #00 ;fill-rect JSR2 #01 ;draw-wave-length JSR2 .wave-view/x1 LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2 ( waveform ) #ff #00 &loop ( dotted line ) DUP #01 AND ,&no-dot JCN .wave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0010 ++ .Screen/y DEO2 #03 .Screen/pixel DEO &no-dot #00 OVR .Audio0/addr DEI2 ++ LDA 2/ TOS 4// .wave-view/y1 LDZ2 ++ .Screen/y DEO2 .Screen/x DEI2 INC2 .Screen/x DEO2 ( draw ) DUP .Audio0/length DEI2 NIP > .Audio0/length DEI2 #0100 !! #0101 == DUP ADD INC .Screen/pixel DEO INC GTHk ,&loop JCN POP2 ( range ) AUTO-X .wave-view/x1 LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2 .wave-view/y1 LDZ2 #0010 -- .Screen/y DEO2 .Audio0/addr DEI2 #02 ;draw-short JSR2 .wave-view/x2 LDZ2 #0020 -- .Screen/x DEO2 .Audio0/length DEI2 #02 ;draw-short JSR2 AUTO-NONE RTN @draw-wave-length ( color -- ) STH .wave-view/x1 LDZ2 .Audio0/length DEI2 ++ .Screen/x DEO2 .wave-view/y1 LDZ2 DUP2 #0020 ++ SWP2 &loop DUP2 .Screen/y DEO2 ( draw ) STHkr .Screen/pixel DEO INC2 GTH2k ,&loop JCN POP2 POP2 POPr RTN @draw-knob ( x* y* value -- ) ( load ) STH .Screen/y DEO2 .Screen/x DEO2 ;knob-icns .Screen/addr DEO2 ( draw ) #01 .Screen/sprite DEO .Screen/x DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/x DEO2 ;knob-icns #0008 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 ( draw ) #01 .Screen/sprite DEO .Screen/y DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/y DEO2 ;knob-icns #0018 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 ( draw ) #01 .Screen/sprite DEO .Screen/x DEI2 #0008 -- .Screen/x DEO2 ;knob-icns #0010 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 ( draw ) #01 .Screen/sprite DEO .Screen/x DEI2 #0004 ++ .Screen/x DEO2 .Screen/y DEI2 #0008 ++ .Screen/y DEO2 ;font-hex #00 STHkr #30 SFT ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 ( draw ) #01 .Screen/sprite DEO .Screen/x DEI2 #0004 -- #00 #00 STHkr ;knob-offsetx ++ LDA ++ .Screen/x DEO2 .Screen/y DEI2 #0010 -- #00 #00 STHr ;knob-offsety ++ LDA ++ .Screen/y DEO2 ;knob-icns #0020 ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 ( draw ) #05 .Screen/sprite DEO RTN @draw-short ( short* color -- ) STH SWP STHkr ,draw-byte JSR STHr @draw-byte ( byte color -- ) STH DUP #04 SFT STHkr ,draw-hex JSR #0f AND STHr @draw-hex ( char color -- ) SWP TOS 8** ;font-hex ++ .Screen/addr DEO2 .Screen/sprite DEO RTN @fill-rect ( x1* y1* x2* y2* color -- ) ,&color STR ( x1 x2 y1 y2 ) ROT2 &ver ( save ) DUP2 .Screen/y DEO2 STH2 STH2 OVR2 OVR2 SWP2 &hor ( save ) DUP2 .Screen/x DEO2 ( draw ) ,&color LDR .Screen/pixel DEO ( incr ) INC2 OVR2 OVR2 GTS2 ,&hor JCN POP2 POP2 STH2r STH2r ( incr ) INC2 OVR2 OVR2 GTS2 ,&ver JCN POP2 POP2 POP2 POP2 RTN &color $1 @within-rect ( x* y* rect -- flag ) STH ( y < rect.y1 ) DUP2 STHkr #02 ADD LDZ2 LTH2 ,&skip JCN ( y > rect.y2 ) DUP2 STHkr #06 ADD LDZ2 GTH2 ,&skip JCN SWP2 ( x < rect.x1 ) DUP2 STHkr LDZ2 LTH2 ,&skip JCN ( x > rect.x2 ) DUP2 STHkr #04 ADD LDZ2 GTH2 ,&skip JCN POP2 POP2 POPr #01 RTN &skip POP2 POP2 POPr #00 RTN @cursor 80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000 @arrow-icns 0010 387c fe10 1000 0010 1010 fe7c 3810 @notes 30 32 34 35 37 39 3b 3c @keys-left-icns 7c7c 7c7c 7c7c 7c7c 7c7c 7c7c 7c7c 7e7f 7f7f 7f7f 7f7f 3e00 @keys-middle-icns 1c1c 1c1c 1c1c 1c1c 1c1c 1c1c 1c1c 3e7f 7f7f 7f7f 7f7f 3e00 @keys-right-icns 1f1f 1f1f 1f1f 1f1f 1f1f 1f1f 1f1f 3f7f 7f7f 7f7f 7f7f 3e00 @knob-icns 0003 0c10 2020 4040 00c0 3008 0404 0202 4040 2020 100c 0300 0202 0404 0830 c000 0000 183c 3c18 0000 @knob-offsetx 01 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 08 08 08 07 @knob-offsety 07 06 05 03 02 01 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 05 06 07 @font-hex ( 0-F ) 007c 8282 8282 827c 0030 1010 1010 1010 007c 8202 7c80 80fe 007c 8202 1c02 827c 000c 1424 4484 fe04 00fe 8080 7c02 827c 007c 8280 fc82 827c 007c 8202 1e02 0202 007c 8282 7c82 827c 007c 8282 7e02 827c 007c 8202 7e82 827e 00fc 8282 fc82 82fc 007c 8280 8080 827c 00fc 8282 8282 82fc 007c 8280 f080 827c 007c 8280 f080 8080 @sin-pcm 8083 8689 8c8f 9295 989b 9ea1 a4a7 aaad b0b3 b6b9 bbbe c1c3 c6c9 cbce d0d2 d5d7 d9db dee0 e2e4 e6e7 e9eb ecee f0f1 f2f4 f5f6 f7f8 f9fa fbfb fcfd fdfe fefe fefe fffe fefe fefe fdfd fcfb fbfa f9f8 f7f6 f5f4 f2f1 f0ee eceb e9e7 e6e4 e2e0 dedb d9d7 d5d2 d0ce cbc9 c6c3 c1be bbb9 b6b3 b0ad aaa7 a4a1 9e9b 9895 928f 8c89 8683 807d 7a77 7471 6e6b 6865 625f 5c59 5653 504d 4a47 4542 3f3d 3a37 3532 302e 2b29 2725 2220 1e1c 1a19 1715 1412 100f 0e0c 0b0a 0908 0706 0505 0403 0302 0202 0202 0102 0202 0202 0303 0405 0506 0708 090a 0b0c 0e0f 1012 1415 1719 1a1c 1e20 2225 2729 2b2e 3032 3537 3a3d 3f42 4547 4a4d 5053 5659 5c5f 6265 686b 6e71 7477 7a7d