;tree { search-key 2 max-key-len 1 } ;assembler { pass 1 state 1 token 2 scope-len 1 scope 80 } %HCF { #0000 DIV } ( devices ) |0100 ;Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 string 2 } |0110 ;Screen { width 2 height 2 pad 4 x 2 y 2 color 1 } |0120 ;Sprite { pad 8 x 2 y 2 addr 2 color 1 } |0130 ;Controller { p1 1 } |0140 ;Keys { key 1 } |0150 ;Mouse { x 2 y 2 state 1 chord 1 } |0160 ;File { pad 8 name 2 length 2 load 2 save 2 } |01F0 ;System { pad 8 r 2 g 2 b 2 } ( vectors ) |0200 ^RESET JMP |0204 BRK |0208 BRK @RESET #b000 #c000 #0010 ,memcpy JSR2 HCF ,$token ,strlen JSR2 HCF #00 $loop DUP ,highest-bit JSR2 ( ) POP #01 ADD DUP ^$loop JNZ POP ,$token ^assemble-token JSR ,$token2 ^assemble-token JSR ,$token3 ^assemble-token JSR ~assembler.state HCF $token [ hello 00 ] $token2 [ 00 ] $token3 [ 00 ] @assemble-tokens ( string-ptr* -- ) DUP2 ^assemble-token JSR @assemble-token ( string-ptr* -- ) ( get location of tree ) DUP2 ,state-machine-pointers #00 ~assembler.state ,highest-bit JSR2 #0004 MUL2 ADD2 DUP2 STH2 ( see if first char is recognised ) SWP2 #01 ,traverse-tree JSR2 ^$not-found JNZ ( skip first character of token ) SWP2 #0001 ADD2 =assembler.token ( tail call handling function defined in tree ) POP2r JMP2 $not-found ( not interested in incoming-ptr ) POP2 =assembler.token ( tail call default handling function defined in state-machine-pointers ) LIT2r [ 0002 ] ADD2r LDR2r JMP2r @parse-hex-length ( string-ptr* -- value 01 if one or two hex digits OR 00 otherwise ) DUP2 #0001 ADD2 PEK2 ^parse-hex-string-try-two JNZ PEK2 ^parse-hex-digit JSR DUP #04 SFT ^parse-hex-string-fail1 JNZ #01 JMP2r @parse-hex-string ( string-ptr* -- value* 02 if four hex digits OR value 01 if two hex digits OR 00 otherwise ) DUP2 #0004 ADD2 PEK2 #00 EQU ^$try-four JNZ $try-two DUP2 #0002 ADD2 PEK2 ^$fail2 JNZ $known-two DUP2 PEK2 ^parse-hex-digit JSR DUP #04 SFT ^$fail3 JNZ ROT ROT #0001 ADD2 PEK2 ^parse-hex-digit JSR DUP #04 SFT ^$fail2 JNZ SWP #40 SFT ORA #01 JMP2r $fail3 POP $fail2 POP $fail1 POP #00 JMP2r $try-four DUP2 #0002 ADD2 ^$known-two JSR ^$maybe-four JNZ ^$try-two JMP $maybe-four ROT ROT ^$known-two JSR ^$four JNZ ^$fail1 JMP $four SWP #02 JMP2r @parse-hex-digit ( charcode -- 00-0f if valid hex -- 10-ff otherwise ) DUP #3a LTH ^$digit JNZ DUP #60 GTH ^$lowercase JNZ DUP #40 GTH ^$uppercase JNZ JMP2r $digit ( #30 is #00 ) #30 SUB JMP2r $lowercase ( #61 is #0a ) #57 SUB JMP2r $uppercase ( #41 is #0a ) #37 SUB JMP2r @find-opcode ( name* -- byte 00 if valid opcode name OR 01 if not found ) ,opcodes-tree SWP2 #03 ^traverse-tree JSR ^$nomatch JNZ ,opcodes-asm SUB2 #0007 DIV2 SWP JMP2r $nomatch DUP2 EQU2 JMP2r @traverse-tree ( tree-ptr* search-key* max-key-len -- binary-ptr* 00 if key matched OR incoming-ptr* 01 if key not found ) =tree.max-key-len =tree.search-key $loop DUP2 LDR2 #0000 NEQ2 ^$valid-node JNZ #01 JMP2r $valid-node LDR2 DUP2 STH2 #0004 ADD2 ^strcmp-tree JSR DUP ^$nomatch JNZ POP2r JMP2r $nomatch #07 SFT #02 MUL #00 SWP STH2r ADD2 ^$loop JMP @strcmp-tree ( node-key* -- order if strings differ OR after-node-key* 00 if strings match ) ~tree.search-key STH2 ~tree.max-key-len $loop ( node-key* key-len in wst, search-key* in rst ) DUP ^$keep-going JNZ ( exhausted key-len, match found ) POP2r JMP2r $keep-going #01 OVR2 PEK2 DUP2r PEK2r STHr DUP2 ORA ^$not-end JNZ ( end of C strings, match found ) POP2r POP ROT POP SWP ADD2 #00 JMP2r $not-end SUB DUP ^$nomatch JNZ POP SUB LIT2r [ 0001 ] ADD2r STH LIT2 [ 0001 ] ADD2 STHr ^$loop JMP $nomatch STH POP2 POP2 STHr POP2r JMP2r @memcpy ( src-ptr* dest-ptr* length* -- ) SWP2 