( 100r animated logo splash screen by Andrew Alderwick, 2021 based on artwork by Hundred Rabbits ) ( devices ) |00 @System [ &vector $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &pad $4 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 &debug $1 &halt $1 ] |20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ] |b0 @DateTime [ &year $2 &month $1 &day $1 &hour $1 &minute $1 &second $1 &dotw $1 &doty $2 &isdst $1 ] ( variables ) |0000 ( program ) |0100 @Reset ( -> ) ( seed prng (must be nonzero) ) #00 .DateTime/second DEI #00 .DateTime/minute DEI #60 SFT2 EOR2 #00 .DateTime/hour DEI #c0 SFT2 EOR2 ;prng/x STA2 #00 .DateTime/hour DEI #04 SFT2 #00 .DateTime/day DEI #10 SFT2 EOR2 #00 .DateTime/month DEI #60 SFT2 EOR2 .DateTime/year DEI2 #a0 SFT2 EOR2 ;prng/y STA2 ;prng/x LDA2 ;prng/y LDA2 EOR2 ;rabbits STH2 #0f05 &loop-x #0f05 &loop-y ROTk SWP STH2kr STA2 POP INC2r INC2r INC GTHk ,&loop-y JCN POP2 INC GTHk ,&loop-x JCN POP2 POP2r ( fall through ) @repeat ;init-occupancy JSR2 #00 ;precalc-frame STA ;precalculate-vector .Screen/vector DEO2 BRK @init-occupancy ( -- ) #1400 &loop-y #1400 &loop-x ROTk #00 ;set-occupied JSR2 POP INC GTHk ,&loop-x JCN POP2 INC GTHk ,&loop-y JCN POP2 ;rabbits DUP2 #00c8 ADD2 SWP2 &loop-rabbits LDA2k #01 ;set-occupied JSR2 INC2 INC2 GTH2k ,&loop-rabbits JCN POP2 POP2 JMP2r @precalculate-vector ( -> ) ,precalculate JSR BRK @precalculate ( -- ) ;rabbits #00c8 OVR ,precalc-frame LDR MUL2 ADD2 ( first rabbit address ) DUP2 #00c8 ADD2 SWP2 &loop-rabbits DUP2 ,move-rabbit JSR INC2 INC2 GTH2k ,&loop-rabbits JCN POP2 POP2 ,precalc-frame LDR INC DUP ,precalc-frame STR #05 EQU JMP JMP2r ;display-init JSR2 ;display .Screen/vector DEO2 JMP2r @precalc-frame $1 @set-occupied ( x y value -- ) STH #00 SWP #0014 MUL2 ( x yoffset* / value ) ROT #00 SWP ADD2 ( offset* / value ) ;occupied ADD2 STH2 STAr JMP2r @move-rabbit ( addr* -- ) STH2k LDA2 ( x y / addr* ) DUP2 #00 ,set-occupied JSR ;&possible-moves ( x y possible* / addr* ) OVR2 #01 SUB ,&check-move JSR ( up ) OVR2 #01 ADD ,&check-move JSR ( down ) OVR2 #0100 SUB2 ,&check-move JSR ( left ) OVR2 #0100 ADD2 ,&check-move JSR ( right ) ;&possible-moves SUB2 ( x y num-possible-times-2* / addr* ) DUP ,&can-move JCN POP2 &write ( x y / addr* ) DUP2 #01 ,set-occupied JSR STH2r #00c8 ADD2 STA2 JMP2r &can-move ( x y num-possible-times-2* / addr* ) NIP2 ( num-possible-times-2* / addr* ) ,prng JSR SWP2 DIV2k MUL2 SUB2 #fe AND ( chosen-move* / addr* ) ;&possible-moves ADD2 LDA2 ,&write JMP &check-move ( possible* new-x new-y -- possible'* ) DUP2 ,get-occupied JSR ,&blocked JCN OVR2r LIT2r 00c8 