( Asma - an in-Uxn assembler This assembler aims to be binary compatible with the output from src/uxnasm.c, but unlike that assembler this one can be run inside Uxn itself! Asma is designed to be able to be copy-pasted inside another project, so all its routines are prefixed with "asma-" to prevent clashes with labels used in the incorporating project. The reset vector contains a couple of examples of asma's usage and can be discarded. ) ( Common macros for use later on. ) %asma-IF-ERROR { ;asma/error LDA2 ORA } ( Asma's public interface. These routines are what are expected to be called from programs that bundle Asma into bigger projects. ) @asma-assemble-file ( src-filename* dest-filename* -- ) #01 .File/append DEO DUP2 .File/name DEO2 #01 .File/delete DEO ;asma/dest-filename STA2 ;asma/src-filename STA2 ;asma-init-first-pass JSR2 ;asma-flush-ignore ;asma/flush-fn STA2 ;asma/src-filename LDA2 ;asma-assemble-file-pass JSR2 asma-IF-ERROR ,&error JCN ;asma-init-next-pass JSR2 ;asma-flush-to-file ;asma/flush-fn STA2 ;asma/dest-filename LDA2 ORA ,&filename-present JCN ;asma-flush-to-console ;asma/flush-fn STA2 &filename-present ;asma/src-filename LDA2 ;asma-assemble-file-pass JSR2 asma-IF-ERROR ,&error JCN ( flush output buffer ) ;asma-output/ptr LDA2 ;asma-write-buffer SUB2 ;asma/flush-fn LDA2 JSR2 ;asma-trees/labels ;asma-print-labels JSR2 ( DEBUG ) ;asma-print-line-count JSR2 ( DEBUG ) ;asma-print-heap-usage JSR2 ( DEBUG ) JMP2r &error ;asma-print-error JSR2 ( DEBUG ) JMP2r ( Debugging routines. These all output extra information to the Console. These can be stripped out to save space, once the references to them are removed. Look for the word DEBUG above to find these references: the lines that contain that word can be deleted to strip out the functionality cleanly. ) @asma-print-error ( -- ) .File/name DEI2 ;asma-print-string JSR2 ;&line ;asma-print-string JSR2 ;asma/line LDA2 ;asma-print-short JSR2 #3a .Console/error DEO #20 .Console/error DEO ;asma/error LDA2 ;asma-print-string JSR2 #3a .Console/error DEO #20 .Console/error DEO ;asma/orig-token LDA2 ;asma-print-string JSR2 #2e .Console/error DEO #0a .Console/error DEO JMP2r &line 20 "line 20 00 @asma-print-line-count ( -- ) ;asma/log-level LDA #01 AND #00 EQU ,&skip JCN ;asma/lines LDA2 ;asma-print-short JSR2 ;&lines ;asma-print-string JSR2 &skip JMP2r &lines [ 20 "lines 20 "of 20 "source 20 "code. 0a 00 ] @asma-print-heap-usage ( -- ) ;asma/log-level LDA #08 AND #00 EQU ,&skip JCN ;heap LDA2 ;asma-heap SUB2 ;asma-print-short JSR2 ;&str1 ;asma-print-string JSR2 ;asma-heap/end ;heap LDA2 SUB2 ;asma-print-short JSR2 ;&str2 ;asma-print-string JSR2 &skip JMP2r &str1 [ 20 "bytes 20 "of 20 "heap 20 "used, 20 00 ] &str2 [ 20 "bytes 20 "free. 0a 00 ] @asma-print-sublabels ( incoming-ptr* -- ) LDA2 ORAk ,&valid-incoming-ptr JCN POP2 JMP2r &valid-incoming-ptr ( left node ) DUP2 ,asma-print-sublabels JSR ( here ) #09 .Console/error DEO DUP2 #0004 ADD2 &loop DUP2 INC2 SWP2 LDA DUP #00 EQU ,&end JCN .Console/error DEO ,&loop JMP &end POP #09 .Console/error DEO LDA2 ;asma-print-short JSR2 #0a .Console/error DEO ( right node ) #0002 ADD2 ,asma-print-sublabels JSR JMP2r @asma-print-labels ( incoming-ptr* -- ) ;asma/log-level LDA #04 AND #00 EQU ,&skip JCN LDA2 ORAk ,&valid-incoming-ptr JCN &skip POP2 JMP2r &valid-incoming-ptr ( left node ) DUP2 ,asma-print-labels JSR ( here ) DUP2 #0004 ADD2 LDAk LIT "A LTH ,&loop JCN LDAk LIT "Z GTH ,&loop JCN POP2 ,&skip-device-label JMP &loop DUP2 INC2 SWP2 LDA DUP #00 EQU ,&end JCN .Console/error DEO ,&loop JMP &end POP #09 .Console/error DEO LDA2k ;asma-print-short JSR2 #0a .Console/error DEO ( subtree ) #0002 ADD2 ;asma-print-sublabels JSR2 &skip-device-label ( right node ) #0002 ADD2 ,asma-print-labels JSR JMP2r @asma-print-string ( ptr* -- ) LDAk DUP ,&keep-going JCN POP POP2 JMP2r &keep-going .Console/error DEO INC2 ,asma-print-string JMP @asma-print-short ( short* -- ) LIT "0 .Console/error DEO LIT "x .Console/error DEO OVR #04 SFT ,&hex JSR SWP #0f AND ,&hex JSR DUP #04 SFT ,&hex JSR #0f AND ,&hex JMP &hex #30 ADD DUP #3a LTH ,¬-alpha JCN #27 ADD ¬-alpha .Console/error DEO JMP2r ( Initialise the assembler state before loading a file or chunk. ) @asma-init-first-pass ( -- ) LIT2 POP2 POP EOR ;asma-parse-opcode/short-flag STA LIT2 POPr POP EOR ;asma-parse-opcode/return-flag STA LIT2 POPk POP EOR ;asma-parse-opcode/keep-flag STA #ff ;asma/pass STA #0000 DUP2k ;asma/error STA2 ;asma-trees/labels STA2 ;asma-trees/macros STA2 ;asma-opcodes/_entry ;asma-trees/opcodes STA2 ( fall through ) @asma-init-next-pass ( -- ) ;asma/pass LDA INC ;asma/pass STA ;asma-write-buffer ;asma-output/ptr STA2 #0100 DUP DUP2 ( 0100 00 0000 ) ;asma/addr STA2 ;asma/state STA ;asma/written-addr STA2 ;&preamble-end ;&preamble SUB2k ;asma-assemble-chunk JSR2 POP2 POP2 JMP2r &preamble "%BRK 20 "{ 20 "00 20 "} 20 "%[ 20 "{ 20 "} 20 "%] 20 "{ 20 "} 20 "@on-reset 20 &preamble-end ( Divide a file up into chunks, and pass each chunk to asma-assemble-chunk. ) @asma-assemble-file-pass ( filename-ptr* -- ) ;asma-assemble-chunk #0000 ROT2 ( func* line^ filename* ) ;asma-read-buffer DUP2 ;asma-read-buffer/end ROT2 SUB2 ( func* line^ filename* buf* size^ ) ROT2 ( func* line^ buf* size^ filename* ) ,file-read-chunks JSR asma-IF-ERROR ,&error JCN &error POP2 POP2 POP2 POP2 POP2 JMP2r @file-read-chunks ( func* udata* buf* size* filename* -- func* udata'* buf* size* filename* ) #0000 DUP2 ( F* U* B* SZ* FN* OL* OH* / ) &resume ROT2 STH2 ( F* U* B* SZ* OL* OH* / FN* ) ROT2 ( F* U* B* OL* OH* SZ* / FN* ) &loop STH2kr .File/name DEO2 ( F* U* B* OL* OH* SZ* / FN* ) STH2k ,ffwd/length STR2 ( F* U* B* OL* OH* / FN* SZ* ) STH2 ( F* U* B* OL* / FN* SZ* OH* ) STH2k ,ffwd/offset STR2 ( F* U* B* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) DUP2 ,ffwd/addr STR2 ,ffwd JSR SWP2 ( F* B* U* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) ROT2k NIP2 ( F* B* U* B* F* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) OVR2 .File/read DEO2 ( F* B* U* B* F* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) .File/success