Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into android

This commit is contained in:
Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir 2022-01-04 20:31:10 +01:00
commit dd9bd1532d
15 changed files with 322 additions and 5024 deletions

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ then
echo "Building.."

View File

@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
local generate_labels = false
local replacements = {
op_and16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d & b); push8(u->src, c & a); }',
op_ora16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d | b); push8(u->src, c | a); }',
op_eor16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d ^ b); push8(u->src, c ^ a); }',
op_lit16 = '{ push8(u->src, peek8(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr++)); push8(u->src, peek8(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr++)); }',
op_swp16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); }',
op_ovr16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); }',
op_dup16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); }',
op_rot16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src), e = pop8(u->src), f = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, f); push8(u->src, e); }',
op_sth16 = '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->dst, b); push8(u->dst, a); }'
local top, bottom, pushtop
local offset
offset = function(n, s)
if s == nil then
s = ''
if n < 0 then
return (' -%s %d'):format(s, -n)
elseif n > 0 then
return (' +%s %d'):format(s, n)
elseif s ~= '' then
return (' +%s 0'):format(s)
return ''
local pop_push
pop_push = function(k, n, s)
local _exp_0 = k
if 'pop' == _exp_0 then
s = s:match('^%((%S+)%)$')
assert(s == 'src')
local _exp_1 = n
if '8' == _exp_1 then
top[s] = top[s] - 1
if bottom[s] > top[s] then
bottom[s] = top[s]
return ('%s.dat[%s.ptr%s]'):format(s, s, offset(top[s]))
elseif '16' == _exp_1 then
top[s] = top[s] - 2
if bottom[s] > top[s] then
bottom[s] = top[s]
return ('(%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] | (%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] << 8))'):format(s, s, offset(top[s] + 1), s, s, offset(top[s]))
elseif 'push' == _exp_0 then
local v
s, v = s:match('^%((%S+), (.*)%)$')
assert(s == 'src' or s == 'dst', s)
local _exp_1 = n
if '8' == _exp_1 then
pushtop[s] = pushtop[s] + 1
return ('%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] = %s'):format(s, s, offset(pushtop[s] - 1), v)
elseif '16' == _exp_1 then
if v:match('%+%+') or v:match('%-%-') then
error('push16 has side effects: ' .. v)
local peek, args = v:match('^([md]e[mv]peek)16(%b())$')
if peek then
args = args:sub(2, -2)
return pop_push('push', '8', ('(%s, %s8(%s))'):format(s, peek, args)) .. ';\n' .. pop_push('push', '8', ('(%s, %s8(%s + 1))'):format(s, peek, args))
pushtop[s] = pushtop[s] + 2
if v:match(' ') then
v = '(' .. v .. ')'
return ('%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] = %s >> 8;\n%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] = %s & 0xff'):format(s, s, offset(pushtop[s] - 2), v, s, s, offset(pushtop[s] - 1), v)
return nil
local indented_block
indented_block = function(s)
s = s:gsub('^%{ *', '{\n'):gsub('\n', '\n\t'):gsub('\t%} *$', '}\n')
s = s:gsub('\n[^\n]+%.error = [^\n]+', '%0\n#ifndef NO_STACK_CHECKS\n\tgoto error;\n#endif')
return s
local process
process = function(body)
local out_body = body:gsub('^%{ *', ''):gsub(' *%}$', ''):gsub('; ', ';\n'):gsub('%b{} *', indented_block):gsub('(%a+)(%d+)(%b())', pop_push)
local in_ifdef = false
local _list_0 = {
for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do
local k = _list_0[_index_0]
if bottom[k] ~= 0 then
if not in_ifdef then
out_body = out_body .. '\n#ifndef NO_STACK_CHECKS'
in_ifdef = true
out_body = out_body .. ('\nif(__builtin_expect(%s.ptr < %d, 0)) {\n\t%s.error = 1;\n\tgoto error;\n}'):format(k, -bottom[k], k)
if pushtop[k] ~= 0 then
if pushtop[k] > 0 then
if not in_ifdef then
out_body = out_body .. '\n#ifndef NO_STACK_CHECKS'
in_ifdef = true
out_body = out_body .. ('\nif(__builtin_expect(%s.ptr > %d, 0)) {\n\t%s.error = 2;\n\tgoto error;\n}'):format(k, 255 - pushtop[k], k)
if in_ifdef then
out_body = out_body .. '\n#endif'
in_ifdef = false
out_body = out_body .. ('\n%s.ptr %s= %d;'):format(k, pushtop[k] < 0 and '-' or '+', math.abs(pushtop[k]))
if in_ifdef then
out_body = out_body .. '\n#endif'
in_ifdef = false
local t = { }
out_body:gsub('[^%w_]([a-f]) = (src%.dat%[[^]]+%])[,;]', function(v, k)
t[k] = v
out_body = out_body:gsub('(src%.dat%[[^]]+%]) = ([a-f]);\n', function(k, v)
if t[k] and t[k] == v then
return ''
return nil
return out_body
local ops = { }
for l in assert(io.lines('src/uxn.c')) do
local _continue_0 = false
local name, body = l:match('void (op_%S*)%(Uxn %*u%) (%b{})')
if not name then
_continue_0 = true
if replacements[name] then
body = replacements[name]
body = body:gsub('u%-%>src%-%>', 'src.')
body = body:gsub('u%-%>dst%-%>', 'dst.')
body = body:gsub('u%-%>src', 'src')
body = body:gsub('u%-%>dst', 'dst')
top = {
src = 0,
dst = 0
bottom = {
src = 0,
dst = 0
pushtop = top
ops[name] = process(body)
top = {
src = 0,
dst = 0
bottom = {
src = 0,
dst = 0
pushtop = {
src = 0,
dst = 0
ops['keep_' .. name] = process(body)
_continue_0 = true
until true
if not _continue_0 then
local dump
dump = function(s, src, dst)
local ret = '\t\t\t{\n'
for l in s:gmatch('[^\n]+') do
if not l:match('^%#') then
ret = ret .. '\t\t\t\t'
ret = ret .. ('%s\n'):format(l)
ret = ret .. '\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n'
return (ret:gsub('src', src):gsub('dst', dst))
local i = 0
local allops = { }
local wanted = false
for l in assert(io.lines('src/uxn.c')) do
if l == 'static void (*ops[])(Uxn *u) = {' then
wanted = true
elseif l == '};' then
wanted = false
elseif wanted then
l = l:gsub('%/%b**%/', '')
for op in l:gmatch('[%w_]+') do
if not ops[op] then
error('missing ' .. op)
allops[i + 0x00 + 1] = {
n = {
i + 0x00
body = dump(ops[op], 'u->wst', 'u->rst')
allops[i + 0x20 + 1] = {
n = {
i + 0x20
body = dump(ops[op], 'u->rst', 'u->wst')
allops[i + 0x80 + 1] = {
n = {
i + 0x80
body = dump(ops['keep_' .. op], 'u->wst', 'u->rst')
allops[i + 0xa0 + 1] = {
n = {
i + 0xa0
body = dump(ops['keep_' .. op], 'u->rst', 'u->wst')
i = i + 1
if i == 0x20 then
i = i + 0x20
i = 0
wanted = false
for l in assert(io.lines('src/uxnasm.c')) do
if l == 'static char ops[][4] = {' then
wanted = true
elseif l == '};' then
wanted = false
elseif wanted then
for op in l:gmatch('"(...)"') do
i = i + 1
allops[i + 0x00].name = op
allops[i + 0x20].name = op .. 'r'
allops[i + 0x40].name = op .. '2'
allops[i + 0x60].name = op .. '2r'
allops[i + 0x80].name = op .. 'k'
allops[i + 0xa0].name = op .. 'kr'
allops[i + 0xc0].name = op .. '2k'
allops[i + 0xe0].name = op .. '2kr'
for i = 1, 256 do
local _continue_0 = false
if not allops[i] then
_continue_0 = true
for j = i + 1, 256 do
if allops[i].body == allops[j].body then
table.insert(allops[i].n, (table.remove(allops[j].n)))
allops[j].body = nil
_continue_0 = true
until true
if not _continue_0 then
local _with_0 = assert('src/uxn-fast.c', 'w'))
local f = assert('src/uxn.c'))
while true do
local l = f:read('*l')
if l == '*/' then
Its contents can get overwritten with the processed contents of src/uxn.c.
See etc/mkuxn-fast.moon for instructions.
wanted = true
while true do
local _continue_0 = false
local l = f:read('*l')
if l:match(' push') or l:match('[ *]pop') or l:match('devr16') then
_continue_0 = true
if l == '/* Stack */' then
wanted = false
if wanted then
if l == '}' then
_continue_0 = true
until true
if not _continue_0 then
_with_0:write([[/* clang-format on */
#pragma mark - Core
uxn_eval(Uxn *u, Uint16 vec)
Uint8 instr;
if(!vec || u->dev[0].dat[0xf])
return 0;
u->ram.ptr = vec;
if(u->wst.ptr > 0xf8) u->wst.ptr = 0xf8;
while((instr = u->ram.dat[u->ram.ptr++])) {
switch(instr) {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-value"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
for i = 1, 256 do
local _continue_0 = false
if not allops[i].body then
_continue_0 = true
local _list_0 = allops[i].n
for _index_0 = 1, #_list_0 do
local n = _list_0[_index_0]
_with_0:write(('\t\tcase 0x%02x: /* %s */\n'):format(n, allops[n + 1].name))
if generate_labels then
_with_0:write(('\t\t\t__asm__("evaluxn_%02x_%s:");\n'):format(allops[i].n[1], allops[i].name))
_continue_0 = true
until true
if not _continue_0 then
_with_0:write([[#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return 1;
return uxn_halt(u, u->wst.error, "Working-stack", instr);
return uxn_halt(u, u->rst.error, "Return-stack", instr);
wanted = false
while true do
local l = f:read('*l')
if not l then
if l:match('^uxn_boot') then
wanted = true
if wanted then
return _with_0

