( File: Creates a temporary file called file-output.txt, then read it back in console, print length and delete it. ) |a0 @File0 &vector $2 &success $2 &stat $2 &delete $1 &append $1 &name $2 &length $2 &read $2 &write $2 |b0 @File1 &vector $2 &success $2 &stat $2 &delete $1 &append $1 &name $2 &length $2 &read $2 &write $2 |0100 ( -> ) ( write a file with file0 ) ;filepath-txt .File0/name DEO2 ;part1 ,append JSR ;part2 ,append JSR ( close file before changing device ) .File0/name DEI2k ROT DEO2 ( read a file with file1 ) ;filepath-txt .File1/name DEO2 ,stream JSR ( delete file with file0 ) ;filepath-txt .File0/delete DEO2 BRK @append ( part* -- ) DUP2 ;print-str JSR2 DUP2 ;slen JSR2 STH2k .File0/length DEO2 .File0/write DEO2 ( print result ) ;saved-txt ;print-str JSR2 STH2r ;print JSR2 #2018 DEO ;bytes-txt ;print-str JSR2 #0a18 DEO JMP2r @stream ( -- ) #0001 .File1/length DEO2 LIT2r 0000 &stream ;&buf DUP2 .File1/read DEO2 LDA #18 DEO INC2r .File1/success DEI2 #0000 NEQ2 ,&stream JCN ( print result ) ;loaded-txt ;print-str JSR2 STH2r ;print JSR2 #2018 DEO ;bytes-txt ;print-str JSR2 #0a18 DEO JMP2r &buf $1 @slen ( str* -- len* ) DUP2 ,scap JSR SWP2 SUB2 JMP2r @scap ( str* -- end* ) LDAk #00 NEQ JMP JMP2r &while INC2 LDAk ,&while JCN JMP2r @print ( short* -- ) &short ( short* -- ) SWP ,&byte JSR &byte ( byte -- ) DUP #04 SFT ,&char JSR &char ( char -- ) #0f AND DUP #09 GTH #27 MUL ADD #30 ADD #18 DEO JMP2r @print-str ( str* -- ) &while LDAk #18 DEO INC2 LDAk ,&while JCN POP2 JMP2r @saved-txt "Saved 20 $1 @loaded-txt "Loaded 20 $1 @bytes-txt "bytes. $1 @filepath-txt "file-output.txt $1 @part1 596f 7572 2073 6163 7265 6420 706c 616e 7473 2c20 6966 2068 6572 6520 6265 6c6f 772c 0a4f 6e6c 7920 616d 6f6e 6720 7468 6520 706c 616e 7473 2077 696c 6c20 6772 6f77 2e0a 00 @part2 536f 6369 6574 7920 6973 2061 6c6c 2062 7574 2072 7564 652c 0a54 6f20 7468 6973 2064 656c 6963 696f 7573 2073 6f6c 6974 7564 652e 0a