DEI2 SWP2 ( F* B* U* B* length* F* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) JSR2 ( F* B* U'* done-up-to* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) ROT2 SWP2 ( F* U'* B* done-up-to* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) SUB2k NIP2 ( F* U'* B* -done-length* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) ORAk ,¬-end JCN ( F* U'* B* -done-length* / FN* SZ* OH* OL* ) POP2 POP2r POP2r ( F* U'* B* / FN* SZ* ) STH2r STH2r ( F* U'* B* SZ* FN* / ) JMP2r ¬-end STH2r SWP2 ( F* U'* B* OL* -done-length* / FN* SZ* OH* ) LTH2k JMP INC2r ( F* U'* B* OL* -done-length* / FN* SZ* OH'* ) SUB2 ( F* U'* B* OL'* / FN* SZ* OH'* ) STH2r STH2r ( F* U'* B* OL'* OH'* SZ* / FN* ) ,&loop JMP @ffwd LIT2 &length $2 LIT2 &offset $2 &coarse ( length* offset* ) GTH2k ,&fine JCN OVR2 .File/length DEO2 ,&addr LDR2 .File/read DEO2 OVR2 SUB2 ,&coarse JMP &fine ( length* offset* ) .File/length DEO2 ( length* ) ,&addr LDR2 .File/read DEO2 .File/length DEO2 ( ) JMP2r &addr $2 ( Assemble a chunk of source code, which begins with whitespace or the start of a token and is divided up into tokens separated by whitespace. If the chunk ends with whitespace, assembled-up-to-ptr* will equal ptr* + len* and every token in the chunk will have been assembled. If the chunk ends with a non-whitespace character, assembled-up-to-ptr* will point to the beginning of the last token in the chunk. ) @asma-assemble-chunk ( line^ chunk* len^ -- line^ assembled-up-to-chunk* ) ROT2 STH2 ( chunk* len^ / line^ ) OVR2 ADD2 ( chunk* end-chunk* / line^ ) OVR2 ;asma-read-buffer EQU2 STH DUP2 ;asma-read-buffer/end NEQ2 STHr AND ;asma/eof STA SWP2 STH2k ( end-chunk* chunk* / line^ start-of-token* ) &loop ( end-chunk* char* / line^ start-of-token* ) LDAk #21 LTH ,&whitespace JCN INC2 ,&loop JMP &whitespace ( end-chunk* ws-char* / line^ start-of-token* ) GTH2k ,&within-chunk JCN ;asma/eof LDA ,&eof JCN ( reached the end of the chunk, start-of-token* is where we assembled up to ) POP2 POP2 STH2r STH2r SWP2 JMP2r &within-chunk ( end-chunk* ws-char* / line^ start-of-token* ) LDAk #0a NEQ ( end-chunk* ws-char* not-newline / line^ start-of-token* ) #00 OVR2 STA STH2r ,asma-assemble-token JSR ( end-chunk* ws-char* not-newline / line^ ) asma-IF-ERROR ,&error JCN ,¬-newline JCN ,asma/lines LDR2 INC2 ,asma/lines STR2 ¬-newline ( end-chunk* ws-char* / line^ ) ;asma/break LDA ,&break JCN INC2 STH2k ( end-chunk* start-of-token* / line^ start-of-token* ) ,&loop JMP &break ( end-chunk* ws-char* / line^ ) ( the read buffer has been invalidated, ws-char* plus one is where we assembled up to ) ;asma/break LDA #01 SUB ;asma/break STA INC2 NIP2 ( assembled-up-to-ptr* / line^ ) STH2r SWP2 JMP2r &error ( end-chunk* ws-char* not-newline / line^ ) ( return no progress with assembly to make file-read-chunks exit ) POP POP2 POP2 STH2kr ;asma/line STA2 STH2r ;asma-read-buffer JMP2r &eof ( end-chunk* ws-char* / line^ start-of-token* ) ( reached the end of file, end-chunk* is safe