View File

@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-- Uxn core unroller script
-- This script updates src/uxn-fast.c when Uxn's opcode set changes, so that
-- updates in the human-readable src/uxn.c core can be easily converted into
-- high-performance code.
-- To run, you need Lua or LuaJIT, and just run etc/mkuxn-fast.lua from the top
-- directory of Uxn's git repository:
-- lua etc/mkuxn-fast.lua
-- This file is written in MoonScript, which is a language that compiles to
-- Lua, the same way as e.g. CoffeeScript compiles to JavaScript. Since
-- installing MoonScript has more dependencies than Lua, the compiled
-- etc/mkuxn-fast.lua is kept in Uxn's repository and will be kept updated as
-- this file changes.
generate_labels = false -- add labels to each opcode to inspect disassembled code
replacements =
op_and16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d & b); push8(u->src, c & a); }'
op_ora16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d | b); push8(u->src, c | a); }'
op_eor16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d ^ b); push8(u->src, c ^ a); }'
op_lit16: '{ push8(u->src, peek8(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr++)); push8(u->src, peek8(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr++)); }'
op_swp16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); }'
op_ovr16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); }'
op_dup16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); }'
op_rot16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src), c = pop8(u->src), d = pop8(u->src), e = pop8(u->src), f = pop8(u->src); push8(u->src, d); push8(u->src, c); push8(u->src, b); push8(u->src, a); push8(u->src, f); push8(u->src, e); }'
op_sth16: '{ Uint8 a = pop8(u->src), b = pop8(u->src); push8(u->dst, b); push8(u->dst, a); }'
local top, bottom, pushtop
offset = (n, s = '') ->
if n < 0
' -%s %d'\format s, -n
elseif n > 0
' +%s %d'\format s, n
elseif s != ''
' +%s 0'\format s
pop_push = (k, n, s) ->
switch k
when 'pop'
s = s\match '^%((%S+)%)$'
assert s == 'src'
switch n
when '8'
top[s] -= 1
if bottom[s] > top[s]
bottom[s] = top[s]
'%s.dat[%s.ptr%s]'\format s, s, offset(top[s])
when '16'
top[s] -= 2
if bottom[s] > top[s]
bottom[s] = top[s]
'(%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] | (%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] << 8))'\format s, s, offset(top[s] + 1), s, s, offset(top[s])
when 'push'
s, v = s\match '^%((%S+), (.*)%)$'
assert s == 'src' or s == 'dst', s
switch n
when '8'
pushtop[s] += 1
'%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] = %s'\format s, s, offset(pushtop[s] - 1), v
when '16'
if v\match'%+%+' or v\match'%-%-'
error 'push16 has side effects: ' .. v
peek, args = v\match '^([md]e[mv]peek)16(%b())$'
if peek
args = args\sub 2, -2
return pop_push('push', '8', '(%s, %s8(%s))'\format s, peek, args) .. ';\n' .. pop_push('push', '8', '(%s, %s8(%s + 1))'\format s, peek, args)
pushtop[s] += 2
if v\match ' '
v = '(' .. v .. ')'
'%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] = %s >> 8;\n%s.dat[%s.ptr%s] = %s & 0xff'\format s, s, offset(pushtop[s] - 2), v, s, s, offset(pushtop[s] - 1), v
indented_block = (s) ->
s = s\gsub('^%{ *', '{\n')\gsub('\n', '\n\t')\gsub('\t%} *$', '}\n')
s = s\gsub('\n[^\n]+%.error = [^\n]+', '%0\n#ifndef NO_STACK_CHECKS\n\tgoto error;\n#endif')
process = (body) ->
out_body = body\gsub('^%{ *', '')\gsub(' *%}$', '')\gsub('; ', ';\n')\gsub('%b{} *', indented_block)\gsub '(%a+)(%d+)(%b())', pop_push
in_ifdef = false
for k in *{'src', 'dst'}
if bottom[k] != 0
if not in_ifdef
out_body ..= '\n#ifndef NO_STACK_CHECKS'
in_ifdef = true
out_body ..= '\nif(__builtin_expect(%s.ptr < %d, 0)) {\n\t%s.error = 1;\n\tgoto error;\n}'\format k, -bottom[k], k
if pushtop[k] != 0
if pushtop[k] > 0
if not in_ifdef
out_body ..= '\n#ifndef NO_STACK_CHECKS'
in_ifdef = true
out_body ..= '\nif(__builtin_expect(%s.ptr > %d, 0)) {\n\t%s.error = 2;\n\tgoto error;\n}'\format k, 255 - pushtop[k], k
if in_ifdef
out_body ..= '\n#endif'
in_ifdef = false
out_body ..= '\n%s.ptr %s= %d;'\format k, pushtop[k] < 0 and '-' or '+', math.abs pushtop[k]
if in_ifdef
out_body ..= '\n#endif'
in_ifdef = false
t = {}
out_body\gsub '[^%w_]([a-f]) = (src%.dat%[[^]]+%])[,;]', (v, k) -> t[k] = v
out_body = out_body\gsub '(src%.dat%[[^]]+%]) = ([a-f]);\n', (k, v) ->
if t[k] and t[k] == v
return ''
return nil
ops = {}
for l in assert io.lines 'src/uxn.c'
name, body = l\match 'void (op_%S*)%(Uxn %*u%) (%b{})'
if not name
if replacements[name]
body = replacements[name]
body = body\gsub 'u%-%>src%-%>', 'src.'
body = body\gsub 'u%-%>dst%-%>', 'dst.'
body = body\gsub 'u%-%>src', 'src'
body = body\gsub 'u%-%>dst', 'dst'
top = { src: 0, dst: 0 }
bottom = { src: 0, dst: 0 }
pushtop = top
ops[name] = process body
top = { src: 0, dst: 0 }
bottom = { src: 0, dst: 0 }
pushtop = { src: 0, dst: 0 }
ops['keep_' .. name] = process body
dump = (s, src, dst) ->
ret = '\t\t\t{\n'
for l in s\gmatch '[^\n]+'
if not l\match '^%#'
ret ..= '\t\t\t\t'
ret ..= '%s\n'\format l
ret ..= '\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n'
(ret\gsub('src', src)\gsub('dst', dst))
i = 0
allops = {}
wanted = false
for l in assert io.lines 'src/uxn.c'
if l == 'static void (*ops[])(Uxn *u) = {'
wanted = true
elseif l == '};'
wanted = false
elseif wanted
l = l\gsub '%/%b**%/', ''
for op in l\gmatch '[%w_]+'
if not ops[op]
error 'missing ' .. op
allops[i + 0x00 + 1] = { n: { i + 0x00 }, body: dump ops[op], 'u->wst', 'u->rst' }
allops[i + 0x20 + 1] = { n: { i + 0x20 }, body: dump ops[op], 'u->rst', 'u->wst' }
allops[i + 0x80 + 1] = { n: { i + 0x80 }, body: dump ops['keep_' .. op], 'u->wst', 'u->rst' }
allops[i + 0xa0 + 1] = { n: { i + 0xa0 }, body: dump ops['keep_' .. op], 'u->rst', 'u->wst' }
i += 1
if i == 0x20
i += 0x20
i = 0
wanted = false
for l in assert io.lines 'src/uxnasm.c'
if l == 'static char ops[][4] = {'
wanted = true
elseif l == '};'
wanted = false
elseif wanted
for op in l\gmatch '"(...)"'
i += 1
allops[i + 0x00].name = op
allops[i + 0x20].name = op .. 'r'
allops[i + 0x40].name = op .. '2'
allops[i + 0x60].name = op .. '2r'
allops[i + 0x80].name = op .. 'k'
allops[i + 0xa0].name = op .. 'kr'
allops[i + 0xc0].name = op .. '2k'
allops[i + 0xe0].name = op .. '2kr'
for i = 1, 256
if not allops[i]
for j = i + 1, 256
if allops[i].body == allops[j].body
table.insert allops[i].n, (table.remove allops[j].n)
allops[j].body = nil
with assert 'src/uxn-fast.c', 'w'
f = assert 'src/uxn.c'
while true
l = f\read '*l'
\write '%s\n'\format l
if l == '*/'
\write '\n'
\write [[
Its contents can get overwritten with the processed contents of src/uxn.c.
See etc/mkuxn-fast.moon for instructions.
wanted = true
while true
l = f\read '*l'
if l\match' push' or l\match'[ *]pop' or l\match'devr16'
if l == '/* Stack */'
wanted = false
if wanted
\write '%s\n'\format l
if l == '}'
\write '\n'
\write [[
/* clang-format on */
#pragma mark - Core
uxn_eval(Uxn *u, Uint16 vec)
Uint8 instr;
if(!vec || u->dev[0].dat[0xf])
return 0;
u->ram.ptr = vec;
if(u->wst.ptr > 0xf8) u->wst.ptr = 0xf8;
while((instr = u->ram.dat[u->ram.ptr++])) {
switch(instr) {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-value"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
for i = 1, 256
if not allops[i].body
for n in *allops[i].n
\write '\t\tcase 0x%02x: /* %s */\n'\format n, allops[n + 1].name
if generate_labels
\write '\t\t\t__asm__("evaluxn_%02x_%s:");\n'\format allops[i].n[1], allops[i].name
\write allops[i].body
\write [[
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
return 1;
return uxn_halt(u, u->wst.error, "Working-stack", instr);
return uxn_halt(u, u->rst.error, "Return-stack", instr);
wanted = false
while true
l = f\read '*l'
if not l
if l\match '^uxn_boot'
wanted = true
if wanted
\write '%s\n'\format l