STH2 $loop DUP2 ORA ^$keep-going JNZ POP2 POP2 POP2r JMP2r $keep-going #0001 SUB2 SWP2 DUP2 PEK2 DUP2r STH2r POK2 #0001 ADD2 SWP2 LIT2r [ 0001 ] ADD2r ^$loop JMP @strlen ( string-ptr* -- length* ) DUP2 #0001 SUB2 $loop #0001 ADD2 DUP2 PEK2 ^$loop JNZ SWP2 SUB2 JMP2r @add-label ( string-ptr* label-flags -- ) ( NYI ) POP POP2 JMP2r @highest-bit ( n -- 00 if n is 00 OR 01 if n is 01 OR 02 if n is 02..03 OR 03 if n is 04..07 OR 04 if n is 08..0f .. OR 08 if n is 80..ff ) DUP #00 NEQ JMP JMP2r DUP #01 SFT ORA DUP #02 SFT ORA DUP #04 SFT ORA #1d MUL #05 SFT #00 SWP ,$lookup ADD2 PEK2 JMP2r $lookup [ 01 06 02 07 05 04 03 08 ] @opcodes ( The code for this section is automatically generated, and needs to be regenerated when the opcode list in src/assembler.c is updated. After editing src/assembler.c, run "lua etc/assembler-trees.lua" and this file will be edited automatically. This is the first example of a binary tree in this code, so let's explore them in general. The format of a tree node in memory is: left-node* right-node* node-key-cstring binary-data and the general algorithm is to compare the key you're looking for against node-key-cstring, and move to the node pointed to by left-node* or right-node* if the keys don't match. If your key sorts earlier than use left-node*, otherwise go to right-node*. When you find a node that matches your key, traverse-bintree gives you a pointer to the binary-data straight after the node-key-cstring. This data can contain anything you want: fixed length fields, executable code... in this case of this opcode tree, we store nothing. traverse-bintree is passed the maximum length of node-key-cstring, not including the zero, so the zero can be omitted if the string is at that maximum length. If the key isn't present in the tree, you'll eventually get to a node where the left-node* or right-node* pointer you'll need to follow is null (0000). traverse-bintree will give you the location of that pointer, so if you want to insert another node, you can write it to the heap and overwrite the pointer with the new node's location. This approach works even if the tree is completely empty and the pointer you've provided to the root node is null, since that pointer gets updated to point to the first node without needing any special logic. The ordering of nodes in memory is totally arbitrary, so for pre- prepared trees like this one we can have our own meaning for the order of the nodes. By ordering the opcodes by their byte value, we can find the byte by subtracting $asm from the binary-data pointer and dividing by seven (the size of each node). By multiplying the byte value by seven and adding to $disasm, we get the opcode name when disassembling too. ) $tree .$root $op-brk .$op-add .$op-dup $disasm [ BRK ] $asm $op-nop .$op-mul .$op-ovr [ NOP ] $op-lit [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ LIT ] $op-pop [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ POP ] $op-dup .$op-div .$op-eor [ DUP ] $op-swp [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ SWP ] $op-ovr .$op-ora .$op-pek [ OVR ] $op-rot .$op-pop .$op-sft [ ROT ] $op-equ .$op-brk .$op-jnz [ EQU ] $op-neq [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ NEQ ] $op-gth [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ GTH ] $root .$op-equ .$op-pok [ LTH ] $op-gts .$op-gth .$op-jmp [ GTS ] $op-lts [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ LTS ] [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ ??? ] [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ ??? ] $op-pek [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ PEK ] $op-pok .