to write since the buffer is bigger ) ( return no progress with assembly to make file-read-chunks exit ) POP2 ( end-chunk* / line^ start-of-token* ) #00 ROT ROT STA ( / line^ start-of-token* ) STH2r ,asma-assemble-token JSR ( / line^ ) STH2r ;asma-read-buffer JMP2r @asma [ &pass $1 &state $1 &line $2 &lines $2 &break $1 &eof $1 &comment-level $1 &token $2 &orig-token $2 &addr $2 &written-addr $2 &flush-fn $2 &src-filename $2 &dest-filename $2 &error $2 &log-level $1 ] @asma-trees [ &labels $2 ¯os $2 &opcodes $2 &scope $2 ] ( The main routine to assemble a single token. asma/state contains several meaningful bits: 0x02 we are in a comment, 0x04 we are in a macro body, 0x10 we are in a macro body that we are ignoring (because the macro was already defined in a previous pass). Since 0x10 never appears without 0x04, the lowest bit set in asma/state is always 0x00, 0x02, or 0x04, which is very handy for use with jump tables. The lowest bit set can be found easily by #00 (n) SUBk AND. ) @asma-assemble-token ( string-ptr* -- ) DUP2 ;asma/token STA2 DUP2 ;asma/orig-token STA2 LDAk ,¬-empty JCN POP2 JMP2r ¬-empty ( token* / ) ( truncate to one char long ) INC2 ( end* / ) STH2k LDAkr ( end* / end* char ) STH2k ( end* / end* char end* ) LITr 00 STH2 ( / end* char end* 00 end* ) STAr ( / end* char end* ) #00 ;asma/state LDA SUBk AND ( tree-offset* / end* ) DUP2 ;&first-char-trees ADD2 ( tree-offset* incoming-ptr* / end* ) ;asma-traverse-tree JSR2 ( restore truncated char ) STAr ,¬-found JCN ( tree-offset* token-routine-ptr* / end* ) STH2r ;asma/token STA2 NIP2 LDA2 JMP2 ( tail call ) ¬-found ( tree-offset* dummy* / end* ) POP2 POP2r ;&body-routines ADD2 LDA2 JMP2 ( tail call ) &first-char-trees :asma-first-char-normal/_entry :asma-first-char-comment/_entry :asma-first-char-macro/_entry &body-routines :asma-normal-body :asma-ignore :asma-macro-body @asma-parse-hex-digit ( charcode -- 00-0f if valid hex OR 10-ff otherwise ) DUP #3a LTH ,&digit JCN DUP #60 GTH ,&letter JCN JMP2r &digit #30 SUB JMP2r &letter #57 SUB JMP2r @asma-parse-hex-string ( strict -- value* 06 if valid hex and (length == 4 or (length == 3 and not strict)) OR value* 03 if valid hex and (length == 2 or (length == 1 and not strict)) OR 00 otherwise ) STH ;asma/token LDA2 DUP2 ,strlen JSR ( token* length^ ) DUP STHr AND ,&fail2 JCN DUP2 #0004 GTH2 ,&fail2 JCN ORAk #00 EQU ,&fail2 JCN #0002 GTH2 ROT ROT LIT2r 0000 &loop LDAk DUP ,¬-end JCN POP POP2 STH2r ROT INC DUPk ADD ADD JMP2r ¬-end ,asma-parse-hex-digit JSR DUP #f0 AND ,&fail JCN LITr 40 SFT2r LITr 00 STH ADD2r INC2 ,&loop JMP &fail POP2r &fail2 POP2 POP2 #00 JMP2r ~projects/library/string.tal @asma-traverse-tree ( incoming-ptr* -- binary-ptr* 00 if key found OR node-incoming-ptr* 01 if key not found ) ;asma/token LDA2 ( fall through to traverse-tree ) ~projects/library/binary-tree.tal @asma-parse-opcode ( -- byte 00 if valid opcode OR 01 otherwise ) ;asma/token LDA2 DUP2 ,strlen JSR #0003 LTH2 ,&too-short JCN ( truncate to three chars long ) #0003 ADD2 ( end* / ) STH2k LDAkr ( end* / end* char ) STH2k ( end* / end* char end* ) LITr 00 STH2 ( / end* char end* 00 end* ) STAr ( / end* char end* ) ;asma-trees/opcodes ;asma-traverse-tree JSR2 STAr ,¬-found JCN ;asma-opcodes/_disasm SUB2 #03 SFT2 ( 00 byte / end* ) DUP #00 EQU ,&set-keep JCN ( force keep flag for LIT ) &loop LDAkr STHr LIT2r 0001 ADD2r ( 00 byte char / end* ) DUP ,¬-end JCN POP POP2r SWP JMP2r ¬-end DUP LIT "2 NEQ ,¬-two JCN POP LIT &short-flag $1 ORA ,&loop JMP ¬-two DUP LIT "r NEQ ,¬-return JCN POP LIT &return-flag $1 ORA ,&loop JMP ¬-return LIT "k NEQ ,¬-keep JCN &set-keep LIT &keep-flag $1 ORA ,&loop JMP ¬-keep ( 00 byte / end* ) ¬-found ( incoming-ptr* / end* ) POP2r &too-short ( token* / ) POP2 #01 JMP2r @asma-write-lit ( byte -- ) LIT LIT ,asma-write-byte JSR ,asma-write-byte JSR JMP2r @asma-advance-addr ( delta* -- ) ;asma/addr LDA2k ( delta* ptr* value* ) ROT2 ADD2 ( ptr* new-value* ) SWP2 STA2 JMP2r @asma-write-short ( short -- ) SWP ,asma-write-byte JSR ( fall through ) @asma-write-byte ( byte -- ) ;asma/addr LDA2 ;asma/written-addr LDA2 LTH2k ,&rewound JCN &loop EQU2k ,&ready JCN #00 ,&write JSR INC2 ,&loop JMP &rewound ;asma-msg-rewound ;asma/error STA2 POP2 POP2 POP JMP2r &ready POP2 INC2 DUP2 ;asma/addr STA2 ;asma/written-addr STA2 &write ,asma-output/ptr LDR2 DUP2 ;asma-write-buffer/end EQU2 ,&flush JCN &after-flush STH2k STA STH2r INC2 ,asma-output/ptr STR2 JMP2r &flush ( ptr* -- start-of-buffer* ) ;asma-write-buffer SUB2k ( ptr* start* len* ) ;asma/flush-fn LDA2 JSR2 NIP2 ( start* ) ,&after-flush JMP @asma-output [ &ptr $2 ] @asma-flush-ignore ( len* -- ) POP2 JMP2r @asma-flush-to-file ( len* -- ) .File/length DEO2 ;asma/dest-filename LDA2 .File/name DEO2 ;asma-write-buffer .File/write DEO2 JMP2r @asma-flush-to-console ( len* -- ) ORAk ,¬-empty JCN POP2 JMP2r ¬-empty ;asma-write-buffer DUP2 ROT2 ADD2 SWP2 ( end* ptr* ) &loop ( end* ptr* ) LDAk .Console/write DEO INC2 GTH2k ,&loop JCN POP2 POP2 JMP2r ~projects/library/heap.tal ( First character routines. The following routines (that don't have a FORTH-like signature) are called to deal with tokens that begin with particular first letters, or (for -body routines) tokens that fail to match any first letter in their tree. ) %asma-STATE-SET { ;asma/state LDA ORA ;asma/state STA } %asma-STATE-CLEAR { #ff EOR ;asma/state LDA AND ;asma/state STA } @asma-comment-more ;asma/token LDA2 ;strlen JSR2 ORA ,asma-ignore JCN @asma-comment-start ;asma/comment-level LDAk INC ROT ROT STA #02 asma-STATE-SET @asma-ignore JMP2r @asma-comment-less ;asma/token LDA2 ;strlen JSR2 ORA ,asma-ignore JCN ;asma/comment-level LDAk #01 SUB DUP SWP2 STA ,asma-ignore JCN @asma-comment-end #02 asma-STATE-CLEAR JMP2r @asma-macro-define ;asma/pass LDA ,&ignore-macro JCN ;asma-trees/macros ;asma-traverse-tree JSR2 ,¬-exist JCN POP2 ;asma-msg-macro ;asma/error STA2 JMP2r ¬-exist ( incoming-ptr* ) ( define macro by creating new node ) ;heap LDA2 SWP2 STA2 #0000 ;append-heap-short JSR2 ( less-than pointer ) #0000 ;append-heap-short