View File

@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
( polycat )
%RTN { JMP2r }
%2// { #01 SFT2 }
%4// { #02 SFT2 }
%!~ { NEQk NIP }
%AUTO-XADDR { #05 .Screen/auto DEO }
( devices )
|00 @System [ &vector $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &pad $4 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 ]
|20 @Screen [ &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &pad $2 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1 ]
|90 @Mouse [ &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &wheel $1 ]
|00 @System &vector $2 &wst $1 &rst $1 &pad $4 &r $2 &g $2 &b $2 &debug $1 &halt $1
|20 @Screen &vector $2 &width $2 &height $2 &auto $1 &pad $1 &x $2 &y $2 &addr $2 &pixel $1 &sprite $1
|90 @Mouse &vector $2 &x $2 &y $2 &state $1 &pad $3 &scrollx $2 &scrolly $2
( variables )
@cat [ &x $2 &y $2 &timer $1 ]
@pointer [ &x $2 &y $2 ]
&x $2 &y $2 &timer $1
&x $2 &y $2
( program )
@ -26,124 +27,121 @@
#0a3f .System/r DEO2
#05df .System/g DEO2
#0caf .System/b DEO2
( find center )
.Screen/width DEI2 2// #0008 SUB2 .cat/x STZ2
.Screen/height DEI2 4// DUP2k ADD2 ADD2 #0018 SUB2 .cat/y STZ2
( DOS resolution )
#0140 .Screen/width DEO2
#00c8 .Screen/height DEO2
( vectors )
;on-mouse .Mouse/vector DEO2
;on-frame .Screen/vector DEO2
;draw-polycat JSR2
;draw-ground JSR2
( find center )
.Screen/width DEI2 2// .cat/x STZ2
.Screen/height DEI2 2// .cat/y STZ2
( set screen mode )
( init )
#ff ;draw-eye/last STA
#ff ;draw-tail/last STA
,draw-polycat JSR
,draw-ground JSR
@on-mouse ( -> )
;draw-cursor JSR2
.Mouse/x DEI2 .cat/x LDZ2 GTH2 #50 SFT
.Mouse/y DEI2 .cat/y LDZ2 GTH2 #60 SFT
ADD #00 SWP ;draw-eye JSR2
@on-frame ( -> )
.cat/timer LDZ INC [ DUP ] .cat/timer STZ
DUP ,&skip0 JCN #0000 ;draw-tail JSR2 &skip0
[ #10 ] !~ ,&skip1 JCN #0001 ;draw-tail JSR2 &skip1
[ #20 ] !~ ,&skip2 JCN #0002 ;draw-tail JSR2 &skip2
[ #30 ] !~ ,&skip3 JCN #0003 ;draw-tail JSR2 &skip3
[ #40 ] !~ ,&skip4 JCN #0002 ;draw-tail JSR2 &skip4
[ #50 ] !~ ,&skip5 JCN #0001 ;draw-tail JSR2 &skip5
@draw-polycat ( -- )
( ears )
.cat/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 STH2k #0008 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
;ears .Screen/addr DEO2
#81 .Screen/sprite DEO
STH2r .Screen/x DEO2
;ears #0010 ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
#81 .Screen/sprite DEO
#0000 ,draw-eye JSR
#0000 ,draw-tail JSR
@draw-eye ( quad* -- )
.cat/y LDZ2 #0008 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 STH2k #0008 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
DUP2 ;eye ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #81 .Screen/sprite DEO
STH2r .Screen/x DEO2
;eye #0010 ADD2 ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #81 .Screen/sprite DEO
@draw-tail ( frame* -- )
.cat/y LDZ2 #0010 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 STH2k #0008 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
;body .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #81 .Screen/sprite DEO
STH2r .Screen/x DEO2
#40 SFT2 ;body #0010 ADD2 ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
( draw ) #81 .Screen/sprite DEO
@draw-cursor ( -- )
( clear last cursor )
;cursor .Screen/addr DEO2
.pointer/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.pointer/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
#40 .Screen/sprite DEO
( record pointer positions )
.Mouse/x DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/x STZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.Mouse/y DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/y STZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
( colorize on state )
#41 [ .Mouse/state DEI #00 NEQ ] ADD .Screen/sprite DEO
@draw-ground ( -- )
.cat/y LDZ2 #0018 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 #0010 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
;ground .Screen/addr DEO2
#10 #00
( draw ) #01 .Screen/sprite DEO
( sety ) .Screen/addr DEI2 #0008 ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
( setx ) .Screen/x DEI2 #0008 ADD2 .Screen/x DEO2
( incr ) INC
GTHk ,&loop JCN
#01 .Screen/sprite DEO
INC GTHk ,&loop JCN
@draw-polycat ( -- )
( ears )
.cat/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 #0008 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
;ears .Screen/addr DEO2
#81 .Screen/sprite DEOk DEO
( body )
.cat/y LDZ2 #0010 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 #0008 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
;body .Screen/addr DEO2
#81 .Screen/sprite DEO
( eye/tail )
#00 ,draw-eye JSR
#00 ,draw-tail JSR
@on-mouse ( -> )
.Mouse/x DEI2 .cat/x LDZ2 GTH2 #50 SFT