$op-nop .$op-sth [ POK ] $op-ldr .$op-jsr .$op-lit [ LDR ] $op-str [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ STR ] $op-jmp [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ JMP ] $op-jnz .$op-gts .$op-ldr [ JNZ ] $op-jsr [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ JSR ] $op-sth .$op-rot .$op-sub [ STH ] $op-add [ 0000 ] .$op-and [ ADD ] $op-sub .$op-str .$op-swp [ SUB ] $op-mul .$op-lts .$op-neq [ MUL ] $op-div [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ DIV ] $op-and [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ AND ] $op-ora [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ ORA ] $op-eor [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ EOR ] $op-sft [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ SFT ] @state-machine-pointers ( normal mode 00 ) .first-char-root .nyi ( FIXME 01 ) .nyi .nyi ( FIXME 02 ) .nyi .nyi ( FIXME 04 ) .nyi .nyi ( FIXME 08 ) .nyi .nyi ( FIXME 10 ) .nyi .nyi ( literal data 20 ) [ 0000 ] .nyi ( FIXME 40 ) .nyi .nyi ( comment 80 ) .first-char-) .ignore ( Next up, we have the tree of code corresponding to each token's first character. Here we do have a binary payload, which is the code to run when the assembler considers the token. Some special assembler modes have their own trees. Since comments have a very simple tree that only understands the end of comments, we reuse the terminal branch of the main tree as the root of the comment tree. ) ( Left and right parentheses start and end comment sections. They use the highest bit in assembler state, so they receive highest priority: it doesn't matter what other bits are set, a comment's a comment. ) @first-char-( [ 0000 ] .first-char-) [ 28 ] ~assembler.state #80 ORA =assembler.state JMP2r @first-char-) [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 29 ] ~assembler.state #7f AND =assembler.state JMP2r ( Left and right square brackets start and end literal data sections. ) @first-char-[ .first-char-@ .first-char-] [ 5b ] ~assembler.state #20 ORA =assembler.state JMP2r @first-char-] [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 5d ] ~assembler.state #df AND =assembler.state JMP2r ( Ampersands introduce global labels, and define the scope for any local labels that follow. ) @first-char-@ [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 40 ] ~assembler.pass ^$scope JNZ DUP2 #00 ,add-label JSR2 $scope DUP2 ,strlen JSR2 DUP2 =assembler.scope-len POP ,assembler.scope SWP2 JMP2 @first-char-root @first-char-= .first-char-$ .first-char-^ [ 3d ] @first-char-" .first-char-nul .first-char-# [ 22 ] @first-char-# [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 23 ] @first-char-$ .first-char-" .first-char-, [ 24 ] @first-char-% [ 0000 ] .first-char-( [ 25 ] @first-char-, .first-char-% .first-char-dot [ 2c ] @first-char-dot [ 0000 ] .first-char-; [ 2e ] @first-char-; [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 3b ] @first-char-^ .first-char-[ .first-char-| [ 5e ] @first-char-{ [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 7b ] @first-char-| .first-char-{ .first-char-} [ 7c ] @first-char-} [ 0000 ] .first-char-~ [ 7d ] @first-char-~ [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 7e ] @first-char-nul [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ 00 ] @ignore JMP2r @nyi ,$string =Console.string HCF $string [ Not 20 implemented 0a 00 ] ( Here's the big set of trees relating to labels. Starting from l-root, all the devices are stored here, perhaps some helper functions in the