@load-rom ( filename* -- ) ( Attempts to load the ROM from filename* and executes it. If the file exists and has non-zero length, this function does not return, because the new ROM is executing in its place. The screen and both stacks are cleared and all the device vectors are written to zero as a convenience. All other device bytes are left untouched, so they could introduce a device state to the next ROM that it's not expecting. ) .File/name DEO2 ( clear wst ) #ab &wst-loop POP .System/wst STH DEIr STHr ,&wst-loop JCN ( clear rst ) LITr ab &rst-loop POPr .System/rst DEI ,&rst-loop JCN ( clear screen ) #0000 DUP2 .Screen/x DEO2 .Screen/y DEO2 #80 .Screen/pixel DEO #c0 .Screen/pixel DEO ( reset device vectors ) LIT2r 0000 #00 &device-vector-loop DUP2r STHk DEO2r #10 ADD DUP ,&device-vector-loop JCN POP POP2r ( copy the zero-page-loader into f0-ff ) ;&zero-page-loader LITr f0 ©-loop LDAk STHkr STZ INC2 INCr STHkr ,©-loop JCN POP2 ( leave 00 on return stack ) ( prepare the stack for the zero-page-loader ) ( the more we prepare here in advance, the less we'll have to overwrite ) STHkr #00fe ( arguments for STZ2 at ff ) STHkr ( argument for JMP at fe (carry on) ) DUPk #fcfe ( arguments for STZ2 at fd and JMP (repeat) ) OVR2 #fafe ( arguments for STZ2 at fd and JMP (repeat) ) OVR2 #f8fe ( arguments for STZ2 at fd and JMP (repeat) ) OVR2 #f6fe ( arguments for STZ2 at fd and JMP (repeat) ) OVR2 #f401 ( arguments for STZ2 at fd, plus an extra 01 ) STHkr ( first argument for ADD2 ) .File/success ( argument for DEI2 ) #0100 .File/read ( arguments for DEO2 ) #ff00 .File/length DEO2 #00f0 JMP2 &zero-page-loader ( f0 ) DEO2 ( f1 ) DEI2 ( f2 ) ADD2 ( f3 ) &loop DUPr ( f4 ) STH2k ( f5 ) STAr ( f6 ) INC2 ( f7 ) NEQ2k ( f8 ) ,&loop ( f9 ) ( fa ) JCN ( fb ) POPr ( fc ) POP2 ( fd ) STZ2 ( deletes f4-fd through looping ) ( fe ) JMP ( ff ) STZ2 ( deletes fe-ff ) &tmp $1