( in-Uxn debugger ) ( To use, include this file just before the BRK in the program reset routine, e.g.: |0100 ( -> ) ( theme ) #0fe5 .System/r DEO2 #0fc5 .System/g DEO2 #0f25 .System/b DEO2 ~projects/library/debugger.tal BRK The debugger will catch stack errors that arise after that point. ) %BREAKPOINT { LIT2r :debug JSR2r } @debug-start ;debug-vector .System/vector DEO2 ;debug-end JMP2 @debug ( pc* -- ) #0001 SUB2 .System/eaddr DEO2 .System/ecode DEIk #f8 AND #06 EOR SWP DEO ,debug-vector/main JMP @debug-vector ( -> ) STH STH STH STH ( <- only run in case of working stack overflow ) &main ( flush the working stack ) .System/wst DEI ;debug-wst/ptr STA &flush-wst .System/wst DEI #00 EQU ,&end-flush-wst JCN #00 .System/wst DEI #0002 SUB2 ;debug-wst/dat ADD2 STA ,&flush-wst JMP &end-flush-wst ( in case of working stack overflow, we need to append the four return stack bytes ) .System/ecode DEI #02 NEQ ,&skip-wst-append JCN #00 ;debug-wst/ptr LDAk ( 00 ptr-hi ptr-lo ptr / ... z y x w ) DUP #04 ADD OVR2 STA ROT ROT ADD2 ( start* / ... z y x w ) INC2 DUP2 #0004 ADD2 SWP2 ( end* start* / ... z y x w ) &loop DUP2 STHr ROT ROT STA INC2 GTH2k ,&loop JCN POP2 POP2 &skip-wst-append ( flush the return stack ) .System/rst DEI ;debug-rst/ptr STA &flush-rst .System/rst DEI #00 EQU ,&end-flush-rst JCN STHr #00 .System/rst DEI ;debug-rst/dat ADD2 STA ,&flush-rst JMP &end-flush-rst ( Version 0.1 functionality: print the error and exit ) ;debug-print-error JSR2 #01 .System/halt DEO BRK @debug-print-opcode ( instr -- ) DUP ,¬-brk JCN POP ;&brk-msg ;debug-print JMP2 ( tail call ) &brk-msg "BRK 00 ¬-brk #00 OVR #1f AND #03 MUL ;&opcode-names ADD2 ( instr addr* ) LDAk .Console/write DEO INC2 LDAk .Console/write DEO INC2 LDA .Console/write DEO DUP #1f AND ,¬-lit JCN #7f AND ¬-lit DUP #20 AND #00 EQU ,¬-2 JCN LIT '2 .Console/write DEO ¬-2 DUP #80 AND #00 EQU ,¬-k JCN LIT 'k .Console/write DEO ¬-k #40 AND #00 EQU ,¬-r JCN LIT 'r .Console/write DEO ¬-r JMP2r &opcode-names "LITINCPOPDUPNIPSWPOVRROT "EQUNEQGTHLTHJMPJCNJSRSTH "LDZSTZLDRSTRLDASTADEIDEO "ADDSUBMULDIVANDORAEORSFT @debug-print ( addr* -- ) LDAk #00 EQU ,&end JCN LDAk .Console/write DEO INC2 ,debug-print JMP &end POP2 JMP2r @debug-print-error ;&halted-msg ,debug-print JSR #00 .System/ecode DEI #07 AND #20 SFT2 ;&messages-table ADD2 LDA2k ,debug-print JSR INC2 INC2 LDA2 ,debug-print JSR ;&executing-msg ,debug-print JSR .System/eaddr DEI2 LDA ;debug-print-opcode JSR2 ;&at-msg ,debug-print JSR .System/eaddr DEI2 ;debug-print-hex-short JSR2 #0a .Console/write DEO ;&wst-msg ,debug-print JSR ;&contents-msg ,debug-print JSR ;debug-wst ;debug-print-stack JSR2 #0a .Console/write DEO ;&rst-msg ,debug-print JSR ;&contents-msg ,debug-print JSR ;debug-rst ;debug-print-stack JSR2 #0a .Console/write DEO JMP2r &messages-table :&wst-msg :&underflow-msg :&rst-msg :&underflow-msg :&wst-msg :&overflow-msg :&rst-msg :&overflow-msg :&wst-msg :&divzero-msg :&rst-msg :&divzero-msg :&userdef-msg :&breakpoint-msg :&userdef-msg :&custom-msg &halted-msg "Halted: 2000 ( #0002, at 0x0100 ) &wst-msg "Working-stack 2000 &rst-msg "Return-stack 2000 &userdef-msg "User-defined 2000 &underflow-msg "underflow 00 &overflow-msg "overflow 00 &divzero-msg "division 20 "by 20 "zero 00 &breakpoint-msg "breakpoint 00 &custom-msg "custom 20 "error 00 &executing-msg 20 "executing 2000 &at-msg 20 "at 20 "0x 00 &contents-msg "contents: 00 @debug-print-hex-short ( value* -- ) SWP ,debug-print-hex-byte JSR ( fall through ) @debug-print-hex-byte ( value -- ) DUP #04 SFT ,debug-print-hex-nibble JSR #0f AND ( fall through ) @debug-print-hex-nibble ( value -- ) #30 ADD DUP #39 GTH #27 MUL ADD .Console/write DEO JMP2r @debug-print-stack ( addr* -- ) LDAk ,¬-empty JCN POP2 ;&empty-msg ;debug-print JMP2 ( tail call ) ¬-empty LDAk STH INC2 ( dat* / count ) &loop STHkr #00 EQU ,&end JCN #20 .Console/write DEO LDAk ,debug-print-hex-byte JSR INC2 LITr 01 SUBr ,&loop JMP &end POP2 POPr JMP2r &empty-msg 20 "(empty) 00 @debug-wst &ptr $1 &dat $ff @debug-rst &ptr $1 &dat $ff @debug-end