SUB2r ( possible* new-x new-y / previous-frame-addr* ) &check-history-loop ;rabbits INC2 STH2kr GTH2 ,&history-okay JCN DUP2 STH2kr LDA2 EQU2 ,&history-clash JCN LIT2r 00c8 SUB2r ,&check-history-loop JMP &history-okay POP2r OVR2 STA2 INC2 INC2 JMP2r &history-clash ( possible* new-x new-y / previous-frame-addr* ) POP2r &blocked ( possible* new-x new-y ) POP2 JMP2r &possible-moves $10 @get-occupied ( x y -- value ) #00 SWP #0014 MUL2 ( x yoffset* ) ROT #00 SWP ADD2 ( offset* ) ;occupied ADD2 LDA JMP2r @prng ( -- number* ) LIT2 &x $2 DUP2 #50 SFT2 EOR2 DUP2 #03 SFT2 EOR2 LIT2 &y $2 DUP2 ,&x STR2 DUP2 #01 SFT2 EOR2 EOR2 ,&y STR2k POP JMP2r @display-init ( -- ) .Screen/width DEI2 #01 SFT2 #0050 SUB2 ;display-rabbit/xoffset STA2 .Screen/height DEI2 #01 SFT2 #0050 SUB2 ;display-rabbit/yoffset STA2 ;rabbit-sprite .Screen/addr DEO2 JMP2r @display-rabbit ( color n counter -- ) OVR LTHk ,&finish JCN SUB ( color n timeline ) DUP #63 GTH ,&start JCN #17 DIVk STHk MUL SUB ( color n stage-timeline / frame ) DUP #07 GTH ,&static JCN ( rabbit is in-between two frames ) #08 OVR SUB ,&from-weight STR ,&to-weight STR ( color n / frame ) #00 SWP #10 SFT2 ;rabbits ADD2 #00c8 #00 STHr MUL2 ADD2 ( color from-addr* ) LDA2k STH2 #00c8 ADD2 LDA2 &draw ( color to-x to-y / from-x from-y ) STHr ,&mix JSR LIT2 &yoffset $2 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2 STHr ,&mix JSR LIT2 &xoffset $2 ADD2 .Screen/x DEO2 .Screen/sprite DEO JMP2r &mix ( to-z from-z -- mixed* ) #00 SWP LIT2 00 &from-weight 00 MUL2 ( to-n from-mixed* ) ROT #00 SWP LIT2 00 &to-weight 00 MUL2 ADD2 JMP2r &finish ( color n counter n ) POP LITr ff ,&static JMP &start ( color n counter ) LITr 04 &static ( color n counter / frame ) INCr POP #00 SWP #10 SFT2 ;rabbits ADD2 #00c8 #00 STHr MUL2 ADD2 LDA2 STH2k ,&draw JMP @display-counter $1 @display ( -> ) ,display-counter LDR #01 SUB DUP ,display-counter STR DUP #f0 LTH ,&skip-palette JCN #ff OVR SUB #00 DUP2 .System/r DEO2 DUP2 .System/g DEO2 .System/b DEO2 &skip-palette INCk #0000 &clear-loop ROTk ;display-rabbit JSR2 INC DUP #64 LTH ,&clear-loop JCN POP2 POP #0500 &draw-loop ROTk ;display-rabbit JSR2 INC DUP #64 LTH ,&draw-loop JCN POP2 ,&no-finish JCN ;sunset .Screen/vector DEO2 &no-finish BRK @sunset ( -> ) ;display-counter LDA #02 SUB DUP ;display-counter STA DUP #1f GTH ,&skip-palette JCN DUP #01 SFT #00 DUP2 .System/r DEO2 DUP2 .System/g DEO2 .System/b DEO2 #6400 &draw-loop #05 OVR #00 ;display-rabbit JSR2 INC GTHk ,&draw-loop JCN POP2 &skip-palette ,&no-finish JCN ;repeat JMP2 &no-finish BRK @rabbit-sprite 003c 7e7e 7e7e 3c00 @occupied $190 @rabbits