JSR2 ( greater-than pointer ) ;asma/token LDA2 ;append-heap-string JSR2 ( key ) #04 asma-STATE-SET JMP2r &ignore-macro #14 asma-STATE-SET JMP2r @asma-macro-body ;asma/state LDA #10 AND ,&skip JCN ;asma/token LDA2 ;append-heap-string JSR2 &skip JMP2r @asma-macro-end #00 ;append-heap-byte JSR2 #14 asma-STATE-CLEAR JMP2r @asma-label-define ;asma-trees/labels ,asma-label-helper JSR ,&already-existed JCN #0000 ;append-heap-short JSR2 ( data2: subtree incoming ptr ) &already-existed #0002 ADD2 ;asma-trees/scope STA2 JMP2r @asma-sublabel-define ;asma-trees/scope LDA2 ,asma-label-helper JSR POP POP2 JMP2r @asma-label-helper ( incoming-ptr* -- binary-ptr* 01 if label existed already OR binary-ptr* 00 if label was created ) ;asma-traverse-tree JSR2 ,&new-label JCN ( label already exists ) LDA2k ;asma/addr LDA2 EQU2 ,&address-match JCN ;asma-msg-redefined ;asma/error STA2 &address-match #01 JMP2r &new-label ( incoming-ptr* ) ( define label by creating new node ) ;heap LDA2 SWP2 STA2 #0000 ;append-heap-short JSR2 ( less-than pointer ) #0000 ;append-heap-short JSR2 ( greater-than pointer ) ;asma/token LDA2 ;append-heap-string JSR2 ( key ) ;heap LDA2 ;asma/addr LDA2 ;append-heap-short JSR2 ( data1: address ) #00 JMP2r @asma-pad-absolute #0000 ;asma/addr STA2 ( fall through ) @asma-pad-relative #00 ;asma-parse-hex-string JSR2 ,&valid JCN ;asma-msg-hex ;asma/error STA2 JMP2r &valid ;asma-advance-addr JMP2 ( tail call ) @asma-raw-word ;asma/token LDA2 &loop LDAk DUP ,¬-end JCN POP POP2 JMP2r ¬-end ;asma-write-byte JSR2 INC2 ,&loop JMP @asma-literal-abs-addr LIT LIT2 ;asma-write-byte JSR2 ( fall through ) @asma-abs-addr ,asma-addr-helper JSR ;asma-write-short JMP2 ( tail call ) @asma-literal-zero-addr LIT LIT ;asma-write-byte JSR2 ( fall through ) @asma-zero-addr ,asma-addr-helper JSR ;asma-write-byte JSR2 ,¬-zero-page JCN JMP2r ¬-zero-page ;asma/pass LDA #00 EQU ;asma/error LDA2 ORA ORA ,&ignore-error JCN ;asma-msg-zero-page ;asma/error STA2 &ignore-error JMP2r @asma-literal-rel-addr LIT LIT ;asma-write-byte JSR2 ( fall through ) @asma-rel-addr ,asma-addr-helper JSR ;asma/addr LDA2 SUB2 #0002 SUB2 DUP2 #0080 LTH2 STH DUP2 #ff7f GTH2 STHr ORA ,&in-bounds JCN POP2 ;asma-msg-relative ;asma/error STA2 JMP2r &in-bounds ;asma-write-byte JSR2 POP JMP2r @asma-addr-helper ( -- addr* ) ;asma/token LDA2 LDAk #26 NEQ ,¬-local JCN INC2 ;asma/token STA2 ;asma-trees/scope LDA2 ,&final-lookup JMP ¬-local ( token* ) LDAk DUP ,¬-end JCN POP POP2 ;asma-trees/labels ,&final-lookup JMP ¬-end ( token* char ) #2f EQU ,&found-slash JCN INC2 ,¬-local JMP &found-slash ( token* ) DUP2 #00 ROT ROT STA ;asma-trees/labels ;asma-traverse-tree JSR2 STH SWP2 DUP2 #2f ROT ROT STA STHr ,¬-found2 JCN ( token* binary-ptr* ) INC2 ;asma/token STA2 #0002 ADD2 &final-lookup ( addr-offset* incoming-ptr* ) ;asma-traverse-tree JSR2 ,¬-found JCN LDA2 JMP2r ¬-found2 ( dummy* dummy* ) POP2 ¬-found ( dummy* ) POP2 ;asma/pass LDA #00 EQU ,&ignore-error JCN ;asma-msg-label ;asma/error STA2 &ignore-error ;asma/addr LDA2 