( hello world ) &Console { pad 8 char 1 byte 1 short 2 } |0100 @RESET ,text1 ,print-label JSR ,text2 ,print-label JSR #ab =dev/console.byte #cdef =dev/console.short BRK @print-label ( text ) @print-label-loop DUP2 LDR =dev/console.char ( write pointer value to console ) #0001 ADD2 ( increment string pointer ) DUP2 LDR #00 NEQ ,print-label-loop ROT JMP? POP2 ( while *ptr!=0 goto loop ) POP2 RTS @text1 [ Hello World 0a00 ] ( store text with a linebreak and null byte ) @text2 [ Welcome to UxnVM 0a00 ] |c000 @FRAME |d000 @ERROR |FF00 ;dev/console Console |FFF0 .RESET .FRAME .ERROR ( vectors ) |FFF8 [ 13fd 1ef3 1bf2 ] ( palette )