.Mouse/y DEI2 .cat/y LDZ2 GTH2 #60 SFT
ADD ,draw-eye JSR
.cat/timer LDZ INC [ DUP ] .cat/timer STZ
#04 SFT ,draw-tail JSR
,draw-cursor JSR
@draw-eye ( quad -- )
DUP ,&last LDR NEQ ,&changed JCN
POP JMP2r &changed
( only redraw on change )
#00 SWP ;eye ADD2 .Screen/addr DEO2
.cat/y LDZ2 #0008 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 #0008 SUB2 .Screen/x DEO2
#81 .Screen/sprite DEOk DEO
,&last STR
&last $1
@draw-tail ( frame -- )
DUP ,&last LDR NEQ ,&changed JCN
POP JMP2r &changed
( only redraw on change )
;frames ROT #00 SWP ADD2 LDA
#00 SWP #40 SFT2 ;body/tail ADD2
.Screen/addr DEO2
.cat/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.cat/y LDZ2 #0010 ADD2 .Screen/y DEO2
#81 .Screen/sprite DEO
,&last STR
&last $1
@draw-cursor ( -- )
( last cursor )
;cursor STH2k .Screen/addr DEO2
.pointer/x LDZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.pointer/y LDZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
#40 .Screen/sprite DEO
( new cursor )
STH2r .Screen/addr DEO2
.Mouse/x DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/x STZ2 .Screen/x DEO2
.Mouse/y DEI2 DUP2 .pointer/y STZ2 .Screen/y DEO2
#41 .Mouse/state DEI #00 NEQ ADD .Screen/sprite DEO
80c0 e0f0 f8e0 1000
00 01 02 03 02 01 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
081c 3e3e 7f7f ffff 081c 3e3e 7f7f fffc
081c 3c3e 7e7e ffff 081c 3c3e 7e7e ff1f
ffff ffff ff7f 3f0f f7ef cfe7 f07c 3f0f
ffff ffff fffe fcf0 87c3 c183 071e fcf0
@ -153,16 +151,15 @@ RTN
ffff ffff fffe fcf0 0783 c1c3 871e fcf0
ffff ffff ff7f 3f0f f0e0 c1e1 f07c 3f0f
ffff ffff fffe fcf0 07f3 f9fb f71e fcf0
0707 0707 0302 0200 0107 0707 0300 0000
e0f0 f0e0 e080 8000 c0f2 f9f9 fef8 b000
e0f0 f0e0 e080 8000 c0f2 f9f9 fef8 b000
e0f0 f0e0 e080 8000 c0f2 faf9 fef8 b000
e0f0 f0e0 e080 8000 c0f1 faf9 fef8 b000
0707 0707 0f08 1000 0307 0707 0f00 0000
e0e0 e0e0 e080 8000 f2f9 f9fe b884 8400
bf00 5c02 0202 020c ef10 6f90 8080 8074
ff00 fe01 0100 0116 fd00 3c40 4040 4028

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
( dev/console )
|00 @System $e &debug
|10 @Console $8 &write
%HALT { #010f DEO }
%EMIT { #18 DEO }
( init )
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
( send ) LDAk .Console/write DEO
( send ) LDAk EMIT
INC2 LDAk ,&while JCN
( show debugger ) #01 .System/debug DEO
( stop ) HALT
@hello-word "Hello 20 "Uxn!
@hello-word "Hello 20 "Uxn! $1

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ audio_get_vu(UxnAudio *c)
int i;
Sint32 sum[2] = {0, 0};
if(!c->advance || !c->period) return 0;
for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if(!c->volume[i]) continue;
sum[i] = 1 + envelope(c, c->age) * c->volume[i] / 0x800;
if(sum[i] > 0xf) sum[i] = 0xf;

View File

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ file_stat(void *dest, Uint16 len)
char *basename = strrchr(current_filename, '/');
if(basename != NULL)
basename = current_filename;
return get_entry(dest, len, current_filename, basename, 0);
@ -144,12 +144,37 @@ file_delete(void)
file_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
Uint16 a, b, res;
switch(port) {
case 0x1: d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0); break;
case 0x9: poke16(d->dat, 0x2, file_init(&d->mem[peek16(d->dat, 0x8)])); break;
case 0xd: poke16(d->dat, 0x2, file_read(&d->mem[peek16(d->dat, 0xc)], peek16(d->dat, 0xa))); break;
case 0xf: poke16(d->dat, 0x2, file_write(&d->mem[peek16(d->dat, 0xe)], peek16(d->dat, 0xa), d->dat[0x7])); break;
case 0x5: poke16(d->dat, 0x2, file_stat(&d->mem[peek16(d->dat, 0x4)], peek16(d->dat, 0xa))); break;
case 0x6: poke16(d->dat, 0x2, file_delete()); break;
case 0x1:
DEVPEEK16(d->vector, 0x0);
case 0x9:
DEVPEEK16(a, 0x8);
res = file_init(&d->mem[a]);
DEVPOKE16(0x2, res);
case 0xd:
DEVPEEK16(a, 0xc);
DEVPEEK16(b, 0xa);
res = file_read(&d->mem[a], b);
DEVPOKE16(0x2, res);
case 0xf:
DEVPEEK16(a, 0xe);
DEVPEEK16(b, 0xa);
res = file_write(&d->mem[a], b, d->dat[0x7]);
DEVPOKE16(0x2, res);
case 0x5:
DEVPEEK16(a, 0x4);
DEVPEEK16(b, 0xa);
res = file_stat(&d->mem[a], b);
DEVPOKE16(0x2, res);
case 0x6:
res = file_delete();
DEVPOKE16(0x2, res);

View File

@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ mouse_up(Device *d, Uint8 mask)
mouse_pos(Device *d, Uint16 x, Uint16 y)
poke16(d->dat, 0x2, x);
poke16(d->dat, 0x4, y);
DEVPOKE16(0x2, x);
DEVPOKE16(0x4, y);
uxn_eval(d->u, d->vector);
mouse_scroll(Device *d, Uint16 x, Uint16 y)
poke16(d->dat, 0xa, x);
poke16(d->dat, 0xc, -y);
DEVPOKE16(0xa, x);
DEVPOKE16(0xc, -y);
uxn_eval(d->u, d->vector);
poke16(d->dat, 0xa, 0);
poke16(d->dat, 0xc, 0);
DEVPOKE16(0xa, 0);
DEVPOKE16(0xc, 0);

