( tests/opcodes : automated testing of opcodes This file generates a lot of stack underflows on purpose: it's handy to supress all the warning by piping through grep | grep -vF 'Halted: Working-stack underflow' ) ;test { code 2 label 2 status 1 } ;counts { failed 2 passed 2 unknown 2 } ;number { started 1 } |0110 ;Console { vector 2 pad 6 char 1 byte 1 short 2 string 2 } |01F0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors ) %PASS? { ,result JMP2 BRK2r LITr EOR2 DUP } %PASS { #01 PASS? } %FAIL { #00 PASS? } |0200 @tests ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two 00 ] #01 ADD FAIL [ add-needs-two 00 ] #01 #02 ADD #03 EQU PASS? [ add-result 00 ] LITr [ fe ] STHr #fe EQU PASS? [ litr 00 ] LIT2r [ fe dc ] STH2r #fedc EQU2 PASS? [ lit2r 00 ] #01 #02 ADD #ff EQU PASS? [ this-test-fails 00 ] ,finish JMP2 @RESET ,tests =test.code ,strings-start ,print-string JSR2 BRK @ERROR BRK @FRAME ~test.status ,recover JNZ2 #01 =test.status ~test.code DUP2 ,find-label JSR2 DUP2 =test.label ,find-code JSR2 =test.code JMP2 @find-label ( ptr₂ -- following-label-ptr₂ ) DUP2 PEK2 LIT BRK2r NEQ ^$next JNZ DUP2 #0001 ADD2 PEK2 LIT LITr NEQ ^$next JNZ DUP2 #0002 ADD2 PEK2 LIT EOR2 NEQ ^$next JNZ DUP2 #0003 ADD2 PEK2 LIT DUP NEQ ^$next JNZ #0004 ADD2 JMP2r $next #0001 ADD2 ^find-label JMP @find-code ( label-ptr₂ -- following-code-ptr₂ ) DUP2 PEK2 ,$not-end JNZ2 $end #0001 ADD2 JMP2r $not-end #0001 ADD2 ^find-code JMP @recover ( would it have been a PASS or FAIL? ) ~test.label #000a SUB2 PEK2 LIT LIT EQU ,$clear JNZ2 #02 ^result JMP $clear ( I would have executed a PASS or FAIL, so invert the result ) ~test.label #0009 SUB2 PEK2 #00 EQU ^result JMP @result DUP #02 MUL #00 SWP ,counts ADD2 DUP2 LDR2 #0001 ADD2 SWP2 STR2 #00 =test.status ,strings-test ^print-string JSR #00 SWP ,strings-pass ,strings-fail SUB2 MUL2 ,strings-fail ADD2 ^print-string JSR ,strings-colon ^print-string JSR ~test.label ^print-string JSR #0a =Console.char POP #fc JMP BRK @finish ,strings-finish ^print-string JSR ~counts.passed ^print-decimal JSR ,strings-passed ^print-string JSR ~counts.failed ^print-decimal JSR ,strings-failed ^print-string JSR ~counts.unknown ^print-decimal JSR ,strings-unknown ^print-string JSR ( stop executing tests ) LIT BRK ,FRAME POK2 BRK @print-string ( string₂ -- ) DUP2 PEK2 DUP ,$not-end JNZ2 $end POP POP2 JMP2r $not-end DUP LIT BRK2r EQU ,$end JNZ2 =Console.char #0001 ADD2 ^print-string JMP @print-decimal ( short₂ -- ) #00 =number.started DUP2 #2710 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #2710 MUL2 SUB2 DUP2 #03e8 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #03e8 MUL2 SUB2 DUP2 #0064 DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #0064 MUL2 SUB2 DUP2 #000a DIV2 DUP2 ^$digit JSR #000a MUL2 SUB2 ^$digit JSR ~number.started #00 EQU JMP JMP2r #30 =Console.char JMP2r $digit SWP POP DUP ~number.started ORA #02 JNZ POP JMP2r #30 ADD =Console.char #01 =number.started JMP2r @print-short ( short₂ -- ) #30 =Console.char #78 =Console.char DUP2 #000c SFT2 ^$digit JSR DUP2 #0008 SFT2 ^$digit JSR DUP2 #0004 SFT2 ^$digit JSR ^$digit JSR JMP2r $digit #0f AND DUP #0a LTH #03 JNZ #27 ADD #30 ADD =Console.char POP JMP2r @strings $start [ 0a Testing 20 started. 0a 0a 00 ] $test [ Test 20 00 ] $fail [ FAIL 00 ] $pass [ pass 00 ] [ UNKNOWN 00 ] $at [ at 20 00 ] $colon [ : 20 00 ] $finish [ 0a Testing 20 complete. 0a 00 ] $passed [ 20 passed, 20 00 ] $failed [ 20 failed, 20 00 ] $unknown [ 20 were 20 unknown. 0a 00 ]