future, too. left-node* right-node* node-key-cstring binary-data The node-keys are terminated with NUL since, unlike the opcodes and first characters, the keys are variable length. The binary-data is either three or five bytes long: flags value* [ subtree-pointer* ] The flags byte is divided up into bits: bit 0: 01 means load or store helpers can be used, bit 1: 02 means the helpers use STR/LDR, 00 means they use POK/PEK; bits 2-6 are reserved; and bit 7: 80 means there is a subtree. If there is a subtree, it is searched when the reference contains a dot. ) @l-Console [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ Console 00 ] [ 80 ] .Console .l-Console-root @l-Console-byte [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ byte 00 ] [ 01 ] .Console.byte @l-Console-root @l-Console-char .l-Console-byte .l-Console-short [ char 00 ] [ 01 ] .Console.char @l-Console-short [ 0000 ] .l-Console-string [ short 00 ] [ 03 ] .Console.short @l-Console-string [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ string 00 ] [ 03 ] .Console.string @l-Controller .l-Console .l-File [ Controller 00 ] [ 80 ] .Controller .l-Controller-root @l-Controller-root @l-Controller-p1 [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ p1 00 ] [ 01 ] .Controller.p1 @l-File [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ File 00 ] [ 80 ] .File .l-File-root @l-File-length [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ length 00 ] [ 03 ] .File.length @l-File-root @l-File-load .l-File-length .l-File-name [ load 00 ] [ 03 ] .File.load @l-File-name [ 0000 ] .l-File-save [ name 00 ] [ 03 ] .File.name @l-File-save [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ save 00 ] [ 03 ] .File.save @l-root @l-Keys .l-Controller .l-Screen [ Keys 00 ] [ 80 ] .Keys .l-Keys-root @l-Keys-root @l-Keys-key [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ key 00 ] [ 01 ] .Keys.key @l-Mouse [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ Mouse 00 ] [ 80 ] .Mouse .l-Mouse-root @l-Mouse-chord [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ chord 00 ] [ 01 ] .Mouse.chord @l-Mouse-root @l-Mouse-state .l-Mouse-chord .l-Mouse-x [ state 00 ] [ 01 ] .Mouse.state @l-Mouse-x [ 0000 ] .l-Mouse-y [ x 00 ] [ 03 ] .Mouse.x @l-Mouse-y [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ y 00 ] [ 03 ] .Mouse.y @l-Screen .l-Mouse .l-Sprite [ Screen 00 ] [ 80 ] .Screen .l-Screen-root @l-Screen-color [ 0000 ] .l-Screen-height [ color 00 ] [ 01 ] .Screen.color @l-Screen-height [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ height 00 ] [ 03 ] .Screen.height @l-Screen-root @l-Screen-width .l-Screen-color .l-Screen-x [ width 00 ] [ 03 ] .Screen.width @l-Screen-x [ 0000 ] .l-Screen-y [ x 00 ] [ 03 ] .Screen.x @l-Screen-y [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ y 00 ] [ 03 ] .Screen.y @l-Sprite [ 0000 ] .l-System [ Sprite 00 ] [ 80 ] .Sprite .l-Sprite-root @l-Sprite-addr [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ addr 00 ] [ 03 ] .Sprite.addr @l-Sprite-root @l-Sprite-color .l-Sprite-addr .l-Sprite-x [ color 00 ] [ 01 ] .Sprite.color @l-Sprite-x [ 0000 ] .l-Sprite-y [ x 00 ] [ 03 ] .Sprite.x @l-Sprite-y [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ y 00 ] [ 03 ] .Sprite.y @l-System [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ System 00 ] [ 80 ] .System .l-System-root @l-System-b [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ b 00 ] [ 03 ] .System.b @l-System-root @l-System-g .l-System-b .l-System-r [ g 00 ] [ 03 ] .System.g @l-System-r [ 0000 ] [ 0000 ] [ r 00 ] [ 03 ] .System.r