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ static void
screen_blit(UxnScreen *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy, Uint8 twobpp)
int v, h, opaque = blending[4][color];
for(v = 0; v < 8; ++v) {
for(v = 0; v < 8; v++) {
Uint16 c = sprite[v] | (twobpp ? sprite[v + 8] : 0) << 8;
for(h = 7; h >= 0; --h, c >>= 1) {
Uint8 ch = (c & 1) | ((c >> 7) & 2);
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void
screen_clear(UxnScreen *p, Layer *layer)
Uint32 i, size = p->width * p->height;
for(i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
layer->pixels[i] = 0x00;
layer->changed = 1;
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ void
screen_redraw(UxnScreen *p, Uint32 *pixels)
Uint32 i, size = p->width * p->height, palette[16];
for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
palette[i] = p->palette[(i >> 2) ? (i >> 2) : (i & 3)];
for(i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
pixels[i] = palette[p->fg.pixels[i] << 2 | p->bg.pixels[i]];
p->fg.changed = p->bg.changed = 0;
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ void
screen_debug(UxnScreen *p, Uint8 *stack, Uint8 wptr, Uint8 rptr, Uint8 *memory)
Uint8 i, x, y, b;
for(i = 0; i < 0x20; ++i) {
for(i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) {
x = ((i % 8) * 3 + 1) * 8, y = (i / 8 + 1) * 8, b = stack[i];
/* working stack */
screen_blit(p, &p->fg, x, y, font[(b >> 4) & 0xf], 1 + (wptr == i) * 0x7, 0, 0, 0);
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ screen_debug(UxnScreen *p, Uint8 *stack, Uint8 wptr, Uint8 rptr, Uint8 *memory)
screen_blit(p, &p->fg, 0x8, y + 0x10, font[(rptr >> 4) & 0xf], 0x2, 0, 0, 0);
screen_blit(p, &p->fg, 0x10, y + 0x10, font[rptr & 0xf], 0x2, 0, 0, 0);
/* guides */
for(x = 0; x < 0x10; ++x) {
for(x = 0; x < 0x10; x++) {
screen_write(p, &p->fg, x, p->height / 2, 2);
screen_write(p, &p->fg, p->width - x, p->height / 2, 2);
screen_write(p, &p->fg, p->width / 2, p->height - x, 2);
@ -173,29 +173,36 @@ void
screen_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
switch(port) {
case 0x1: d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0); break;
case 0x1: DEVPEEK16(d->vector, 0x0); break;
case 0x5:
if(!FIXED_SIZE) set_size(peek16(d->dat, 0x2), peek16(d->dat, 0x4), 1);
Uint16 w, h;
DEVPEEK16(w, 0x2);
DEVPEEK16(h, 0x4);
set_size(w, h, 1);
case 0xe: {
Uint16 x = peek16(d->dat, 0x8);
Uint16 y = peek16(d->dat, 0xa);
Uint16 x, y;
Uint8 layer = d->dat[0xe] & 0x40;
DEVPEEK16(x, 0x8);
DEVPEEK16(y, 0xa);
screen_write(&uxn_screen, layer ? &uxn_screen.fg : &, x, y, d->dat[0xe] & 0x3);
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x01) poke16(d->dat, 0x8, x + 1); /* auto x+1 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x02) poke16(d->dat, 0xa, y + 1); /* auto y+1 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x01) DEVPOKE16(0x8, x + 1); /* auto x+1 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x02) DEVPOKE16(0xa, y + 1); /* auto y+1 */
case 0xf: {
Uint16 x = peek16(d->dat, 0x8);
Uint16 y = peek16(d->dat, 0xa);
Layer *layer = (d->dat[0xf] & 0x40) ? &uxn_screen.fg : &;
Uint8 *addr = &d->mem[peek16(d->dat, 0xc)];
Uint16 x, y, addr;
Uint8 twobpp = !!(d->dat[0xf] & 0x80);
screen_blit(&uxn_screen, layer, x, y, addr, d->dat[0xf] & 0xf, d->dat[0xf] & 0x10, d->dat[0xf] & 0x20, twobpp);
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x04) poke16(d->dat, 0xc, peek16(d->dat, 0xc) + 8 + twobpp * 8); /* auto addr+8 / auto addr+16 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x01) poke16(d->dat, 0x8, x + 8); /* auto x+8 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x02) poke16(d->dat, 0xa, y + 8); /* auto y+8 */
Layer *layer = (d->dat[0xf] & 0x40) ? &uxn_screen.fg : &;
DEVPEEK16(x, 0x8);
DEVPEEK16(y, 0xa);
DEVPEEK16(addr, 0xc);
screen_blit(&uxn_screen, layer, x, y, &d->mem[addr], d->dat[0xf] & 0xf, d->dat[0xf] & 0x10, d->dat[0xf] & 0x20, twobpp);
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x04) DEVPOKE16(0xc, addr + 8 + twobpp * 8); /* auto addr+length */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x01) DEVPOKE16(0x8, x + 8); /* auto x+8 */
if(d->dat[0x6] & 0x02) DEVPOKE16(0xa, y + 8); /* auto y+8 */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
#include "uxn.h"
Copyright (u) 2021 Devine Lu Linvega
Copyright (u) 2021 Andrew Alderwick
Copyright (u) 2022 Devine Lu Linvega, Andrew Alderwick, Andrew Richards
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
#define MODE_SHORT 0x20
#define MODE_RETURN 0x40
#define MODE_KEEP 0x80
#pragma mark - Operations
/* clang-format off */
/* Utilities */
static void (*push)(Stack *s, Uint16 a);
static Uint16 (*pop8)(Stack *s);
static Uint16 (*pop)(Stack *s);
static void (*poke)(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a, Uint16 b);
static Uint16 (*peek)(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a);
static void (*devw)(Device *d, Uint8 a, Uint16 b);
static Uint16 (*devr)(Device *d, Uint8 a);
static void (*warp)(Uxn *u, Uint16 a);
static void (*pull)(Uxn *u);
/* byte mode */
static void push8(Stack *s, Uint16 a) { if(s->ptr == 0xff) { s->error = 2; return; } s->dat[s->ptr++] = a; }
static Uint16 pop8k(Stack *s) { if(s->kptr == 0) { s->error = 1; return 0; } return s->dat[--s->kptr]; }
static Uint16 pop8d(Stack *s) { if(s->ptr == 0) { s->error = 1; return 0; } return s->dat[--s->ptr]; }
static void poke8(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a, Uint16 b) { m[a] = b; }
static Uint16 peek8(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a) { return m[a]; }
static void devw8(Device *d, Uint8 a, Uint16 b) { d->dat[a & 0xf] = b; d->deo(d, a & 0x0f); }
static Uint16 devr8(Device *d, Uint8 a) { return d->dei(d, a & 0x0f); }
static void warp8(Uxn *u, Uint16 a){ u->ram.ptr += (Sint8)a; }
static void pull8(Uxn *u){ push8(u->src, peek8(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr++)); }
/* short mode */
static void push16(Stack *s, Uint16 a) { push8(s, a >> 8); push8(s, a); }
static Uint16 pop16(Stack *s) { Uint8 a = pop8(s), b = pop8(s); return a + (b << 8); }
void poke16(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a, Uint16 b) { poke8(m, a, b >> 8); poke8(m, a + 1, b); }
Uint16 peek16(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a) { return (peek8(m, a) << 8) + peek8(m, a + 1); }
static void devw16(Device *d, Uint8 a, Uint16 b) { devw8(d, a, b >> 8); devw8(d, a + 1, b); }
static Uint16 devr16(Device *d, Uint8 a) { return (devr8(d, a) << 8) + devr8(d, a + 1); }
static void warp16(Uxn *u, Uint16 a){ u->ram.ptr = a; }
static void pull16(Uxn *u){ push16(u->src, peek16(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr++)); u->ram.ptr++; }
/* a,b,c: general use. bs: byte/short bool. src, dst: stack ptrs, swapped in return mode.
pc: program counter. sp: ptr to src stack ptr. kptr: "keep" mode copy of src stack ptr.
x,y: macro in params. d: macro in device. j,k,dev: macro temp variables. o: macro out param. */
#pragma mark - Core
#define FAULT(s, n) { errcode = n * 2 + (s == &u->rst); goto fault; }
#define PUSH8(s, x) { if(s->ptr == 0xff) { FAULT(s, 2) } s->dat[s->ptr++] = (x); }
#define PUSH16(s, x) { if((j = s->ptr) >= 0xfe) { FAULT(s, 2) } k = (x); s->dat[j] = k >> 8; s->dat[j + 1] = k; s->ptr = j + 2; }
#define PUSH(s, x) { if(bs) { PUSH16(s, (x)) } else { PUSH8(s, (x)) } }
#define POP8(o) { if(!(j = *sp)) { FAULT(src, 1) } o = (Uint16)src->dat[--j]; *sp = j; }
#define POP16(o) { if((j = *sp) <= 1) { FAULT(src, 1) } o = src->dat[j - 1]; o += src->dat[j - 2] << 8; *sp = j - 2; }
#define POP(o) { if(bs) { POP16(o) } else { POP8(o) } }
#define POKE(x, y) { if(bs) { u->ram[(x)] = (y) >> 8; u->ram[(x) + 1] = (y); } else { u->ram[(x)] = y; } }
#define PEEK16(o, x) { o = (u->ram[(x)] << 8) + u->ram[(x) + 1]; }