JMP2r @asma-literal-hex #01 ;asma-parse-hex-string JSR2 JMP ( hex invalid ) ,&invalid JMP ( hex byte ) ,asma-byte-helper JMP ( hex short ) ,asma-short-helper JMP &invalid ;asma-msg-hex ;asma/error STA2 JMP2r @asma-byte-helper ( dummy value -- ) ;asma-write-lit JSR2 POP JMP2r &raw ;asma-write-byte JSR2 POP JMP2r @asma-short-helper ( value* -- ) LIT LIT2 ;asma-write-byte JSR2 &raw ;asma-write-short JMP2 ( tail call ) @asma-normal-body ;asma-parse-opcode JSR2 ,¬-opcode JCN ;asma-write-byte JMP2 ( tail call ) ¬-opcode #01 ;asma-parse-hex-string JSR2 JMP ( hex invalid ) ,¬-hex JMP ( hex byte ) ,asma-byte-helper/raw JMP ( hex short ) ,asma-short-helper/raw JMP ¬-hex .System/rst DEI #e0 GTH ,&too-deep JCN ;asma-trees/macros ;asma-traverse-tree JSR2 ,¬-macro JCN ¯o-loop LDAk ,&keep-going JCN POP2 JMP2r &keep-going DUP2k ;strlen JSR2 INC2 ADD2 SWP2 ;asma-assemble-token JSR2 asma-IF-ERROR ,¯o-error JCN ,¯o-loop JMP ¯o-error POP2 JMP2r ¬-macro POP2 ;asma-msg-token ;asma/error STA2 JMP2r &too-deep ;asma-msg-too-deep ;asma/error STA2 JMP2r @asma-include .System/rst DEI #e0 GTH ,asma-normal-body/too-deep JCN ;heap LDA2 ;asma/token LDA2 ;append-heap-string JSR2 ;asma-assemble-file-pass JSR2 ;asma/break LDAk INC ROT ROT STA JMP2r ( Error messages ) @asma-msg-hex "Invalid 20 "hexadecimal 00 @asma-msg-zero-page "Address 20 "not 20 "in 20 "zero 20 "page 00 @asma-msg-relative "Address 20 "outside 20 "range 00 @asma-msg-label "Label 20 "not 20 "found 00 @asma-msg-token "Unrecognised 20 "token 00 @asma-msg-macro "Macro 20 "already 20 "exists 00 @asma-msg-rewound "Memory 20 "overwrite 00 @asma-msg-too-deep "Recursion 20 "level 20 "too 20 "deep 00 @asma-msg-redefined "Label 20 "redefined 00 ( trees ) ( --- 8< ------- 8< --- cut here --- 8< ------- 8< --- ) ( automatically generated code below ) ( see etc/asma.moon for instructions ) ( label less greater key binary than than string data ) @asma-first-char-comment &28 $2 $2 "( 00 :asma-comment-more &_entry :&28 $2 ") 00 :asma-comment-less @asma-first-char-macro &28 $2 $2 "( 00 :asma-comment-start &29 :&28 $2 ") 00 :asma-comment-end &_entry :&29 :&7d "{ 00 :asma-ignore &7d $2 $2 "} 00 :asma-macro-end @asma-first-char-normal &22 $2 $2 "" 00 :asma-raw-word &23 :&22 $2 "# 00 :asma-literal-hex &24 :&23 :&25 "$ 00 :asma-pad-relative &25 $2 $2 "% 00 :asma-macro-define &26 :&24 :&2c 26 00 ( & ) :asma-sublabel-define &28 $2 $2 "( 00 :asma-comment-start &29 :&28 $2 ") 00 :asma-comment-end &2c :&29 :&2d ", 00 :asma-literal-rel-addr &2d $2 $2 "- 00 :asma-zero-addr &_entry :&26 :&5f ". 00 :asma-literal-zero-addr &3a $2 $2 ": 00 :asma-abs-addr &3b :&3a $2 "; 00 :asma-literal-abs-addr &3d :&3b :&40 "= 00 :asma-abs-addr &40 $2 $2 "@ 00 :asma-label-define &5f :&3d :&7d "_ 00 :asma-rel-addr &7b $2 $2 "{ 00 :asma-ignore &7c :&7b $2 "| 00 :asma-pad-absolute &7d :&7c :&7e "} 00 :asma-ignore &7e $2 $2 "~ 00 :asma-include @asma-opcodes &_entry :>H :&ROT &_disasm "LIT 00 &INC $2 $2 "INC 00 &POP $2 $2 "POP 00 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