#define PEEK(o, x) { if(bs) { PEEK16(o, x) } else { o = u->ram[(x)]; } }
#define DEVR(o, d, x) { dev = (d); o = dev->dei(dev, (x) & 0x0f); if(bs) { o = (o << 8) + dev->dei(dev, ((x) + 1) & 0x0f); } }
#define DEVW8(x, y) { dev->dat[(x) & 0xf] = y; dev->deo(dev, (x) & 0x0f); }
#define DEVW(d, x, y) { dev = (d); if(bs) { DEVW8((x), (y) >> 8); DEVW8((x) + 1, (y)); } else { DEVW8((x), (y)) } }
#define WARP(x) { if(bs) pc = (x); else pc += (Sint8)(x); }
uxn_eval(Uxn *u, Uint16 vec)
uxn_eval(Uxn *u, Uint16 pc)
Uint8 instr;
Uint16 a,b,c;
if(!vec || u->dev[0].dat[0xf])
return 0;
u->ram.ptr = vec;
unsigned int a, b, c, j, k, bs, instr, errcode;
Uint8 kptr, *sp;
Stack *src, *dst;
Device *dev;
if(!pc || u->dev[0].dat[0xf]) return 0;
if(u->wst.ptr > 0xf8) u->wst.ptr = 0xf8;
while((instr = u->ram.dat[u->ram.ptr++])) {
while((instr = u->ram[pc++])) {
/* Return Mode */
if(instr & MODE_RETURN) {
u->src = &u->rst;
u->dst = &u->wst;
if(instr & 0x40) {
src = &u->rst; dst = &u->wst;
} else {
u->src = &u->wst;
u->dst = &u->rst;
src = &u->wst; dst = &u->rst;
/* Keep Mode */
if(instr & MODE_KEEP) {
pop8 = pop8k;
u->src->kptr = u->src->ptr;
if(instr & 0x80) {
kptr = src->ptr;
sp = &kptr;
} else {
pop8 = pop8d;
sp = &src->ptr;
/* Short Mode */
if(instr & MODE_SHORT) {
push = push16; pop = pop16;
poke = poke16; peek = peek16;
devw = devw16; devr = devr16;
warp = warp16; pull = pull16;
} else {
push = push8; pop = pop8;
poke = poke8; peek = peek8;
devw = devw8; devr = devr8;
warp = warp8; pull = pull8;
bs = instr & 0x20 ? 1 : 0;
switch(instr & 0x1f) {
/* Stack */
case 0x00: /* LIT */ pull(u); break;
case 0x01: /* INC */ a = pop(u->src); push(u->src, a + 1); break;
case 0x02: /* POP */ pop(u->src); break;
case 0x03: /* DUP */ a = pop(u->src); push(u->src, a); push(u->src, a); break;
case 0x04: /* NIP */ a = pop(u->src); pop(u->src); push(u->src, a); break;
case 0x05: /* SWP */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, a); push(u->src, b); break;
case 0x06: /* OVR */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b); push(u->src, a); push(u->src, b); break;
case 0x07: /* ROT */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src), c = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b); push(u->src, a); push(u->src, c); break;
case 0x00: /* LIT */ if(bs) { PEEK16(a, pc) PUSH16(src, a) pc += 2; }
else { a = u->ram[pc]; PUSH8(src, a) pc++; } break;
case 0x01: /* INC */ POP(a) PUSH(src, a + 1) break;
case 0x02: /* POP */ POP(a) break;
case 0x03: /* DUP */ POP(a) PUSH(src, a) PUSH(src, a) break;
case 0x04: /* NIP */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, a) break;
case 0x05: /* SWP */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, a) PUSH(src, b) break;
case 0x06: /* OVR */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, b) PUSH(src, a) PUSH(src, b) break;
case 0x07: /* ROT */ POP(a) POP(b) POP(c) PUSH(src, b) PUSH(src, a) PUSH(src, c) break;
/* Logic */
case 0x08: /* EQU */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push8(u->src, b == a); break;
case 0x09: /* NEQ */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push8(u->src, b != a); break;
case 0x0a: /* GTH */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push8(u->src, b > a); break;
case 0x0b: /* LTH */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push8(u->src, b < a); break;
case 0x0c: /* JMP */ a = pop(u->src); warp(u, a); break;
case 0x0d: /* JCN */ a = pop(u->src); if(pop8(u->src)) warp(u, a); break;
case 0x0e: /* JSR */ a = pop(u->src); push16(u->dst, u->ram.ptr); warp(u, a); break;
case 0x0f: /* STH */ a = pop(u->src); push(u->dst, a); break;
case 0x08: /* EQU */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH8(src, b == a) break;
case 0x09: /* NEQ */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH8(src, b != a) break;
case 0x0a: /* GTH */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH8(src, b > a) break;
case 0x0b: /* LTH */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH8(src, b < a) break;
case 0x0c: /* JMP */ POP(a) WARP(a) break;
case 0x0d: /* JCN */ POP(a) POP8(b) if(b) WARP(a) break;
case 0x0e: /* JSR */ POP(a) PUSH16(dst, pc) WARP(a) break;
case 0x0f: /* STH */ POP(a) PUSH(dst, a) break;
/* Memory */
case 0x10: /* LDZ */ a = pop8(u->src); push(u->src, peek(u->ram.dat, a)); break;
case 0x11: /* STZ */ a = pop8(u->src); b = pop(u->src); poke(u->ram.dat, a, b); break;
case 0x12: /* LDR */ a = pop8(u->src); push(u->src, peek(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr + (Sint8)a)); break;
case 0x13: /* STR */ a = pop8(u->src); b = pop(u->src); poke(u->ram.dat, u->ram.ptr + (Sint8)a, b); break;
case 0x14: /* LDA */ a = pop16(u->src); push(u->src, peek(u->ram.dat, a)); break;
case 0x15: /* STA */ a = pop16(u->src); b = pop(u->src); poke(u->ram.dat, a, b); break;
case 0x16: /* DEI */ a = pop8(u->src); push(u->src, devr(&u->dev[a >> 4], a)); break;
case 0x17: /* DEO */ a = pop8(u->src); b = pop(u->src); devw(&u->dev[a >> 4], a, b); break;
case 0x10: /* LDZ */ POP8(a) PEEK(b, a) PUSH(src, b) break;
case 0x11: /* STZ */ POP8(a) POP(b) POKE(a, b) break;
case 0x12: /* LDR */ POP8(a) PEEK(b, pc + (Sint8)a) PUSH(src, b) break;
case 0x13: /* STR */ POP8(a) POP(b) c = pc + (Sint8)a; POKE(c, b) break;
case 0x14: /* LDA */ POP16(a) PEEK(b, a) PUSH(src, b) break;
case 0x15: /* STA */ POP16(a) POP(b) POKE(a, b) break;
case 0x16: /* DEI */ POP8(a) DEVR(b, &u->dev[a >> 4], a) PUSH(src, b) break;
case 0x17: /* DEO */ POP8(a) POP(b) DEVW(&u->dev[a >> 4], a, b) break;
/* Arithmetic */
case 0x18: /* ADD */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b + a); break;
case 0x19: /* SUB */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b - a); break;
case 0x1a: /* MUL */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, (Uint32)b * a); break;
case 0x1b: /* DIV */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); if(a == 0) { u->src->error = 3; a = 1; } push(u->src, b / a); break;
case 0x1c: /* AND */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b & a); break;
case 0x1d: /* ORA */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b | a); break;
case 0x1e: /* EOR */ a = pop(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b ^ a); break;
case 0x1f: /* SFT */ a = pop8(u->src), b = pop(u->src); push(u->src, b >> (a & 0x0f) << ((a & 0xf0) >> 4)); break;
case 0x18: /* ADD */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, b + a) break;
case 0x19: /* SUB */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, b - a) break;
case 0x1a: /* MUL */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, (Uint32)b * a) break;
case 0x1b: /* DIV */ POP(a) POP(b) if(a == 0) { FAULT(src, 3) } PUSH(src, b / a) break;
case 0x1c: /* AND */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, b & a) break;
case 0x1d: /* ORA */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, b | a) break;
case 0x1e: /* EOR */ POP(a) POP(b) PUSH(src, b ^ a) break;
case 0x1f: /* SFT */ POP8(a) POP(b) c = b >> (a & 0x0f) << ((a & 0xf0) >> 4); PUSH(src, c) break;
if(u->wst.error) return uxn_halt(u, u->wst.error, "Working-stack", instr);
if(u->rst.error) return uxn_halt(u, u->rst.error, "Return-stack", instr);
return 1;
return uxn_halt(u, errcode >> 1, (errcode & 1) == 0 ? "Working-stack" : "Return-stack", pc - 1);
/* clang-format on */
uxn_boot(Uxn *u)
uxn_boot(Uxn *u, Uint8 *memory)
Uint32 i;
char *cptr = (char *)u;
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(*u); ++i)
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(*u); i++)
cptr[i] = 0x00;
u->ram = memory;
return 1;
@ -151,7 +122,7 @@ uxn_port(Uxn *u, Uint8 id, Uint8 (*deifn)(Device *d, Uint8 port), void (*deofn)(
Device *d = &u->dev[id];
d->addr = id * 0x10;
d->u = u;
d->mem = u->ram.dat;
d->mem = u->ram;
d->dei = deifn;
d->deo = deofn;
return d;

View File

@ -17,15 +17,17 @@ typedef unsigned int Uint32;
#define PAGE_PROGRAM 0x0100
typedef struct {
Uint8 ptr, kptr, error;
Uint8 dat[256];
} Stack;
/* clang-format off */
#define DEVPEEK16(o, x) { (o) = (d->dat[(x)] << 8) + d->dat[(x) + 1]; }
#define DEVPOKE16(x, y) { d->dat[(x)] = (y) >> 8; d->dat[(x) + 1] = (y); }
/* clang-format on */
typedef struct {
Uint16 ptr;
Uint8 dat[65536];
} Memory;
Uint8 ptr;
Uint8 dat[256];
} Stack;
typedef struct Device {
struct Uxn *u;
@ -36,15 +38,12 @@ typedef struct Device {
} Device;
typedef struct Uxn {
Stack wst, rst, *src, *dst;
Memory ram;
Stack wst, rst;
Uint8 *ram;
Device dev[16];
} Uxn;
void poke16(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a, Uint16 b);
Uint16 peek16(Uint8 *m, Uint16 a);
int uxn_boot(Uxn *c);
int uxn_eval(Uxn *u, Uint16 vec);
int uxn_halt(Uxn *u, Uint8 error, char *name, int id);
int uxn_boot(Uxn *c, Uint8 *memory);
int uxn_eval(Uxn *u, Uint16 pc);
int uxn_halt(Uxn *u, Uint8 error, char *name, Uint16 addr);
Device *uxn_port(Uxn *u, Uint8 id, Uint8 (*deifn)(Device *, Uint8), void (*deofn)(Device *, Uint8));

View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ static char ops[][4] = {
static int scmp(char *a, char *b, int len) { int i = 0; while(a[i] == b[i]) if(!a[i] || ++i >= len) return 1; return 0; } /* string compare */
static int sihx(char *s) { int i = 0; char c; while((c = s[i++])) if(!(c >= '0' && c <= '9') && !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')) return 0; return i > 1; } /* string is hexadecimal */
static int shex(char *s) { int n = 0, i = 0; char c; while((c = s[i++])) if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') n = n * 16 + (c - '0'); else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') n = n * 16 + 10 + (c - 'a'); return n; } /* string to num */
static int slen(char *s) { int i = 0; while(s[i]) ++i; return i; } /* string length */
static char *scpy(char *src, char *dst, int len) { int i = 0; while((dst[i] = src[i]) && i < len - 2) ++i; dst[i + 1] = '\0'; return dst; } /* string copy */
static int slen(char *s) { int i = 0; while(s[i]) i++; return i; } /* string length */
static char *scpy(char *src, char *dst, int len) { int i = 0; while((dst[i] = src[i]) && i < len - 2) i++; dst[i + 1] = '\0'; return dst; } /* string copy */
static char *scat(char *dst, const char *src) { char *ptr = dst + slen(dst); while(*src) *ptr++ = *src++; *ptr = '\0'; return dst; } /* string cat */
/* clang-format on */
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static Macro *
findmacro(char *name)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < p.mlen; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < p.mlen; i++)
if(scmp(p.macros[i].name, name, 64))
return &p.macros[i];
return NULL;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static Label *
findlabel(char *name)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < p.llen; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < p.llen; i++)
if(scmp(p.labels[i].name, name, 64))
return &p.labels[i];
return NULL;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static Uint8
findopcode(char *s)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 0x20; ++i) {
for(i = 0; i < 0x20; i++) {
int m = 0;
if(!scmp(ops[i], s, 3))
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ findopcode(char *s)
i |= (1 << 7); /* mode: keep */
return 0; /* failed to match */
return i;
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ parse(char *w, FILE *f)
writeshort(shex(w), 0);
/* macro */
else if((m = findmacro(w))) {
for(i = 0; i < m->len; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < m->len; i++)
if(!parse(m->items[i], f))
return 0;
return 1;
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ resolve(void)
Label *l;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < p.rlen; ++i) {
for(i = 0; i < p.rlen; i++) {
Reference *r = &p.refs[i];
switch(r->rune) {
case '.':
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ static void
review(char *filename)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < p.llen; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < p.llen; i++)
if(p.labels[i].name[0] >= 'A' && p.labels[i].name[0] <= 'Z')
continue; /* Ignore capitalized labels(devices) */
else if(!p.labels[i].refs)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "uxn.h"
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ inspect(Stack *s, char *name)
Uint8 x, y;
fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n", name);
for(y = 0; y < 0x04; ++y) {
for(x = 0; x < 0x08; ++x) {
for(y = 0; y < 0x04; y++) {
for(x = 0; x < 0x08; x++) {
Uint8 p = y * 0x08 + x;
p == s->ptr ? "[%02x]" : " %02x ",
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ static void
console_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
if(port == 0x1)
d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0);
DEVPEEK16(d->vector, 0x0);
if(port > 0x7)
write(port - 0x7, (char *)&d->dat[port], 1);
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ nil_dei(Device *d, Uint8 port)
static void
nil_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
if(port == 0x1) d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0);
if(port == 0x1) DEVPEEK16(d->vector, 0x0);
#pragma mark - Generics
@ -117,9 +118,9 @@ nil_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
static const char *errors[] = {"underflow", "overflow", "division by zero"};
uxn_halt(Uxn *u, Uint8 error, char *name, int id)
uxn_halt(Uxn *u, Uint8 error, char *name, Uint16 addr)
fprintf(stderr, "Halted: %s %s#%04x, at 0x%04x\n", name, errors[error - 1], id, u->ram.ptr);
fprintf(stderr, "Halted: %s %s#%04x, at 0x%04x\n", name, errors[error - 1], u->ram[addr], addr);
return 0;
@ -134,9 +135,9 @@ static void
run(Uxn *u)
Uint16 vec;
Device *d = devconsole;
while((!u->dev[0].dat[0xf]) && (read(0, &devconsole->dat[0x2], 1) > 0)) {
vec = peek16(devconsole->dat, 0);
if(!vec) vec = u->ram.ptr; /* continue after last BRK */
DEVPEEK16(vec, 0);
uxn_eval(u, vec);
@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ load(Uxn *u, char *filepath)
FILE *f;
int r;
if(!(f = fopen(filepath, "rb"))) return 0;
r = fread(u->ram.dat + PAGE_PROGRAM, 1, sizeof(u->ram.dat) - PAGE_PROGRAM, f);
r = fread(u->ram + PAGE_PROGRAM, 1, 0xffff - PAGE_PROGRAM, f);
if(r < 1) return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Loaded %s\n", filepath);
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
Uxn u;
int i, loaded = 0;
if(!uxn_boot(&u, (Uint8 *)calloc(0xffff, sizeof(Uint8))))
return error("Boot", "Failed");
/* system */ devsystem = uxn_port(&u, 0x0, system_dei, system_deo);
@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0xe, nil_dei, nil_deo);
/* empty */ uxn_port(&u, 0xf, nil_dei, nil_deo);
for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if(!loaded++) {
if(!load(&u, argv[i]))
return error("Load", "Failed");

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ audio_callback(void *u, Uint8 *stream, int len)
int i, running = 0;
Sint16 *samples = (Sint16 *)stream;
SDL_memset(stream, 0, len);
for(i = 0; i < POLYPHONY; ++i)
for(i = 0; i < POLYPHONY; i++)
running += audio_render(&uxn_audio[i], samples, samples + len / 2);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(audio_id, 1);
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ static void
redraw(Uxn *u)
screen_debug(&uxn_screen, u->wst.dat, u->wst.ptr, u->rst.ptr, u->ram.dat);
screen_debug(&uxn_screen, u->wst.dat, u->wst.ptr, u->rst.ptr, u->ram);
screen_redraw(&uxn_screen, uxn_screen.pixels);
if(SDL_UpdateTexture(gTexture, &gRect, uxn_screen.pixels, uxn_screen.width * sizeof(Uint32)) != 0)
error("SDL_UpdateTexture", SDL_GetError());
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ static void
console_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
if(port == 0x1)
d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0);
DEVPEEK16(d->vector, 0x0);
if(port > 0x7)
write(port - 0x7, (char *)&d->dat[port], 1);
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ audio_dei(Device *d, Uint8 port)
if(!audio_id) return d->dat[port];
switch(port) {
case 0x4: return audio_get_vu(c);
case 0x2: poke16(d->dat, 0x2, c->i); /* fall through */
case 0x2: DEVPOKE16(0x2, c->i); /* fall through */
default: return d->dat[port];
@ -267,13 +267,16 @@ audio_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
UxnAudio *c = &uxn_audio[d - devaudio0];
if(!audio_id) return;
if(port == 0xf) {
Uint16 addr, adsr;
c->len = peek16(d->dat, 0xa);
c->addr = &d->mem[peek16(d->dat, 0xc)];
DEVPEEK16(adsr, 0x8);
DEVPEEK16(c->len, 0xa);
DEVPEEK16(addr, 0xc);
c->addr = &d->mem[addr];
c->volume[0] = d->dat[0xe] >> 4;
c->volume[1] = d->dat[0xe] & 0xf;
c->repeat = !(d->dat[0xf] & 0x80);
audio_start(c, peek16(d->dat, 0x8), d->dat[0xf] & 0x7f);
audio_start(c, adsr, d->dat[0xf] & 0x7f);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(audio_id, 0);
@ -312,7 +315,7 @@ nil_dei(Device *d, Uint8 port)
static void
nil_deo(Device *d, Uint8 port)
if(port == 0x1) d->vector = peek16(d->dat, 0x0);
if(port == 0x1) DEVPEEK16(d->vector, 0x0);
/* Boot */
@ -323,7 +326,7 @@ load(Uxn *u, char *rom)
SDL_RWops *f;
int r;
if(!(f = SDL_RWFromFile(rom, "rb"))) return 0;
r = f->read(f, u->ram.dat + PAGE_PROGRAM, 1, sizeof(u->ram.dat) - PAGE_PROGRAM);
r = f->read(f, u->ram + PAGE_PROGRAM, 1, 0xffff - PAGE_PROGRAM);
if(r < 1) return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Loaded %s\n", rom);
@ -334,7 +337,8 @@ load(Uxn *u, char *rom)
static int
start(Uxn *u, char *rom)
Uint8 *memory = (Uint8 *)calloc(0xffff, sizeof(Uint8));
if(!uxn_boot(u, memory))
return error("Boot", "Failed to start uxn.");
if(!load(u, rom))
return error("Boot", "Failed to load rom.");
@ -466,9 +470,9 @@ do_shortcut(Uxn *u, SDL_Event *event)
static const char *errors[] = {"underflow", "overflow", "division by zero"};
uxn_halt(Uxn *u, Uint8 error, char *name, int id)
uxn_halt(Uxn *u, Uint8 error, char *name, Uint16 addr)
fprintf(stderr, "Halted: %s %s#%04x, at 0x%04x\n", name, errors[error - 1], id, u->ram.ptr);
fprintf(stderr, "Halted: %s %s#%04x, at 0x%04x\n", name, errors[error - 1], u->ram[addr], addr);
return 0;
@ -537,8 +541,12 @@ run(Uxn *u)
force_redraw = 1;
/* Audio */
else if(event.type >= audio0_event && event.type < audio0_event + POLYPHONY)
uxn_eval(u, peek16((devaudio0 + (event.type - audio0_event))->dat, 0));
else if(event.type >= audio0_event && event.type < audio0_event + POLYPHONY) {
Device *d = devaudio0 + (event.type - audio0_event);
Uint16 res;
DEVPEEK16(res, 0x00);
uxn_eval(u, res);
/* Mouse */
else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION && !mouse_steal(&event))
@ -551,20 +559,19 @@ run(Uxn *u)
else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL)
mouse_scroll(devmouse, event.wheel.x, event.wheel.y);
/* Controller */
else if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN || event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT) {
if(event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT)
else if(event.type == SDL_TEXTINPUT)
controller_key(devctrl, event.text.text[0]);
else if(get_key(&event))
else if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
int ksym;
controller_key(devctrl, get_key(&event));
else if(get_button(&event))
controller_down(devctrl, get_button(&event));
do_shortcut(u, &event);
if(event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
int ksym = event.key.keysym.sym;
ksym = event.key.keysym.sym;
if(SDL_PeepEvents(&event, 1, SDL_PEEKEVENT, SDL_KEYUP, SDL_KEYUP) == 1 && ksym == event.key.keysym.sym)
} else if(event.type == SDL_KEYUP)
controller_up(devctrl, get_button(&event));
else if(event.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) {
@ -607,7 +614,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
/* set default zoom */
if(SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &DM) == 0)
set_zoom(DM.w / 1280);
for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
/* get default zoom from flags */
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) {
if(i < argc - 1)